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 No one on the outside will ever understand the love we feel for Rum & Coke . No one . So we aren't going to attempt and waste time trying to explain . What we will do , is list some of the several reasons we love Rum & Coke . #1 , They are named after Rum & Coke . #2 , They both look the same . #2.5 , Which is stunning , sexy , adorable , ect. #3 , They are a hot mess . #4 , It's always something new with them . #5 , Their music is redefining hip hop as we know it , and the list just goes on and on ! We got the two to pull off a few poses and sit down and talk with us . I mean who else would have us break into a song in the middle of the interview ? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Rum & Coke , America's favorite doppelgangers ! You two look so much alike . I mean , I am looking at you right now just back and forth and it is just hard to believe you two aren't related . How long ago was it when you first met ? Coke : We get that alot . Uhmm , we first met in middle school . I think 7th grade .
So , y'all met at R.H. King Academy . Did you two automatically start off as friends , or was it awkward and you tried to stray away from each other ? Rum : Oh God no . *Laughs* We were at each other's throat every chance we got . Like , to the point where every time we were seen in the same room everybody got all hyped and would scream because they knew what was about to go down . Coke : *Laughs* Yes . We didn't start getting along until months later when we actually tried to have a genuine conversation . We found we had a lot in common and we just clicked . Ever since then we have been really close .
Crazy . You guys grew up partners in crime and turned out to be world renowned hip hop stars ! I mean , you must not be able to stray away from each other nowadays because everybody knows you as Rum & Coke . Rum : Yea not much . We still live together and everything . Like , this is a committed relationship . * Laughs * No but seriously , we would get mad at each other when we didn't tell the other where we are going and stuff . Coke : * Nods head and laughs * Yes . We are just used to being together all the time . I mean Rum couldn't live without me . Rum : Pshhhk . You couldn't live without me . Coke : * Rolls eyes * ... For her ego , I'll say we couldn't live without each other . I'm used to being there for her and she's used to being there for me too .
You two still live together ? That must be one unhealthy household ! * Laughs * What do you two do on a typical day ? Coke : Very . Well , Rum and I have always been very musical and on any day you would find us literally just coming up with music . Like I would walk around humming , thinking up some lyrics and she would walk around beat boxing and beating on the fridge and couch and table and doing the spoon song and ---- . Rum : * Shrugs * She hates when I get to beating on stuff . But at the same time for no reason like ... at all , she would start twirling and crap . And I'm just standing there like , if you don't sit your ass down somewhere before you break something .
* Laughs * So you two obviously have your differences . What are some of the small things that keep you two living with each other ? Rum : Coke always knows the perfect song to randomly break into when it's quiet . Like the other day she broke into some SWV . We were just standing on different sides of our tour bus just snapping our fingers and grinding to the beat , singing along . Probably looking like a couple of lunatics .
* Snaps and laughs * Yes ! That is the song ! Coke : I know right ! * Sings * I get so ... Rum & Coke : Weak in my knees , I can hardly speak I lose all control and something takes over me In a daze, your love's so amazing, it's not a phase , I want you to stay with me, by my side , I swallow my pride, Your love is so sweet , it knocks me right off of my feeee... Rum : * Hits that high note horribly * ...eeeeeet ! Rum , Coke , and the Interviewer : I can't explain why your loving makes me weak !
Who came up with the idea to start this group thing and when ? Coke : Well it all started when we became such good friends . We always made songs together but never really said we were in a group . It wasn't until one day Rum's grandma , Nita , started calling us Rum & Coke and then we decided to become a duo and call ourselves Rum & Coke . Soon enough we forgot about it but around 2012 , Rum brought it back up and said we should make it something serious . That's when we posted those videos and now here we are .
So grandma Nita is responsible for all of this fame and fortune ? She better be getting the royal treatment ! * Laughs * Rum : * Laughs * She is . Sometimes she doesn't even want it but I force it on her . Like , she tries to send at least HALF of the money I give her back . But the one thing she does want that I can't give her , is to move back into her house in Cuba . Her grandfather built that house and she thinks about it all the time . Sadly I have no control over her being allowed to move back there , but I do pay to keep it clean and all sparkly , until the day we are allowed to go back .
Aww , well lets hope that day comes soon . But you say your grandma only sends half of the money back ? Rum : Yes ! * Laughs * She's like , ' I can't except all of this ... ' and then I look at the check and I'm like , ' Grandma ... this is a quarter of what I sent you . ' She would get all mad and defensive talking about she knows how to count . I just sit there shaking my head .
* Laughs * Wow . Grandma Nita sounds like a hot mess . Is she supportive of what you guys are doing ? Coke : * Laughs * Yep , just like Rum . And yes , she is very supportive of everything we do . She is the first to want a copy of our music . She was hot when Amazon wouldn't let her pre-order our next album . We had to explain that we weren't even done recording ! * Laughs * So she made us promise we would give her the album as soon as we were finished . Rum : She loves listening to us sing , and we sit there with her just to see her reaction to our material . She hits us with a Sugar Cane every time she hears us cuss ... which is a lot . *Laughs * We try to scoot away when we know it's coming up , but she gets you when and where you least expect it .
