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User is suspended until 16/05/4760 03:38:29(UTC) stephaniewazhere  
#1 Posted : 10 June 2014 04:01:45(UTC)
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> "Empire" is now Available at The Hot Digital Songs Chart, Top 20 Airplay Charts, and The Top 20 Weekly Streaming Chart!





The show was filmed and taped on Friday, June 6, 2014 at the Stage 1 location nearby the Warner Bros. lot Anyone in the audience during the taping not only got an advanced listen of the single "Empire" but they also managed to see the first pictures of baby boy Baron. This also marks the first broadcasting of Stephanie Fierce and Johnny Johnson together on daytime television.

After her usual intro, the show opens up with Ellen dancing in a ridiculous outfit, to entertain the audience, she makes her way up the stairs on the isle and begins to thrust her hips as they cheer and laugh. she then make her way back down and heads to her sit!

This is Johnny Johnson's first television interview in years, and Fierce for the first time doesn't interview with Ellen, despite her performing.


Ellen: Welcome to the show! Today's guest is part of one of the biggest rock bands of all time, not just any band, I'm talking about a legendary band called The Rockers! *Audience cheers* They've sold over 100 million records worldwide and that's just group sales alone. He's also married to one of the biggest pop stars in the planet. Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor to please welcome Mr...... Johnny Johnson!

*Johnny Johnson comes out smiling and waving at the audience, humbled by their reaction and makes his way to the seat. As he approaches Ellen he kisses her on the cheek and immediately takes a seat, overwhelmed by the roaring audience.*

Ellen: Oh my gosh, welcome! It's so good to have you here! Can I just say this? I'm really honored to have you here, you hardly do TV interviews, especially on daytime, so thank you for stopping by.

Johnny Johnson: Oh that is really sweet Ellen, but it is actually mine, I never feel cool enough to do these interviews, but today I feel great, so I'm glad and honored to be here. Thank you!

Ellen: Dude, you're a legend, there's no way you are "uncool". Give yourself some credit!

Johnny Johnson: Well, I guess that makes you and Helle now. I officially have two people on my team . Woo hoo! *Audiences breaks into an "awww".*

Ellen: I know you must feel so proud to have that little girl in your life.

Johnny Johnson: Every second of my life!

Ellen: There's a picture and video that we have here! There it is! *Audience goes "aww"*


Johnny Johnson: Those are my two baby girls!

Ellen: Would you look at that, she's growing up. So adorable! Well talking about Helle, congratulations you are officially a father of two now! You recently broke the news on twitter just two days after your wedding! How does it feel? I'm sure you and Stephanie have had so much to deal with the past few weeks with diaper change and all that good parenting stuff I would possibly never experience. *Audience breaks into laughter*

Johnny Johnson: Thank you! Ellen you are too funny! I really don't know what to say to that, I'm just so humbled. You know it actually feels pretty normal. I'm what you call a "hands of father", so I've just been there for my wife every step of the way and it's amazing to see a life grow inside a human belly for nine months and next thing you know it's in your arms looking at you, like "What the hell are you looking at?". Babies have the funniest facial expressions.

Ellen: I like that you put a little humor into that. Well that must be great. Now you both named him Baron, what was the inspiration behind the name?

Johnny Johnson: I actually named him this time around. Stephanie got to pick the name for Helle, so It was my turn to pick the name, but she loved it and it actually just came up pretty naturally. We didn't think too hard about it. It just came out. I've heard some people go into a crazy research phase, and they look deep into it, spent countless hours getting a name. I think that's cool and all but the name just came to me pretty easy and Stephy instantly loved it.

Ellen: Did you just call her Stephy? Isn't that her alter ego?

Johnny Johnson: Oh boy! That did not just slip out.

Ellen: It sure did! There's no turning back now!

Johnny Johnson: I really hope she didn't hear me backstage, she's gonna get me for that! My wife has just been a really bad influence on me lately, it's all her fault!

Ellen: I'm sure! *Ellen winks* How's the....you know...the? *Ellen starts laughing since she can't finish her sentence*

Johnny Johnson: *laughs deeply* You're gonna get me in trouble Ellen! No it's seriously been the best yet. It just gets better and better. I'm the luckiest man I'll tell you that! *Audience cheers as he winks into the camera*

Ellen: Oh boy! Anyways, well it's a cute name, and of course we are all kind of curious to see what Mr. Baron may look like. *Johnny breaks into laughter* But I do respect the whole privacy thing and all with celebrities *Johnny continues to laugh and Ellen starts to whisper* If you want you can show me a picture backstage, and I promise I wont say anything, it will just be a secret between us......

