It is a very common and unfortunate sight within the music industry. A young, promising star with lots to offer is unfortunately overshadowed by the big hitters in the music world, fails to breakout and make a name for themselves, ultimately finding themselves either giving up on the dream or staying within the shadows of today's musical giants. For Andrea Khan it seemed as though things were heading that way after low single sales and delay after delay on her debut album but the defiant beauty turned the tables last year. Khan returned to top form, releasing a number one single and finally dropping her debut effort; "In And Out Of Consciousness" which also hit the top spot on the album chart but that was all just a warm-up. With a bold new look, feisty attitude and another record on the way, Andrea is set to take her career to new heights in 2014. She may finally be on her way to becoming a huge household name but the road she has had to walk to get to this point has not been all roses. -
Shaun Robinson
A small, family-owned coffee shop which is in dire need of some air conditioning may be the place to find gossiping old age pensioners and ravenous construction workers on their break but it is apparently one of chart-topping singer, Andrea Khan's top spots to hang out.
"This place makes the best scones. I usually come here most mornings for one of those and some tea. I am officially British now." she says, chuckling away before delicately sipping from her cup with a pinky finger raised as she imitates the posh English stereotype. While the setting and the food seem rather plain and nothing too striking Andrea's eye-catching look and larger than life presence certainly light up the place and contrasts greatly with the white and brown colour scheme of the cosy cafe. With a blonde quiff, startling red lipstick, black knee-high boots, a crop top which reveals her toned midriff and a pair of hot pants, it is safe to say that Andrea is not afraid to stand out from the crowd, a far cry away from the meek little girl that once was.
"I'm experimenting with fashion a lot lately. I've always had a love for clothes like any girl but I never had the confidence to take any risks or wear something that is bound to draw attention to me. I either used to wear long, flowing dresses or a plain top and jeans because they were simple and nothing too 'out there'. Now I'm much more confident with myself, my body and I don't mind standing out. It's actually rather fun. As she takes a bite of her scone, I sit back and reflect on the mental image I had of this lady just over a year ago. Like most people, when someone mentioned Andrea's name I would think of her rocky relationships, attempted suicide and generally being a quivering mess yet it seems like she has overcome all of that with no problem at all. I was curious as the where this sudden and new found confidence came from.
"It's no secret that I've had a tough time in the industry. Not only have I had to deal with a lot of stuff regarding my music career, I've also endured a sh*t load of problems and hiccups in my personal life too. I guess that after so much time I just had to slap myself and say 'grow a pair of balls and deal with it'. I've learned not to be so sensitive and let every little thing get to me. I've put up barriers when it comes to certain parts of my life. I came into this industry all young and naive, baring my soul to the world with absolutely no guard and it almost killed me." Andrea almost seems like a completely different person. Minus the Southern accent, you would be hard pressed to find similarities between Khan when she first started out back in 2011 and the persona she has today.
"A lot of people have said that this new hairdo is horrible and that it's the worst thing I've ever done and then there are others who totally love it. I love it too and that's all that really matters at the end of the day." While I have grown to love the new do, I for one was shocked when I first laid eyes on it and I wasn't the only one.
"I think that because I went from being brunette and always having rather long hair to having it all cropped and dyed blonde suddenly, it was quite a shock for some people. If I had a little trim then I doubt anyone would have given a sh*t, I don't know I just don't get the big deal. It's only hair, you can do lots with it and it grows back so I don't get the problem some people have." As I try my best to drown out the sound of chattering crockery in the background, Andrea goes on to explain how she deals with the negative reaction her blonde hairdo has received. "It's my hair so I can do what I want with it. That is how I look at things. People are accusing me of being a slut, I'm being accused of trying to copy this person or that person and I've even read some comments saying that they 'hate me now' just because I look different. If y'all judge people purely based on looks then that speaks volumes and shows what kind of person you are. Y'all won't get very far in life."
Even talking about all the negative comments and touching on the pressure to look a certain way just to please others, Andrea still carries a smile across her face and that can't help but pass on to me and make me feel rather at ease. With all the upsets that have dominated her life so far she finally seems happy and sure of herself. I ask her if she is content with her life before sipping my frothy latte.