A Sugar Cane ? Noo ! * Laughs * Grandma stays on her job !! Anything else we could give her credit for ? Coke : Yess ! * Laughs * Nothing but a little tough love . Rum : Exactly . That's how you know you have a Barbadian grandma , when she starts to hit you with Sugar Canes . * Laughs * Well , she said she would love to hear me get in touch with my roots in my songs . Like how she would love something she could get down too , and so I am going to start singing in my Cuban/Bajan accent all for her .
I am glad you are , we do wanna see Grandma Nita get her wind and grind on ! * Laughs *
Speaking of your next album , can you tell us a little about Epiphany ? Rum : Well , it's our sophomore album and it's going to be a way different sound from Venom & Versace . There isn't a lot of sped up songs , most of them give off that perfect PBR&B vibe , you know , Hip Hop with a heavy influenced rock beat ... well more of an indie rock beat . Zane , Eden , Damon and I combined our skills and created just that . All the tracks turned out great , like to the point where we are making all the tracks that didn't get picked , bonus tracks . Coke : Yep , we are beyond excited for this next album . Like Rum said , it is a different sound from Venom & Versace and a different sound from 7 Deadly Sins . We kind of took the elements that people liked from those 2 and mashed them together . I mean we really believe this is going to be something big , because this will showcase , you know , the true Rum & Coke ... not just that but Nina & Aire . That is what this album will showcase for us , and we just know that people would love it .
I can't wait to hear the album myself . One of the main reasons is because you guys are going to be one of the first to start this PBR&B genre thing , along with people like The Weeknd , Frank Ocean , Tinashe , and Jhene Aiko . Can you explain the genre for the ones who don't know what it is ? Coke : Well it could also be called R-Neg-B, hipster R&B, and alternative R&B , and could be associated with Hipster Hop . Those genres are basically hip-hop, R&B, pop and rock , blended together . It's more leaning towards what we did with 7 Deadly Sins , but better . But along with all those genres , we are also adding a few more . It's just going to be ... Ya know , like an all around album , so everyone should keep their eyes peeled for it .
Sounds very interesting . Another thing we wanted to discuss with you is , well we don't know if you have heard about it , but one article claiming to know the true meaning of Epiphany has caught a lot of attention . So much to the point where it has been inserted on Epiphany's Wikipedia page labeled under conspiracy . It was off a blog article off of tumblr , named ' Rum & Coke : Killuminatists ? ' . It asserts , that you two made this album about corrupt America , or what they call , ' Anti-NWO ' and ' Anti-government ' . Basically to wake people up from their ' reverie ' and make them realize or have an ' epiphany ' about the world we live in . Is that true ? Coke : Finally somebody caught on ! * Laughs * Yes , it is true . It is a thing effecting all of our lives , tremendously , and we do things like label it under a conspiracy , and since both Rum and I have strong feelings about it , and have already been making songs about it over the years , we decided to just ... make it a topic , well an album if you will .
Mkay , so we are going to go down the track list and randomly ask you about a song , if thats alright with y'all . Coke : Yea it's fine . * Nods head * Rum : * Shrugs *
So uhmm ... * Looks at the list * Tell us about ... ' Chicago Typewriter ' . Rum : Well , I'm going to be singing that song . The song is about a girl who had her heart broken to a point where now she is a heart breaker . The title , ' Chicago Typewriter ' , comes from a gun that was really big with the mafia in the 20's . It's supposed to symbolize her deception and all .
Mkay , what about ' Take My Hand ' ? Coke : I sing that one . It's about you know , after somebody you thought you knew , dragged you to Hell and back , and how now after all the aftermath , somebody comes along offering you their hand and you just sit there and contemplate whether you're in the know of the persons intentions .
Hmm , okay . ' John Smith ' ? Rum : That too is a song I am going to be singing . It's a song about the true story of Pocahontas . I like literally , just saw that movie a few months ago and I just had to make a song about it intertwining not only the real story , but also the Disney version .
You just saw Pocahontas ? * Shakes head and laughs * Rum : * Nods head * Yep . That was my childhood . * Laughs *.
Last but not least , tell us about ' Money Makes Fools ' . Rum : It's kind of like my bio . Just an overview of my life and how I have done some really stupid things . And so you know how everybody says that when people get money , they start acting like fools . Well ... what if when I was broke as a joke , I didn't have the sense God gave a billy goat ? * Laughs * Coke : Whaaat ? * Laughs * Wow .
* Laughs * So money doesn't have an effect on you if you are already a fool ? Rum : * Laughs * Exactly ! So you know the key question is , what does money do to you if you are already a fool ? Does it enhance the fool you are , or does it better the person you are ?
Hmm . Wise words . * Laughs * Thank you guys for talking with us . Really had so much fun . I've never been so entertained during an interview ! Coke : No problem . You kept us entertained too lol .
Happy to . I just know that you guys are going to take over with this next album ! Don't forget to check out the new single , ' Money Makes Fools ' dropping stores on August 12th !

