mISTER_b's insane tour KICK OFF with special guest!Last night at the Mansion Nightclub in Miami Beach, people were able to see mISTER_b work as an official DJ as he kicked off his first worldwide club oriented tour. The 1500 sold out venue temperature was HOT, mISTER_b played his brand new hit single plus some nostalgia EDM tracks such as “Sweet Dreams (are made of this)” and re-edition of modern hits like “In this life (Shadows)” from Isabel Merjos and talking about this sunshine pop princess girl, she made a quite impressive appearance in the night to perform with mISTER_b their hit single “Recovery”. Well Culture Uncut was there to cover the very first review of mISTER_b first gig of this tour and by the looks of it, we already can say that clubbers around the world will all be talking about mISTER_b during 2014!
The first track played by mISTER_b was his brand new released “The Energy”, the track set the mood of the night, driven by its Techno House beats and insane vocals by Billy Khan, people went crazy just by hearing that first sick whistle melody responsible to immortalize the track, there are no doubts anymore about this track recently number one peak position on the charts, when clubbers put on their glasses and started jumping around as if the world would ended up that single night, ahh and they were right to put on their glasses once the second track played was the one recorded with Serenity Scott “Sun Glasses”.
The cabin where mISTER_b stands in, it’s a square of led screen, he’s mostly not seen while the controls the turn tables, the almost two hours set is performed and mISTER_b only appears when he comes to encourage his fans to stand their hands or asking how they are feeling that particular night, that’s when the lights resume to show his face, other than that we’re only allowed to watch his silhouette among all of those video projections and crazy laser effects.
It was only after once hour set that mISTER_b announced the long time awaited guest Isabel Merjos to join the stage, first to perform one of her songs, “In this Life (Shadows) was completely changed and remixed by mISTER_b, the piano was changed for synth pop beats and the breakdown is as hardcore as any other track played in the night.
Isabel emerged from a lifting platform on the floor of the stage, it seems that mISTER_b brought some stuff with him for the show, the stage seem to be all adapted to his cabin and his guest, she kept standing in front of his square cabin, holding her mic she was embraced and warmly welcomed by applauses and screams, people were insane, I bet Isabel didn’t know she had that connection with clubbers who’s such a quite difference audience she’s used to perform, or maybe she knows it once her last album was a complete EDM pop opera piece of music.
But not only people in the club were screaming for Izzy, but also some fans who weren’t allowed to enter the club, due to their young age or for the simple fact that the venue was already sold out, even before Isabel was announced via Twitter a couple of two hours before the actual performance happen. These fans were outside the nightclub and if we count right, there were at least 3000 people outside the nightclub, which makes a count of 4500 audience attending the place if we plus the outside fans with the inside fans.
The Nightclub was solicitous with these fans outside of its walls, a big screen projection was shortly arranged so people would be able to at least watch Isabel when she emerged in the stage. Isabel was wearing a short skirt and a tight bright black shirt, barely make up holding he r mic she performed two tracks, her former hit single plus for the very first time live for the fans, the number hit “Recovery”.
And that last one was a magical moment for both of the artists and their fans. Everyone at the venue were singing along the track with Isabel, such a connection the song made among the clubbers in the place made Isabel drop a tear from her eyes while she smiled and pointe out her mic to hear the vibrant voices of those standing in front of her. We were not able to actually see if mISTER_b was touched as much as Isabel till the track was finally finished and the lights showed his face, and guess what? He was touched with tearful eyes a really big smile on his face, Isabel blow kisses to him, while she put her hands on her heart and thanked the ovation she received from the crowed. mISTER_b than asked the crowed another cheering moment for Isabel as she left the stage and so mISTER_b could come up with the final set of songs of the night.
The energy was felt last night, it was a common feeling among everyone who were inside the house or outside of it, people were crying while dancing, they were extremely happy and by the look of their faces, this tour might brought to them delightful moments. The sad thing is that we won’t know who’s going to make surprises appearances before we buy the tickets for this tour, we’ll only know at the day of the gig so if you want to live a moment of pure emotion and connection don’t forget to buy tickets for this experience while they’re still available, because we really believe that after what we seen yesterday, those tickets might not be available for so much time.
Talking with mISTER_b after his performance in his dressing room he shared some thoughts with us about his feelings over the performance.
Quote:“Have you guys perceived I actually cried when Izzy was singing Recovery? – laughs – I dis man, and I don’t feel ashamed, it was such a powerful connection we had with the fans tonight, I can’t even explain what I was feeling that time, it was a mix of joy and love but at the same time excitement and regrets, because of the meaning behind the song, it was surreal man! What about the fans outside the house, it’s unbelievable, like I knew that would probably happen, the venue is small, actually all the venues of this tour are kind of small, if they’re not part of some festival I’m schedule to perform, they’re small clubs and so after I announced Izzy was join me on stage, people went crazy on twitter, they started to ask for tickets, the website of the venues even went down, due to too much access, the funny thing is that the venue was already sold out, insane! People is so passionate about Izzy, she has that kind of lovely energy surrounding her that makes people to enjoy her so much, I know she was emotional too while performing it, sadly she had to quickly get back to her hometown once she’s working hard on something very big for next year, but I’m so thankful to receive her tonight, it was quite a moment, I’ll never forget.”
mISTER_b quickly left the nightclub too, it was around 4 in the morning and he was taking the flight for Washington DC, he’s a guest DJ in the Echostage, there are still a few tickets available for tonight’s concert! Go get yours… we’re mean it! You’re about to have an incredible experience!