Kid Anything
The Collected Fictions Mixtape
1. fivehead
2. facehuggers
3. 2012
4. 7300/2
5. petrichor
6. fuzzy
7. 11 [notsohidden]
Out from the darkest corners of an anonymous internet comes this, the debut EP of Kid Anything. The duo was initially the solo project of Kurt Ulysses, a 25-year-old musician known in small circles for his production on albums by various underground rappers and punk bands. To make ends meet, he began anonymously writing for pop groups and stars, a decision that quickly turned lucrative.
"By the time I was about 23, I never had to work another day in my life," he explains, in a tone carrying a whiff of embarrassment,
"I sort of hit the lottery. The divas I worked for steadily escalated in profile, and I just watched the zeroes at the end of my bank account start stacking up. And I stumbled on something, maybe some miniscule semblence of a talent. Fucking strange way of becoming a songwriter."He begun, in private, to amass a small collection of songs, going no further than building the skeletons of chord structures on a cheap acoustic guitar. All the while, he continued whatever production work available, . During sessions for Flying Burrito Fucker's
This Charming Sham, an album of Smiths covers sloppily performed by the most vulgar of punk bands, lead singer, 20-year-old Nick Junk, met Ulysses. And instantly began bugging him at every possible chance.
"Fuzzy was the most famous dude I know," Junk recalls,
"Sad, innit? I mean, he namedropped Greg Oldson once, so I thought he must be, like, Bono or someit. Anyways, everyday I'd be like, 'when're ya gonna get me on Top of the Pops? Do yer job, yer lazy twat..''The badgering and pestering eventually paid off when Ulysses, in jest, performed a makeshift rendition of his song
facehuggers, telling Junk that on the day he wrote something half as good, he'd be famous. The next day, during soundcheck, Junk sung a half-mocking variation on Ulysses' tune, tacking on a makeshift chorus at the end.
"I'd only ever heard him scream his face off," Ulysses says, "So I was amazed to hear this tuneful, pretty voice come out of Bigmouth. He meant it as a joke. I took it as an audition". At the end of the session, Ulysses asked Junk to be the singer of Kid Anything. What started as a private solo act had become something more public, with Junk loudly promoting the band, quitting Flying Burrito Fuckers seconds later.
"He's got the songs, man," Junk says with a toothy smile,
"I weighed me options."The songs of
The Collected Fictions Mixtape are almost exclusively written and composed by Kurt Ulysses. The sole exception being
fuzzy, a two-minute pop ditty titled after Junk's nickname for his songwriting partner. But the former punk singer's influence can be felt across the EP; he sings every song, with such passion that they might as well be his, and contributes the occasional chorus. Sonically, the songs occupy a wide span of genres, from hip-hop [
fivehead] to dreamy shoe-gaze [
2012], Sigur Ros-inspired ambience [
petrichor], and noise-rock [
"I wrote this album in my bedroom, and part of me wishes it would've stayed in there. These are songs to listen to with headphones, eyes closed. I can't imagine going on the radio circuit with these tunes, I'd just feel... I dunno. Phony. But the Kid wants take it to the toppermost of the poppermost. 'Toniiiiight, I'm a rock'n'roll star'. Though, y'know, I think that passion is what makes this collection so interesting. His contrasting light against my monochrome introspection.. aw christ, did that sound... like... sexua- whatever, it's, just, download the thing. Is what I'm trying to say. Please. It's free."-
Kurt Ulysses [Left]"Turn on, tune in, drop out, and explode."- Nick Junk [Right]Edited by user 24 May 2014 15:03:21(UTC)
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