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Buzzfed.com/TRSG presents.... Which type of music fan are you?Who doesn't love music? It's that one thing that connects us all. No matter who you are, where you're from or what your face looks like, you will have some tunes that you love. But that's where it ends...because while we all absolutely madly love our favourite jams, we are not the same. The music fan is a concept that has spread and grown in recent times, and with the internet having taken off over the last decade, new "fandoms", forums and social platforms have divided lovers of music more than ever. So what group do you identify with most? And just how crazy are you about your music? The wannabe popstar How you know: The only reason you love music is because you LOVE TO SING! No matter what comes on, the first thing you ask is whether you could recreate it better - and you normally always can. Whether it's Isabel, The Enlightened or Austin Nimmo, you'll be turning the radio down so you can hear your own beautiful tones over them. You can normally be found taking 2 hour long showers with your iPhone or hitting the stage (bedroom) with your favourite mic (hairbrush). The hipster How you know: You love things, but not for long at all. Music is only good when only you know who's playing it. The smug look on your face when someone asks "who's that on your portable turntable" could floor a giraffe. The ratio of cardigans and beards to band should be at least 1:1 when you go to a show, and you'll have reached full hipster when you hear yourself telling someone that you liked a bands early stuff, before they sold out/were cool/everyone knew them. You can normally be found in Glastonbury, Starbucks or Apple stores worldwide. The purist How you know: Almost a branch of hipster, except nothing matters to you at all except quality. Who cares if someone else doesn't like what you like, it's still awesome to you. In recent years, you will have moved from the likes of obscure indie music to tech metal. You'll have also gone pure...uh...purist, when you start to really not care what anyone thinks. Bjork, Fleetwood Mac and a whole array of 80s pop music becomes your "not-so-guilty pleasure". You can normally be found trawling through second hand record stores, and your mating call will be "I just stopped caring what other people think". You shrug way more than average. Beard optional. The fandom How you know: One of the new age of music fans, fandoms are without doubt one of the scariest. You constantly tell people they don't understand, and the sole purpose of your life is to protect your idols/"faves" no matter what. Your entire being is committed to making sure that no one insults you or your fave, and you'll all have a ridiculously stupid collective name like Izzybells, Weekenders or Strongsters. You are literally the only people in the world who can't see the extent of your own insanity, but that's ok, because even the inmates in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest had each other. You can normally be found on forums and other internet places looking out for any reference to your favourite so you can jump on them and tell them how wrong they are. The lifer How you know: A bit like the fandom, but with more of a tan, the lifer has seen the outside a little bit more. But that doesn't make you any less crazy or dedicated to your idol. While other people need to hold the torch of protecting your fave against the rest of the world, you're going to directly tell your fave. It all starts with concerts...and then signings...and then ludicrous prices are being paid for meet and greets. Before you know it, you'll have settled into your natural habitat, outside the hotel of your fave, just waiting for your chance to chase their car with tears in your eyes as you clutch that painting of their face...painted using your own blood. The casual How you know: You're, without doubt, the most rational person on this list...but like...how do you exist? Who are you? Why did you even click this? If someone was to ask you your favourite artist, you would most likely just smile and shrug a little. You like what you like, which is normally just a song here or there by a certain artist as opposed to an album. If anyone should mention anything more obscure than Jennifer Armstrong, you're likely to feel a little lost, but hey, at least you're not going a little insane over someone you're never going to meet, right? You can normally be found on Radio One, just chilling with the charts, and you're cool with that. The obsessive How you know: Another offset of the fandom, the obsessive is by far and away the most crazy type of music fan. You take loving your fave to a new level, and hey, you're family are worried about you. You can normally find yourself in tears or eating clumps of your own hair. Your whole life revolves around getting someone to follow you on Twitter, and you resort to threats of death, suicide and pet murder to try to achieve it. Despite your love for your fave, you can't believe that they don't understand you, and your behaviour scares them so much that they have blocked you on social media long ago. The crowning glory will be when that restraining order falls through your letterbox - now they've noticed you exist! The nostalgic How you know: It's simple, you just don't like anything that has been released in your lifetime....but you're maybe not all that au fait with the stuff you profess to love either. You're normally aged around 15 and will typically be clothed in nothing but smiling Nirvana shirts, Joy Division sweaters and Misfits merchandise of varying type. Oh and don't forget your Led Zep 1977 tour shirt and your Ramones tee. Despite this purported love, you're likely to struggle when pushed on anything other than Nevermind...and who the hell is Krist Novoselic anyway? At one point, you'll find out Dave Grohl was famous before the Foo Fighters. Greatest Hits albums are your friends, and Spotify has helped you seem more knowedgeable than you actually are. The bandwagoner How you know: You change your mind. A lot. Nothing really matters until it matters to everyone, right? Iggy Azaela's EP? No thanks. The New Classic will do just fine. Your favourite songs by any artist tend to be their biggest hit, and you don't love anyone until such times as everyone is talking about them. Conversely, you will fall out of love with an artist as promptly as you fell in love with them. But you don't care, you had your five minutes in the sun together. You can normally be found trawling the top 5 on iTunes and making sure to share the latest YouTube craze videos with everyone you know....even though they'll have seen them before. A million times.So which kind of fan are you? Let us know in the comments below! |
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