I did an interview with karolina verlinden, of all people.

Mariko kobayashi

Karoliena verlinden
Karoliena is siting backstage with Mariko. The dull roar of a crowd along with the muffled sounds of someone's set is heard. Karoliena is holding a small camera and Mariko looks confused.
Karoliena: hi! We're here with underground sensation,Mariko kobayashi.
Mariko:* wide eyed* aren't you..aren't you karoliena verlinden?
Karoliena: that's what my underwear say.
Mariko: I thought you were with atomic-
Karoliena:*interrupting* yeah,well the psychobilly game don't pay like it used to. I'm thinking of doing porn to make ends meet.*laughs*
Mariko:* looks around in a panic* um...that is not what this is about....is it? I don't want to do porn! Even girl on girl porn.
Karoliena: it isn't about porn,now. *she laughs* nah,I'm going to do interviews since the war bride rarely tours anymore and the harlots didnt want me.
Mariko:oh..why not?
Karoliena: I'm better looking,obviously. ...and some other crap about my upright bass sounds kinda out of place. Fuck em. Especially that bitchy singer.
Mariko: that's my cousin!
Karoliena: I know,you silly goose. Ok lets get serious,now.
Mariko: *makes a farting sound with her hands and mouth. *
Karoliena: that's the spirit! Ok Mariko....this is your sophomore release,what's different?
Mariko: nothing really. I know the kind of music I want to release,and that is what I make.
Karoliena: catchy,pop pseudo fluff ,that flies under the radar just enough so you can still be considered hip by the kids?
Mariko: exactly! I am all about fun. Good,morbid fun.
Karoliena: yes. Most of your songs deal with violence...are you a violent person?
Mariko: *bats eyelashes innocently* never! I'd rather steal your girlfriend than kill her...or should that be "then"?*laughs evilly*
Karoliena: aw,but you're too cute to be mean. * pinches mariko's cheek*
Mariko:*blushes* that makes the ice pick all that more unexpected. Seriously though,my country has always had a weird mix of cute,violent,and sexy. I just reflect that.
Karoliena: I see the first two in your music,but little of the sexy part. I would not get down with my man to a Mariko tune.
Mariko: that part is coming. I will make a song that makes "lets get it on" sound like the chicken dance....or the other way around. I think the last one is more likely.
Karoliena: so..:cute,violent,and sexy....is that what a fling with Mariko is like?
Mariko:*laughs and hides her face* nooooo! Karoliena,why would you ask that?!
Karoliena: sex sells..and I am doing a free interview show...I haven't worked out the math yet,but I am sure it pays off for me in the end.
Mariko:is that what a fling with karoliena is like?
Karoliena: yes. Very much.
Mariko: ouchie! I don't think I'd want pain in my fun time.
Karoliena: if I had a dollar for each time the was wrong.
Mariko:*hands karoliena a dollar* nope. I want to be cuddled.
Karoliena:*pockets the dollar* you've had a busy touring schedule recently. How does the Jennifer Armstrong tour compare to no venues?
Mariko:*giggles* it is soooo much cleaner here! I have not seen anyone passed out in a garbage can or eating funnel cake off their partners....under bits.
Karoliena: how's the drug market? *looking around anxiously* you are Erica's cousin,so I know you have your ear to it.
Mariko: nothing stronger than weed. Personally,I haven't even drank on this tour. I sleep better and pee less. That is a win win.
Karoliena: oh...damn. Ok.
Mariko: can I...can I have my dollar back?
Karoliena: no,I need it for bus fare.
Mariko: the bus? You aren't a very good rockstar.Are you?
Karoliena: I am not putting all those miles on my Maserati!
Mariko: clever.
Karoliena : yup.