It has been quite the night at The Goldies. The hot and anticipating crowd have been enjoying this night of music and awards like never before and with performances from acts including Stephanie Fierce, 4U and Radio Vine, the fans were ready to enjoy their next performer. This next act, is no other than James Urie. For weeks on in, not only his fans but Urie himself has been anticipating this very night. Where he would be performing at the very first Goldies, something that he would only dream about as a young child, and especially having an imprint next to the likes of other huge names in the industry, who also have had their very own headlining positions on the days before this very day. I guess, someone who has been through so much in their life, would be looking at this moment as a moment to show everyone that through time, you can stop at the top of your game closing an event that quite frankly, might just be the defining moment of ones career. For weeks on in, intense rehearsals have been in place so that Urie could put on the best performance possible for fans. To inspire them. To put on an inspirational set that could touch the souls of his fans and all in attendance, not to mention giving them nothing but the chance to let go, and forget about the stresses of everyday life. For all in attendance to let go for the time he hits the stage, until the time he steps off, James wants this to be a memorable time for every watching, just as it will be for him as he's performing.
Following the last segment of the show , there is a brief intermission as commercial break is on as Urie's band mates and alike get their equipment onto the stage for the set. Urie is backstage with his wife, as the frenzy backstage continues. There's Gemma holding Urie's hand, as a lady fixes his hair and his clothing. He stands there smiling, almost hiding the fact that inside he is massively nervous. He knows that this is probably the most important performance of his career, and at this very moment there was no turning back. Minutes pass as his band-mates get there places on the stage. James kisses Gemma, embracing her for a long hug before shaking the hands of his backing band, he gives them some words of motivation and thanks them for their hard work, there was absolutely no time to turn back anymore. Everything was ready, everything the was in place and at that very moment, everything was perfect in James's life, and here he was, just a few minutes away from closing the GOLDIE awards. At this point, the crowd was really anticipating James's performance. With many fans chanting his name.
Right then and there, all lights in festival arena go totally dark. This causes a huge uproar from the crowd, as they finally reached the moment where James would be hitting the stage. With the arena lights so dark, a drum sound is heard as an eerie like instrumental is heard. The instrumental is cinematic, as if it's the opening of a movie. The stage is completely dark. Finally, as this cinematic opening is heard, with drum loops, a bright, bright light finally comes upon the stage and the only thing that is seen other than the bright light is the figure of a man standing there The crowd goes into a cheer once more very loudly. The light becomes brighter, with the instrumental. As seconds pass, a voice is heard. The voice is James, as he speaks the motivational words. His voice sounds vulnerable, sincere and honest as his voice hits the hearts of each watching. These words speak about overcome of darkness, something that has become something of a signature of Urie's. At this point, the light is so bright that James could barely see anyone in the crowd. He couldn't see his wife watching, he couldn't see his fans, he couldn't see the celebrities. All he could see is the light. He feels his heart thumping through his chest, so loudly that it's quite surprising that the microphone hasn't picked it up. But there is no turning back and Urie knows that. His nerves start to slowly fade away and he talks into the microphone.
In moments of discouragement, defeat, or even despair, there are always certain things to cling to.
Little things usually:
Remembered laughter, the face of a sleeping child, a tree in the wind-in fact, any reminder of something deeply felt or dearly loved.
No man is so poor as not to have many of these small candles.
When they are lighted, darkness goes away-and a touch of wonder remains
After the words are spoken, the cinematic instrumental soon starts to fade away, the crowd is still cheering as Urie stands there. Seconds after the words are heard, Urie yells out
"GOLDIES!". The crowd starts cheering loudly once more for Urie as the light still stays upon his body. He waits about three more seconds before yelling out
"ARE! YOU! READY?!". James looks into the crowd, and after those words are yelled out, the crowd, again responds in a massive cheer. After that very moment, which seems like a minute but is really just a few seconds the building up of a certain song is heard, calm guitar chords for the first few seconds of the track followed by sharp guitar riffs that join that is soon backed by drums. Automatically, the Urie fans know this is the opening chords of his hit 'Retaliate'. They start cheering as Urie is finally seen as he steps out from the light. When Urie steps out from the light, he swiftly looks over to his hand mates they all give him a look back and James slyly smiles throwing his hands up and he can finally see the huge crowd all standing at him. The instruments are relentless just as the studio version of the song feels, but when it's live it's just better. It's like the the instruments has a better connection with the audience.
Thie instrumentation continues for about 12 seconds before Urie brings out his vocals. He has a smile on his face as he nods his head and points to the crowd, his backing band is completely on point as Urie brings out his signature hollow, possessed like vocals finds its way to the track. James wrote this song in a very angry moment in his career. Having to deal with betrayal of different people in his life Urie holds onto the mike as he murmurs out, in quite the emotionless manner: Here comes another anxiety attack| Second time today| Feeling guilty about letting my blood slip away; All I can do is shiver and hope it goes away| Oh how long will this plague me?| Only god can say. Urie speaks of a time, or times where has had head frequent anxiety and gives a brief explanation of what he would do in times like those, even as far as asking god, how long will it plague him.

