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And we've got Nadia Berry on the line now, Nadia, are you there? Hiii!
Hey! Wow, it's been a while since we spoke, right? Yes, I know! Far too long, it's been a while, we should catch up more often.
Definitely, definitely. How have you been keeping? Very well thank you, I'm actually just at home now, Boots is on my lap, having her beauty sleep. She lives a very hard life. (laughs)
Aww, we're very big fans of Boots here at KIIS FM, she should definitely get an album out. I know, this is what I keep telling her! She says she'll think about it, maybe she can make a feature on my next album, I'll have to charm her with some dog treats. She's actually just getting used to having a new dog around, Ryan got a new dog just recently and he's a lot bigger than her. She's so tiny next to him, we called him Bear!
That sounds pretty adorable. It really is! Boots was incredibly jealous at first, but she's getting used to him, they're both too cute.
Now you're on the line to talk about this new TV series you're a part of, Sweet Unknown, correct? Yes!
So, we'll have a chat about that and that possible new album in a bit, right after this. It's "Lock Away and Hide" by Jennifer Armstrong.
And we're back, so Nadia, tell us about Sweet Unknown. What can we expect from it? I would say just expect a lot of chaos in the show, there's always something happening and there's plenty of surprises along the way. But you'll have to watch it to see what happens! The premiere date is June 30th on FX, this Sunday.
You've worked with various other musicians as well, who did you enjoy working with most and who did you bond with on set? I think working with Isabel was amazing, our characters have a lot of scenes together in the show, so it's natural that we just spent a lot of time together on set. We were friends before the filming of the show, and that helped us feel really comfortable with each other when filming, but the show definitely helped us to grow closer. It was a lot of fun. There were some scenes with Arianna Harley where we just kept bursting out into fits of laughter so we had to keep redoing them. (laughs) She's a really sweet girl, it's just been great to work with everyone. There's real chemistry there between everyone involved.
You play a character called Emma Moore, tell us a little bit about her, are you similar to her? Emma's a character that I instantly connected with the moment I read the script, because she does actually remind me of myself in some ways, so it felt like an easy fit to play her. She's a very determined and driven person, very feisty and headstrong, and I think we share those qualities. She's an up and coming actress on the scene who recently got her big break, everyone's after her, so it was definitely fun to fit into the role of a successful, glamorous actress. But of course, not everything is as perfect in her life as I'm making it seem, as I said, you'll have to watch it!
Something's telling me you're not going to give away too much, are you? What can I say, Ryan? I like keeping you guys in suspense. (laughs)
So you've solely been focusing on acting for now, haven't you? Were you happy with the outcome of Scary Movie 5? That was a hilarious movie to shoot, it was just a really light hearted shoot and we just had fun with it, you know? It was a learning experience for me, I had never had a leading role in a movie before, so that was definitely something different for me. I'm glad I did it though, because I think it helped with my role on Sweet Unknown. It challenged me in various ways, and so when it came down to filming the show, I was a lot more confident and comfortable with doing the more risky, daring scenes.
You also had the chart-topping song "Kiss Me" GirlSpice did for the Sweet Unknown soundtrack, how do you girls feel about having yet another hit under your belts? Oh, it's incredible, it really is. We were shocked at the response towards it, because we weren't actually expecting people to take this to the top of both airplay and digital charts. It's crazy, but you never get tired of hearing your song on the radio, or finding out you're number one. We're all really grateful.
Are you working on any other movies or shows right now? No, no, not right now. I'd of course love to come back to acting somewhere down the line, but I've had fun with it for a little while, and I want to go back to a more familiar path where I feel I'm at my best.
Which has to be music, right? Exactly!
So does that mean another album is in the works? It's very early days, I'm at the stage where I'm just like, slowly writing songs and figuring out what direction I want to go in. At the moment, it could go anywhere, so much stuff is inspiring me, and I love so many different kinds of music, it's really hard to decide on stuff like that for me. Because as a solo artist, I've never just been pop, I've often experimented outside of it with like, rock and indie music, mostly on Open Heart Surgery, but there was sprinkles of it on Hera too, so I'd like to go down that route again. I love authentic music, so I definitely plan to do some acoustic stuff, a lot of guitar driven music.
There must be a lot of pressure for you, surely. Your last studio album, released over a year ago now, had the highest debut sales ever on Chart Heat, do you feel nervous about it? I mean, of course there's naturally always going to be some sort of feeling of pressure, but it's a good thing, because it makes you want to create the very best record that you can for the fans. That's all that I care about, there's a lot more to being an artist than having millions of record sales, so they definitely don't worry me. If you have a genuine passion for music, you create it because you love it, not because you love the money and fame that it comes with.
And when can we expect it out? I won't say a date because I don't want to get any hopes up, but just know that I'm working on it, and it'll be out when it's ready. I definitely want to take my time with it, it could be early next year.
Thank you, Nadia. I'm gonna let you go now, but we're definitely looking forward to that new album, and Sweet Unknown, June 30th on FX. Here's Michelle Green's "Explode". |
ACTIVE: Vanity x Nadia Berry |