Today in the studio we have an up and coming rap slash pop star all the way from the United States of America. Her debut single ‘Blazin’ My Own Trail’ came out in September and has only recently started to receive airplay here in the UK, she’s currently working on her debut album which is planned to be released sometime next year through the American indie label ‘Songs to Love and Die By’, she’s featured on a song with Hannah Beth recently and we’re exclusively giving you the very first listen to her latest single ‘Family Nightmares’ later today, but first let’s talk to the woman herself, Miami!
Welcome to England and Radio 1Miami: “Thank you! It’s nice to be here in London”
Is the weather not too cold for you?Miami: “Oh no, not at all. I like it cold. You guys seem to make such a big deal about your weather, but a lot of you don’t seem to wear coats, what’s the deal with that?”
I think it’s just the English wayMiami: “I think you try to play the sympathy card, I think that’s what it is. That’s what it is, right?” *laughs*
You know what, I think you might be on to something thereMiami: “I knew it!”
So you’re over here in the UK, what’s the purpose of your visit?Miami: “Purely just sightseeing! Yanno? Just taking it all in. Nah, I’m here on business, we’re talking about recording some of my album over here and there’s a couple of benefit shows that I’m gonna be taking part in and promotion and all those sort of things, apparently the UK is where it’s at right now.”
It certainly is, what sort of benefit shows?Miami: “Oooh, you puttin’ me on the spot now! … I think they’re called ‘The Prince’s Trust’”
Of course, your single recently started to get some airplay over here, are you being clever and taking advantage of that?Miami: “Of course, you gotta do that in this game. Nah, I wasn’t totally aware of that, the single actually sorta tanked over in the States. I don’t think many people heard it, so it’s pretty ace to hear that it’s getting some sort of airplay over here. Maybe the UK likes me more than the US. *laughs*”
You’re single couldn’t have possibly failed?Miami: “Oh it did, it failed baaaad! *laughs*”
Did that disappoint you?Miami: “Nah, I thought it would but it didn’t. You can’t account for people’s tastes, people like different things, I mean I think the song was good, but yanno, I’m still figuring out things about myself, strengths and weaknesses. It’s not like my career is gonna revolve around the charts, it’s just a side-show of the real thing, it’s an added bonus, it’s the icing on the cake more than anything. It’s not what you set out to aim for, at least not for me.”
So you think you could have a successful career without chart success?Miami: “Why not? It’s more than possible, if I work hard at what I do then I can count myself career as successful, for me it’s about putting in the effort and that should help guide you enough to maintain a successful career.”
It’s surprising though as Rap music is going strong right nowMiami: “Yeah, they’re killin’ it out there! There’s a lot of people out there, and if you treat it like a competition then it’s gonna be rough, you ain’t gonna be able to enjoy all the things that come with it, yanno”
With music there always seems to be groups that form in certain genres, do you feel like you’re part of any group in the industry?Miami: “Not at all. Nah, I ain’t never been part of a group. There’s a strong Rap clique, just like there is with Rock music and some Pop music and Electronic music. It’s just the way that it goes. I’m not part of any clique though, I don’t know half these people personally, I’ve heard they music but I just sort of stay outta the way. I’ve always flown solo, It’s just the way that I prefer it.”
What about possible collaborations though, you featured on a track with Hannah Beth and Isaac Lovelock, could we seen any more collaborations?Miami: “I’m always open to that, I don’t believe in limitations. I’d happily work with any sort of musician”
So what would you say your favourite sort of music is?Miami: “I like Electronica and Rock music, something that makes me move and feel alive. I listen to all types of music though, Rap of course, Pop music, Urban, Dance, Classical. I’m not fussy”
Who would you like to work with most?Miami: “I dunno, there’s so many people that I would enjoy working with. Serenity Scott is a huge talent and I just love everything that Cinzia Ricci does, not gonna lie to ya, I have a major chick crush on her. I think she’s remarkable, I don’t think she’s made a song that I haven’t loved. But the list can go on for days really.”
What about touring, could we see you on tour soon?Miami: “Hopefully yeah, I haven’t got anything planned right now, but I’m pretty sure I’ll be touring in the new year.”
And the final question, as a new musician, how would you describe your music to those that haven’t heard of you yet?Miami: “It’s a pop-rap, I wouldn’t go overcomplicating things! *laughs* But don’t be put off by the rap label, I believe in my music having a message and having some real depth to it. My songs are about struggles and dreams and faith and love and glory and failure. But it’s just music, don’t take it too seriously”
“Family Nightmares”Written and performed by Amelle ‘Miami’ Sebert
“Yo, you think you got it rough
Well, let me tell you what rough is
You ever felt like you lost the one thing in this world that you can’t live without
A kid without a parent, no place to call my home
Been stuck in care with kids that ain’t wanted no more
They cuttin’ themselves at seven years old
Just cryin’ all through the night
You try to tell em’ things will get better, that things will be alright
But inside you still hurtin’
Mom and dad they got taken away
People come out to see me
I don’t hear a thing that they say
But then they sit me down
Say I’m going somewhere new
“Hey, Amelle! We found a new family for you
Yeah, they gon’ take care of you”
But they don’t the hell that they would put me through
New daddy liked to be out drinking/New mommy alone in her bedroom thinking
I hear that knock on the door/That I’ve heard before
He walks into the house/Starts runnin’ his mouth
New mom screams “get out”/He warns her not to shout
What the f*cks this all about/He starts cussing her out
“Amelle’s sleeping upstairs, don’t you f*cking raise your mouth/But he raises more than that
Swings his fist like a baseball bat/She’s trying to calm him down
But it don’t seem to be working/I’m watching from the stairs, quietly lurking
My heart drops like a stone/I vow to always be alone
As I hear new mommy groan/The punches that he’s throwin’
I run down the stairs/Screaming leave her alone
Fingers in my ears so I don’t have to hear the pain/But he don’t listen, he’s throwin’ his fists at her again
I’m almost crying/I gotta stop him, I’m tryin’
But I’m too young to pull him back
His fury in full swing attack
She’s barely moving on the floor
It don’t stop him from beating her more
He swings out his arm
Catches me out
I scream as the blood flies out
I’m punching and kicking and nothing works
Just wishing that there’d be an end to this pain
I’d rather be on the streets, alone in the rain
At just twelve years old, my innocence was gone
I don’t know how I learnt to be strong
I hide under the table/Hoping this will all come to an end
I got my fingers in my ears/But I can hear new mom’s screaming all over again
And then suddenly the screaming stops/The door kicked open by cops
Neighbours heard the screaming/I thought I was dreaming
Some f*cked up nightmare/Still haunts me
The image of his face/Returns at night and taunts me
But the cops took him away/While the neighbours looked on
Ambulance came and took away my new mom/I heard em’ say it was like Vietnam
Civil warfare/What happened to f*cking childcare
Those f*ckers put me in there/Without a care
No police checks/Just neglect
But I’m older now/Not old enough to forget
I got out of the cycle as soon as I could
Found a life for myself, just like I hoped I would
Tried to be strong
But I still relive that pain
Flashing memories return time and time again
But I’m trying, I still find myself sat up all night crying
Just put on that brave face
Show some grace
I know he’s gone forever
And now I’m finding my place
Building up from the ground
They call it foundations
Cutting out the bad memories
Fear and frustrations
I’m here right now, just working on me
Being all that I hope to be”