When 'Heart On Line' by Kourtney finishes playing, the show begins."Hi everyone, it's the 'Kegan Radio Show' on BBC Radio 1 and that was Kourtney with 'Heart On Line'. The first of all the big tunes I'm playing for you today and this week's guest is the biggest boy band around. It's Weekend.""Hi guys, how are you doing today?"Oscar: "Great, thanks. Really happy to be here. Thank you for having us."
Scott: "It's great to be here, it's been so long since we've all done an interview and although there's only four of us right now, it still feels good to be 'Weekend' again because we've all been away doing our own things. It's nice to finally be doing an interview and feeling all professional again."
"So Riley couldn't be here due to what happened recently. Is he OK now?"Billy: "Riley's holding up. Obviously he's not 100% himself and he's not ready to return to work otherwise he'd be sat here with us today, but um...he is making a recovery, he's not shutting himself off from people like he was just after the incident and the real Riley's starting to come back."
Oscar: "Yeah, he still needs some time out because he's endured a really traumatic whirlwind of tragic events over the past year and we all know that Riley's quiet, keeps to himself and doesn't like attention or to make a fuss so he kept all his anger, sadness and stress all bottled up and I think it just suddenly hit him and became far too much for him and it's a real shame because he's a lovely person and it's horrible seeing him like this. We aren't sure when he'll come back and we don't mind how long it takes because someone who has been through all of that really deserves to have a timeout and the pressure of promoting a new era in our career would be a little too much for him at this moment in time. He hasn't quit the group, he's just taking a little break."
"So let's talk about your music. You have a new single out soon, right?"Dustyn: "YAY! Yes we do, it's called 'Out Of My Mind' and I is so excited about it cos we hasn't released a song in such a long time! Oh it makes me so happy! I just wants to run around nakey and go crazy! I won't though cos that's badness and I'll be arrested and then we won't be able to promote our new single. Noooooo!!!!"
(laughs) "Yeah, we were going to premiere it today but unfortunately Riley isn't here and we couldn't take part in such a big moment in our career without all five members here to experience it together. Plus, Riley had a writing credit on the track and to premiere it without him wouldn't feel right."
"And what is it about? What does it sound like?" Billy: "Basically, it's about not knowing where you stand in a relationship and it's driving you out of your mind. It talks about a girl..."
Dustyn: "...Or guy..."
Billy: "Yeah, or guy, who is really close and intimate with you at times yet the next minute they go off to flirt with the next person they see or maybe you call to arrange a date with them but they tell you that they need their own space. It's like you're only in a relationship when it suits them, when it's convenient for them and the rest of the time you just end up feeling like a spare part."
Oscar: "Talking about the sound of the song, I think it's the riskiest song we've ever recorded and to make it the lead single, it's a whole lot riskier....our manager thinks we're crazy for releasing it. It's nothing too abstract, the song is very easy on the ears but for us, it's very different to our previous pop/dance material. 'Out Of My Mind' is also mid-tempo and could be mistaken for a ballad and it's quite odd nowadays to lead an album without an upbeat track. I like to say it sounds like Coldplay meets Emeli Sandé. It might sound weird but you'll understand when you hear it."
"So are you also releasing the new album with this single?"Scott: "We certainly are and like Oz said, it's a huge risk but we all believe in the song."
Dustyn: "Yeah, we put out a track called 'Tonight' at the start of the year which was a dance record and we was going to use that as the lead single but our personal lives were filled with busy stuffs at the time and we wasn't able to promote it or the album so we cancelled it and just left the song online so it would give the fans something to listen to whilst we do more recording."
Billy: "People think that since 'Tonight' premiered online in January up until now, we've just been sitting around on our arses and doing nothing....am I allowed to say 'arses'? Is that classed as swearing?...anyway, we weren't sitting on our....bums, we have actually been writing so much. I think between us, we've written way over 100 songs. It was hard to record because Scott ditched us and went to live in America with his girlfriend but when we did meet up, we worked our bums off and stayed in the recording studio to record the tracks for literally days on end."
"Well I'm sure it's going to be a good album. We're taking a break now though and while we do, send in your questions to the guys with the hashtag #KeganDawsonShow! They're answering some later. Now enjoy this amazing song from Vanity, it's 'Dancing On Air'!" 'Dancing On Air' by Vanity plays and Kegan speaks again right at the end of the song."So we are back, hoping you enjoyed the song. It's 5:15 pm and we Weekend here at the 'Kegan Dawson Show'.""So guys, does the second album sound much different from the first one?"Oscar: "It's a natural progression from the first record. The lead single is the only track that is really different from our previous work but everything else still sounds like a Weekend track. We've worked with a lot of the same writers and producers but the songs are a lot maturer and our voices have all matured too so it won't be like an exact copy of 'Fired Up', there's a lot of subtle differences but doesn't stray too far away from what you'd expect from us."
