We finally solved the mystery of who was responsible for that damn catchy synthpop track, 'Cheerleader' and it turns out she's a nobody! Well, not just a nobody, she's actually related to one of music's finest artists.
We've only learned a little bit about her like her name, Tiffany Mackenzie, but her stage name is Nova. She's from London, United Kingdom, and she's 21 years old. Oh, did we forget to mention she's Glamazon's little step-sister? Yeah, let's throw that in there too on her list of awesome things about her. She may not have always been a music fan but at least she's open to whatever and doesn't seem to over think the industry like most artists. Her calm and cool nature mixed with unpredictable tactics and intelligence makes her an interesting character. Plus, she can make a hell of a tune.
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Hello Nova, or Tiffany? Which do you prefer to go by?Either is fine with me, Hello.
How come you released your track anonymously on SoundCloud?The element of surprise. I didn't want people to see me and not even bother to hear what I had to say first. You know, people are always looking to see what the singer looks like and then they'll act. 'Oh, she's cute, I'll give her a listen' and that goes horribly wrong or 'She's ugly, her music must suck too' it's just annoying. Why not just release a song without knowing the face? Until now, that is.
Do you take pride in your looks?I think everyone should. I don't necessarily want to just depend on them though. I mean I had to in order to even record. I took a modeling job and that's all about looks, just to earn money to get a session.
What was the inspiration behind 'Cheerleader'?It's just a sarcastic song about artists and their 'fans'. That's like the mothership of the industry right now, fans and the relationship you perceive to the world with them. Everyone wants to claim to be the best person or whatever. Fans can get so intense, like they are pledging their eternal love to them. Basically, I'm the 'fan' in this situation and I'm just being really overbearing and saying how I'll always be there, cheering them on no matter what. It's quite ridiculous in some ways.
Why ridiculous?I mean if I murder someone, would you still support me? If I was a racist?
Nice point but something tells me it was really just tongue in cheek.It was. It wasn't all deep thought out like that. [
laughs] I'm not that bloody boring.
Do you ever feel as if you'll be in your bigger sister's shadow?I'm prepared for the massive comparisons but not really. We've both got something unique and different about us but I don't really compare us. We're sisters. I respect her and admire her but I'm not trying to be like her, in that I want to be seen as dark and scary. No, not me. I'm way too girly and silly to be taken seriously with an axe. [
laughs] I'd probably just hit myself with it. I mean all siblings get compared, it happens. I'm not bothered.
How would you describe your style?I like dark clothes and sometimes bright neon ones with cutoff shirts.
I meant your musical style.Well to be fair, that was a bloody broad question.
I apologize.My musical style is a mixture. I don't think genres, it screws up the creative process. I mean how many artists are struggling because they are being forced to make a Pop song or an R&B song and it's not really coming out the way they want to. When you free yourself from that shit, it's just natural and you can do what you want. I know it's safe to do whatever is in demand. I do like darkness but I also like bright things and light heartedness. Don't always be too serious.
Do you respect artists that come off as manufactured?Everyone gets a little bit of guidance every now and then. I don't really judge. Make music however you want to, just don't expect me to stay in the circle.
Why the name Nova?I love space and a Nova is basically the reason a star shines so....I'm a very confident gal. [
laughs] Plus, I kinda hate my real name.
Tiffany? Why?I didn't think anyone would notice a girl named 'Tiffany' in this industry.
So would you describe yourself as an entertainer, musician, or artist?I don't know if I'm entertaining enough, I can be a bit drab. I don't play one damned instrument so artist. I consider music the biggest medium in the world because it gets through to everyone. Not everyone likes art, but everyone loves music.
You've got a unique little voice. Do you think that will help you or hinder you?Thank you. Hopefully it helps me.
Have you recorded any other music to share with us?I have but I've not shared them with anyone yet. I don't think it's time. I'm just kind of feeling the industry out a little bit.
How would you describe your songs?A bit confusing, I guess. I've let some people read my lyrics and they get confused so I don't know if that's a good or bad thing. I mean I love a challenge. I love when people don't know things. I hate people who just know everything, it's no fun for anyone.
Who are some of your influences?I think I'm gonna sound generic here but Madonna, Queen, Michael Jackson, Adele, Prince, Pet Shop Boys, Spice Girls, Lana Del Ray, I like them all.
Any artists you favor today?Umm...I quite like that song by that Daisy girl, she's lovely, and I'm a big Josh Meyer fan. I like Lotus, Riot! In The Boulevard, oh I heard that amazing song, Bulletproof is it? I like that girl as well. I like The Dolls, PURE, Hey Lolita, although I'm quite pissed they aren't together anymore. Oh, I could go on for hours and hours. Would you think me weird if I said Suzie?
Probably, yes. Why Suzie?I just appreciate the fact that she's having fun with her music and not being a bugger about if it don't do well or whatever. Her music's fun and it makes me think.
How does listening to 'Glory Hole' make you think?How does it not make you think? She's just a nice Pop star and she's a Pop star that people hate because she knows she's making actual Pop music. It's catchy and not always deep, but you know sometimes people just want a tune. Like I said, I appreciate anyone who makes music. It's not always about quality or quantity. It's abut sincerity. I think she's sincere in her music. She's giving you herself and it's up to you to take her shit or to ignore it. Either way, she's fine. Too many people care too much and it waters them down. Why not make a song about fucking? Why the hell not? [
Are you hoping to get signed by an indie label or a major label?What's the difference these days? They all just want money right? I don't care. They can get their money and I'll have my songs. I was rejected a few years back, because nobody knew me and so why take a chance on this nobody? I don't blame them. It just made me more ambitious in getting my music out. I think had I been signed instantly back then, I would have felt like I did my job. Now, I feel like I've got to make more and more music. It's fun.
What's Glamazon really like?She's what you get. I mean, we don't hang out all the time but we talk. Fame hasn't changed her a bit. The only thing is she's got a bigger closet [
laughs]. Like I said, I've never been like starstruck around her. She's Glamazon to you but to me? She's just Victoria.
Did she give you any advice?Yeah, she told me to have fun and don't take shit from anyone, which is completely sane for someone like her.
Before we finish up, what's the one thing you're told a lot?I've got some nice tits. [