Info: Jimmy Fallon. Radio Vine. Jimmy Fallon invites music star Radio Vine for a interview discussing her new album, recent success and romance with another music star.
Jimmy: We have one of the most unique and famous stars of music today. She is original, crazy as hell but it all works with her previous hits like 'Your Vow' and her recent number one hit 'Us' I love her with all my heart and you think you heard it all? Watch till this interview, Ladies and Gentleman, the talented Radio Vine!
Radio walks out very slowly, shyly smiling to the roaring crowd of people as Radio Vine- Us plays and the audience sings along.Radio: Hi Jimmy...
Jimmy: Radio Vine, one more time for Radio Vine!
The audience applauses once more as Jimmy just stares creepily at Radio.Radio: Jimmy, what the fuck are you looking at? Can I help you?
Jimmy: I can't believe I'm sitting next to a crazy bitch, I mean, look at you. You look so innocent, but you are so crazy, like Radio, you are nuts, something is really dancing around in your mind...
Radio: Yes, it's dancing rather fast. Like LET'S DANCE!!!! I feel like Lady Gaga, " Let's do, it will be okay, da da da"
(Radio closes her eyes and lip sings as Lady Gaga- Just Dance begins to come on) Radio gets up and moves her hips from side to side, her eyes closed as the music all of the sudden stops.Radio: Don't play me Jimmy!!!!!!!
(walks closer to Jimmy's face) I will seriously hurt you if you fuck with me while dancing. I mean, look at me dancing.
Radio begins to dance to no music. She stops off the platroom where the seats are seated and screams to the audience.Radio: Let's dance, it will be okay... yeaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh bitchessssssssss!!
The audience applauses and laughs as Radio walks back to her seat.Jimmy: You are seriously fucked up, but we love you. Were you suprised that 'Us' debuted at number one?
Radio: I was. I thought my fans, just America period knew it was a love story that was really tragic and how can the hell I write about it and not be in the fucking mental hospital? Which I think I'm very close in being in with this new album.... but I was shocked. I woke up like "HOLY SHIT!" We are similar to that Jimmy...
(side eyes) what do you mean? Okay, I'm scared now..
Radio: We are bees on the wall, we are voilence in Iraq. We are all things you think, even your worst nightmares never think of... think about it.
*winks*Jimmy: While I do tend to sleep naked only when I'm depressed...
(jumps up) now we are getting somewhere!!!! Like fully naked? like free-balling?
Jimmy: Yes Radio, free-balling...
(sits back down) that's horrible... (puts her hand on his shoulder) I feel for you..-
Jimmy: But Radio you have no balls...
(stares to the audience) Oh yeah. but can grow a lot of balls.
Jimmy: Why didn't you grow balls when that bitch Aubrey Mikkel tweeted that awful things about you during the Goldies? I mean, I wont even fight her.
Radio: EHHH!!!! She's a cat... I mean, YES DOLL. I was jumping up like a child because I fucking DID IT! I did it, it's not like a took a shit or piss for the first time but I felt like I made history.. in my mind... I felt free. I felt like I could scream and shout and cry and no one should and NEVER will give a fuck and that's why I did it. Aubrey, doll, but I still love you. Be brave doll.
The audience applauses.
Jimmy: So... I'm hearing that you and Daniel are in the studio working on a song. Is that true?
(evil smile then she lowers her eyes down) he is my heaven. People dont understand how talented that guy is. He is so lovely in every part...
Jimmy: Including like a devil and then winkshis balls?
Radio: I haven't got that pleasure yet to know if he float my boat the right way and if the water is deep enough, but hey- balls or not. I want him.
Jimmy: HA YEAH!!! So you are dating him?
Radio: You'll have to see...
Jimmy: What will you two do with each other? So different.. in many ways...
Radio: What wouldnt we do should be the question fishboy... I will want to make beautiful epic music while I make love to him, it's perfect for us.
Jimmy: So right now on Jimmy Fallon, RIGHT NOW, can you confirm that you and Daniel are dating? and working on a song?
(grins) I don't know...
Jimmy: Can on Radio, we know you are...
(blows kiss) you will see Jimmy, shit, be paitent... (shakes head) jesus... but that song in other works is so epic. You will love this SANES, when you hear this record, it's going to blow your head off. It's so fucking lovely, it's HE, in so many ways. (licks lip)
Jimmy: Oh my god. I'm done. When can we expect the album?
Radio: YESSSSSSSS! Guess what? The official album release date is November 22nd!!!! YESSS DOLLS, It's here, it's finally here.
Jimmy: This is so exciting. Radio will be back tomorrow night to perform 'Us' on the stage LIVE! So don't miss it. Radio's new single 'Us' is avaliable now. One more question, are you and Daniel dating?
Radio walks off stage and blows a kiss to the audience. She runs backstage and comes back with severel white masks and throws it to the audience. The audience roars and she bows.Radio: Be brave.
While watching backstage, she falls down. When she gets up, her hair is messy. She fixes it, smiles to the camera.Radio: I have to stop drinking.
Jimmy: Radio Vine ladies and gentleman. You gotta love her!!! Tomorrow night, catch us performing 'Us' until next time, I'm Jimmy Fallon.
Serenity Scott- Freedom begins to play leading the show to the ending.