Johnny Johnson: *interrupting* I say, why don't we just cut the bs and show a picture right now. *Audience begins to cheer*


*The audience goes "awws" and cheers on loudly as the picture of Baron Johnson is shown on the screen*

Ellen: He's gorgeous! I can't tell if he looks more like you or Steph. *Audience laughs*

Johnny Johnson: That's my boy! Me neither to be honest *Start laughing in embarrassment* He does have my ears and my fingers.

Ellen: Those are really great features and traits *Ellen says jokingly which is followed by laughter from both Johnny and the audience*


Johnny Johnson: Even looking at that picture, its just makes me proud! I really just love my family. I'm blessed to have them!

Ellen: I'm so happy for you both! Well, just in case it wasn't mentioned *audience laughs* You and Stephanie have been together 7 years. That's amazing!

Johnny Johnson: Thank you! *Audience cheers*

Ellen: We thank you for showing us that picture, we're actually the first audience to see it,I'm sure that's big! We'll be right back, so don't go away! We got more with Johnny and later on Stephanie FIERCE performs *Johnny Johnson sits there overwhelmed by the response.*

[The camera then slowly begins to zoom out as it cuts commercial break with the announcer guy, Johnny and Ellen are seen conversing in a more expressive manner]

Ellen: Congratulations one again, you guys have made such a cute baby. Now in terms of the music, you've been away from it for quiet some time. Some people even believe that you've retired. Are you like in the studio making new music?

Johnny Johnson: No I'm not retired. I'm not a person that functions right, if I can't pick up a guitar and start writing once in a while. I've just been focusing on being a father to my toddler, Helle. Those years tend to go by really fast, so I want to make sure I'm there to indulge every second of it. I also wanted to make sure I was there for my wife during her pregnancy for Baron, I really wanted things to to be different from the last time. There's been a lot of growth in me as man, and I think the past year has been a great opportunity for me and Stephanie to grow closer to each other. Our second wedding, was something really cool, because it wasn't a traditional wedding and it actually was something I took part of in terms of the planning. Through that, I've been inspired by life experiences so I've written a lot of material, enough for like three albums, but I have also been reconnecting with the guys. The Rockers is something that I could never runaways from, no matter how hard I try. The guys are always there and It's about time we release a new album. So, how about early next year?

*The audience begins to clap at the unexpected announcement.*

Ellen: Is that an official announcement?

Johnny Johnson: Yeah, why not!

Ellen: So I know you mentioned your wife. I know you guys recently renewed your vows. Is that something that's going to reflect in the music.

Johnny: It's funny that you mention because now I also have to announce, for the Fierce fans especially. I'm actually working on a collaborative album as well with Stephanie and that should be out in November. So look forward it! In terms of The Rockers stuff, that's more primarily based on each of our lives as a band, we all have gone through a lot over the past couple of year, especially with one of our members passing away. But the collaboration album is where you're going to see the chemistry that me and Stephanie have.

Ellen: Talking of which, how is it to work with your wife in music? I hear that couples have a hard time recording, how do you guys separate the artistry between the music?

Johnny Johnson: Well see, that changed over time. When I first started dating Steph, she was just starting in music, but she already had like three years of performing experience, because she was so proactive in the indie scene. She was doing all the dance music that people weren't really into at the time because it was too electronic. From the very beginning I knew she had a talent unlike no other. Her voice was very versatile, so I knew she had a hidden weapon. I remember people looked at me crazy and a lot of people actually called me a sell out when I began publicly dating her for the first time. She was a pop star and I was the rock star. Fierce's career wasn't very easy at the very beginning, kind of like mine. So those two worlds tend to clash, ours didn't for some reason. I understood what she was doing from the very beginning and we made it a goal to one day blend our worlds together, and finally that time has come. We don't have to explain ourselves. That feels great!

Ellen: I remember that! I know Stephanie had a hard time, but you also did as well, especially after Fierce had her first child.

Johnny Johnson: At the beginning of my career, I was looked as a joke. Me and the guys were made fun of, but like anyone in this business that's what you have to deal with to make it in the industry. My career wasn't as rough as Steph though, she seriously had to deal with a lot of BS! When we started dating, that was her escape and I sort of became her mentor, that way she didn't go and pop off on yet another person. *audience laughs* But on a more serious note, what lead to our divorce was primarily based on the fact that I was not in the right state of mind. Eventually, I just felt like I was no good use to her, and I almost felt like she didn't needed me anymore. Those days were the darkest days of my life and to see her do what she did where music. It made me very weak. I noticed her music got darker and she left the pop stuff out, it shocked me. I felt like it was my fault and in a way it sort of was. I really put a deep scar in her. The fans don't see it that way, but there's more to her just going "Indie", it was a reflection of her being hurt, because I hurt her.

Ellen: Wow, I never looked at it that way. Well, now that you guys have reconnected, how is the new music going to show that?