"Well I'm certainly happy, I can say that. I wouldn't say that every little thing is perfect though and I'm still going to aim for bigger and better things that will hopefully make me even happier. I am a proud mom and I'm loving watching Daniel grow each day, I'm enjoying my new healthy eating and exercising scheme and I'm excited for the new album era to kick start so everything is looking good at the moment." While Andrea certainly has an edge to her personality, there is still something rather sweet and down to earth about the starlet. It seems like what you see is what you get with Ms Khan and since she appears to be a rather honest individual I had to ask her if her new look is truly authentic or if it was implemented by management which is a popular rumour circulating right now.
"Oh it was definitely a conscious decision of mine. It wasn't to shock people, I mean I knew people would be surprised but that wasn't the intention. I cut my hair because it was annoying me. I just wanted something that was easy to manage and that wouldn't be grabbed by a mischievous toddler named Daniel. I dyed it blonde because I just thought it looked cute. I love that sort of hairstyle on P!nk, Robyn and Dustyn so I thought I'd get in on the action." she laughs as she references her friend Dustyn Blue.
"I also lost a little bit of weight because I started to eat healthier stuff and I was working my butt off promoting the first album, working on the second as well as being mommy so naturally, I slimmed down a little. As far as the new fashion sense goes, again as I said earlier, I just have the confidence to wear different things now. It was nothing to do with management, I'm not some puppet. I can make my own decisions. I also don't want y'all to think that in order to feel good about yourself you have to lose weight or you have to chop off all of your hair. Just do whatever makes you feel comfortable in your own skin. This works for me, I've never felt so alive in my life but everyone is different. Just do your own thing, don't give a sh*t 'bout what anyone else thinks."Some time has passed now and while I am thoroughly enjoying Andrea's presence and do not wish to dampen the mood, there is one topic I (as well as all of you readers) have been desperate to be brought up in the conversation. Yes that is correct, I am about to mention the "B" word. Last time we heard, Billy Khan and Andrea had broken up yet again but that is not all. While the pair were all loved up, Andrea hired her husband as her new manager. Now that has got to be an awkward position to be in. Havig your significant other control your career is one thing but your ex?
"We can talk about him, it's fine. Everything is cool between Billy and I at the moment. I know that we are always off and on again, y'all are sick of hearing about us. If it were up to me, I'd keep it all behind closed doors but Billy likes to air his thoughts out on social media 24/7 in case you haven't noticed so whenever we have a little disagreement or hit a rough patch, it's well documented." Andrea laughs before closing her eyes and shaking her head as she goes on to discuss her rocky relationship with the controversial pop star.
"To be honest at this point in time we are not together but I would be willing to give it another go. We've been talking a lot lately, there's no bad blood between us and he's maturing...slowly. Billy and I have a kid, we've been through so much sh*t together so we will always have a connection no matter what."Hearing Andrea's take on their relationship I was intrigued and wanted to find out so much more. Naturally, I had to ask her what everyday life is like being involved with one of the biggest stars on the plant. Not only is Billy Khan a very busy man, he also has thousands of 'Weekenders' throwing themselves at him and his band mates while cursing their partners at the same time.
"Every relationship has ups and downs, it's just a fact so I'm not going to say we were perfect. However we certainly loved each other very much. We got married and had a baby together so if our relationship was bad from the get go like a lot of tabloids and crappy magazines say so then we would have never done any of that. I remember being so wrapped up in him when we first got together. I felt like one of those old cartoons, you know when they see someone that's really attractive and they have massive love hearts for eyes and they start floating around because they're completely taken away by this person. That's how I felt." A slight smile appears on Andrea's face again as she reminisces about the early days of their relationship.
"Yes Billy is hot and yes, he can really put that d*ck to work but he is also a really nice person and an extremely funny and talented guy. I feel like one side of the media only want to show him as some sort of monster and the other only wish to portray him as a piece of eye candy who likes to get his c*ck out. He is a real person, he has his own problems and things are difficult for him which is something a lot of people just don't understand."Although the couple are "no more" at this current point in time, I still can't help but feel that by the end of the week they will be back together and flooding Twitter with their sexual exploits. Another thing that slightly worries me is just how wrapped up in her ex she is. It has been rumoured that Billy has physically attacked Andrea and if we all scroll down a few pages on Mr Khan's Twitter profile, we can see that he is rather quick to verbally abuse her in front of millions. Although I do not want to take away from Andrea's reinvention and new outlook on life, I can't help but feel that this attitude and sexual image has stemmed from the mental scarring courtesy of Billy. Is she a damaged woman trying to find her way again? Andrea plays around with a few crumbs on her plate before defending her unstable husband yet again.