Dustyn: "Also, we does sharing more on this album. We share singing time and we get more solos than we did on the first cos we think that it wasn't fair on other members if one was singing the majority of the album and another member only had like ten lines in total."
Scott: "Another thing is that when we say 'maturer', it's not like we swear on the album or sing songs with controversial topics...well, there is one but that's more heartfelt than just an excuse to shock. We've all grown since the last album, experienced so much and learned from it and that comes through in the lyrics of our new songs. In our past work, if we came up with an idea for a song, we'd start writing it with two motives; that it's catchy and that it's a hit. Now, we're going deeper into the songs and instead of pitching lyrics just because they rhyme or sound good, we're drawing from our own personal experiences, writing about things we've been through and really having a connection with the songs."
"Are there any collaborations?"Oscar: "Unfortunately, I cannot divulge that information. You'll just have to wait and see."
Billy: "Yeah, we're keeping quiet.....for once!"
"But speaking of your music, I know that you're releasing some solo stuff too, Oscar." Oscar: "Yes I am and that's been pushed back I don't know how many times but something is coming probably on the other side of summer. This has been in the process for the best part of the year and nothing has ever surfaced due to other commitments. I don't want to release a single then have to cancel the album and future singles because of other things so I'm waiting until everything falls into place. The solo stuff is just a little side project though, I don't see myself as the 'solo star' or better than the band because I'd be nothing without these guys and this band is were I belong..."
Billy: "Until you decide to jump out another bathroom window...."
Oscar: "Oh shut up, you....anyway, where was I?...Yeah, I don't think I'll ever be a full-time solo artist but I've got some stuff that I'm really proud of and we don't think it suits Weekend and it's a shame for it to go to waste so I'll be releasing it on my own."
"Does it sound different from the group's sound?"Oscar: "Yeah it's sort of like Weekend, it's pop/rock which is our main genre but the styling is different if that makes sense? It's hard to explain...I um, I'm quite humorous with my writing...it's nothing over the top, it's not a comedy album, just a little tongue-in-cheek and quite random at times. It's not Weekend's style but not far off either. You'll understand once you hear something."
"What about you other guys? Is anyone else going to release solo music too?" Billy: We always said that if we were to go on a break and were offered to do some solo work then we'd do it up until it was time to work as a band again. Solo stuff would be more of a side project and a treat for the fans."
Scott: "Yeah, like Billy said it would be something to bridge the gap up until it was time to work together again but we might not even do solo stuff because we aren't sure if Weekend will ever go on a hiatus. However, I have been approached by someone to feature on a track and I can't say anything just yet but I'm really excited about it and that would mean that I'd be working outside the band. Fingers crossed that the track with this artist gets released as a single and goes to number one so I can rub it in these guys faces!"
"Are there any other solo projects planned, apart from music?"Dustyn: "I has a few things in the pipeline. I just filmed a documentary for BBC Three and it's about children with autism and it shows how their parents do coping, it shows their daily routines, difficulties they face and programmes that is run to do helping them. I has autism so it is something I really connect with. I also has another documentary coming up and I also has something else coming up which involves Blakey but I can't say yet because I hasn't even telled him so he might not even agree!!"
Scott: "Riley's signed up for a second series of 'Diary Of An Escort'. I honestly envy him. His acting is out of this world and it's an amazing role. He plays it so well, it's hard to believe that that is the innocent, loving Riley Hamilton on our screens. I've also dabbled in acting too. Last year, I filmed a horror movie with Justin Gray from ELMNT alongside a few other Australian actors and actresses. It's an independent straight-to-DVD release and should be out....next month...I think, don't quote me on that. It was a good chance to do something different and to speak in my Australian accent which I seemed to have lost since I moved here when I was like six."
"And what about as a group instead? Are you guys planning to do something that's not music-related together? Like a movie for example."Billy: "There was a discussion about making a movie but again, it's finding the time to get it all together and to be honest, although it's a great idea, the music is the main focus right now and I think a movie would add too much pressure and certainly, with Riley going through a rough patch and with so many commitments, learning lines for a whole movie would be a bit too much. Saying that though, we do have a book coming out and we've already written that so the stress has been lifted. It's an autobiography and it's quite a big book because you're getting five different stories. Five different lives in the one book. There's also lots of pictures in it if you don't like reading."
