INTERVIEW PART 1 Bow Wow: Today we have a special guest! She's here for the very first time, so lets make sure we gave her a proper 106 & Park welcome! She's also gonna give yall an exclusive preview to her new song "Work My Body"! Please welcome BARBARIAN!
(The Audience cheers on wildly as Barbarian warmly steps out, wearing an all black sexy suit, rocking her new blonde bob hair style)
Miss Mykie: Welcome! Welcome! You are beautiful! I'm so freaking loving the new hair, the new look! I'm sure things are going really well for you right now!
Barbarian: Thank you, things really are! As a person I just feel like I've evolved over the past year but right now, I'm just enjoying myself and I feel it is ok to do that once in a while, but I'm definitely happy with life at the moment and that's what's important!
Bow Wow: Now you been in the game for a while now, in the sense that you were first signed back in 2012! Why did it take you this long to hit 106?
Barbarian: I've been meaning to, but that's why I'm glad I'm here today! First of all I must say the love in this building is unbelivable right now, thank you all so very much!
Bow Wow: Why are you surprised? They love you!
Miss Mykie: Now we obviously have many things to talk about but you a also have a special treat for your fans in the audience later on, your bringing us an exclusive preview of your new single!
Barbarian: Yes "WORK MY BODY"
(Barbarian rubs her waist playfully and then giggles) I'm very excited, the single premieres in full on Sunday and it will be available for immediate download right after! The song has been available for pre-order so you can still get it while you can! But yeah the actual visual will premiere alongside the song and I can tell you guys, I've stepped a little bit out of the box for this one! It's turn up time!
Miss Mykie: Oooh girl already getting nasty right on our couch! Oh but don't worry girl we don't mind!
Barbarian: Like I said, it's turn up time!
(The audience cheers) Bow Wow: Talking about turning up, the past few days you've kind of been an open book to your fans about what's going with your music. You mentioned the fact that you've signed to a new record label. This of course has brought a lot of attention to your name but a lot of confusion with the fans who were on board with the release of "Love.Sex.Magic" and the handling of Hot Eye Records. What was the reason for that and how has the change affected the outcome of your music?
Barbarian: Yeah! most definitely! The past year or so I've been spending a lot of time recording, touring and just doing everything for that album, which I tried very hard to release but in the process of that I came across some people who really didn't have the best interest in me and by those people I don't mean my previous record label but artists that tried to sabotage my name and bring me down as a new artist. That album was ready and set to go, I had everything ready for shipment but I pulled the plug last minute. I just feel like a needed a new beginning and I expressed my interest to Studio 60 and they were able to take me in and I'm honestly grateful for that. Not to say that Hot Eye Records wasn't there for me because they had me all over the place but we didn't really meet eye to eye in terms of me starting over from scratch, so I respected their decision in wanting to part ways. At the end of the day it is a business and I completely understand that. But I'm just starting out, people are gonna be so quick to say I've failed but I'm still here doing my thing, so they are in for a rude awakening. Now for the people who were on board with "Love.Sex.Magic", I still kept some of the songs, but this album will not lean towards pop at all, so that's the only difference, it's not tied to a concept and I'm exploring my urban side a little more.
Miss Mykie: Now in terms of people saying you're failing. Popular blogger and critic "Queen Alexis" had a scuffle with you the past few days. Where do you think that energy comes from and why do you feel as though people are trying so hard to label you a flop?
Barbarian: I personally don't like to pay mind to those people but I think that it all comes from fear and claiming territory. As an R&B chick, I know that this game can be a little competitive to hold the title, but I don't feel like I am out to get anyeone and that's why I could care less. In terms of Tranny Alexis, I could not give a
(BEEP) what she thinks.
(Audience laughs) Miss Mykie: Girl you are on fire! Now we never seen this side of you! (Bow Wow shrugs as people in the audience continue to laugh)
Barbarian: At the end of the day, what one person says about you doesn't matter! It's just that one opinion! Obviously if my name is in her mouth, I'm doing something right, because I'm keeping her talking about me! But I'd like to move on to more interesting things!
