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Ladies and gentlemen give it up for the beautiful and talented , Yasmine!
The crowd goes wild and cheers as Yasmine walks on stage . She has on a white boyfriend shirt , turquoise pastel skinny jeans and pink Vans . On her head is a blue , green and pink hijab , in her hands is a ukulele and on her face is a broad smile . She walks up to her microphone and waits for the crowd to calm down , which took about 30 seconds .
 Yasmine giggles from excitement .
" Wow . Oh my God . Thank you all for coming . "
The crowd cheers for her again . Yasmine looks over the large crowd and continues to smile . Once the cheers stop Yasmine begins to speak again .
" Before I start , I just want to say something . I really appreciate everything . All of you guys . The support . I never imagined that I would ever be here in life . I can't believe my debut single has brought me so far . I've already achieved more than some people have achieved in their whole lifetime . I made my dreams that were written off as childish and compared to wanting to be Batman a reality . Not a lot of people do that . A lot of people give up on those so called ' childish ' dreams and settle for less . For a monotonous and bland life . I used to be one of those people . I used to just ... well , I think it's better if I put it like this ... "
Just then Yasmine begins plucking away on the ukulele in her arms in the tune of Proposition , the song that started it all . The crowd starts to cheer again for the song . Soon enough the actual instrumental starts playing along with the ukulele and Yasmine begins .

Hidden in the shadows, a waitress Uniquely divine but she still blends in She's tired of surviving off of her $2 tips Hope has gotten her here and now she's through with it
Once Yasmine finishes the first verse and the pre-hook comes in , the crowd begins to sing along with her . Even though her voice is soft you could tell that there were a lot of people because you could hear them over her microphone .
Cause everyone is just searching for a chance A chance for when they finally get to die So we can part from this world in hope of a better life Cause everybody secretly knows as humans our purpose in life Is to live and die .
Now the crowd begins to along to the beat of the song as the sped up part of the song begins to play . You here groups of woos as Yasmine sings the second verse and some people even continue to sing along . The claps slow down as Yasmine starts back singing the pre-hook and the whole crowd sings along again . Right after the pre-hook the hook comes on and the claps speed back up . The crowd begins to chant " proposition " and Yasmine smiles at them .

We are confused , We are ambiguous Chasing ambitions that weren't made for us So why do you feel proud that you haven't given up ? Hope without work is more pathetic than believing in luck
And to all the fallen , you're the lucky ones 'Cause you don't have to live a lie , you're truly alive You parted from this world in hope of a better life And you've experienced first hand that as humans our purpose in life Is to live and die .
Proposition Proposition Proposition
Yasmine stops playing the ukulele after the hook is over and she begins to sing the bridge in a high pitch . People in the crowd whistles and claps for her hitting the notes . By the end of the bridge , she goes back to the normal pitch and the crowd begins to chime in again once she starts the pre-hook . This time around no music is playing , it's just her singing the pre-hook acapella along with the crowd . The pre-hook finishes up and the music comes back as the hook begins . After finishing the hook , Yasmine continues to sing " proposition " over and over again and soon enough the whole crowd is chanting it with her . Once she's said it enough times , the music winds down and Yasmine gently plucks the ukulele as she finishes the song , softly singing the last line of the song .

Well I gave it my all , But to hell with it The only thing that kept me here was my fear of being stranded It clouded my decision like a red mist , But now I have a ... Proposition But now I've accepted a ... Proposition
Cause everyone is just searching for a chance A chance for when they finally get to die So we can part from this world in hope of a better life Cause everybody secretly knows as humans our purpose in life Is to live and die .
Proposition Proposition Proposition
Proposition Proposition Proposition
Proposition Proposition Proposition ... I've found a new way in life .
The crowd roots for the song and Yasmine smiles , right before beginning to talk into the microphone .
" You guys are too kind . Excuse me while I put my ukulele down so I can sing my new stuff . "
The crowd cheers as Yasmine sets her ukulele down and picks up a guitar . She breaks into another giggle at all of the excitement in the crowd . She tunes the guitar and then begins to lightly strum the guitar as she steps back up to the microphone and continues to talk .

