4U Girls Performance-

As the announcer finishes the introuduction of pop's newest baddest girls, the audience are already on the edge of their seats with excitement. The camera shows a wide range of celebrities in the audience as XROCKA is seen in the audience, looking straight onto the stage. A bright line shines from the back of the arena as everyone begins to turn back and look with lost wonder. A group of men, walks out with all black leather on, including jeans with gold studded hats on as they all walk in a line slowly down several seats full with today's hottest music acts. They stop in the middle as they begin to run quickly onto the stage as loud drum bass is heard, matching the hard and aggrestive boots that hits againest the floor with aggrestion. The men runs to the stage where the audience all clap, some are scared about the beginning.
A men screams, " Let's go!" as they begin to do some hip-hop crunk movements. They all dance smoothly in the line with their arms and legs, then stops to standing like they are in the army. They put their hands on their foreheads, more like a salute as turn around, only using their legs, smoothly turning to the back of the stage as sliver blocks open widely to reveal the huge stage as the men run off stage to the audience roaring to the reveal of four black garages on stage. They all open slowly the first garage reveals Danielle, coming out with a black trench coat on. The audience roars. The second garage door opens to the reveal of Aubrei runs with the group of men running out with her, also with a black long coat on .
She waves to the audience, smiling. The third door opens up to the reveal of Bianca with her hair wildly on the side of her neck, she comes out walking fiercely on the stage as the exciting instrumental of 'Riot' begins to play loud, getting the audience excited to hear the live version of the stage as her black coat stops at her knee.
The fourth door opens quickly as Laci walks out moving side to side as the audience all applauses to the intro of the performance. The girls stand in a line, waving to the audience, all in black long coats. The liftout begins
to play as the stage goes black for a minute then suddens lights up only in the front of the stage as the girls are all in a circle, hovering over each other, they rock the circle side to side. We hear just one spotlight merges the stage as the back part of the stage is dark. A big silver ball is slowly going down from the top of the building as it falls in the middle of the girls, the sound of a bomb goes off to all the girls falling dramatically on the stage as a big explosition on each side of the stage goes off to the whole stage being revealed. The dancers that are in all leather, girls and boys all stand on top of the garage set, dancing to the liftoff as all have black shades on, the girls join in the cherography with the liftout at the bottom of the stage. The verse arrangement begins to creep on the liftout slowly as it comes in a booming sound all over the arena as a few dancers on the top of the garage set jumps down, letting out another explosion on each side of stage. Laci runs to the front of the stage, belting out
Throw that grenade,
give me that feedback.
Soliders and lovers,
bold girls with bad attuides
and means, it's time for the thrill.
She runs back to the original cherography line to Danielle walking with sassy, more of a cocky walk with her mic on the side of her mouth as she belts out with attuide:
We want someone to hear, louder we go
run the streets. Give us war, all the love
we need is right here coming for war.The audience knows the cocky attuide Danielle brings to the stage, but had no idea Bianca was going to give her the right compeption she needed. Bianca walks in front of Danielle with her mic as she sticks her head out to the audience as the audience rocks to the hip verse arrangement of the record. She belts out, moving her head to left to right, rolling her eyes. Shaking her rear end, she belts out in a high chest note as Danielle walks beside her, putting her arms around her and they rock like hip-hop performers.
We need justice, we need justice,
dont be afraid, stare you right in the eye,
dont go soft on me because I'm a girl,
treat me like a solider at war. I can handle
my own, baby. I can handle my own, baby. Let's begin
something no one can stop, let's start a fucking riot.The original chrous begins to play as Bianca and Danielle walk back to the main stage, still belting out the chrous while walking as the rest of the girl belt out the chorus also as the chrous arrangements breaks down to the vocal arrangement with the girls. They bounce their lower bodies to the mixing of the instrumental breaking down as they pose as gangsters. The audience roars. " Are you ready for this!! I!!! YEAH!!!" Danielle screams. They run to the middle of the stage as a set is moved on the stage, four black platrooms are on the stage as they all begin to move to the chorus arrangement of 'Earthquake'. The platrooms move side to side as they move along with it. " Yeah!!" Danielle screams as the platrooms moves quickly to the left. As they remain to keep their balance, Danielle sings in her deep alto voice to the first verse:
So massive, we can it a blowout
So powerful, you can feel it before earth knows
So outrages, it cant be controlled.
So crowned, my girls really like my style
So charming, nothin' is nice about this feeling,
blowing it before you know, I know it can be bad feeling.Danielle ends the last word with her high note as she almost falls off the platroom but poses at the edge. Bianca is kneed down on the platroom as she sings very soft and light in a chest register but keeps her control as she rocks side to side. She sings in a anger tone, her tone is big and loud, belts out her notes as the dancers on the top of the garage all freeze to Bianca as the instrumental stops to Bianca belting out the chrous, the platrooms stop moving. The girls just stare at Bianca
So big, you cant handle it all.
