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 Artist: Vanity Album: Odyssey Genre: Synth-pop, house, electronic, alternative Label: North Hill Records Production: mISTER_b, Vanity Lyrics: Vanity
01. "Garden of Love" 02. "Dirty Lover" 03. "Space Lover" 04. "Master" 05. "The Highlands" 06. "Odyssey" 07. "Pleasure Party" 08. "Wet Skin" 09. "Sweet Company" 10. "Fashion Week" 11. "Aphrodisiomania"
 AN ODYSSEY WITH VANITY A detailed interview, giving fans an insight into the record.

Just to start off, we want to say a big hello to everyone streaming at home. We're live in New York City with the one and only, Vanity. How special is it to hold this interview in your home city to all your fans watching? It means a lot to me, it really does. I know there's so many of you watching and I want to thank you for taking the time in the day to come on this adventure with me as we explore deeper into the world of Odyssey, my new record.
I know how hard you've worked on the new record, what does Odyssey mean to you? In pop music, it's a very superficial world, nothing is real and we take real life and gloss over it with a perfect little Photoshop brush and make it all the more appealing and beautiful to the consumer. And it's not just the covers, you get censored versions of the albums, which may I add is something I'm not doing for this record, you either hear it how it was intended or get the fuck out, basically. There's one version of the physical and digital album, nothing will be censored. Sadly, when it comes to radio, I can't do much about that, but as long as you're purchasing my music, you'll hear it how I want you to. My music video to "Garden of Love" was also banned from music channels, censorship is all around us in pop to make the product clean-cut, it isn't beautiful if it's offending someone, sadly. But as I was saying, the point here is that Odyssey isn't intended to be watered down pop music, that's what I love about this record so much, it's fearless and unapologetic. You don't get the choice whether to spit or swallow, you either take it or I'm not cumming.
That's a great statement, because I know you're incredibly passionate about your music and what you stand for. Surely it's annoying when you hear people so casually dismiss your music, like the lead single "Garden of Love" which was branded a flop by critics? I am very passionate, because if I'm honest, music is all I've ever known and it's all I really live for. After everything that happened in my personal life in the past, everyone thought I'd never return and that I'd had enough of this industry after all the pain it brought me. But with the pain has come so much love from my amazing fans and so many amazing memories, I could never give it up. When you care so much about something, do you think I give a damn what some blogger says about where I'm charting? Someone I've never met and likely never will? Someone who's name I'm not even aware of? It doesn't cross my mind for a second in the day, I don't think about charts, I don't think about sales, I think about my fans and that is it. Odyssey wasn't recorded for the charts, it was recorded for horny, adventurous pop lovers like myself. If it turns you on or makes you want to explore the world and have a good time, then this album was a huge success. I've been there and done that when it comes to the charts, let me make the music I want to fucking make.
You also put out a new single called "Space Lover", a unique pop song if I say so myself, released in celebration of your announcement that you'll be singing in space. We'll get to that in a minute, but what does the single mean to you and what inspired the lyrics? "Space Lover" is a song that I wrote about looking beyond humans to find our true match. It's the sequel to "Dirty Lover" and goes above and beyond that obsession to look for love. We always talk about "the one" and how they could be on the other side of the world, but wait, what if they were on the other side of the galaxy? Somewhere so far that we don't even know how to get there? Or that it even exists? I'm very fascinated with the universe and I think about stuff like this when I lay in bed at night, it sounds crazy, I know. But I like to think people can listen to the song and feel a lot more open minded, it's a real event of a song, it just takes you somewhere else. It's like a drug. I know these songs I'm throwing at everyone won't be received well by the mainstream, they don't get it, they don't understand the passion and the meaning behind what I'm singing, but I'm glad my fans can connect with it. I like to think these songs transcend the charts, so much so that it doesn't matter how much it sells, because these tracks will be remembered for their meaning.
And this Virgin Galactic ship you're set to go on next year into space, how excited are you about that? Surely it blew your mind when you were in talks to become the first ever human being to perform in space? It is very hard to get your head around that, but I feel like I'm returning home in a way. I think I'll feel closer to home up there than I could ever down here on Earth, I don't know. But yes, it's happening and it's happening next year and I just want to go already, it's going to be the best moment of my life. I've always wanted to sing for the aliens! Who knows? Maybe I'll come back with my real space lover.
Have you thought about the song you'll be singing? I think it's got to be "Space Lover", hasn't it? Not only is it appropriate, it's my call to the aliens that I want sex. (laughs) I have a lot of ideas though, but for now, nothing is confirmed in terms of the performance, I want to take my time with it.
And what about planet Earth? Will we be seeing you live in concert on another tour soon? I've been getting plenty of fan questions about that. You'll have to wait and see.
Let's get back to the album then, in a world exclusive, Vanity's going to talk about each and every song for the first time ever. I know we just briefly discussed "Garden of Love", but tell us what motivated you to write such a song? "Garden of Love" was the perfect song to lead this album with, it really captures the overall mood of the record and a lot of the themes that are presented throughout are heavily featured in this one song. It's purely about not letting anyone in your life restrict you from living the way you want to, no one is able to judge you because no one is perfect. Fuck anyone who says you can't be who you want to be or do what you want to do, that is what it's about. It's about liberation and sexual expression.