"Being in a relationship with him was tough, I'll admit that. He has a few mental health issues but I stuck it out because that's what couples do. I'm not saying he should get away with everything or have super special treatment but a lot of people need to remember that this is just a twenty year old guy that endured a lot of trauma growing up and has been scarred by it all. What he really needs is a good friend and not have people deliberately trying to anger him."
On the subject of having "good friends" it is a well known fact that Andrea has lost a few friends within the industry since becoming romantically involved with Khan. With a new record coming out, looking after a one year old and receiving a lot of media attention, does Andrea have someone she can turn to no matter what?
"I try to keep my friends list to a minimum because...well of bad experiences in the past really. I am really good friends with Riley & Michelle Hamilton as well as Dustyn Blue. There are a few others too but I don't want to mention their names as it could open up a can of worms for all of those pissy people out there." Andrea pours herself another cup of tea, holding the teapot delicately while showing off her beautifully manicured nails.
"I used to have a really good friend in the industry but unfortunately we sort of fell away from each other. I guess we just had really different view points on a situation and we just sort of fell away. Again, I don't want to be naming her because I don't want to be misquoted and have this turned into a diss about her. I really wish we could rekindle our friendship but I still feel like things are a little awkward right now plus she doesn't follow me on Twitter anymore and y'all know that nowadays, an unfollow is equal to a middle finger to the face." Andrea laughs before taking a sip of her fresh cup of piping hot tea.
The best songs come straight from the heart and having lived through everything Andrea has had to endure, I know that she has a lot to say. Falling away from friends, coming out as bisexual, giving birth, losing her parents, getting married, breaking up with her husband over and over again must surely give her a boatload to write about.
"Writing is like free therapy to me. I experience a whole lot of emotions when I'm in the studio, writing and recording. Even when I'm performing, I still need to control myself and not just burst out into tears or start cheering and doing back flips on stage, depending on how the song is making me feel. My songs are always written by myself and maybe the odd co-writer but I could never let someone else write a song for me, that just wouldn't feel right. I always relive the experience which my songs are based on whenever I'm writing or performing them and it's a really intense feeling. I don't always wish to relive certain things but I know I have to in order to write the realest songs and to overcome the situation. It's very therapeutic for me."
As we finally move on to the topic of the second album, I can barely contain my excitement as I start to fire questions left right and centre. It may have only been a few months ago when she released her debut album "In And Out Of Consciousness" but as a lot of that album was heard almost two years prior to release, I am eager to hear an entire record of new recordings with the fierce, reinvented Andrea at the helm.
"This record has been a long time coming for me. I've been working on it on and off for the past year, it was really stressful at times but I am so proud of it you don't even know. In a way this seems more like my debut album since I'm finally establishing myself and saying that I am here to stay. "In And Out Of Consciousness", as much as I love the record, it seemed more like a way of tying up loose ends and gathering up a messy string of single releases. The album had been delayed so many times, the first single came out in 2011 but the album came out in 2014. It was just a way of drawing a line under a messy era and that's why I didn't tour the record as I had nothing more to offer from it." As it has been rumoured that Andrea has been in the studio with various rappers, I asked her if her sophomore album will see her depart from country pop and delve into a grittier urban sound.
"I really don't like defining myself as a certain type of artist, I'm just an artist. I don't stick to one genre. Overall I would have to say that album two does have a more urban, R&B oriented sound but there are a lot of pop songs thrown into the equation too alongside rock influenced ones, dance infused tracks as well as some throwback disco styled songs so there's quite a mix. I love to experiment and I think a lot of people dubbed me as "country" or "rock pop" because of the first album. The reason that that album had that sound throughout was due to the fact that the majority of it was already written three years ago and I just wanted to finish it off and move the f*ck on. I didn't want to start experimenting three years into a project and confuse people. I wanted to get that album done then really start to get to work. I've only just begun."As she flashed another smile at me and since we were both getting on like a house on fire, I tried my luck and asked her if she had any exclusives. Name of the album perhaps?