Scott: "Billy just loves to share pictures of himself."
"I think he certainly has all the rights to. (Laughs) Anyway we're having another break now, but keep listening because there is another song for you. It's 'Dirty Little Heart' by Alex Simms!"'Dirty Little Heart' by Alex Simms plays and then ends with Kegan speaking again.Nice one! You enjoyed it too, right? Anyway it's now 5:23 pm, you're still listening to the 'Kegan Dawson Show' on BBC Radio 1 and Weekend are still here with us."So guys are going on another tour anytime soon?"Oscar: "Yes we are! However, we don't have any dates yet but we're looking at the beginning of next year. We want to promote the album, release a few singles then go on tour. Plus we need to make sure that Riley is OK first and that we also have childcare all sorted out."
"Yeah, I know that most of you already have families with kids and partners. How are you going to deal with that since it's gonna make you all busier?"Dustyn: "Well I always bring Shay with me wherever I go and now that The Zone is taking some time off before their next album, hopefully I can take Blakey with me too!"
Billy: "It's so much easier nowadays though as you've got all the social networks, you've got Skype so it's easy to keep up to date with what's going on with the family. Also, if we're doing a show not too far from home, I'd bring Andrea and Daniel with me and I know Oscar does the same with Eilidh and Roo."
"Some of you have actually become fathers at a young age. Did you find that hard at the beginning?"Oscar: "Honestly, no. I know there's been a huge media backlash against us for becoming fathers so soon but age is just a number. You could be 17 and an amazing parent whilst someone who is 39 could be a dreadful parent. The hardest thing about it is trying to find quality time with our families because of our busy schedules but when we do, and I'm sure I'm speaking for all of us, fatherhood is just natural to us."
Billy: "Well maybe for you, Dust and soon Riley but I've got a strong suspicion that Daniel hates me. He behaves for Andrea and as soon as I come withing 6 feet of him, he starts to scream. He even tried to headbutt me whilst I was cuddling him! Although, I can't complain because Daniel is my life, I love him and would do anything for his welfare."
Scott: "I must say, Dustyn is a great father. He was sixteen when Shay was born and everyone seemed to turn on him. I've got to tell you, for the amount of stuff he's been through, Dustyn's always been there for Shay and I've never seen someone adore a child so much."
Dustyn: "Aww thank you, Scott. Would you like a bite of my Snickers bar?"
Scott: "Thanks but no thanks, buddy. You can have it."
"Scott, you're the one that has yet to marry or have kids. Are you planning to do that anytime soon?"Scott: "Haha, well I need to be careful with what I say here because I don't want Jen to freak out and kill me if I say something wrong. Well, I actually had a baby girl before the band was even formed. Unfortunately, she passed away when she was a few weeks old and then her mum and I went our separate ways and after that, the thought of starting a family again scared me because I was scared to go another loss like that. Seeing the boys with their kids does get me a bit broody at times and whilst I would love to have a family in the future, the fear of going through a loss again will always be in the back of my mind....sorry if I just like killed the whole conversation."
Oscar: "It's alright, mate. I also feel sorry for Scott and Jen because there is so much focus on them since they're not engaged nor expecting a kid and it's like they're being pestered, being forced to do those things and I don't think that's fair really. It's their lives, let them live it the way they want."
"That's true. We're now taking one last break to pick up the questions that you fans sent us though. I'm leaving you this song now in the meantime! Enjoy it."'Who To Trust' by Isabel plays and then Kegan speaks again after it finishes."And that was Isabel with 'Who To Trust'. We're now back to finally ask Weekend your questions here at the 'Kegan Dawson Show'.""The first one is from Sophie, she says "Hello, I'm a huge fan and I love you all. What is the favourite song of each one of you?""Dustyn: "Well my all time favourite songs is 'Always Come Back To Your Love' by Samantha Mumba and 'Overload' by Sugababes but at this moment in time, out of the music that is out now I would have to say that I is in love with 'Goodbye (Rest In Peace)' by SYNCO. I isn't being biased cos I helped create them but I really love that song and it's always on repeat."
