Originally Posted by: RoseJapanFan 
Honor: This is fucking amazing, I've never heard of you but I'm glad I happened to click on to this now. Plus I like your name, it's cute ;)
OOC: Nice job on the lyrics and their songs :) They are a consistently good band.
Mike: Thanks, Honor, glad you liked the song!
Originally Posted by: Tman 
Deadeye: Are you trying t say that soldiers don't deserve the credit they are given for fighting for our country. We fought for your rights to make this song, to say the heroics of soldiers to save their country is false, and they only cared about themselves, is fuckin ridiculous and pisses me off.
OOC: On a lighter note. Great song.
Dave: We're trying to say that soldiers don't deserve the credit they are given for torturing and killing innocent people...You know the truth man, the american went to Iraq for the petrol, they are no saviours. I do not hate the american soldiers, there are some that are real heroes, but there are others that don't deserve anything but my repudiation, have you seen the photos of american playing with devastated bodies of their enemies? That's not behaviour of a hero. I hate that type of "heroes".
Originally Posted by: HarryPotter 
Robert: truly an amazing song, I'm glad I clicked on this because I needed to find new music and you have made a fan out of me,
Occ: great song!!
Mike: Awesome! It's great to read we have a new fan. You know, we are not one of the most famous bands out there so it's a goal to see new audienes is hearing us!
OOC: Thanks for your comments, guys! It's awesome to get some good feedback :)...And, personally, I have nothing against the soldiers or americans, it's just the style of the band!