Here comes another anxiety attack
Second time today
Feeling guilty about letting my blood slip away
All I can do is shiver and hope it goes away
Oh how long will this plague me?
Only god can say
Urie looks deeply into the crowd, as his smiles from the early beginning of the performance now looks looks like anger and deception as he completely taken over his persona. He puts himself back in those very moments when he felt incredibly low as his backing band continues playing the instruments to the tee. Urie's vocals are hollow and loud and go perfectly with the instruments as he stands in front of the stage, bopping his head to the beat. He pulls his head backing and yells out the next lines of the song. The crowd seems to know all the words to this rock hit and they throw their arms in the air and sing along. Without even knowing, as he's singing James Urie smiles, obviously being taken aback by the love his is getting from the crowd. He walks to the side of the stage, so the other part of the audience can see him. He continues to stop his foot and bob his head as he throws his hands up and proceeds to walk to the where the fans are. He throws his hands in the crowd for a quick few seconds and then walks to the other side of the stage. Behind the relentless pounding of the instruments, Urie yells out, questioning himself once more: Why'd I trap those old lies?| They were good for all the logical harm | I blame myself for being blind| Then I realized that nothing else would change; Speaking about a person who once lied about him or to him and played a harmful influence on his mind. Continuing on, Urie yells out all the bad he wants this person to go through and how glad it would make him feel after that person made him feel that way.

Why'd I trap those old lies?
They were good for all the logical harm
I blame myself for being blind
Then I realized that nothing else would change
So you can weep!
You can seep!
Off The Deep
Burn and heap
I'm glad!
Just look and see
Look at me
Look at me
I'm glad!
Oh I'm glad...By the time that Urie gets to the other side of the stage, the beats pick up as the guitar riffs go along with his loud vocals. As each of the riffs go over, the lights flicker behind him into the arena causing an applaud. James Urie belts out the lines of the track where he yells out: So you can weep! | You can seep! | Off The Deep | Burn and heap | I'm glad!| Just look and see | Look at me | Look at me| I'm glad! |Oh I'm glad..; The sound stays relentless through Urie belting out the previous lines. Urie then stops singing and lets the instruments takes over for a few seconds, as the bassline slows down and the sharp riffs continue. For ever riff the lights flicker along with the guitar chords. Urie stays focused on his vocals as he looks into the crowd who is cheering for him as the sings this song. Seconds past and the song breaks into a loud drum and guitar infused monster, those guitar riffs stop and Urie sings; He walks over to his drummer as they play their part of the track. The lights have now stopped flickering and a bright light is now facing Urie. He continues to sing: And it's different now | I'm not torn and aching | I guess karma bit your ass| You're now the one that's shaking | And I could really care less |If I never see your face again ; Further explaining his disliking of this person who is now in a bad place, as Urie channels Karma in the previous line. The song then breaks into another fusion of guitars and drums as the song regroups for the next verse of the song. As he sings the next verse of the song, James walks to the edge of the stage as lazer lights start going throughout the venue, he sings the words and even puts the microphone out to the crowd so they can sing the words which can clearly be heard. The white lazer lights go throughout the arena as Urie occasionally runs his hands through his hair as he sings Retaliate.
And it's different now
I'm not torn and aching
I guess karma bit your ass
You're now the one that's shaking
And I could really care less
If I never see your face againI no longer believe in disregarding myself
Now all I can believe in is hate
It took me a while to figure out
That I no longer care about you
All I can do is retaliate

So I hope you find a new way of living
You won't make home as logical harm
This time you'll trap those old times
And realize nothing will change
So you can weep!
You can seep!
Off The Deep
Burn and heap
I'm glad!
Just look and see
Look at me
Look at me
I'm glad!
Oh I'm glad...At this point, James is back at center stage as the song is goes onto the next verse and bridge where the song breaks another fusion of guitars and drums as the song regroups for the next verse of the song. James now has a smile on his face as the lazers continue to flicker throughout the arena. It is obvious that the next verse has begun when the sharp, relentless and very memorable guitar riffs make it way back to the track. Urie then murmurs the next lines loudly. The beat seems to get bigger with a louder guitar over powering the previous one as she continues: Much hate|Retaliate| This won't wash away |This won't wash away |Retaliate. James Urie energy is at 100, as he moves next to his guitar player who is moving the strings of the guitar. James sings by the guitarist and then moves to center stage as the song rides out with a piece of the chorus riding the song out as the heavy break becomes even heavier and Urie sings the final lines of the song until the song ends abruptly.
And it's different now
I'm not torn and aching
I guess karma bit your ass
You're now the one that's shaking
You can go stepping
Yourself in
To hell He throws his hands up in the air as the lazers move away. Both of hands are up, along with his head fucking up and his eyes closed. The crowd goes into a loud cheer for Urie as he stands their for about 10 seconds with the crowd still cheering. He finally picks his head forward with a smile on his face looking into the crowd. He spots his wife Gemma, and he sees others in the crowd who look very happy. He picks the mic up and begins to speak.
