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A rapper once said that he is only known for the music, Case in point how much do we know about the breakout lyricist Kidd Amaze. He came from the east coast, that he is dating someone right now that he went to jail for assault. Not much is going on above the surface but TJ is much more than first glances will tell you. With his first magazine sit down interview talks about the wild year that was 2013 and what we should expect in the next year.
Dope: So, TJ can we call you that or Kidd better?
Kidd: it is really up to you, I go by both that not a lot of people call me by my real name anymore.
Dope: Okay, so what a year huh. One moment you living in your car while traveling with the Underground Freestyle League not knowing what you going to do with money next you release some songs drop a mixtape and get signed to a label. Has this year been the moment you been waiting for?
Kidd: I don’t know? I had a crazy ride getting to this point working with so many artist to give me a chance and then to use that money to make my own mixtape. I don’t know if I would have able to last the way I going. I was living from paycheck to paycheck eating once a day when it was a good day. All of those hard times makes the moment sweeter but I don’t know if the moment I been living for it too early to tell.
Dope: Paycheck to paycheck, earlier there was talk of you being their main attraction but you stay in California to work with the people here?
Kidd: Yea and it was a hard decision for to leave the only job that had. I took out a loan and a lot of thing had to happen but I am thankful that everything worked out
Dope: So who was the first person that worked with you? You had underground buzz but for you to have took that big leap to go to mainstream so how did it happen with you working with so many big name artist.
Kidd: Really I just asked a lot of people if I could do it. I just glad that people were really receptive of me and told me that I can do it. The first person that I worked with was Aubrey Mikkel, She heard about me and went to get me to do the remix for her victimized single and that kinda opened up the flood gates.
Dope: Aubrey Mikkel gave you your first shot how happy were you that song reached number one and for her to reach out to someone like you who hasn’t done anything to take your spin on a number one song.
Kidd: I really respect her for that and even now we still talk and she gives me advice on what to do and what not to do I don’t think I would have been in this position if it wasn’t for her reaching out to me.
Dope: Speaking of talking to each other the next person you work with is someone who is becoming a force in R&B and it seems like you two talk a lot more, Barbarian, her song “Cheat” which featured you was a big hit hitting number 3 on its debut. How was it like working with stars in R&B?
Kidd: Cheat was I think my favorite song to be a part of beside my own stuff, I had a lot of fun with the music and writing the lyrics to cheat which I did in like an hour, so that just shows how much fun that I had. Both of them a very talented singer and song writers both of them go about their work in two different ways.
Dope: How so?
Kidd: Well Barbarian is new and she bring a different feel to a song that she is going back to write what she feels and like it is very warm and inviting space. Aubrey is more polish more hardhitting, she knows what her public wants and knows what it takes to make great lasting music. It is very focus and a hardworking group.
Dope: What do you think is a better style?
Kidd: It’s not so much of their style it is the different stages in their career. Barbarian is very talented and she is going to be here for a long time so she is going be a hitter maker right now she is just working because this is a passion for her and she likes doing it. Aubrey is a top selling superstar in the music business nothing is going to change that.
Dope: Well even though it sounds like you respect both of them that admiration doesn’t extend to the both of them and they go back and forth with.
Kidd: Sometimes it’s like that; both of them want to be respected and want to prove themselves to each other. They have a lot of things in common, wanting to the best to do it.
Dope: Well talking about working with others you have a chance to work with one of the best to do rap. Matt Young when you did Michelle Green’s Explode remix. Did you know you were going to meet him or did she just tell you to come in and then you met how did that collaboration come together?
Kidd: No I didn’t know so I was shocked when I got there because she wanted a rapper to a part of her song explode and this was after I did cheat so I figure it couldn’t hurt so I went to do my part for the song I see Matt there working. I had to stay professional but inside I was very excited.
Dope: So what did you two talk about, did he give you any inside tips of the trade?
Kidd: I asked many more questions there than I have in any classroom. His story to be where he is today is incredible and his music is amazing so when you meet someone like that you going to try to pick their brains and soak up as much wisdom and knowledge they give. As for a record deal if I pay my cards right,
Dope: Is that was he said to you or is that what you told him?
Kidd: We’ll just have to wait and see but for right now it is looking pretty good.
Dope: Young his is own record label “Permanent Reminder” but with so much talent and with the artist you worked with wouldn’t it make more since to go to the bigger “Studio 60”
Kidd: I was never good at interviews and I wanted to make my own path. I talked to Matt and I think the biggest selling point for me was the fact that he has done what I want to do I want to be a long term musician that people will say that I was the greatest.
Dope: Alright, you play a lot of things close to the chest; you mention a lot of personal stuff in your music but not so much on twitter, so tell us what is your mind set on in 2014?

