OOC: Want to give a big thanks to the 10 if you who had taken the time out to vote. This song is a personal favorite of mine as well so I am pretty happy it won :). Hope you all enjoy the song!
Genre: Indie Rock
Recorded: 2013
Release Date: 10/13/13
Song Writers: James Urie, Bryan O'Connor, Julian Morello
Producers: James Urie, Peter Katias
Won't Be Sleeping Alone is the newest and final single taken off of James Urie's third studio album entitled "The Recovery". This single was voted among as the winner with 45% of the population vote after
1 million of James Urie's fans voted for the last single taken off of the successful album. The other choices were "Wings" which came in second place, "You Saved Me" which came in a close third followed by "Where We Should Be" and in last place "Claim The Stars". Urie has expressed in interest in giving his fans a say so in the choosing of his newest single and so put together the chance for the fans to vote and the public has pushed this very single.
James has been very vocal in the past about his enthusiasm concerning this track and how proud he was of the outcome of it as well. The track, written by James Urie and Bryan O'Connor with production by Urie himself, and frequent collaborator Peter Katias. Surprisingly, the track doesn't open up with relentless guitar riffs, or percussion instruments but instead opens softly and subtle, which may take the listener by surprise since the nature of the first three tracks of the album have been rather fast paced and brash. For the first time on The Recovery, we get to hear ballad driven Urie in track number 4, "Won't Be Sleeping Alone".
The initial feeling of the song when it opens is laid back, slow, calm and collective. The bass drum keeps the song rather proclaiming from the start, with the bass guitar slowing strumming along with slow guitar riffs following behind it. Seconds pass and James Urie begins singing in this indie driven ballad. His vocals, much more vulnerable then the previous tracks. It's obvious that the initial attitude of this song is different from the rather depressive like emotion in James's voice, that even may give us a flashback of his sad days during the "The Struggle Era". Urie begins singing: Night after night|Everything’s the same|Day after day; His vocals mixing perfectly with the slow paced manner of the record, which stays the same tempo. Not moving faster, or slower. He continues his lines: I’m looking for someone to blame|Hour after hour|My head is a mess|My mind is fighting with my body|But I digress; Urie sings about dealing with some type of trial and tribulation as his voice continues to move into drearily and depressive as he continues this story.
He stops singing for a few seconds, letting the instruments take over. The bass guitar, and bass drums are the prominent force in this track, with a deep melodica note whirling over the instruments. After, Urie's voice finds its way back onto the track. There used to be someone that I learnt to love|But she went away, faded then gone
Yeah she’s long gone|She’s moved on| To someplace new; It is now obvious that James is singing about a lost relationship, where that person is gone and ahead of him and James is left saddened. He sings with his same slow pace as he continues to sing the next part of this song, that sounds like a page right out of James's diary. It’s pretty painful|The cuts still feel kinda raw|But she’s gone away|Like the songs of yesterday|And I’m finding all sorts of clichés|That keep the demons at bay|It gets better in time|That’s what they all say;. He continues on singing about this person of his past who left him: I guess a lost lover is a heart that ain’t worth keeping|But ever since I let her go|I just ain’t sleeping|Some things they say|Like it’s just not meant to be|Kid you’ll move on someday| It just takes some time, you’ll see. The instrumental work on this track is so stellar that a listener may get drowned in the vocals by Urie with the backing instruments making this an enjoyable fourth track and ballad, but Urie's not done yet. He continues to sing about this heartbreak that he has gone through with the beats still remaining almost the same, this time with the guitar strums moving a bit faster. I see her again|It looks like she’s okay|And I think to myself
It’s time to make a change|If she can find herself someone new|Then I can damn sure do that too.
The once heartbroken James on the song, sings about seeing his past loved one with someone new, and so finally takes it upon himself to come to an epiphany where he sangs out "Then I can damn sure do that too". He holds the "too", showing his vocal strength in this laid back track and right after, a barrage of percussion's follow with the bass instruments making the initial sound, sound bigger. Urie's vocals escalate as he begins singing; It looks like we won’t be sleeping alone|This once empty house now feels like home|I wake up in the morning and everything feels alright|I can close my eyes|I can get some sleep at night|Because It looks like we won’t be sleeping alone|We found ourselves someone and we took the long walk home|It looks we won’t be sleeping alone|We took all the bruises|And we weathered the storm;. He sings about finding someone new, and finally being able to sleep at night;.