Bow Wow: Yes! How about we do that! Well don't you got something you want to show the fans!
Barbarian: Awesome! All right yall! Yall better grab your towels because you're about to catch a tiny little preview of my new single "Work My Body". You heard it and seen it first right here on 106 Park! OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!
(The camera cuts to the VIP Preview) 'WORK MY BODY' VIP PREVIEW 

INTERVIEW PART 2 Miss Mykie: That was hot! I'm not gonna lie! Girl, you are bringing it! I think all the men and maybe even women are feeling some type of way right about now
(Barbarian giggles like a school girl) Barbarian: Thank you! I think the video in full is even more crazier (laughs) There's a special breakdown scene in the video but let me not give too many things away! I really enjoyed myself on the set and it really took the song to a whole new level!
Miss Mykie: So we hard a little bit of the song, it sound like a mid-tempo R&B jam! Your vocals definitely sound a little different, I'm like okkkkk..... (Audience laughs)
Barbarian: Yeah, I definitely explored on bringing my voice to a higher pitch! The Underdogs really pushed me to make sure I sounded different from anything I had already released before! It's been fun recording and really pushing myself this time around!
Miss Mykie: Yall make sure you catch the premiere on VEVO THIS SUNDAY! We will premiere the video the following day, so make sure yall hit up them phone lines or text us if you want to see that video on the countdown!
Barbarian: Let's get that to #1 baby!
Bow Wow: Now as you also mentioned before, this self-titled album leans more on the urban side. You expressed that you are showing a more aggressive side to you. What do you mean by that?
Barbarian: Well apart from being all sexy and stuff, By that I mean that I'm gonna show a little bit of my stronger emotions. I am a strong woman, and I'm not this wimpy girl who I almost made myself out to be. I can say that I have been very light in terms of showming where I come from because I had a vision set for the "Love.Sex.Magic" concept, but now it's all about expressing myself and if I need to clock someone I will, I don't have a manager holding me back and telling me to act like a saint!
Bow Wow: Got you, well that makes sense! Well, I think the fans at home can agree that we are so excited about what you got coming up! Let's talk about the new music and of course more importantly the new self-titled album simply titled "Barbarian". What can fans expect!
Barbarian: Yes! The album will be available May 18, 2014 through Studio 60 Records. Once again, Work My Body is a song I recorded with The Underdogs. There are actually 4 songs that I recorded for the album with The Underdogs and they are big legends, so It was such a huge honor for them to work with me on these songs! The album itself is just very aggressive from beginning to end and I can't wait for fans to hear more! Don't want to give it all away right now!
Bow Wow: The fans are definitely now excited, look at all of the love they are showing!
Barbarian: I know they are super turnt up right now, I'm loving it!
Miss Mykie: Now lets talk about your dating life. Cause girl, we been speculating things!
Barbarian: Oh oh! Oh no here we go!
Bow Wow: Things are about to get major awkward. I'll just be heading out!
Miss Mykie: No YOU STAY!
(laughs) Barbarian: Yall are a hot mess!
(laughs) Miss Mykie: Didn't yall two date back in high school?
Bow Wow: Ok!!!! I think that is all!
(Barbarian begins to blush) Barbarian: Yes we did, but we are now good friends. I'm actually dating someone and have been for a few months so... (shrugs and smiles)
Miss Mykie: OH REALLY!
(Things get majorly awkward in the room as Bow Wow begins to pace around) Barbarian: Hot Mess!
Miss Mykie: It ain't like that was a big secret! All right I'm gonna stop torturing these two! Barbarian, once again thank you for stopping by, I think Bow Wow needs a cold shower or something, he's headed back stage! You however, visit us anything you want baby girl! We love you, the fans love you, so glad to have you back!
Barbarian: (laughing and trying to talk) Awww! Well thank yall so much! I look forward to performing on the stage! I'm definitely coming back! Thank yall for having me!
(Blow a kiss) (The camera cuts Bow Bow running around the stage, and Barbarian catching up to give him a handshake)