Kidd: I want to get a number one single I got close a few times but I know that it takes a lot of hard work and practice. A platinum record is on my list too I have a lot of things that I want to shoot for next year.
Dope: In your music one time saying that to black for white and to white for blacks could you tell us about your childhood?
Kidd: I was mature for my age when I was 4 I would be around my family instead of other kids my age. So I was pretty good and well behave. My grandmother is the closes person to me looking back my childhood was always good.
Dope: So you were very much an old soul aren’t you?
Kidd: Man growing up I was a key latch kid and there were times when I lost my key or locked myself out and had to go to my grandma’s house taking the subway and I’m 6 at the time. Nothing was easy in life but now-a-days you have apps on your phone where you can start your car or unlock your house door. People think that it is an easy fix for everything.
Dope: Riding on the subway when you were so young I’m surprise you wasn’t scared?
Kidd: Well I learned way to adapt that now I know I to break into my house if I lose my key, how to hotwire a car if the key breaks in the ignition.
Dope: Wait you know how to break in cars and homes?
Kidd: Certain ones yea,
Dope: Note to self never let TJ know where I’m staying.
Kidd: I don’t use my powers for evil only when I’m in a jam.
Dope: You see a lot of rappers coming out Sonaye, Drew, Lotus, where do you stand among this year’s rookie class.
Kidd: I’m the best out there. I don’t know why everyone thinks that I’m going to say anything differently.
Dope: You just seem like a nice humble guy that we don’t normally see you show that egoist approach.
Kidd: I not saying that anyone is bad, I’m not saying that I’m in a different league. If you keeping score I have 4 songs none be number 1, Sonaye has 2 and already has a number 1 hit. Still you can’t look me in the face and truly believe that I’m not going to say that I’m the best. To be around for as long as I want to be, I can’t truly believe that I’m not the best rapper out there doing what I’m doing regardless of what happens.

Dope: The score say that you losing right now?
Kidd: The score say that I here and going to be here for a long time.
Dope: How do you feel about that, we know about the issue you had with Stacks where he felt you owned him something for your career with young rappers looking at you to you want them to shout you out?
Kidd: What they do is up to them. I’m not really worry about whatever is going on. I like where I’m at right now and for someone to think up negative stuff because they don’t have thick skin is not my problem. Say whatever you want, just don’t take it to the extreme.
Dope: Extreme as in?
Kidd: Don’t attack my love ones. There not doing anything but living there lives and they don’t have the platform that we do to openly talk about issue. Why waste your breath on the people that are close to you. That is like me talking bad about your fans, they are the ones that go out and support you, write letters, happy to see you and you having someone throw dirt on them?
Dope: You have a deep connection with your fans I see?
Kidd: They made it possible for me to do what I do and get paid for it. They follow me everywhere, and rap my verses. They know I love the Chicago Bulls so one tweeted about them losing. (laughing) I wouldn’t be able to do this without and I try to go out my way to give back to them. Giving out t-shirts, signing whatever they have. I have a track phone where fans can me certain hours of the day just to talk. I love being interactive with them.
Dope: They call you?
Kidd: I have a phone that people can call. I had a boy was 14 wrote me a letter saying that I role model and that he wants to learn to be cool so he can impress the girls. So I wrote him back left him that number and we talk all the time.
Dope: That is amazing, so you really all over huh,
Kidd: You better believe it.
Dope: Dating you been having cryptic tweets to all kinds of girls out there that people want to know what kind person are you? So instead of asking you who you’re dating can we ask what is the relationship like?
Kidd: Well she is someone older than me and we try to spend as much time as we can together but we both are busy people, I’m just getting my career off the road and she is already establish and touring right now so, you do what you can.
Dope: How does she feel about you being friends with a lot of girls?
Kidd: Comes with the territory, you’re going to have female fans, you’re going to work with female artist, and you’re going to have women in music videos. The same can be said with her situation, I know there are going to be guys that work with her; and I have to respect that those are her fans and they care about her.

Dope: No envy or jealousy?
Kidd: I tried not too, there been times where it would creep up but I remember that we’re in the public eye and things like working with attractive people are going to come with that
Dope: You think she has ever been jealous about the rumors of who is dating who and the names that will crop up every now and then.
Kidd: We never talked about it because I think she knows that their just rumors and more importantly I think she trusts me enough to know that I wouldn’t sleep around.
Dope: Alright let’s talk about the studio album, a lot of people where really impressed with the mixtape and how that is going to be compared to your album, some even calling your mixtape good enough to be an album have you worked on any of the songs for it?
Kidd: I have, a lot of them are songs that I wrote in the past and some are brand new songs that I wrote here in the moment.
Dope: You have a tittle for your new project?
Kidd: No and I might not have one until I’m finish completely with it
Dope: I hear that you worked with Barbarian again on a song you two have a brother sister relationship right?
Kidd: Yes, just a brother sister relationship. She is very attractive so I can see why a lot of guys look at her like a sex symbol but you know sometimes you just don’t grow those romantic feelings for one another, and I worked with her and been around her enough to see the real person.
Dope: She isn’t a real monster underneath all of that sexy is she?
Kidd: No, besides even if she was a monster would you really care?
Dope: No, not really I will date her
Kidd: I just think she is a great talent to work with and I wanted to do something special with the fans that like cheat so much that I did my own version of the song.
Dope: So we are going to see a cheat part 2?
Kidd: Something like that, the way that we got it to come together is something that I think a lot of people will like.
Dope: Last question you have any other secrets you want to give out from your debut album?
Kidd: I think people are going to love it. I got some surprises that people are going to wonder how it is going to turn out. Sadly I don’t the first single is going to come out until next year but I am touring and I might release one or two songs that weren’t on the mixtape but had a lot of support and what a lot of people wanted.
Edited by user 18 November 2013 04:32:41(UTC)
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