Tim: “Ladies and gentlemen, I have a special guest with us tonight. The man coming up, who I think is going places. I met this young man while he was doing a show in Austin, Texas I believe back when you were in the U.F.L and you were like 17 just dropping bars. And now I see you here in Cali and you doing a mixtape, album everybody in the build please makes some voice for Kidd Amaze”
Kidd: “Thank you, thanks everyone,”
Tim: “How are I remember I saw you a while back, you doing good now you release your first single. How was it?”
Kidd: “You it was great, it was one of those beat where you hear it and you going to want to do something to it. Very smooth and lay back like me so I went in the booth and record all that right there and had a friend do the voice talking in it.”
Tim: “Right I heard it, it was very mellow but I hear the mixtape is almost done? You have it being release in November, so are you going to rush for October?”
Kidd: shook his head laughing “No, I’m keeping it for November but don’t worry I have tons of things left to do so even if I rush it out it would only come late October anyway so early November is good.”
Tim: “Now the mixtape have parts too it right what going on with that?”
Kidd: “I’m not a typical rapper I have many sides to me and so my mixtape is going to have many sides to it.”
Tim: “Are we going to see an album soon or is this mixtape the first album?”
Kidd: “You know right now I’m just having fun. If people like it then it’s great if they don’t I still like it. I don’t have that pressure of this has to be a success because I gotten a lot of notoriety by just being an underground rapper.”
Tim: laughed at Kidd being underground “So you plan on being underground for the rest of your life? The money is always better mainstream.”
Kidd: “Not a lot of people can handle mainstream. I would like to be mainstream, but since being here, mainstream isn’t what it’s all cracked up to me.”
Tim “Quick someone turn his mic off he’s talking bad about the radio,” he joked
Kidd: laughed “But you don’t get that battle feel when you finally make it. You can only hear how amazing, and good your stuff is, until you start believe it and then you think everything is hot shit when it’s literally is shit. I like being able to say I’m hungry.”
Tim: “I remember I met you and I could tell you were very angry and rough with your lines you like to be able to stare at your opponent while you just rip him apart. You remember that battle in Texas it was with some older guy.”
Kidd: “Yea, I remember uh, shit, B. Stacks that what it was. B. Stacks was from Fulton NY and he flew in. You know that was actually my first real tape rap battle. I remember that they called me, I was fairly young to the circuit I just had my license for not even a year. I was battle people around my age who were 15, 16, 17, and 18 I think that was the age bracket. I told them that I’m tired of rapping these kids I’m really trying to make this my career. One of the ladies that book the battles told me that ‘Well B. stacks is trying to go pro you trying to go pro I’ll give you a shot.’
Tim: “So she gave you your first break then?”
Kidd: “Hell Naw,” Laughing “You could tell by her voice that she was just doing it to kinda boost him up a little, as he was working on some songs and drop a single that didn’t do well at all. So they told were to go, I didn’t have much money and they didn’t send me much money for the battle anyway maybe like 600 dollars. As I’m on the road and I get to the place I don’t pay attention to no one, I don’t say anything I’m just in the back bubbling.”
Tim: “You were so in the zone you didn’t even notice anything huh,”
Kidd: “I was just thinking of what to say, I didn’t write anything. I got into the actually ring still tuning everything out and they decided to let me go last, which was good cause I didn’t know how to started off. I didn’t even listen to his rap. It got to my part and I just picked on everything I could fine.”
Tim: “So that was just off the top, picking the guy apart.”
Kidd: “I remember he had on some aviator shades on top of his head and I was like ‘You expect anyone you believe you can wear those shades, look how fast your fans are reaching for razor blades. Thinking that you the shit just because of knock offs, only in this battle cause your manager got your rocks offs.’ Didn’t I could amaze until I knocked his socks off.’ I pointed down and he didn’t have on any socks. And everyone was hype. Man I was in zone and won that.
Tim: “I was there, do you keep in touch with them now? Like has he ever approached you about doing something?”
Kidd: “not really after the battle we shook hands he told that I was good, and that was that.”
Tim: “Alright, we got to talk about you now, you’re single right?”
Kidd: “Yea, very much so.”
Tim: “So what your love like looking like we saw on twitter that you took Airemese Smith out for those who don’t know is part of the group Rum and Coke, You flirted a little bit with Suzie Stockholm. Are we forgetting any one?”
Kidd: laughed and took a breath “Man, you’re worst than TMZ you know that. Nah I’m just enjoying the single life right now. I can do what I want when I want and can focus on my music like I should. I’m a young guy so I’m just trying to have fun.”
Tim: “Well is there anyone you would like to date someone who you think is really attractive,”
Kidd: “putting me on the spot, umm I really don’t have any more dates in my book. So ladies I am single I have twitter, instagram, have my own website , so if you want a date, let me now and see if we can make it happen.”
Tim: “Dodge a bullet, huh.”
Kidd: “You put me on the spot like that; I don’t have anyone but music in my life like that,”
Tim: “So what are you going to do until November you have any songs coming for release?”
Kidd: “Actually I have planning on releasing two songs in the near future, so yea.”
Tim: “Alright well getting to end here, you can do one of two things. You could do the freestyle on the beat like before, or we got some questions that we want you to answer. So what will it be?”
Kidd: “I’ll take the questions, for now and maybe if we have time left I say a little something a preview of one of the song I’m going to drop with month.”
Tim: “Oh, man of the people, alright three quick questions. Number one- Who is your favorite rapper you listen too.”
Kidd: “Um, it would be, the person that I fed off of a lot would be fiasco. He is very poetic though he can be serious. I listen to him and I feel like rapping.”
Tim: “Question number two who would be better in a dance off, You or Barbarian?”
Kidd: smirked “Well of course Barbarian, I’m not a good twerker.”
Tim: “last one, if you had to appear on maury who would you like be the baby mama?”
Kidd: “What kind of… Um pass.”
Tim bit the buzzers and laughs “What kind of answer was that?”
Kidd: “I’m not falling for that if you guys want to know my feeling on who I like you just going to wait until I find someone.”
Tim: You saw the preview of the work your body didn’t you. Who do you think will win in that fist fight, Barbarian or Aubrey”
Kidd: “That’s not my place to say I don’t want anybody to be throwing bows at each other. Competition is what music needs, but ladies don’t need that extra drama of really fighting each other, they just handle it by the music. “
Tim: “True words let not let these ladies hurt each other until we get a mud pit ready then they can fight it out.”
Kidd: laughing “You crazy,”
Tim: “Okay is everyone feeling good out there tonight, Ya’ll want to hear Kidd Preview a song or just freestyle, I think I hear preview, so give us a little taste of what you got.”
A burning sound effect came on with a voice over of Westwood.
Kidd: “Yall ready, this is out of mind, Uh
Have I really gone outta mind
That I'm losing myself all in a rhyme
Shit I must be a little bit crazy
Or maybe I’m just so fucking damn lazy
Why get on this track and bring my verse
Maybe i have a death wish looking for a hearse
I’m trying slow down but mind so far ahead of Plato
Right out of my skull floating above like a halo
People try to test me ha little do they know
That the boy is crazy that's why he's quiet
They feeding you shit so I’ll stay on a diet
To many voice in my head I could start riot
Randy Orton, I’m on my WWE shit right here
Why you worry you don't have to fear
If eyes are to the soul sorry that I blanked out
Machine state of mind as I crank the raps out”
Tim: “Ya’ll heard it here folks look for this guy. Nice to see you again and be good kid, Kidd Amaze ladies and gentleman.”