Hey everyone! It's been quite a while since we have updated the site and we're so sorry for the long delay. As you know, we have been away from the music scene for a while and our album has been pushed back a few times but don't worry! We decided to take some time out and focus on our personal lives - marriage, babies the lot! Since 2014 kicked off, we have been hard at work at our label and have launched our own management company. As you may already know, we are no longer under Lyrica Ocha's management and we're doing it all ourselves now which is rather exciting! A new single is coming towards the end of the month and the album and tour will follow soon afterwards. We're going to have a very busy year ahead of us!
We have been together for over two years now and we want to thank all of our dedicated fans who have been with us since day 1. However, we have noticed our Twitter followers, sales and music video views increasing rapidly as our fan base grows. So, as we have a lot of new Weekenders and since we've been away for a while we thought it would be a good idea to re-introduce ourselves. We start off with.....BILLY! Check out his mini-interview below!

"Hi, I'm Billy Khan. I'm 21 years old and I'm a Gemini.....even though I don't believe in all that zodiac crap but I was told to mention my star sign in this introduction so.....yeah. I'm from Hackney, London. Shoreditch if you wanna get really precise. Um, my mother is white-British and my father is a mix of Pakistani, Mexican and Filipino so I'm a whole mixture of different races and cultures which is kinda cool. So, yeah let's get on with the questions."
Do you have any pet hates?"I hate it when I see girls wearing leggings that are too tight, especially those disgusting Primark leggings. You can practically see through them and all you can see is a big fat arse shaking about all over the place. Not a pretty site. I also hate it when people touch my hair. I sound like a proper girl here but it takes me forever to get it right and I don't need big greasy hands touching and pulling at it. Please learn about personal space."
How would you describe your style in one word?"Eh, I'm not really sure about one word. I don't really think too much about my style, I just wear what I think looks good. I've been told that my style is a bit avant garde and yeah, I'll accept that. Not really sure how to summarise it in just one word though. It's just.....Billy. I have my own style, it's all Billy."
Who is your style icon?"Who the fuck is asking these questions? It's a simple Q&A with a boy band, not Fashion Week
(chuckles). I just sort of developed my own style, I don't really follow fashion trends and like I said earlier, I just wear whatever I think looks good. I don't really have an icon."
Favourite item of clothing?"I would have to say my 'Fuck You' t-shirt. It's really simple, it's baggy and it is cheap in comparison to almost everything else in my wardrobe. Basically, it's this plain white t-shirt with the words 'thank you' written all over it but the text is really faded and in the middle, it says 'fuck you' in a really bold red font and it also says 'have a nice day' in the same bold font. It's pretty cool."
What is one item you could not live without?"I don't think I'd be able to live without my phone. Not because I won't be able to send pictures of my willy to people
(chuckles) but I really need it since I'm travelling a lot and it's essential when you're as busy as me. I know a lot of people say that this generation is anti-social and spend most of their time on their phones but in this day and age, I think it's essential and very handy. If I'm out of the country for a while, I can still call my family and friends. I can also use my phone for the business side of things too. So, yeah I'd have to say my phone."
Your music icon?"I really love R&B and pop music. I'm not ashamed of liking mainstream music. I think Aaliyah was amazing, if she was still here today she'd be shitting all over the likes of Beyoncé and Rihanna. Her music still had a commercial feel to it but it was a little bit different, experimental and nobody else really sounds like her. Plus she was sexy and not slutty. However, my ultimate icon is Michael Jackson. I first heard of him when I was playing GTA: Vice City. I used to play that game with one of the older boys at the children's home. He was the only one with a PS2 and he was like God to us. I was about 7/8 and I was playing the game and 'Billie Jean' came on Flash FM. I was hooked immediately and asked around to see if anyone had more of his music. I was then introduced to his albums and 'Thriller' and 'Bad' are still my favourite albums to date. I loved his voice, passion, charisma, stage presence. He was a true performer and entertainer."
If there were no rules and laws for the day, what would you do?"What the fuck are rules?"
If you could be anything you wanted, what would you be?"Well I've always wanted to be a singer and I am that so I don't know really.....I've sort of achieved my biggest dream and that's the thing I've always wanted to do most. I suppose being a chef would be pretty cool."
What animal would you be?"I would be....I'd be any animal that has the ability to suck himself off. What guy wouldn't want to do that?"
Where would your perfect date be?"I'd take...well I actually did take Andrea to a traditional Indian restaurant. We had a meal that was out of this world, the service was amazing and it wasn't candlelit or intimate, I think that is really corny. We just had a great time and enjoyed the food. That was a great date but I think that even if we didn't go there, it wouldn't matter where we went. I think that as long as you're in good company then it doesn't really matter where you are. Well, as long as you're not at a Taylor Swift concert everything should be fine."
What is your worst habit?"I have a few bad habits
(chuckles). When I get drunk, I have been told that I have a tendency to whip out my willy which might be embarrassing for a few people in my company. I'm not embarrassed though, that's the problem. Um, I've been told that I swear too much and I should wash my mouth out with soap since I'm influential to a lot of young people but I'll swear if I want. If someone's a cunt then I'm gonna call them a cunt. Oh and another bad habit....I've eh, I tend to fart a lot and they smell pretty bad. I think it's funny but clearly not everyone has my sense of humour. So I need to stop letting rip in front of everyone
What is one thing that people may not know about you?"Fans seem to know everything about me but one thing that isn't really mentioned is that I'm double jointed. I know that technically, well according to these fact accounts on Twitter, double jointed isn't actually a thing and nobody can have double joints but yeah, I can do weird things with my arms and I freak the boys out when I do this wiggly thumb thing."
What is your favourite song?"My favourite song at the moment would probably be 'I'm Out' by Ciara. It's catchy and she's not bad to look at either. My favourite song of all time though would be.....I really love 'Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'', 'Scream' and 'Billie Jean' by Michael Jackson. It's hard to choose! I'm gonna say 'Scream' because Janet is on that one, double the Jackson goodness."
What is your favourite colour?"It would have to be purple. It's the colour I chose for my font on the website and I've always liked it. Purple is associated with royalty. It symbolises power, nobility, luxury, and ambition. It conveys wealth and extravagance. Purple is also associated with wisdom, dignity, independence, creativity, mystery, and magic. I can relate to a lot of those
Favourite film?"I love Green Street Hooligans. Yeah, 100% Green Street."
Favourite food?"Now this one has many possible answers! I love chocolate, fudge, caramels. I'm such a sweet tooth even though I'm diabetic and shouldn't be eating all of that stuff. I'm a little bit naughty. My favourite meal is.....uh, well I have a multicultural background so I like lots of different food from around the world. I love anything spicy, I love chicken. You can't beat a good chicken curry or a kebab with mountains of chili sauce poured over the top. However, my favourite food of all is a fiery chicken fajita with salsa sauce, spring onion, jalapeno peppers and a sprinkling of grated cheddar cheese. It's heavenly."
Three songs you'd have on a mixtape?"Short fucking mixtape. Eh, I'd have 'Scream' by Michael and Janet, 'We Need A Resolution' by Aaliyah and 'Living For The Weekend' by Deneil. Gotta support my little bro, ain't I?"
What was the last text you sent?"The last text I sent was to Andrea, asking her what she wanted for dinner when she came back home from the studio. She wanted garlic chicken so I made the best fucking garlic chicken that ever was. I love to cook, I'm a singer/chef."