Jimmy: Tonight guest's is one of the industries pioneers. He's a singer, songwriter, producer engineer, record label CEO, you name it! Please welcome DANIEL!
"Ride Wit Me" by Nelly begins to play and Daniel walks out throwing up the horns, his tongue out for only a few seconds and make his way to his seat.
Jimmy: How are you doing Daniel? Wow! Welcome to the show!
Daniel: I was doing the Miley Cyrus there, did you guys see that?
(Audience laughs while cheering him in a welcoming manner)Thank you, I'm doing very well Jimmy, how about yourself?
(Crosses legs, looks at audience with a warm smile) Jimmy: I'm doing fantastic, but I am a little annoyed by something.
Daniel: Oh oh, I hope I didn't do anything wrong
(laughs)Jimmy:No is not you, it's everyone!
(Audience laughs) Everyone is going CRAZY about Miley Cyrus and this whole twerking thing all of the sudden. I mean I love Miley don't get me wrong, but I think it's growing to be very annoying!
(audience cheers) Twerk this, twerk that, twerk, twerk, twerk!
(audience laughs) I just wany to know what are your thoughts on the whole "twerking" thing?
Daniel:Child, please!
(Audience laughs) I learned how to twerk before Miley Cyrus was even born!
(Audience laughs) Seriously, but I have to agree with you, I don't know how people are just now figuring out twerking. It make me want to vomit! I'm not even trying to be funny, people act like it's the greatest dance invention of all time! While I think it's almost in a way degrading to hip hop, in the end I think the girl is just having a little fun and letting loose. A little too loose....
(he says in deep voice; audience laughs) but you know, you only live once and once go black you never go back!
(audience laughs) (Daniel shrugs) It's true!
Jimmy: Haha! Well, while I find it very annoying, I think the audience kind of wants to see you twerk
(the audience cheers loudly, while Daniel looks at Jimmy with a confused face) Do you mind twerking for us? I mean you did say you knew how to twerk before Miley was even born, so....
(Jimmy laughs knowing that this is probably making Daniel feel embarrassed) Daniel: (laughs with confidence) Hell yeah son!
(audience cheers)Jimmy: Seriously, you'll do it?
Daniel: Yes! Just put some good music on and I'll do it!
Jimmy: All right! Looks like Daniel is going to do it! Put some good music on.
Daniel: Give me something real ratchet!
"Get like Stephy Fierce" by Stephanie Fierce begins to play and the audience immediately breaks out into laughter.
Jimmy: It can't get any more ratchet than that!
(Jimmy shrugs) Daniel trying to contain his laughter, slowly bends his knees, then places his hands on his hip, looks at the audience with a sharp grin and begins to slowly pop his booty in the most masculine way possible as "Get Like Stephy Fierce" continues to play, the audience begins to cheer loudly, some whistling and as the tempo of the song increases Daniel goes faster. Jimmy Fallon falls to the floor laughing as Daniel continues, Jimmy Fallon attempting to join next to him but could not contain his laughter.
Jimmy: That's Daniel twerking everyone!
(keeps hollering) Make sure to stay tuned because when we return Daniel will talk about his upcoming projects and much more, stay tuned! That was great honestly!
(continues to laugh, giving Daniel a hand shake and pat in the back) [Commercial Break]Jimmy: Welcome back! We are here with singer-songwriter and producer Daniel. He was just twerking for us a little earlier! In cased you missed it, you can catch that online after the show on my official website displayed on the screen.
Daniel: Oh no!
Jimmy: See you never know what's going to happen!
Daniel: This is why I don't do late night that often Jimmy
(Daniel jokingly says as the audience laughs)Jimmy: Oh come on, like you said, live a little! But anyways, seriously you have been in the industry longer than so many people I know yet you've managed to stay so humble and prestige.