Scott: "I'm hooked on 'Skirt' by Kylie Minogue and 'Live It Up' by J-Lo & Pitbull. The production on those tracks.....insane! I love a good dance song and they really hit the spot. I'm also a huge Miley fan so 'We Can't Stop' is getting played to death too. My all time favourite though is....OK, this sounds so cheesy but it's 'Lucky' by Britney Spears. That song was released at a rough time of my childhood and although it brings back sad memories, I will always have a strong connection with that song."
Billy: "Well I love some R&B and my favourite song ever is definitely 'Don't Let Go (Love)' by En Vogue. I really miss R&B like that. Right now though I'm listening to a lot of Rihanna, Miguel and Ciara. The new Mariah song #Beautiful is also on repeat."
Oscar: "My favourite song at the moment is a track on P!nk's latest album and it's called 'Beam Me Up'. I think it's a stunning track and her vocals are as wonderful as ever. However, if there was one song I could listen to forever it would have to be 'Edge Of The Earth' by 30 Seconds To Mars. I love that song. Words can't even describe it."
"Another question here, from Sabrina. 'Guys, is it true that you were going to split up?"Billy: "We weren't going to definitely split per say. A lot of us were going through difficult, testing situations at the start of the year and we all know that a certain someone left via a toilet window which also put a spanner in the works..."
Oscar: "Sorry about that."
Billy: "You should be....Anyway, Oscar came back but we were all still going through a lot in our personal lives so we said that we'd take like a month off to think about our next move and if our hearts weren't in it then we'd think about calling it a day. Thankfully, we were all willing to try and we decided that we should spend time apart, work at our own pace and just relax in order to make it less stressful and it really worked. If we didn't do that, I honestly think that the band would have ended by now."
"Ok, third question is from Mark who asks 'What are your workout routines?'"Dustyn: "I is lazy, I don't do working out!!
(laughs) I only exercise when the band is doing dance routines. I is naturally small and slim so I don'ts has to worry. It's not secret that I loves cakes and treats so I eat them all up and still stay thin. I think that I burn a lot of calories in bed with Blakey though!
Oscar: "Dusty! Oh, you just say what comes into your head don't you? (laughs)
Dustyn: "Yeah, isn't you supposed to? That's why you think things, because your brain wants your mouth to speak them out."
Oscar: "Oh God...back to the question, we're like the laziest guys ever. I have no idea how we're not obese. Billy is constantly cooking huge meals for us whenever we go around to his. We're all lazy cooks so we order a lot of Chinese and Indian food, which is not very healthy. I think, like Dusty said, it's because of the dance routines and jumping around on stage that we manage to stay slim.
Scott: "I think Riley is the only one who goes to the gym. He's also vegan so he eats a lot of healthy stuff too. He doesn't drink or smoke and he's a professional dancer on top of that. You seen his abs? I'm so jealous. Jen might run off with him!"
"And now one last question from Emily. "What are some of the goals you still want to achieve in your life?'"Billy: "I think we've achieved a lot in such a short space of time and at such a young age. I'd love to have another number one single with this new album because it really pays off when you see something you've worked so hard on reach the top of the charts. Other than that, I'd say that we're already living the dream, what else could you want?"
Scott: "Yeah, as a group I think we've achieved a lot and it would seem greedy if we wanted a whole lot more because we really are grateful for what we've already achieved. A goal for me personally is to patch things up with my father and rekindle our relationship. I'd hate to become a stranger to him and unfortunately, I feel like I'm slowly becoming one."
Oscar: "I want to just be a good father, always provide for my family and make sure Roo grows up to become a wonderful person with a lot of respect for others. That's my main goal."
Dustyn: "I wants to has a bigger family. I love babies so much! I come from a large family and I wants to continue the tradition. We has a surrogate with twins on the way. I think it is going to tire poor Blakey out! So yeah, my goal is to have a big family.....oh and to buy new soap cos the one in the bathroom is all done."
"Thank you guys for being here and to the listeners for tuning in. Show is over, we had good time. Don't forget to tune in next week too!"Scott: "Thanks for having us!"
Oscar: "When we release the album, I hope you invite us back for another interview! I enjoyed today, it was a lot of fun."
Billy: "Yeah, it was great being here."
Dustyn: "I loved it here! I thought you was going to be mad at me cos I telled Den not to marry you and that you is an overly jealous man and then he left you and breaked up. But you didn't mention that at all and I is glad nobody did!"
"Uhm... Well, thanks again guys and now I leave you with one last song by Reported Failure, this is 'Frosted Peaks'.'Frosted Peaks' by Reported Failure plays and the show ends.