Liyah Sits Down With, Talks Her Upcoming Single & More
You may have heard her name on Twitter and you may still have no clue who she is but regardless of her relevance, Liyah is finally stepping up to the plate and releasing her own music. Following her career as being a ghost writer, writing songs without getting credit for the likes of Paula DeAnda, JoJo, Amerie and more, she decided to make a career for herself. Even though she's unsigned, this hasn't stopped her from recording and also announced she had a single coming which will be released next Tuesday. We sat down with the 18 year old female rapper from Brooklyn and every second turned to be one of the funnest interviews we've ever done.Ricky: We have the beautiful Tealiyah Phuong, better known as Liyah in the building today!
Liyah: What up, what up?
Ricky: We're glad to have you here today, thank you for stopping by.
Liyah: Of course, I love yall over here, like family or long distant, ancient cousins. (Giggles)
Ricky: Right. (Laughs) I have a question that has been on my mind since I heard of you...girl are you black?
Liyah: (Laughs) Oh my god, I get that question all the time! I'm mixed, I'm Vietnamese and Black. I got like the best of both worlds cus I got good hair and I'm kinda thick too child.
She looks down behind her and points to her behind.]
Ricky: Look at you! You got a little something' somethin' going on there. (Laughs) You're from Brooklyn, how do you pronounce where you were born? I tried but honey, I just gave up. I was like, there's too much going on here!
Liyah: You are a fool, forreal! It's like 'NOM PEN' Like the p is just silent so, yeah I'm from Phnom Pehn.
Ricky: Okay, got that out the way! You've been writing songs for other artists for years, what made you want to finally say 'Okay, let me get some shine for a minute?'
Liyah: I just wanted to see for myself if I could do it. I've been watching for a long time and seeing everybody go through the process of writing and recording, I just did it myself so I know I can do it. I am so proud of myself so far, my music sounds sooooo mad good. I can't wait to release it.
Ricky: The first single is called 'Pay Ya Dues' tell us about that.
Liyah: You sound so proper, 'Tell us about that' (Laughs)
Ricky: I'm trying to keep a job! (Laughs) I will sound as proper as my ghetto ass can.
Liyah: You are a hot mess! (Giggles) Okay, it's basically my whole starting point....I'm about to enter this world of hip hop but first, like everyone else, I have to pay my dues and prove myself. My single does that, if you have any doubts, my single will erase it. You'll listen and be like 'This chick can rhyme!' Shout out to everybody that helped me with producing and all that. It's gone be good.
Ricky: I bet it is, I can't wait. Describe it for me.
Liyah: It's really got that NYC feel to it, yall know how you can tell if a song came from the west, east, south or north? Well this came from the north and you can tell. It's straight out there, my little introduction.
Ricky: Girl, what you got in that cup? (Laughs)
Liyah: It's some um, milk. Strong bones and teeth and all that sh*t. (Laughs) You know me, I'm just making myself comfortable, had to sip on a little somethin boo.
Ricky: Lord, ya'll got this girl drinking in the office. You gone get us put out!
Liyah: It's not no liquor, it's coke! Coca-cola. I don't drink yet, that's after this. You stressin me out with all these questions.
Ricky: No she did not say I was stressing her out? In the name of jesus, you need to go to church, do you?
Liyah: (Laughs) I aint been to church in some years. I believe in God though, I pray and all that.
Ricky: You need to take yo ass back and stay there for a good few years. (Laughs) Let me stop, alright, you have a mixtape, what can you tell us about it? It's coming out in the fall right?
Liyah: Yeah, the fall. It's just me talking about what I do and my life and all that stuff. I'm so silly, I'm mad silly and you can tell through some of my songs. It's gone be good. I also got R&B in it, I sang too boo. This mixtape is finna really just show yall what I'm bringing to the industry.
Ricky: You sang? What you sang girl?
Liyah: What you mean what I sang? I sang my songs! (Laughs) You so special.
Ricky: I meant can you give us a description, something about what you sang, you special child.
Liyah: I sang about different stuff, I got a song dedicated to my ex in there, I sang about all that good sh*t, I switch it up and rap a little bit, it's real good.
Ricky: I know you black, you so black, you got the red cup with some unfamiliar substance, you just, I like you.
Liyah: (Laughs) At least I own it! You so slow, oh my god, you makin' my stomach hurt. I like you too boo, Imma remember you when I blow up!
Ricky: Please do, I need some of what you on. (Laughs) Forreal! So let me just say, you are the only and the first female rapper I've ever seen with braces in her mouth.
Liyah: I know right? I used to hate them but now I'm just used to them. I'm already prepared for all that, like people make fun of my braces all the time but it don't bother me. It's not like I'm offended, I look good in my braces! I'm sexy as hell too? I'm too conceited to stress that, believe that!
Ricky: You better do that girl! Work with it. You single?
Liyah: Yup, I been single for like a year now. I think I'm too focused on my music right now but you know, my door is always open fellas. Liyah can rock yo world like none other! (Laughs)
Ricky: Ooh! Okay then, you do that then. (Laughs) What type of guy do you like?
Liyah: I don't discriminate, I like them all. I love about a good 5'8" with some abs and maybe some tattoos. He gotta have his sh*t together, no baby mama drama, he can't be bummin' or I'm out! He also gotta be able to go out with me to clubs cus I aint finna be sittin' at home bored all the time. (Laughs) You feel me? I really like white boys now, I don't know. They so cute and sexy but I like any race! If he can't dress, he need to get out my face cus it aint gone work.
Ricky: Girl you need to go on with all that! Shoot, you sound like you telling somebody your order at McDonald's!
Liyah: (Laughs) I got standards, I don't date no scrubs! We gotta shine together.
Ricky: Well that's all the time we have today. Thank you to Liyah for stopping by and being so ghetto, GHETTO fabulous! 'Pay Ya Dues' comes out June 18th, support this crazy chick!
Liyah: BK in the buildin'! I love all my boos, muah! June 18th, let's get it!