Next on the album is "Dirty Lover", a song taken from your Tease EP. There's been a mixed reaction to you featuring songs from the EP on the record, what was the decision behind that? The plan was to have Tease be a little introduction to this album, by putting the four songs out there and then having a few on the record as well, on top of all the new material. So you were teased, and now you have the full package. It's like oral and intercourse, you don't just forget about the oral, do you? I wasn't going to just brush it all under the carpet and pretend it never happened, that wasn't the plan, it wouldn't make sense. So there's some familiar stuff on the record because you've already been exposed to it, you already got your pleasure and it's a fucking great memory cause that was the best blowjob you ever received. Now you're finding further pleasure. You're welcome. "Dirty Lover" is really all about that, just wanting a partner who isn't afraid to be experimental and try new things. Be dirty, it's good. I'm not going to pretend it isn't about sex and that it was really all just a lie. When I write a song about sex, I mean it.
We just spoke about "Space Lover" so we'll move onto a track called "Master", what sound can we expect from that and what are the lyrics like? "Master" is a very sinister song, it's one of the more darker tracks on the record and it follows that moody vibe the previous songs on the track listing have. I know some may hear the title and assume it's a basic dom/sub, S&M kinda song, but it's a lot deeper than that. It's a song I wrote about the higher ranks, turning away from whoever has the role of the master in your life and fighting for your independence.
Did you have to fight against any masters for your music this time round? Actually, no. At this stage in my career, I think I've accomplished enough to do what I want and for my label to be okay with that, but back in the day, yeah, I've had to fight a lot for my music. I'd always be told to do one thing and I'd do the other. (laughs) I truly believe sticking to my guns is why I'm still here, sitting with you. You just have to go with your own instinct sometimes.
Next up is a song which has an interesting title and one that grabbed me when I first saw the album's track listing. What is "The Highlands" all about? "The Highlands" is a favourite of mine because it has such a unique identity on the album, but still manages to blend in with the rest of the songs. A lot of the record is about escapism and "The Highlands" is really about surrendering to sex and drugs at the end of a long day. Letting those pleasures in life drift you away from any troubles, I think we all need a little more of it in our daily routines. It's quite trippy and magical, you don't even need to actually be high to feel high when you listen to it, those are the best songs.
Were you high while recording any of these songs? God, yes. That's a given, isn't it, darling? Some of the fucked up things I write about don't just spring up out of nowhere, it's the weed. (laughs)
I love how honest you are. (laughs) The album's title track "Odyssey" is track number six, what was so special about this song that made you want to title the album after it? It wasn't really the song itself that made me want to go with that title, it was reviewing the album as a complete piece and thinking of one way I could describe it. There was this silly rumour that I was going to call it Sex and I was sat there like... really? My fans believe I'm going to write an album about sex and call it sex? (laughs) That's a little predictable. But the album really is a musical adventure and it takes you to where very few pop artists dare to go, so it was quite easy deciding on the album's title. But "Odyssey" the song is very beautiful, it's a softer moment on the record and it's purely about living for the thrills in life, the love, the risk, the adventure.
I imagine "Pleasure Party" to be a dirty one, can you confirm that? I mean, it depends what you'd consider dirty, doesn't it? Some people have absolutely no boundaries. Yes, I'd say people will consider it dirty. It's a good party track, I know my fans like to get wasted and dance hard to my songs on the weekend, or in the week, I don't know, I'm all for unusual partying patterns. It's a very fun song though and I look forward to performing it at some point, some of the lyrics are sexy but playful, and I think it's nice to throw that mix in there and show that sex shouldn't just be a strictly serious thing. We can have fun with it, it's something to be enjoyed.

And of course the second song from your Tease EP to feature on the album is "Wet Skin". What made you choose this one over the others? I think "Wet Skin" presented what I was going for with this album the best, it suited the other songs and also added a new element to the album that I think I would have missed if it wasn't there. It's very sensual and seductive, it's not your average sex song and that's the beauty of a song like "Wet Skin". You can appreciate it when you listen to it and also discover the beauty of intimacy.
Next up we have "Sweet Company", can you tell us anything about that track? "Sweet Company" is like the art school student on the album, a little eccentric and different, but you love it, you can't help but to love it. It's really about searching for your ideal lover through whatever medium. In this case, it's through the love of art and creativity. You paint your perfect partner and find the company that you've been longing for.
"Fashion Week" is another that excited me when I first saw the song title, because I'm imaging a big catwalk anthem. Am I right? You actually are, it's another light hearted moment on the album and actually the first song I wrote for this record. I've tweaked it along the way and it's grew into this bold, beautiful drag queen that's fearless and powerful and the most gorgeous creature on the god damn planet. It's a big dance song and one that I think my fans will adore, it's so much fun, the gay clubs will eat it up. Their taste is so amazing because they always play the best songs from my albums, I'm always in gay clubs here in New York. I'll be minding my own business and then I'll suddenly hear a really random album track from like three years ago, but it's incredible. I can confirm it's going to be the next single, you'll hear it very soon. I just shot the video for it and it's my best yet.
