Originally Posted by: C4AJoh 
Alex Simms: You're like a firecracker, you're small and so you seem sort of 'cute' and then 'BOOM' it's like "take that motherf*cker" and it's awesome and kinda hot! But yeah, I'm not gonna pretend that I know much of your genre but this is pretty kick ass, I do know a great lyricist when I see one and you're definitely a great lyricist. Seriously brilliant record so far, the varying themes are a massive plus too, see kids, it's not all 'b*tches and h*es'! ;)
Chloe: This right here made me laugh, it really did. And yes im like a firecracker. Cute on the outside but if you miss me off I get ugly ;) thanks for checking this out ...I happen to be a fan of your music and you seem like a cool guy. And of course its not all hoes and bitches, theres soooo much more to talk about!
Originally Posted by: RoseJapanFan 
OOC: I think this showed a great deal of versatility from Chloe, not being just a typical rapper but throwing in some unique elements to the twist. It's a good album rp :)
Honor: I'm actually sort of impressed with this album. The balance of pop and hip hop is what worried me but there seems to be an evenness there. Since you've always been more Pop than Hip Hop to me, I've always struggled to accept your urban tracks but they weren't too bad. I'd buy this.
OOC: Thanks so much :) Yeah I like to show just how versatile she is and I thought I could get that across better if I made an album with alot of variety. Really appreciate how you noticed that!
Chloe: Thank you Honor. ;)
Originally Posted by: BrownSugar 
Scott: Do my eyes deceive me? Does Chloe actually have a full length album streaming on the world wide web? :P I'm so glad you've finally got this record out, I know you've been working hard on it for a long, long time. Definitely going to purchase this when it's released. Great job :)
OOC: FINALLY! :P It's been so long, I never thought this day would come. 2014 seems to be the year when acts finally get off their ass and release their albums - Chloe, Andrea, Mandy etc :P I really enjoyed this album, it seems like one I would purchase in real life! 'Haters' and 'Rebel On My Own (Hands In The Air)' are my favourites :)
Chloe: Scooott, Yes its finally out. Its been a really long time coming been working to get this out for like, years you know that lol. Been through many changes but I couldn't be happier with the outcome. Thanks for your support :)
OOC: I know right! Its been quite an eventful year already :). I really like it! RealllllLy happy to know it would be an album you would buy in real life, that's huge for me to hear! Thank thank thank you for such nice words and I'm happy you like those. I like those too :P
Originally Posted by: GirlSpice 
OOC: Great job with the lyrics! Definitely shows diversity and a whole different side to you as a writer. :)
OOC: Thanks Stacy! It's been a struggle. Been writing for Chloe for forever leading up to Born Free. Literally :P
Originally Posted by: erich hess 
erica: yay! this is the best chloe ever! shake shake shake my ass.
nina:um...thats my ass you're shaking,love.
erica:chloe's too good for just my ass. i needed to call in back up.
Chloe: Thanks Erica baby ;) We still gotta do the heel walking lessons! Just call me!