" Living a lifeless life wasn't my only problem . I was always a strong girl when it came down to it . No one could ever knock me down and I made sure of it . But it wasn't until I got older when I met my greatest match yet ... love . Being strong willed and kind gets you a lot of places , but it seems useless on the battlefield of love . There's always that point where you get broken down and torn to pieces . You'd give somebody your all and in return they'd walk all over you . Like it meant nothing . And what can you do ? You're just...- "
The strumming on Yasmine's guitar quickly becomes a pattern and in the middle of her sentence she clears her throat and begins to sing Toughen Up ( Doormat ) . The song is pretty calm . It's nothing but the light strumming of a guitar and Yasmine's broken voice . So far the songs she has been singing fits perfectly with the " story " she's trying to tell the crowd about her life .
Just a girl with a big heart and a kind soul I only see the good in people So they took it for granite ... Turned it into weak , blind and vulnerable
Almost made me move out of town All the pain started to weigh pounds ... On my heart That was just the other day
Just when I thought there wasn't anyone who deserved me, he did Or at least that's how it seemed Made a fool of me again , shame on Yasmine
They always leave their things at my place As if I have all the space But no , I don't want it I don't even want the memories
I must be a doormat Just wipe your feet , at least the floor won't track Sometimes I feel I should just give up on love ... Or at least toughen up .
I must be a doormat Just come and go , don't even pack Sometimes I feel I should just give up on love ... Or at least toughen up . Or at least toughen up . Or at least toughen up .
The crowd applauds the song as Yasmine continues to lightly strum on the guitar while she starts back talking .
" I moved on to a new life ; a new stage . I've proved everybody wrong about me and I fulfilled my ultimate dream but for some reason I couldn't get my love life on the right track . Turns out all I needed was a little push . I needed to get tired of being everybody's doormat , I needed to be hurt to the point where I just didn't care anymore . "
Yasmine's strumming gets a little more violent as she says these lines . It adds a lot of effect to the words she's saying and at this point the whole crowd is all tuned in , waiting for ther to break into the next song . Just then you hear drums in the background . They are almost like the drums that comes to mind when you think of the Native American culture . This tunes in well with her violent strumming . This continues for some time and the crowd begins to express their anticipation through cheers . The strumming continues and everything finally stops . For a moment everything is quiet and all stands still right up until Yasmine starts singing I Wish You The Best in a bitter tone .

Ignite a fire Don't think about where it'll head 'Cause all Hell to break loose Don't think about the effect
The crowd goes wild as they hear the drums come back on right after the first few lines in the first verse . Yasmine then goes to strumming the guitar back in a calm manner . Throughout the song Yasmine gives off smirks and bitter smiles to the crowd as she's in character . You can tell the crowd is really loving this song because you continously hear whistles , woos and they even begin to clap along on beat . Once Yasmine's done with the first and second verse , she begins the hook by starting to strum violently again . The crowd continues to go crazy over this song as she sings it . She finishes the song off perfectly as she says the last line almost in a whisper as she sings with the loud guitar . She then ends it off with a few more violent strums and it finally ends . The crowd shouts and screams for the song .

Shoot your gun up in the air Don't calculate where it'll land Run off and find trouble But don't you dare call for Yasmine
Leave me be ... Go bother that other girl you were on Don't pretend like you wanna apologize I already know you don't I wish you the best But you should aim for the opposite Go cheat on that other girl And see if she'll put up with it
Cause I'm no longer that Girl you use as your doormat Yasmine's all over that Yea , she may be a kind hearted fool ... But never again for you .
Yasmine places her guitar down in the stage floor and then walks back up to the microphone waiting for the crowd to calm down . Once they do , she gives them a little shrug and one of those ' I tried ' looks right before speaking again . At first she half chuckled and then finally said ,

" That ' girl power ' didn't last for that long . Yea , I got rid of him , but next thing I knew I was already elbow deep in another screwed up situation . I should've seen the signs ... "
Right then , Yasmine starts to sing Thief . Everything first starts off quiet as the only thing accompanying Yasmine's voice is a bass guitar and not after along an electric guitar and then a piano . They have all seemed to come in one by one . Her voice isn't as ' broken ' or in a whisper tone like other songs , but in pretty much the same one she sung in when she sung Proposition . The faces she makes are very calm as she sings the first part of the song . Once the second verse finishes , drums start to play again and the song starts to get more heated up . The crowd has been listening for a little bit , but now they are full on roaring for the song . Louder than they did for the last one .

