Stephanie Fierce
November 26, 2013 Defending the Pop Star, Whatever that is.... Why are you still making your fans pay for your music? I have a lot of to say to myself, before I actually decided to release my next album "Amplified".Pop Stars vs The MusicianThe meaning of pop star has become such a degrading thing, that even I have become an anti-pop believer. This term tends to be targeted to sexually charged females only, due to the fact that some artists in the 80's, um Madonna
(cough, cough) have allegedly resulted in taking off their clothes to improve record sales. You don't see men getting this sort of label because apparently if you are of the male species things like taking off your shirt and grabbing on your crotch isn't considered attention seeking at all.
If Rock Star "Insert Rock band lead singer here" takes off his shirt, it is considered "totally rad" or let's just stick out our devil horns to that because that is in no sort of way trying to seek attention. I don't know about you but It fucking caught mines and I fucking enjoyed it too. Matter of fact,
I think my ovaries almost fucking exploded. I love sex. I am always that sexually frustrated female and I'm surprised me and my husband don't have 12 kids by now. So yeah, that's something I never understand.
I'd tell you this.
Any artist in this industry that claims they aren't doing music for the fame or for the money for some sort of personal benefit to their ego is a LIAR. Artists that walk tall and pride themselves in only "doing it for the music" are carrying that persona as a gimmick to separate themselves from the stigma that is being a musician vs being a "POP star". That is why when so called rock artist labels me a "pop star" I can only giggle and wonder... "well.... what are you suppose to be, some sort of exception despite the fact that you too are signed to a major record label contract, yet you now happen to live in a parallel universe where if you so happen to sell millions of records you don't contribute to pop culture in any sort of way because your songs consist more of the guitar and you travel around on a fancy tour bus instead of the more prestigious Jet Plane. Let that idea combust in the air and turn into ashes because it is double standard and BULLSHIT! Shiiiiiiiii!
As always there's been a lot of ass kissing going on in this industry, but I think today it came to all time high! Let me tell you
I have a lot of ass, but I doubt there's any more space for you to kiss it because I'm sure there's about ten people kissing it right now. Surprisingly it goes the same way vice-versa for a lot of other artists and it just makes me not want to be around a lot of people or take what people say seriously.
Everyone in this industry that is signed to some sort of contract has a brand. That brand is carried by the public and depending on what type of style or genre of music you make, you can either get away with the label or be portrayed as one of the industry's biggest hit making machines. A Pop Star.....
This is why I've come to the realization that I should not give a fuck anymore and you shouldn't either. I don't know if my next album is going to be considered a pop album or a whatever, but does it really matter?
Well, this is why
it is very important to not get caught up in people's opinions and thoughts about you, especially the irrelevant people, because then you are giving them the power and making them relevant. That sounds so egotistical but it is nothing but the truth. But who is exactly relevant? I don't know, maybe someone you look up to or someone in your life you call a hero. People that I look up to are no longer making music or are deceased. So it's either a compliment or an opinion. The person that gave me my name is my mother and she passed away. My musical influences don't really make music and I've always carried myself as an innovator, but something does come from somewhere. You give people the power when you think their opinion about you matters, in that case I've failed to do as of recent but I will no longer respond to those opinions whether positive or not. What kind of artist am I? Do I want to entertain people? Do I want to seek other people's opinions about to boost my ego?
I guess I'm just making music to see how people react to it. I have an audience and my legacy to is serve and entertain them. Now that I realize it, I am a slave to entertainment.New Album A lot of people have been waiting for my very much delayed album which is something I'm honestly just taking my time with just because as an artist I didn't feel like things were finished yet. I think people however are waiting for the wrong reasons, they want to see if I can live up to the title or the labels people have been putting on me.
I am going 8 album deep. That's like a thick 8 inch cock going inside of a coffee straw. If I'm trying to please pop culture what else can I do to do so? That's not what I'm trying to do anymore. Just like I'm writing this blog is the same reason I make music, because I have a message. At the same time, I cannot pretend like I don't have fans or as if I'm not some sort of influence on pop culture.
It's been 1.5 years since the last full length studio album was released and I think for once I needed to make my fans to realize that hype is something I don't want to be carried by, therefore that's why I'm giving my album for free. Call em a rebel, but there are many reason why I prefer to give my fans a free album rather than something that's released on the market with a price tag.
Positives: 1. My fans? I don't need their money. I mean that in a nice way.
2. Hopefully this allows people to listen to the album instead of searching for the potential hits or singles. Yeah we need a couple of those to make the labels happy, but that isn't the purpose anymore.
3. I genuinely want my fans to get the music for free instead of paying for it. People "illegally" download shit anyways.
4. It's something I've already been doing so why not continue that. Negatives: 1. No chart placement? Numbers are everything to the chart junkies, so this is some sort of victory to them, because since the album can't chart, it is considered either a flop or gimmicky attempt to win fans back. But when you have sold 100 million records, should it matter if you can sell a million more? Of course, that is going to justified because I have this "legacy" to carry.
2. Fans don't receive a physical copy, mainly because it is hard to distribute them in case of high demand. Label has to pay for shipment fees especially with no profit value.
3. Label doesn't benefit from release period, no sort of profit is made. Conclusion:Apple and Android have approached me with an idea to release my album through their app stores for free. It allows them to track how many times the album is actually downloaded and a figure can be given. This allows me to know how many people decided to willingly download my album. Not that any of this information is necessary but that's something that can serve as eye candy to the chart obsessed fans. No where in my contract says I can't release my album for free. So I've decided to do just that. This is the first time any artist have done this so it is in some way an experimental approach to market an album, and I'm just gonna go ahead and take the risk. The worst that can happen is that my fans can't listen to the music. With the technology nowadays, that's down right impossible.
OR, you can just download that shit for free on some random File Sharing Site! Be a rebel to my rebelliousness!
In the end the artist wins, and the pop star dies. After all these years in the industry, I'm finally starting to realize that is time to close a chapter in my life and that's this pop star label. Though I've tried many times in the past, I've failed. This time however, I wont.
I've never felt so fulfilled with happiness and joy in my life and even though it may only last for a few seconds in my life time It feels so eternal at the moment and I will just go with it. For the past two years I've been hiding behind the insecurity that I have prove myself to people but as of today I am proud to say that is no more. There is noting to proof. If you have something to say about me say it. Your opinion is only powerful if I care for it.
I've distant myself from a lot of people, even people that I once called my friends. Why? Because I refuse to kiss someone's ass, and I will not be anyone's side bitch. I don't know exactly what to call myself anymore! A pop star, a legend, a vagina? All I know is that I am a mother of 2 year old child, I am married to Johnny Johnson and apparently I've sold 100 million records. Say what you want, but that's fucking cool!
I doubt anyone will ever get to read this, but if you do, then maybe you will understand how the next few years will go.