What can we expect from that? It's just a very visually stunning piece to suit the nature of the song. It's one of the most fun songs I've done in a while and the video reflects that, it's a little out of place on the record amidst all the sex and whatnot. I just felt like it was important to throw in that little bit of variety before I get thrown into a sex rehab or something. (laughs)
And rounding it all up is a mouthful, "Aphrodisiomania". I'm imaging another sexy song, what's it like? It is another sexy song and another big statement on the album. I find it so boring when pop albums slow in tempo as the record goes on, so you're pretty much always guaranteed a ballad right at the end. "Aphrodisiomania" has zero fucks to give, what you see is what you get with it, there's no hints or sly double entendres, it's full on sex and it leaves very little to the imagination. If I want to write about something, I won't think of ways to dance around the subject, the best way is to just tackle it head first. I think this one will turn some heads and turn a lot of people on.
It sounds pretty incredible if I say so myself. Of course one of the major themes on the record seems to be about sexual expression, do you think that's important to address as a female pop artist? Definitely. I think if you're a female pop artist, music and sex almost go hand in hand, it doesn't always have to be that way, but a lot of the time, it is. But people say that as if it's such a bad thing, it's sex, it's not such a foreign subject, it's the most common thing around and we've all been doing it. Don't act like you didn't have the dirtiest weekend with some stranger last month and then pretend you're shocked when you see me half naked in a music video, it's all natural. It's why I felt the need to speak out in support of Magie, a really great pop artist. I felt like people were putting her and her music down purely because it's very sexual and free spirited, why is that so wrong? Does that give us all a free ticket to hate her because she's comfortable with herself? Would we prefer her to not be happy like she is and have an eating disorder and stuck in rehab? This is what the world is like. You either hate someone for being happy and confident, or you hate them for having problems because they're batshit crazy, purely because you put them there in the first place with your horrible comments. We live in such a twisted world, she's worked very hard on her music and visuals, and no hard working woman deserves to be put down like that. So yes, I just wanted to say something about it on Twitter and I hope it boosted her spirits, even just a little bit. It's hard out there, especially if you're a solo female artist. You don't really have anyone to turn to and it can be quite scary and lonely, I've been there and I've seen the worst of this industry, but if you know how to fight through that, then you can face anything.
You worked with mISTER_b on this album, what was it like working with him and what has the fan reaction been like? It's been a very liberating process working with such a genius producer, I do believe he'll be in this industry for a very long time, because he's great at what he does and he knows music inside out. We didn't go into this album thinking about what would get me a number one, we made music that was different and experimental. It was a totally different realm for him as a producer I think, because I know a lot of his music is great mainstream dance music. It does incredibly well on the charts, people eat it up. So when the public heard that I was working with him, they were expecting that from me as well. But I like to give the world the unexpected, and I think it's thrown some people off a little with what they've heard. They're like, wait, mISTER_b produced this? Why doesn't it sound like his regular stuff? Because that was what I wanted, and of course with my own input, we like to steer the boat away from the ordinary. But my fans love it, the real fans who have stuck by me through thick and thin, they're embracing the music and appreciating the risks that I'm taking with my career. It's great.
It is great. Because I know your last album was a lot more mainstream than what you're putting out now, so I imagine you didn't want to replicate that, right? Even though it did incredibly well. Yes, right. Every album is a new chapter in my pop story and I can't rewrite the same chapter, I have to keep thinking of new ideas and new ways to reinvent myself, it's artistically challenging, but it's the fun part of what I do. The Sound of Living was a very fun album and it was a record breaking album, it was designed to do well, and it did do well. This album has a completely different purpose, so people shouldn't be comparing them.
I think it's very admirable how open you are with your opinions and what you believe in. Have you ever been told off in the past for speaking your mind so often? Oh, yes. In fact, many people have tried to silence me in a way and they're no longer in my life because they didn't understand who I was as an artist. I've got this amazing opportunity to reach out to so many people in the world and encourage and inspire them, why waste that? I want to spread love and equality in a cruel world that needs more of it, and I see nothing wrong with it. I've had old label heads and old managers tell me to stop talking about gays, stop talking about religion, blah blah blah. But I'm not a pop artist who's just going to stay silent while putting out mindless, manufactured music. Those who do so really infuriate me as an artist, because I feel like they're not doing enough with their power and I start to wonder if they're just in it for the money, a lot of the time they are. I will forever fight for my fans, whether you're straight, gay, black, white, we all deserve to live in a world that's kind to one another.
I completely agree. Vanity, it's been a pleasure, and I wish you all the best with the new album. Thank you very much. (smiles)
Edited by user 21 April 2014 02:26:52(UTC)
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