"You know, it is such an honor to be here tonight with all of you. And I really hope each and every one of you are enjoying this very night. It's been quite a while since I've been on the stage and let me tell you, it feels hella nice. Now, I've got one more song for all of you. It's my new single, and final single that will be released before the release of my new album....The RECOVERY.... Here is... FALLEN!

Right away, the lights dim. James brings a mic over from the side of the stage to the center where he places his microphone onto the mic stand. The song starts off with an acoustic like beginning with not much of a backing beat. James puts his mouth to the microphone going
Ooo--Oooh- Ooooh-Oooh-- very eerily. The guitars continue to stray along this never before heard track with Urie's early vocals. Flashing lights are displayed behind James Urie as he stands with the microphone on the stand, and holding it. For the 20 seconds of the song, the acoustics is heard with no real backing beat. But after the 16 second mark, it sounds as if the song is rising. After the rising is heard, at around the 20 second mark, a heavy backing beat is heard that slams loudly with drums and a electric guitar. James starts singing behind the backing beat of this new song. That pits him back on the days of his depression. He sings the song with much emotion and pain as he stands on stage, holding the mic with the lights behind him.
“My father always said son’ you’ll never amount to nothing in this life
I thought that someday I’d prove him wrong
But he may have been right all along
Because here I am
I’m standing on the edge
Of my balcony
Teetering on the ledge
Ready to jump
To fall or to be pushed
I’m tired of being ignored for so long
Tired of being hushedAs he finishes the final line of the opening lines of the song. James picks up the mic and looks toward the back of the stage. He then looks forward and speaks, as the song goes into it's acoustic instrumental once more. James says:
Please everyone, welcome the amazing....AMY MEYER! With that said, a massive cheer goes throughout the entire venue, it seems as if everyone is cheering for Amy, and this now duo. Amy walks out, with a sad look look on her face as she stays a few feet away from James. They are now acting as if they are acting out the song. With a few feet between them, James is looking at Amy, and Amy is looking to the crowd. Her vocals are perfect as she sings sadly toward the crowd about this deep subject. Amy's vocals go perfect with the initial sound of the track and was perfect for this collaboration as she sings her part to the tea. When she gets to the final three lines of the song, she finally walks toward James, they lock eyes as the the beat starts building up once more.
I always wore my heart on my sleeve
Some called me brave while others called me naive
But sometimes you have to take your changes whenever they may come
Because something I’ve recently learnt is that we aren’t always young
And things move away
They vanish out of our reach
No matter how much you try to hold on
Someday all of our innocence
Our youth and beauty
Will all be goneThey both pick their mics up as the song breaks in the big chorus, as they each belt out the chorus together. Their voices sound very well together for the chorus as they yell out the deep chorus together that speaks about going through massive problems with life and not being able to find yourself until you've found someone special to you. As the final lines of the song come across. They look each other in the eye as their voices compliment each other. As the chorus fades out as the beat goes back to the verse instrumentation, they each trade lines with James Urie starting it off, and then Amy Meyer singing right after him. They often look eachother in the eye to get their connection in the song across as the fans cheer for them.
Standing in the shadows
Whispering in the dark
Hiding from the world outside
You won’t find a spark
Holding out for some hope
Telling yourself that you’ll learn to cope
But knowing all along
That you won’t truly belong
Until you’ve found that special someoneMy hands are bloodied from the warMy heart is pure no moreMy faith is shaken on the insideThis is world is too big and there’s no place to hideI can’t find a way outI can’t find my placeI can’t find that solitudeIt’s gone without a traceAs they each finish their vice versa lines, with the arena still hot and cheering for them, they come together once more to bring their voices together as they song with one another this time together much like the chorus. The instruments also compliment them as they step back from each other and then point to each other before coming together again. After they do so, they walk away from each other, with Amy standing on one end of the stage and Urie on the other as they begin to sing vice versa once more. The feeling of the song is very emotional and moving, along with the a captivating influence of this rock like ballad.
I’m tired of being the fallen
Staring into the precipice
Teetering on the edge
I’m tired of being the fallen
Lost with no hope of being found
Just wishing there would be an end to this emptiness
Hoping to be lowered to the groundRoses die and it’s just a fact
Winter comesBut summer comes back
And the roses bloom
Beautiful and redLike the blood that will fall
When I’m deadStanding in the shadows
Whispering in the dark
Hiding from the world outside
You won’t find a spark
Holding out for some hope
Telling yourself that you’ll learn to cope
But knowing all along
That you won’t truly belong
Until you’ve found that special someone
I’m tired of being the fallen
Staring into the precipice
Teetering on the edge
I’m tired of being the fallen
Lost with no hope of being found
Just wishing there would be an end to this emptiness
Hoping to be lowered to the groundWith the instruments becoming bigger, Amy and James come together to sing the chorus once more as the beats slow down for the last few lines of this performance. James and Amy sing the final part of the song together as the song fades out. James and Amy give each other a big hug as the fans pop in a huge cheer. They both bow.
"Thank you so much!". James smiles to the crowd as they continue cheering and he walks off the stage.
Setlist1. Retaliate
2. Fallen (ft. Amy Meyer)