Johnny Johnson: The new album is going to be primarily be covers of songs we both love but there is some original songs that we've both written. I would say about two or three songs. But you know what, we're more mature now. We're in a a place in life where we don't think too deep into things, and we're just enjoying what we've accomplished over the years and trying to do things we've never done. I'm fortunate, she's fortunate, and I can't thank God enough for the life I've been given. I guess that will be reflected in that album.

Ellen: Thank you for opening up to us! I'm so happy for you two, once again what an honor and pleasure to have you here Johnny.

Johnny Johnson: Once again, it is really my honor to be here! Thank you I really had a good time!

Ellen: My pleasure! Well in case you guys didn't know *Audience laughs since Ellen has repeated that so many times*, Stephanie Fierce is here! She's about to perform! But before she does, we have to announce this because it's pretty big! You both will be going on tour this fall right?

Johnny Johnson: Yes! This will be the first time we actually go on tour together so it will be interesting! We will announce dates in a month or two!

Ellen: And guess what? Every person in the audience is going home with an advanced front row seating ticket!

*The audience goes wild as they hear the news and Johnny starts laughing in amazement*


Ellen: All right, when we come back, Stephanie Fierce performs her summer smash hit "Empire", which you also can download on itunes and stream! So you better not go anywhere!

[Commercial break is over]

Ellen: Ladies and gentlemen. Performing the hot new single "Empire" from her 8th studio album "The Past, The Present and The Future of Pop Vol. 2" here's STEPHANIE FIERCE!

The performance opens up with the stage light up in red with Fierce's background dancers sitting on the ground. They are seen in beautiful sold colored gown dresses. As fierce's panting echos are heard, they begin portraying a tribal dance of some sort. Eventually Stephanie Fierce's silhouette is seen and this is caused by the lighting effect, as she steps forward the clearer she's seen. The intro of the music is slso much more emotional and orchestration driven sound that of the original. Finally Fierce is seen front and center and the audience is heard cheering loudly. She's seen in a beautiful red dress gown and she smiles into the mic.

Stephanie Fierce: You guys wanna have fun?


"This Body, is your empire
rule my world, send me on fire
This body, is yours tonight
fill me up, with your delight

Fierce then gets on her knees joining the tribal dance movement which eventually leads to her starting the song in it's original form. The audience begins to cheer bilding up even more anticipation. She begins to sing the song softly but determined with the miminal choreography involved at the beginnning.

"Your burn, your desire builds on my anticipation,
so come and make this body your nation
you're the ruler upon true loves first kiss,
now watch as I drag you in,
your world becomes a bliss

Can't you feel our bodies closing in
Can you washaway all my sins,
This body, is your empire
can't you feel our hearts yearnig
can't you see all my lovin
This body, is your empire
this body baby
is your empire
this body babe
is your empire
this body babe
is your empire
this body babe
is your EMPIRE! "


The choreography starts of simple but graceful. Fierce focuses on singing but as the beat picks up more rapid movement is seen as the multiple number of female dancers follow her every step never outshining Fierce. Eventually when the Spanish verse starts in the first interlude, the choreography grows really intense and Fierce begins to whine as she raps fiercely into the mic, and the audience grows loud with their cheers. The second interlude is also followed by more intense choreography and Fierce is seen giving her all into her dancing reflecting on the audience's energy and response.

"Cuando llego en el micrófono
ya tu sabe que yo represento a mi barrio y mi pueblo,
matando a mis enemigos,
si me tratas
pobre you
Tengo las caderas de los caminos curvos
nargitas más grande del sol
pobre you
todos los hombres miran
se lamben los labios
tengo mi Goya y sazon,
ya tu sabes como en el piso de la disco yo cosino,
Feroz (FIERCE!)

I know a woman like me is hard to find,
but I too got you on my mind
want you to watch my dirty wine
I know that makes you lose your mind
watching me non stop from behind
over and over you like

Una y otra vez nos encontramos
cadera a cadera
Quieros que me chuppes con tus lavios
hacer mi cuerpo tu imperio

Can't you feel our bodies closing in
Can you washaway all my sins,
This body, is your empire
can't you feel our hearts yearnig
can't youfeel all my fierce loving
This body, is your empire
this body baby
is your empire
this body babe
is your empire
this body babe
is your empire
this body babe
is your EMPIRE!"


"Your body turn up, me say "Turn up, turn up"
like a Goddess, so you turn up, turn up
Your body turn up, me say "Turn up, turn up"
like a Goddess, so you turn up,
Stephy, stephy, stephy

Can't you feel our bodies closing in
Can you wash away all of my sins,
This body, is your empire
can't you see our hearts yearnig
Make you feel all my good loving
This body, is your empire
This body, is your empire
can't you see our hearts yearnig
Make you feel all my good loving
This body, is your empire
this body, is your empire
this body baby
is your empire
this body babe
is your empire
this body babe
is your EMPIRE!"