So large, it covers everything above.
She's hot, on the dance floor,
she's a threat. Make move,
Earthquake takes everyone's move.
Bianca begins to walk fiercely off the platroom as a group of men in all leather following behind her as she walks to the silver mic stand on front of the stage. She walks as she continues to belt.
So bold, it's doesn't care who it catch.
So low, she gets down on the dancefloor,
so hot, you can feel that rumble baby.She puts her mic on the mic as the bridge breakdown of Riot is heard as Bianca and the boys all do a regaree influenced dance. Bianca stares at the camera with this mugged look on her voice, she plays in her hair while dancing. She rises up her coat to reveal her gold studded boots. To the suprises of the dancers and her stops dancing at once when they hear Laci big powerful vocals overshadowing the big alone performance Bianca is giving. She belts out while walking with a strunt with two girls that has all leather on as well but with a twist of gold studds that covers the top and bottom. Laci belts, walking in the middle of Laci's dance number:
Oh, yes, It's big, it cant fit,
in the middle of this.
Is the last of this world
being apart, of my crew, killing
everyone who walks across.Laci ends the note with a powerful chest note, then lowering it down to a whistle note as the loud sound of the chrous begin play as both groups suddently breaks out in the regaree influenced dance number as Laci and Bianca look at each other the whole time, scaring as they all scream," You really make me feel, make me feel, this Urban Knockout!"
The camera shows Bianca's group as the original arrangement of 'Earthquake' is changed to Bianca screaming.
Shake it like a Earthquake, dont be afriad.
Get down like a Earthquake, I'm going to make this come
alive. Shake it like a Earthquake, (No matter where you are,)
Shake it like a Earthquake, baby get down. Shake it like a Earthquake.The two groups seperate as Danielle and Aubrei walks in between them. The audience is now on their feet as they stuck a fiercely pose as the beat drops again and an exposition happens, the rest of the dancers on the garage set jumps down, more runs to the shaking platrooms as the four groups all come together, to the wide reveal of the camera showing all the people on stage, dancing as they all belt:
Shake it like an Earthquake, dont be afriad.
Get down like an Earthquake, I'm going to make this come
Alive. Shake it like an Earthquake, (No matter where you are,)
Shake it like a Earthquake, baby get down. Shake it like a Earthquake.
The remain singing in all harmony on top as the girls are the main dancers in the four groups as all of a sudden, four swings pick up the girls as the audience roars.
They all are in the air as the big white spotlight are on them as they continue to belt out the chorus as white smokes covers the dancers on the stage as they all seem like they are fighting on stage, the girls does slowly flips as they continue to belt out the chrous. The white smoke covers the stage as the dancers all come out running out of the smoke as the arrangement changes to the bridge breakdown as the dancers go along with the bass and drum in the background as the stomp their feet on the group and crunk dance, an urban dance style as they all face each other. The girls in the air begin to take over the belts off the coats as they fall on the stage. The audience all stand on their feet. The bridge breakdown continues, getting louder and louder. The girls all sing in a low register:
Climbing out/all my strengths are beneath me/climbing out/please hold fire/it's getting hot/we know we can do better/this earthquake/it's not going to ruin the end/earthquake, shake it for the better/climbing out/ oo, we can do better/ climbing out/in this middle of this destiny/ I know me/ me is so free/shakin' it like I'm so free/ baby, follow me/to my destiny/The swings begin to bring the girls back down slowly, when they get the ground, Laci does a quick and soulful riff in her vocals, ending the bridge to the girls taking off their coats, revealing their sliver guns costumes. They start to walk in a line fiercely to the back of the stage with gold heels on as all dancers follow them to the four garage sets. The bridge continues to Danielle head voice singing in a reasonance:
Climbing out, all the strengths are beneath me, climbing out, please hold fire.They all go into the garage door as the chrous is now heard as the girls all rises from out of the garage set to on top as the spotlight hits them as they belt together one last time:
Shake it like a Earthquake, dont be afriad.
Get down like a Earthquake, I'm going to make this come
alive. Shake it like a Earthquake, (No matter where you are,)
Shake it like a Earthquake, baby get down. Shake it like a Earthquake.
The instrumental stops to Danielle shouting:SHAKE IT!
Laci shouts:
Aubrei belts in a soft falsetto:
A earthquake
Bianca ends the note with a belting chest note:
The audience roars to the pose of the girls, all ending in a big explosition and bright shining light shining between the girls. The white smokes starts to cover the bottom stage again, ending the last performance touch to all the dancers in leather, now all cuts in their costumes, standing in a line like a army, saluting.