"Y'all find out soon enough. There is a name for the album but I'm not saying just yet. I only just made my mind up a few days ago. I think I went through like a million and one titles before deciding on this one." Andrea runs a hand through her perfectly styled hair and looks out of the window before commenting on how busy the streets had become. We had been chatting away for so long, the early morning was now fast approaching lunchtime. After some more small talk about the hustle and bustle outside of the window, I asked Andrea if she could give us the names of any features. It was a long short but still worth a try.
"I don't wanna say any names just yet, it'll spoil it. I'll say that it'll surprise y'all, that's all I'll say. I've got some fairly new artists on tracks as well as some icons. I've worked with some of my all time favourites on album two, I am so excited and I really do wish I could tell you right now but I know it'll all be worth the wait. It's a dope record." Clearing her throat and gulping down some more tea, Andrea then continues to develop of the subject of featuring artists on a song.
"I've said before that this record is really personal to me. I've worked so f***ing hard on this album, everything just has to be perfect and authentic even the featured guests. I didn't go into this thinking 'right, we have to get this person to feature on this track because they're hot right now' and I didn't want to just collaborate just because everyone else is collaborating all over the place. I specifically approached these people because I felt like they had a place on the record, they belong to it and have a purpose. Nobody else could do that part except from them. If I felt the need to work with a person that hasn't had a hit in like...ten years, I'd still call them up if I felt like it was the right thing to do." Andrea's phone begins to ring and as she reaches into her pocket to take her phone out and switch it on silent, she also pulls out a carton of cigarettes which is something I go on to quiz her about.
"Yeah I smoke cigarettes and I smoke weed but it's not the end of the world. It's not like I'm on heroin, some people just need to get over themselves." she says with a little shrug. With a lot of "role models" for young children going off the rails and parents up in arms about the slightest thing, I wondered what Andrea's view is on it all.
"People need to chill the f*ck out. If y'all don't want your kids watching a certain music video, don't let them. The artist behind it is not responsible for everything your child does, they are an artist, an entertainer, a performer, not a f***ing babysitter. Why can't the parents be their kids role model? Why can't they tell their kids right from wrong instead of having them learn from television and the internet? To be honest I doubt that anyone in the industry is completely sane and nobody is a total saint, trust me. In this f***ed up business, you won't get by without having a lil' crazy or rebellious streak because y'all will be eaten alive if you were just all cute and cuddly 24/7. That's why I don't trust any of these "tame" chicks who are so f***ing vanilla it's unreal. There is definitely more to them than meets the eye. It's always a good show when they finally snap though." she chuckles.
Andrea and I continue chatting away for a while longer before eventually saying our goodbyes. Always finding herself caught in between living in hell and living the dream, there is no denying that Andrea Khan is one tough lady and while she might be an unconventional role model, her ability to come out fighting, attitude towards her work and inability to stay down on the ground is surely to be admired. No matter what your opinion on Ms Khan may be, she is certainly an interesting woman and will have everyone talking about her whether you like her or not.
Name: Andrea Khan
Nickname: Drea
I'm totally addicted to: Bates Motel. I think TV nowadays is terrible but that show...oh my God, I'm hooked!
My favourite part of my body is: My ass. It's cute ;)
I think it's really sexy when a guy: Has a piercing in....places.
A deal breaker for me is when a guy: I'm very tolerant, especially when in love. I always try to work things out but if a guy has a problem with be being a mom then it's goodbye.
When I want to feel sexy, I put on: Hell, when I feel sexy it all comes OFF ;)
My biggest guilty pleasure is: This sounds weird but I love watching old cartoons on YouTube. I can spend hours on there reliving my childhood. Man, f**k Cartoon Network and Disney Channel now.
The best way to get over a breakup is: Keep busy. You have to keep it moving and stay occupied. If not, the breakup is the only thing that y'all gonna think about.
In a relationship, I usually: Give my all and sometimes trust way too much.
You know a guy is perfect for you when: He doesn't mind seeing you without any makeup on and lazing around in sweatpants. Also, when he makes you feel beautiful even when you feel like sh*t.
Something most people have wrong about me is: They think I actually give a f**k.
The last time I cried was: When I wrapped up album two. Tears of joy though!
Something most people don't know about me is: I'm trained in first aid. If y'all are choking I could save your life.....if I feel like it.
I have a total girl crush on: Miami. That chick is hot. Erica and Eilidh are cuties too.
The craziest thing I've ever done for love is: Oh...y'all don't even wanna hear that. Cosmo ain't the place for that!