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________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Essence: So here you are, seven years in on album No.7 [The Highway to Redemption] and it debuts at No.1 and has been No.1 for three consecutive weeks, how does it feel?
Tisha: It feels incredible. I have no one to thank but God and my fans. I am blessed to have the most amazing loyal fans ever, and as long as they represent for me I will do the same in return. I can’t believe we are on number 7 already. It feels like yesterday when I released my first album.
Essence: I’ve noticed that you have promoted this album but not as heavily as previous work. Was that strategic?
Tisha: In a way it was. I want [The Highway to Redemption] to speak for itself. Sure I’ll do a bunch of high budget, heavy dancing, energetic videos to accompany the singles, but at the end of the day, [The Highway to Redemption] is a body of work and I want it to represent that. This era is all about the music, as it should always be. I use to love doing interviews, the promo trail, and televised appearances, and yes it does help sales, but if the music is not organic than you are promoting something unauthentic. And I feel that this record is as real and authentic as it gets. So I want the music to speak for itself, outside of controversy that may surround me. And it as spoken for itself so I am proud of that.
Essence: What are your favorite records from the new album and why?
Tisha: Probably my favorite would be “God I Need Your Help Now” because we all get to that point in our lives when we hit a low, and when I wrote that song I was at a point when I was like okay, “God I need you to get me out of this rut” there was no other way I could get through what I was going through at that time without him, and that song is like my love letter to God. Pleading with him to stand by me and protect me. Another favorite of mines off the album would have to be, “The Highway To Redemption” [title track] because it is just about having that support system and being a support system to others you love as well. We all need that, it’s one of the most beautiful and the most simple song I’ve ever written because after the first verse you get the message of the song and the chorus is just me harmonizing, there is no words, there are just emotions.
Essence: [The Highway to Redemption] is an album that infuses may different genres of music together. Listening to it, it is predominantly R&B but you include electronic, dance, funk, soul and Hip-Hop together giving it an overall Urban-Pop sound. Do you feel like your bridging music together?
Tisha: In a way I guess it does. But that was not my goal while creating this album. Honestly, I just wanted to make music that I love. I wanted to make music that the artist I grew up listening to and loving would love and enjoy. I just wanted to make whatever I felt. And if that meant making music that isn’t popular on the radio or isn’t being played on the radio than I don’t care. I had to write every song in this album to get some things off my chest.
Essence: Many have branded you ‘R&B’s most misunderstood artist’. What do you think about people labeling you as not a real R&B artist or too R&B?
Tisha: This has been going on for a while. And I heard that title thrown around before. But the truth is I love R&B music but I also love dance, electronic, gospel, and blues, and all this music is a form of R&B. It is all rooted. And I will remain true to R&B and faithful to it because I remember when it was tossed aside and there were only me and a few other artists releasing R&B music and not jumping on the EDM wave. And to me that was so organized of many of the R&B acts who abandoned R&B to jump onto EDM music because that what was selling at that time. However where I come in is, I do focus a lot of my music around R&B but most of the music I do is considered Urban but once it gets to mainstream and they like it, it becomes popular. So that’s why I feel I am labeled as not R&B enough because most of my music is R&B but has made it to mainstream. BUT PLEASE [Tisha laughs] believe me I can’t wait for the day to come when R&B is considered full throttled mainstream again. And watch all the artist who abandoned it jump on the bandwagon again. It’s happening now if you pay close attention to music. Urban music is on the come up again.
Essence: So you are going on tour. Are you excited?
Tisha: Of course! I am stoked about that. It’s been a minute since I’ve done a live show so I can’t wait to perform and perform and party with my fans. It’s going to be a big spectacle.
Essence: Tickets have sold out so fast that even scalpers don’t have any.
Tisha: Yes all the tickets from scalper websites have been purchased. That was crazy.
Essence: You are one of the world’s most beautiful women. Are you a single woman?
Tisha: Awww, thank you. And to answer your question, yes I am single.
Essence: It is rumored that you are dating, up and coming rapper, Ramon Omari.
Tisha: That is just a rumor. Ramon and I are friends but we are so busy we hardly get to hang. I am not dating him.
Essence: Do you find it difficult to be in a relationship with a man who earns less than you? You are a very powerful woman, very talented, very beautiful. That can seem intimidating to men. Would you date a man who makes less than you.
Tisha: I mean I have already so that isn’t a big issue of mines. However, it does cause a lot of issues I would say. I don’t have an issue dating a man who makes less than me as long as he doesn’t have an issue. Sure it can fuck with his pride a bit. But as long as he has his own. I don’t want no man living off of me. As long as he has his own and is secure within himself not to make money a issue than I am cool. I don’t want to have to deal with that shit. I think as a couple arguing over who makes most should be the least of your worries. And that applies to all men those who are in the public eye and those who work a white or blue collar.
Essence: Do you watch reality telivison?
Tisha: Oh my God yaaassss! I live for it.
Essence: What is your favorite reality show to watch?
Tisha: Well right now, it is Love & Hip-Hop ATL. That is my show! The cast have me at home cracking up. The dialogue between Joseline, Mimi and Stevie I love. That’s my show, and Basketball Wives. Evelyn Lozada is my girl. Believe it or not, I am actually in the beginning stages of producing a reality show, while I would never have my own reality show, I am working on producing something, so stay tuned for that.
Essence: Your twenty fourth birthday is coming up. June 11th you will be twenty four, how will you celebrate?
Tisha: I am having a big party. Last year I had a party at my favorite club in Brooklyn. I am doing the same thing this year. My birthday is on a Tuesday so I am starting that Friday the seventh all the way to that Wednesday after my birthday. I am excited for twenty four. I really am.
Essence: What do you want for your birthday?
Tisha: Honestly, peace and fuffilment in my life. Good converstation. New love. Great conversation. Enjoying my time with my family and friends. And most importantly, some good ass sex.
Edited by user 06 June 2013 11:47:06(UTC)
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