Daniel: Well thank you very much, you had me twerking just earlier and now you making me sound like a beauty pageant contestant
(Jimmy and the audience laugh) I think that's a bit over top of a compliment, but I'll take it in very generously
(laughs) I have to say I have a very fortunate lifestyle and I like to sit back and enjoy it all.
(audience laughs) That's pretty much it, I mean I take what I can and I just have fun with it!
Jimmy: Well then, fine bee-atch
(Audience laughs) Daniel: Messy
(laughs) Just messy.
Jimmy:No but seriously, you've release some amazing work, I mean the "Antisocial" album was your last and only full length studio album and that was released back in 2010. But I believe that album was inducted into the "Hall of Fame", that's a pretty big achievement there man. It also sold more than a million copies here in the US, you should feel proud of yourself.
Daniel: I still can't believe it til this day if I'm being honest, it's almost surreal. I don't like to dwell too much into the music business, even though I can if I want to because I've managed a record label before, but I think I'm going to finally become more active in music, because I feel like the time is almost right!
Jimmy: But you've been working on an album for quite some time. You also tweeted and instagram from about being in the studio right?
Daniel: I have, but I've also been living life. I was going to release "XXX Party", but I felt like it wasn't the right time for me at that moment. It had nothing to do with commercial success, I mean I was good in that department. "Electric Fever" was one of my biggest hits on the radio and I'm very appreciative of that, but the timing just didn't feel right, I felt like I needed to go back into the studio and start from scratch again.
Jimmy: But you know your fans have been waiting! I've been waiting
(Audience cheers) Daniel:No, you're right. I owe a good album to North Hill Records, I almost feel like eventually they will give me the boot if I don't
(laughs). I know Ryan Ross Hernandez from far, but from what I've heard he's a very generous guy and I'm sure he understands, but it will come when I'm ready and that's soon! For sure! Soon as in this year (audience cheers) But talking about that, I actually have a song coming out and it's a collaboration.
Jimmy: Do you mind telling us with whom?
(Audience laughs) Daniel: I'm only working with a girl that goes by the name of Radio Vine
(Audience does an "Awwww", and Daniel turns mighty red as he blushes) What's the "Awwwww" for?
(Daniel tried to hide the fact that he's blushing) Jimmy:Well you know we're not stupid and I think you've made it pretty obvious, Mr lovey dovey who goes on twitter venting his love out to the public.
Daniel:I don't know what you guys are talking about, but anyways...
(Daniel says it as if clueless; Audience laughs) No seriously though, we've been working on some music together, I took her to my studio
(Jimmy looks to the camera raising one eyebrow; Daniel continues speaking in a louder tone pretending he didn't see it whilst trying not to laugh) AND WE WORKED on a really great song! I wrote my verse, she wrote hers. It was very organic and I can't wait for people to hear what we recorded!
Jimmy: Well she's really a great girl, she kind of has a unique personality thought that seems to shock people sometimes!
Daniel: She does! A lot of people don't really understand her, I think she's a great human being and people honestly need to give her a little more respect! Her new album is definitely gonna blow people away! But in the end, I like people who are musical and creative. I live and feed off that kind of stuff, and she has it all! It's very organic too! Very real!
Jimmy: I agree, she's very talented! Well, it sounds like you two are very happy!
Daniel: We are!
(Daniel says confidently)Jimmy: So, what is the song called? When can we hear it? And it will be on HER
(winks) album right?
Daniel:I rather HER talk about it
(he winks) because it's more her record than it is mine, but I think the title is kind of a given you now
(Audience laughs) But yeah, it will be on her album! Most definitely!
Jimmy: You heard it here, ladies and gentlemen! Well, Thank you so much for stopping by! It was such a pleasure to have you here! Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for Daniel! Make sure you look out for his new collaboration with the fabulous Radio Vine! Once again, Thank you for tuning in! Here's [Insert Artist/Band here] closing out the show with their latest hit single [Insert song here]!
Daniel: Thank you guys for having me here, it was an honor! (Daniel smiles looking down shaking his head]
[Show Fades Out]