Originally Posted by: genocidal king 
Katie: I think our careers have some notable parallels in them Serenity. You had it tough in the beginning just like me - label beef, artists criticising you unfairly and generally just getting a tough time of it, so I know what you've come through. To see you able to hit the floor running with what is a really amazing comeback single is just...it makes me smile so widely. You've done so well to come back, and the time off will have done you wonders. This song is just tremendous. I love your voice, your confidence and the lyrics. I sense a real personal touch in them and like this is your freedom and the chance to break out of all that stuff that was holding you back before. You go girl! ;) Everything is great and I'm sure this is going to be a wonderful era for you now!
OOC: Everything looks great here :) Really nice work and I can see you worked hard on it. Great to see Serenity back as well :)
Serenity: I agree. We both been through a lot and there's no denying that. There's also no denying that you've experienced what I've experienced 10x worse! I have so much respect for you because despite everything that happened to you in the past, you're still standing strong on your two feet. Huge round of applause to you Katie. Also, thank you so much for supporting me since the beginning of my career. Thank you so much for the compliments as well. This song is the anthem for us and for anyone else who's ever felt like us! Cheers!
OOC: Thanks! :) Tequila was the one who wrote all the lyrics and I'm so thankful for her because of that. Thanks so much again :)
Originally Posted by: kandii 
Misu : Keeping this on blast for the next ... 3 decades ! Yesss ! I love it 8D
OOC : I really love it . The lyrics are amazing and the RP is great . You have to post more lol !
Serenity: Misu! Thank you so much! You're making me feel super special now. Thank you :)
OOC: Thank you so much Semeria :) <3 I promise to be more active on here from now on. Thanks again! :D
Originally Posted by: RoseJapanFan 
Honor: Victory smells so sweet doesn't it? ;)
Isabel: I love it, I live it! This is such an inspirational song and just the beat alone makes me feel empowered. It always feels really amazing to release new music especially when people just count you out but you just proved them all wrong. You just slayed girl ;) Haha, It's so catchy, perfect pop song.
Ooc: All this looks awesome :) great job.
Serenity: Aw, Honor. Thank you! I'm not smelling the victory, but I'm certainly tasting it ;) lol Thanksh yous so much again. :')
@Isabel Aw Isabel! That's so sweet of you to say. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. It makes me smile to know that you and lots of others find this song to be inspirational. It makes me feel like I'm doing what I've always wanted to do correctly. Thanks again! :)
OOC: Thank YOU Tequila! Thanks for the sweet compliment and for writing ALL the lyrics. This RP isn't only mine... but yours as well! :D
Originally Posted by: erich hess 
Ooc:like everyone has said,wonderful work!
Erica: show those bitches who is boss! There is a new sheriff in town,and she is out for blood
Mariko:loved it. You have a voice and style that demands attention
OOC: Thank you so much Erich! I really appreciate the nice feedback. :) Thanks again :D
Serenity: Yasss Erica! You're bringing out the ratchet girl in me now. ;) Lol, thanks so much. Loves ya! *blows kiss* <3
@Mariko: Awww, that's so sweet of you to say! Thanks so much for your sweet compliment Mariko my love.
Originally Posted by: GirlSpice 
Sophia: OH MY BLONDE! Serenity! Serenity babes! It's me! *waves* Sophia! Hiiii! I'm like... TOTES in love with your new single, babes! Like... wow! I love the message in the lyrics, it soooooo speaks to me, babes! Love love LOVE it, girl! Hehe! Go Serenity!
OOC: LOL! Sophia always cracks me up Stacy lol.
Serenity: Yes babes! I know it's you! I know I know! I'm so glad you like the new single! And I'm happy it speaks to you! I love you more! Thanks baby girl! <3
Originally Posted by: stephaniewazhere 
Stephanie Fierce: I am so excited for you! Great song, it feels like a championship anthem :)
OOC: Great job with the RP, very good to see you back and stronger than ever ;)
Serenity: Stephanie! The love of my life. Thank you so much, that's exactly what it is! Thank you dear Mrs. Fierce!
OOC: Thank you so much! And yeah, I tried to go all out seeing that this was my first single RP in like... forever lmao. Thank Dan <3 :)
Originally Posted by: Famouss7x7 
Chloe: I have always found it a shame how much people have abused you in the past and although I have seen on twitter and stuff that you aren't always innocent when it comes to that, all you were trying to do was defend yourself. It's good to see you are feeling free and stronger than every and it really shows you had passion when singing this record. I can hear that growl. Great track here, great way to come back! Cheers to a brighter future, you deserve it.
OOC: Awwwwwwww THOSE LYRICS! <3 Good job overall :)
Serenity: Aw, Chloe thank you! Yeah.. the abuse did hurt a little bit I guess. And I completely own up to what I've said on Twitter in the past. I'm definitely distancing myself away from all of that drama though :) Thank you so much! I honestly didn't expect to get such great feedback for releasing this single. Thank you so much! And yes, cheers to a brighter future for me and including yourself and everyone else! :)
OOC: Aw, thanks Jaime! Thank you so much! Huge S/O once again to Tequila for writing the lyrics. Thanks again! <33 :)
Originally Posted by: AmyJayneXoX 
Amy-Jayne: I love this song Serenity girl, it is stuck in my head already :)
OOC - Love these lyrics Walton, great job hun :) already :)
Serenity: Aw, Amy baby! Thank you so much! I'm so glad to hear that you like the single. Makes me feel accomplished. Thank you :)
OOC: Huge thanks to Tequila for writing the lyrics! Thank you so much! Really appreciated! :D
OOC: Thank you TRSG for all the positive feedback! <33 And again, thank you Tequila for writing such awesome lyrics!