It's quite interesting listening to this record because you automatically begin to think back at Urie's past relationship(s) and the one he is in now, and realizing that this is the continuation of his honest tracks . After he sings the rather "late in the track" chorus, the barrage of percussion instruments move and Urie continues to sing. I see her again|It looks like she’s okay|And I think to myself|It’s time to make a change|If she can find herself someone new| Then I can damn sure do that too; Making it obvious that he was once hurt, he learned how to deal with it and now has moved on and when listening, you initially get the feeling that James is telling a story through the slow adn relaxing feeling of the song.
The barrage of percussion instruments begin to play once more after Urie sings for a few seconds. And he begins singing the chorus once more he sings louder than he did previously as the instruments, still slow, begin to move harder. As Urie's vocals become bigger, as he adds emphasize on each line he sings out. It looks like we won’t be sleeping alone|This once empty house now feels like home|I wake up in the morning and everything feels alright|I can close my eyes|I can get some sleep at night|Because It looks like we won’t be sleeping alone|We found ourselves someone and we took the long walk home|It looks we won’t be sleeping alone|We took all the bruises| And we weathered the storm
The slow, and easy on the ears "Won't Be Sleeping Alone" has a bit of instrumentation following Urie's last line, before it fades out. This track easily shows the versatility of James Urie's vocals and sound. He hasn't become pigeon hold in the "angry but strong" sound but could easily get vulnerable and diverse, as this track shows. The final single on this journey and expedition called The Recovery comes to an end.
Quote:Won't Be Sleeping Alone is quite different from many of the tracks on the album. I wrote this song after a previous breakup I had, and finished it just a month ago. So in a way I love it because it stayed with me and transitioned from a song about just heartbreak, to a song about finding someone new and getting over the break up. I'm not too keen on relationship songs but I thought I could open up to my fans about how I've felt in the past with a relationship I once had. And I think there's nothing wrong with that. I think this song is easily the overcome of heartbreak. I thought we needed to slow the track down since I didn't want the album to be only fast paced and full of strength the whole way through and I thought I could still share with my fans that I still feel vulnerable at times, and it was quite challenging going back to that time of heartbreak but I had to mentally place myself there and I really started to feel the pain when i was recording the song. It's really interesting. I thought with the lyrical content and feeling of the song, a nice Indie record would be perfect with alot of bass instruments and percussion's. In the end I have become very proud of this track because I got back to a place that I have already passed, and being able to get to that point when I am in a totally different place. This is for the fans who wanted to know how I really felt after my last break up.
Night after night
Everything’s the same
Day after day
I’m looking for someone to blame
Hour after hour
My head is a mess
My mind is fighting with my body
But I digress
There used to be someone that I learnt to love
But she went away, faded then gone
Yeah she’s long gone
She’s moved on
To someplace new
It looks like we won’t be sleeping alone
This once empty house now feels like home
I wake up in the morning and everything feels alright
I can close my eyes
I can get some sleep at night
Because It looks like we won’t be sleeping alone
We found ourselves someone and we took the long walk home
It looks we won’t be sleeping alone
We took all the bruises
And we weathered the stormIt’s pretty painful
The cuts still feel kinda raw
But she’s gone away
Like the songs of yesterday
And I’m finding all sorts of clichés
That keep the demons at bay
It gets better in time
That’s what they all say
I guess a lost lover is a heart that ain’t worth keeping
But ever since I let her go
I just ain’t sleeping
Some things they say
Like it’s just not meant to be
Kid you’ll move on someday
It just takes some time, you’ll see
I see her again
It looks like she’s okay
And I think to myself
It’s time to make a change
If she can find herself someone new
Then I can damn sure do that too
It looks like we won’t be sleeping alone
This once empty house now feels like home
I wake up in the morning and everything feels alright
I can close my eyes
I can get some sleep at night
Because It looks like we won’t be sleeping alone
We found ourselves someone and we took the long walk home
It looks we won’t be sleeping alone
We took all the bruises
And we weathered the stormI see her again
It looks like she’s okay
And I think to myself
It’s time to make a change
If she can find herself someone new
Then I can damn sure do that too
It looks like we won’t be sleeping alone
This once empty house now feels like home
I wake up in the morning and everything feels alright
I can close my eyes
I can get some sleep at night
Because It looks like we won’t be sleeping alone
We found ourselves someone and we took the long walk home
It looks we won’t be sleeping alone
We took all the bruises
And we weathered the storm