There's a thief in the room He's closely watching you Seeking only for heartbreak and lust And knows you long for love
There's a thief in the room There's a thief in the room
There's a face with a mask walking past Did you notice that ? Cause now he's next to you There's a key to your heart , where is it ? Look around .... It's in his hands
Yasmine finishes the second part of the second verse and it's almost hard to hear her soft voice because of all of the screaming . Afterwards she begins to sing the hook for the second time she is has really gotten into the song and her faces begin to match the words as she sings them from her heart . She continues this as she heads into the bridge of Thief and the crowd continues their cheers as well . The bridge ( like every other verse in this song ) runs perfectly into the hook . Right after the hook is over , an instrumental interlude begins and Yasmine vocalizes heavenly over it . The crowd shouts and hollers for Yasmine as they hear her hit notes they never thought she could . Ranging all the way from a D3-F#6 . Then in a high pitch she sings the hook once again for the last time and by the end of it has trailed her way back to her normal pitch .

Just a girl with a head full of curls Trying to get rid of all the weight of the world That's glued on your shoulders ... ironic Once again moronically you let the wrong person in :
The thief in the room The thief in the room The thief in the room
In a relationship things are bound to go south but they shouldn't every time you walk in the house Every time you attempt to sleep ... Not every time you wake up from a dream But it's hard to keep the peace when there's a thief
Please get him out of the room Before he steals it all Your smile , your peace , your joy He's got already got your heart and your sight Don't push your luck , just leave them behind
With the thief in the room Get away from the thief in the room Get away from the thief in the room

[ Instrumental Interlude ]

There's a thief in the room There's a thief in the room There's a thief in the room
The crowd is definitely going crazy over this song and it takes way longer for them to quiet down this time . Just then the instrumental to Losing My Religion starts to play . Right before starting to sing , Yasmine talks just one last time , finishing the snetence she started right before singing the last song . Immediately after she starts the song .
" I should've saw the signs ... but I didn't . And so the cycle continues . "

Illicit love ... You're all caught up . Said she meant nothing , but , But it just doesn't add up ...
So I sit and ask myself , How... Flings that take minutes ... Can outdo pure love ?
Cheers ripple throughout the crowd after she sings the first verse . That's just when Yasmine breathtakingly begins to sing the first line of the 2nd verse with lots of emotion poured into it and sings the rest of the 2nd verse in a broken tone . This really captures the audience and instead of doing lots of cheering , they stay quiet and actually listen to Yasmine sing this song . The 3rd verse comes in the same way the 2nd did . The vocals and the pitches are pretty much the same , but it's longer .

I gave you all I ... could . She only gave you what I couldn't ... Can't believe I'll disregard ... All that I know just for this feeling ...
I can't undo this So it better work ... It did for her , so ... There's no way this could hurt .
The voices are screaming, a mix ... Of warning and lust . One firmly says , ' Don't do it ... ' And the other softly whispers , ' What's the fuss ? ' .
Right after the second verse finishes , an instrumental interlude starts and once again Yasmine begins to vocalize , but this time only hitting just the right pitches to maintain atmospheric vibe the song has going on . She eases into it and then after some time , they end a steady beat comes in and Yasmine begins to sing the 2 hooks . The crowd , who has been silent until now , began to clap along the beat as Yasmine finished the song .

[ Instrumental Interlude ]

Maybe I could be overthinking this ... one . Even though I know this is all you want . Tell me , is this something that you do to girls for fun ? Knowing that girls like me would fall before they can run .
Do you make us place on your silver platter , our golden plate , And head for another dessert when you see that it's empty ? Just so we will put our everything in our entree , And once you're finished you say it would never work between you and me ?
Though the song was over , the instrumental to Losing My Religion continued to play as Yasmine said her final words before exiting the stage . Of course it was hard to hear over all of the screaming and shouting they were doing for Yasmine . They were bringing the house down for her and she really deserved it .
" Thank you so much , guys ! You were such a good crowd ! Umm , before I leave I wanna give a big thanks to Airemese Smith . She helped wrote pretty much all of these songs . Oh and don't forget about my main man , Zane . Everybody give it up for Mike back there ! He was doing his thing this whole time ! "
The crowd takes a moment to cheer for all of the people she shouted out . Mike , who's at the back of the stage gives the crowd a little nod .

" Again , thank you SOO much ! Keep your eye out for Losing My Religion ! It'll pop up on iTunes someday . Much love to all my fans and ' haters ' . Have a blessed day everybody ! "
Yasmine smiles one last time at the crowd and then makes her way off stage .
Setlist 1. Proposition 2. Toughen Up ( Doormat ) 3. I Wish You The Best 4. Thief 5. Losing My religion |
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