We decided to put out a Boxset out of all our old out of print albums. The price is pretty cheap, the vinyl was expensive as fuck to make so that set is more expensive. It's a collection for all Read hards fans to have!
http://www.therockstarga..._album.asp?AlbumID=21138The Bitch:

Our debut album with a new cover for this boxset, including: The Bitch, Listen, Don't regret me, Bitchin' Amy, Cun Ted, I didn't want her piece and Fuck the system-Remastered with bonus tracks and extra re-recordings
Family fun(The return of the Read hards)

With songs like: Come home, Let's beat up a Hippie, We are dumb, Cheese the one, Don't bite me and let me touch you with bonus tracks
Why Agra is a cool word

With songs like: Give me a job, Marathon in Bed, I hate you....my love, Her fingers smells like cheese, Viagra falls and I came from a cave with bonus tracks
We did this album only for the money

With songs like: For the money, Staying up late, Coming, Good Enough for the media, Someone, Wiping and Ballad for the bitches-With bonus tracks(our most successful album)
Back off and Mass turbate

With songs like: My work uniform is a suit, Heroes and Burgers, Sunburns from the stars, she's so lazy and A track off "The Jack off"-with bonus tracks
The Pilot, the family, love and hate

With songs like: The pilot, Love, Hate, Glowing glass, Rock n lol and the final-With bonus tracks, this was our concept album
Back to the roots....to find more good stuff¨

With songs like: The art of simplicity, Pineapple juice, My pants in the fridge, Another ballad and Birds fly away-with Bonus tracks
Me the Oker

With songs like: Barber shop, Guitar case, Posting letters, Down the Milkey way and Tromboner-With bonus tracks
Songs for the Read harded

With songs like: Disbelief, In a twenty years, Just a mess, I want chocolate, Give me your donuts, The third time and the power of crying-With bonus tracks
Hidden album: The Puke of Earl(Not listened on the boxset, but of course part of the collection)

With songs like: Bastards, The grass is green(at least on the outside), bed, Warehouse policy, I remember and Dance without me-With bonus tracks
More for nothig, Nothing for less

With songs like: Shattered teeth, Sound of physics, A night at the skatepark and one hit wonders-With bonus tracks
(there's a chance this is a double album with this alternate cover...)