Erica kobayashi

Chloe pastis

Rock and roll today host.
The trio are sitting in lawn chairs beside the harlots parked bus. Erica and Chloe have red drinks with umbrellas in them.
Rock and roll today: one of the hottest acts in music..could not be here today. But we bring you Erica hess and ....nina?
Erica:*folds her arms* kobayashi,not hess.
Chloe: uh...I'm Chloe.*waves excitedly* Erica let me join her today.
Rock and roll today: ok, Erica kobayashi and Chloe pastis! Uh where is nina?
Chloe:*eyes dart around*
Rock and roll today: what is so funny?
Erica: she misses her husband...and she is "on the phone" with him.
Chloe:*giggles* I bet it's a really good call.
Erica: me too. She was pounding the wall when I left.
Chloe: I hope Casper is in good shape. She is going to break him in two after this tour.
Erica: CASTOR! Not Casper.
Chloe: oh...no wonder he never answers me and just gives me dirty looks. This whole time I thought it was awkward sexual tension.
Erica: um...no. He's kinda hated you since meeting you.
Chloe:oh...kinda like he hated you for the longest time?
Erica:no! That WAS sexual tension... Or he didnt like me. But he likes me now.
Nina:*pokes her head out of the bus window,with her hair disheveled* do you mind?! Castor is not into groups,so quit saying his name! You are ruining this for us,loves.
Chloe:,weirdo. Who wouldn't want to have sex with all three harlots? Castor is clearly gay.
Erica: I hear he is bi. So.. *she shrugs.*
Chloe: really? Ten dollars say he and nina will have a threesome with some other guy.
Erica: ten bucks?! You're on! Here,you hold our money interview guy.
Rock and roll today: *looking up from his phone* you girls are quite done? A shame . I was just getting Into "the seven samurai".
Erica: good movie !
Rock and roll today: indeed. So tell us about " love ya,but have to kill ya!" ?
Erica: well... It was a flop I guess. Maybe it wasn't that bad. I mean Gia didn't send her goons to beat us up and that Irish guy didnt tear us a new one over it.
Chloe: Gia has goons?
Erica: oh yeah. Pretty nice ones,not as nice as natys or even yours. But still, I'd like to have a pair just like them.they are ever so slightly bigger than mine.*frowns slightly at her chest*
Chloe: GOONS!
Erica: oh.. Yeah. ..or so I hear.
Chloe:*look of amazement and wonder* wow! The things you learn when you aren't a bit character anymore.
Erica: you're in the big leagues now,Chloe. Get ready to live.
Rock and roll today: why do you think it received a lukewarm response?
Erica: fuck if I know. I am going with old fashioned racism.
Rock and roll today: your album also failed to chart in your native Japan.
Erica: discrimination against my wife,duh. They just can't be happy for us. I'm sorry I couldn't find a Japanese girl I liked.
Chloe: what about Mariko? She's pretty hot.
Erica: ew! She's my cousin!
Chloe: really?!
Erica: dammit,Chloe. Now you know why we keep you in the shadows. You called castor,gay and you want me to make out with my couisn.
Chloe:*giggles* both sound kinda sexy to me.
Erica: I'll give you castor. That man is...spicy. But making out with a relative? That's fucked up Chloe.
Nina:*pokes her head out again.* quit. Saying. Castors.name! Just stop it. I swear,loves. You two are bloody hopeless.
Rock and roll today: so...castor?
Nina:* her head pops back out* dammit interview guy! That isn't funny!* slams window shut*
Chloe and Erica: * laughing* yes it was.
Rock and roll today: how has the god bless America tour been?
Chloe: I finally Won A game of clue,and Erica ended up with mouse traps on her boobs.
Erica:,which were still fucking sore! But a game is a game and Chloe DID win. Natalya kissed them and made it better though.
Rock and roll today: it's rumored that nobody gets along on this tour...any truth to that?
Erica: it's like highschool and I love it! The next step is going to be stealing each others boyfriends. I think this is the angle ari and nina are going to use.they have been quiet so far, but I can see them stealing any man. I am so glad I have a wife.
Chloe: they can't have my tony baloney! He is mine and I say no to arimese and nina. I don't care how beautiful they are. They can get their own Canadian!
Erica: you sure? I don't see tony or ari and nina....what if they are having sex right now?
Chloe:*her large eyes get larger* I'll burn their fucking rv down. *rummages around in her pockets until she finds a flask and lighter * I am so sick of this shit. Seriously nobody takes me serious because I am "just" Chloe. bitches are going to burn tonight. Erica,you grab something to chain the doors shut with.
Erica:* looks at the interviewer who has a worried look on his face. * Chloe! I am kidding! Tony is touring with acts of hate,remember?
Chloe:*instantly changes mood* oh. Ok! Where were we?
Rock and roll today: um..I think we are done *slowly backs away. *