Loud PA: She’s the one of the most conversational artist in today’s music. Her first time performing in a year. Ladies and gentleman, please stand on your feet for… Radio Vine!!!
The stage is complety dark when the announcer is finished annoucing Radio's big comeback performance. The blocks open to reveal the empty stage with no sets. Just a mic in the middle of the stage as the spotlight shines directly in the middle where the mic seems it paitently waiting on Radio to enter the song. A shadow is seen that displays over the white coverup at the back of the stage where a ochestra rises up in a gold platroom from downstage as a man in a black suit back faces the audience. A little Asian girl comes in in a long white dress, with red tears falling from her eyes. She looks dully in the air as she plays the violien beautifully. The beautiful volin plays smoothly similar to this piece of music
. (Begins at 0:45)
It makes the audience wonder about the performance. The little girl looks weak in her eyes, her movements in her legs are slow.... she then breakdowns to the ground and plays the volin as many other small children with white dresses on all run out slowly and surroad her. They all smile, joyfully running around her as white smokes slowly approches the group of young children. A bright light shines from the back of the stage to all the small children looking suddently, with fear deep in their eyes, they run off stage. The little girl, playing the voilen continues to play the heartfelt liftout of Radio's new single.

Radio comes walking out slowly, seems she walking out of the light. She has on a black shiney coverup, her hair is nicely up and laid back with black heels on. She walks to the mic and holds the mic, she looks down to the floor as the little girl walks beside her and sits softly on the stage as she looks up to Radio. Radio looks back at her as Radio closes her eyes. " Listen to that, the sound of music" she speaks to the audience. The voilen continues to play as the background band with more voilens and drums and also pianos and heart flutes all begin to join in, creating this sound of Radio's new single 'Us' as the live sound slowly creeps onto the speakers of the sound. The audience seems relaxed, this performances brings the more mellow sound of Radio, to lower down the hype from the other pop performances eariler in the show.
She stands strongly but she closes her eyes, and gives us soulful mums before she begins the first verse.
Us is like war, Us is like bees on the walls. She stops to rock side to side. The camera passes Radio band in the back, the woman playing the piano eyes are closes while she relaxes while playing the piano arrangement. Radio takes it more into a high tenor range, into a deep soulful falsetto as she closes her eyes. She grabs the mic with tension, her eyebrows are up but what makes her so passioned about this record is when she spreads her arms apart.
Us like the broken glass, Us is like the violence in Iraq.She takes her register down into a low chest note, she gets closer to the mic as she breathes in and then breathes out. The voilen stops playing then continues when she softly speaks
Shooting down any happiness that comes your way. Us is like the bottom of a peak,She belts out the last words as she puts her head up to the sky, taking the mic in the air with her, she belts out this line as she balls up her fist.
Us like the bible I read everyday, religious cant save us nowShe puts the mic back on the micstand, her eyes are watering, she then stops to smile to the audience, then she frowns, looking deeply into the audience. She continues the verse.
We are in too deep.She takes the word 'deep' and continues to hit the last alto note and sings it out with vowels. She does a short run with the line then she takes the mic off the stand and takes off the coverup that reveals a short leather dress with a top and a skirt that is leather, it's aparts ways in the middle. She walks in the middle of the stage with her mic as she belts out the voilen goes into a higher pitch in the notes and the band gets louder as a pink light shines as Radio belts out when the little girl then goes into a high note with the voilen goes higher and higher, Radio vocals goes along with it as her voice goes into a powerhouse opera sounded soprono as she walks to the front of the stage where many fans and celebries sit.
You are like us, we will never go as far. Us is devils in your eyes. We will never go frar. Us is sin in this world, everyone againest us because we're the ones who love so wrong. Who love so wrong, we will never go as far.She walks back to the middle of the stage as she sings in the middle with the white smokes coming to her legs and the purple light around her. She grabs her heart, she is so painful.

You can see the pain in her eyes and she grabs her chest and belts out.
You are like us, we will never go as far. Us is devils in your eyes. We will never go frar. Us is sin in this world, everyone againest us because we're the ones who love so wrong. Who love so wrong, we will never go as far.
Her vibrato powerful as she continues to belt out in a strong vibrato chest voice. She holds her chest.

Her knees are getting weak
it seems on stage. She screams,
" we will never go as far" as she screams. In the back of the stage comes walking out different races of people, children and adults all holding hands walking out slowly as they all wear white. They stand in the back in rows, some smile. Some have bruises on their face, some have red tears coming down their cheeks, children looks bruised, clothes are ripped. Radio back is in as she continues to belt out,
" we will never go as far" She jumps to the ground as the different races of people sing as if they were a choir,
" We will never go as far.." Radio does soft adlibs along with the choir. She is on the floor, surroaded by the purple light and smoke. She puts her head back slowly from the smoke as the audience applauses. The voilen plays softly and calmly. Radio begins to cry, her voice begins to break, her pitch is now gone. But she pulls though.
Us is like a rain on a sunny day, us like hell, burning though my ways. Us is like my parents, never knew who they was. Us is like celebration, waiting to be destoryed. Radio gets up slowly, her eyeliner is rolling down her face slowly as the piano is only heard in the back. She sings very low.
Us is what people hate, Us is America does to get survive, us what homosexuals feel, like this world isnt for them. She suddently stops. You can hear the silent cry in the mic as the voilen begins to play again, trying to help Radio out. She continues to hold the mic in the air and take a deep breath as a fan screams from the audience, " I love you Radio!" She puts the mic down and balls out crying but smiles. The audience roars. She closes her eyes again and sings beautifully as her tenor voice in her amazing ranges is shown. She goes to a soft falsetto and then takes it to a headstrong timbre in her chest voice.
Us is like sickness, it comes and it goes. We can fight all night, but us are secrets we behold. Us is so....She stops. She begins to walk to the back of the stage where the different races of people stand. She walks in between the first row of people and holds an African American male hands and then holds a white boy with pink hair and makeup on his face. She smiles and continues to sing, she puts the mic close to her mouth.
Hell as she sings a long note in a soft head voice register as the light begins to be lighten and the light transforms to the front of the stage where the little Asian girl begins to play the volien arrangement like in the beginning of the performance. She sits down on the stage as the other children run back out running and laughing behind her. They all stop as they hear the music coming from the voilen. They all begin to sit down slowly on the stage as they lay each other heads on the girls shoulders, creating a picture. They all stare at the audience as they all close their eyes and kneel their heads down to the dim of the lights, one last key of a piano is heard. The audience roars.