When the repast of the chorus comes in, Fierce is seen dancing even harder, swinging her hair and showing classic choreography movement seen in the past. The song then ends with a bang as and outro not heard in the original of the song is heard. The performance concludes with Fierce not saying a word, but staring into the audience gracefully. Having mannerisms of a goddess as she turns and exits the stage! Johnny Johnson is then seen clapping from the audience!

Ellen: That was bad ass! Yall give it up for Stephanie Fierce! Thank you for watching today's show! A huge thank you to Johnny Johnson, make sure you look out for The Rockers next year! Look forward to the new tour this fall! Fierce's new album hits stores July 27th! Thank you! *Ellen proceeds to hug Stephanie Fierce as they smile and converse*

Edited by user 10 June 2014 04:14:18(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

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Offline RoseJapanFan  
#2 Posted : 10 June 2014 04:44:06(UTC)
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Ooc: Great job on this, really enjoyed both parts :)

Jennifer: I wonder how it feels to wake up like Stephanie Fierce? It must be so awesome hehe. Johnny, you are a lucky and funny man :) I loved watching you two support each other especially as a marries couple! I'm just anticipating your new music so much, both of you :)
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"My God! We truly are a talented bunch. The fact that we write entire albums all on our own while the biggest stars in the world have 45 co-writers on ONE track?? Where the hell are OUR record deals and GRAMMYS?" -BrownSugar

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stephaniewazhere on 10/06/2014(UTC)
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#3 Posted : 10 June 2014 05:37:45(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: RoseJapanFan Go to Quoted Post
Ooc: Great job on this, really enjoyed both parts :)

Jennifer: I wonder how it feels to wake up like Stephanie Fierce? It must be so awesome hehe. Johnny, you are a lucky and funny man :) I loved watching you two support each other especially as a marries couple! I'm just anticipating your new music so much, both of you :)

Stephanie Fierce: Awww, you have no idea how sweet it is to always have your support, I think waking as you is just as awesome ;) My husband was so nervous lol he ran backstage after it was all over! thank you so much once again! :)

ooc: Thank you so much, I tried to keep the interview very personal for those who don't know much about their relationship I'm so happy you loved that means a lot Tequila :)
User is suspended until 16/05/4760 03:38:29(UTC) stephaniewazhere  
#4 Posted : 11 June 2014 03:06:53(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: RoseJapanFan Go to Quoted Post
Ooc: Great job on this, really enjoyed both parts :)

Jennifer: I wonder how it feels to wake up like Stephanie Fierce? It must be so awesome hehe. Johnny, you are a lucky and funny man :) I loved watching you two support each other especially as a marries couple! I'm just anticipating your new music so much, both of you :)

Johnny Johnson: Thank you very much Ms. Jennifer! Me and Stephy both greatly appreciate it.
Offline Famouss7x7  
#5 Posted : 12 June 2014 10:52:33(UTC)
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OOC: Such a fun and realistic RP. The interview was so damn realistic I imagined it from start to finish. Really nice work here and that performance by Steph was hott!!
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User is suspended until 16/05/4760 03:38:29(UTC) stephaniewazhere  
#6 Posted : 12 June 2014 12:57:20(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: Famouss7x7 Go to Quoted Post
OOC: Such a fun and realistic RP. The interview was so damn realistic I imagined it from start to finish. Really nice work here and that performance by Steph was hott!!

OOC: Thank you very much! That's really sweet to hear, and I'm glad you enjoyed it :)
Offline Moquel  
#7 Posted : 14 June 2014 02:43:14(UTC)
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Radio: That red dress makes me think of sweet blood on such an beautiful body my love. When you came in that stage, I fucking scream! You still have that momentum in your career and I'm more epically excited for this. DOLLLLL!!! Tell these bitches how it's DONE!!! oh! Tell Daniel Hellooooo boy!!!
thanks 1 user thanked Moquel for this useful post.
stephaniewazhere on 14/06/2014(UTC)
User is suspended until 16/05/4760 03:38:29(UTC) stephaniewazhere  
#8 Posted : 14 June 2014 09:10:10(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: Moquel Go to Quoted Post
Radio: That red dress makes me think of sweet blood on such an beautiful body my love. When you came in that stage, I fucking scream! You still have that momentum in your career and I'm more epically excited for this. DOLLLLL!!! Tell these bitches how it's DONE!!! oh! Tell Daniel Hellooooo boy!!!

Stephanie Fierce: Um, girl, did can you repeat that first sentence in your head for me, and realize that's a normal thing to say lmao!! But you know what, I fucking love you! Thank you good sis! I hope you guys are still in good terms......
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