Jimmy: As you see, tonight we have the one and only Radio Vine... [the audience applause] People think she is putting on a show, but that bitch is really that crazy. When we get back, Radio is back on late night!
[commercial break for four minutes]
Jimmy: She just released her new single 'Easy to Forgive' [rises Vinyl version of the single] She is one of the biggest stars in music and she is getting ready to go on her first ever self supported tour. Please ladies and gentleman, the talented Radio Vine.
[The audience all rises from their seats and roars as Radio walks out slowly and waves to the audience. Her grins slightly as she bows before platroom. She puts both of her hands together and smiles]
Radio: Oh, look at you Mr. Fallon. [Radio gives him the flirty eye] I know you never had a bitch like me, but I will make your nights turn into.... [Radio pauses] DELIGHTS!!!! [She rises from the chair and shouts]
[The audience laughs and claps]
Jimmy: Do you think so? What will you do different than Suzie?
Radio: That BITCH! I don't know.. she is kind of a freak... like sexually freak. She's very lovely.. but very twisted. YOU TAPED YOURSELF FUCKING! Or is that her? I get confused... she is very adventourous.. I will just give you a good foreplay session. I think that's what I do.. Foreplay is the best. I love to kiss so when I kiss.. it's like an complete different nut for me.
Jimmy: [laughs] Are you sexual? Or do you just desire sex? It's a difference. I can see you hanging from a ceiling, hanging like Jane, trying to some how how sex hanging from a ceiling...
Radio: I do love to experiment. It's fun. OH MY GOD!!! [Radio begins to laugh dramatically and over the top. She stops and looks seriously at Jimmy. She closes her eyes and puts her head down as if she is praying] Lord, please.. don't bring me back-
Jimmy: What is going on here? I feel like I'm going to die.. she is praying.. to.. someone...
Radio: TO GOD YOU JERK! [She puts her head down slowly again] The day.. that me and Rob had that sex.. you remember when I was on the washing machine-
Jimmy: WASHING MACHINE? What the hell Radio? [Jimmy slides over his chair a little more further from Radio; the audience is trying to hold in the laughter]
Radio: [Radio looks up at Jimmy] It was vibrating.. and he just really took all control. It was all that I wanted.. I mean, he will slap me.. YEAH! SLAP ME. I like that naughtery foreplay. He wrestled with me and you called me Peaches.. when I get this nasty.. [Radio flips her head very sexy as she looks to the audience and sexually smiles]
Jimmy: I never thought we will be this close to the point I imagined that very disturbing image of you getting boned. It kinds me turns me off about her.
Radio: [Shouts] Is it because I'm crazy you can't get the fact I love MAD.. passion.. Love! [She walks over and looks at Jimmy and smiles. The audience all begins to laugh; Jimmy slowly turns her chair to Radio as Radio sits on his lap. The audience begins to applause]
Jimmy: Oh my God. My wife is going to kill me... not because it's Radio.. because this crazy bitch is sitting on my lap. I can lost my life. Please watch her. Security-
[You see the set security running on the platroom as they stand behind Radio. Radio puts her fingers over Jimmy's mouth]
Radio: Now shhhhh... You wont believe it until you feel it. My lips are as soft as pillows. [She slowly kisses Jimmy on the cheeks. Radio looks behind her at the security and winks. The security officers run.]
Jimmy: What about me? You fucking losers... [He looks back at Radio and then he smiles] You're so easy to forgive Radio..
[The audience all roars as they notice that's the title of her new single. Radio gets off of Jimmy's lap and sits back in the guest chair]
Radio: But yes. It's all my pleasure for you fish boy.
Jimmy: Let's talk about your new single, Why do you choose this single as the third single?
Radio: I always think of my singles as parts of a film. The first single was 'Us' and that explained who this whole album was about. The second single 'Your Vow' was the dedication to promises that this masterpiece was going to tell this story of a girl, an growing woman who's promises of men always seem to haunt me.. it was very.. lonely part of my life that I wanted to show my fans.. I thought that promises will keep me loved. It was keep me-
Jimmy: So, you always look as if you want to tell the story to your fans in singles? You said that your album and music are sequels to your life.
Radio: It's always an aftermath to something.. After a hurricane, it's the homes and the people destroyed mentally and physically. My music is the after life, the after math of all that effected me since I was a little girl. Everything I've released is the sequels and the trilogy's to my life that no one will NEVER fucking understand. The only way to show them is though my music.
[The audience applause]
Jimmy: Who is one person you wish you will have said, " I'm sorry" too or even forgave?
Radio: [Radio looks down, seems she is getting depressed] I will say I forgive you to my Orphan mother, Miss Pearl. I hated her.. I hated that guilt inside of her that she never told me she had. Why the fuck keep something away from me that will help me? You know, I was going though a lot of sessions where they will try to do this reverse shit on my mind growing up.. a lot of doctors that didn't even know why this kind of disorder comes in such an time where I needed to be more stable emotionally.. She held a lot from me. SHE LIED! TO ME JIMMY. LIED, LIED, LIED! And I wish I would have said, " I'm sorry too.." because now she's gone..
Jimmy: What was the last memory you had with her?
Radio: We had this beautiful picnic. She always use to make this lovely sandwiches. She put a touch of her love she had for the Orphan children inside of them. We had tea and sandwiches and we listened to Elvis all day long until the sunset. She stared at me for hours then she went away to London and I told her " Never to call me again.." I felt she was hiding something for me...
Jimmy: Wow Radio. Will it be a video for this single?
Radio: OF COURSE ASSHOLE... people need to see why I feel this way Jimmy. It's a story that will be told. It is a video that will star a very special person in the video.. we had sex while on set..
Jimmy: RADIO! STOP IT. WE WILL NEVER HAVE SEX... You keep bringing that up.. do you wanna just have sex or do you just think I'm an extremely handsome guy?
Radio: You are so insane.. You just screamed at me for no reason.. Why? What did I do? If I did want to have sex with you Jimmy, it'll be a lot more for you to come to work for.
[The audience all look shock as many laugh and more gets up from their seats and roars]
Jimmy: I love this girl. We have so much fun together.. I heard.. it's a tour in the works.
Radio: It's a tour in works, yes doll. It's going to be very epic. I have a lot of ideas, just hope Studio 60 approves it all. They already think I need to be in a mental hospital. WHICH IS OKAY!!!!!!! That's FINE! BUT I'll still be performing in the mental hospital.. with mental patients, telling them my stories.
Jimmy: So have you started rehearing? or anything that is confirmed?
Radio: We are doing a test show at the House of Blues in LA soon, to test my LOVELY sanes for the show, to see the reaction to the tour.
Jimmy: When can we expect the tour to cities?
Radio: All I can say is get ready. It's something that no one has ever seen.. never heard or will never EXPECT. [Radio puts on an evil grin] Take that bitches.
Jimmy: What city are you excited about going to perform?
Radio: Look, all these questions... Lord. [She gets overly excited] I'm excited about them all!!! A lot of loyal fans are in New York, so I'm excited about seeing all my SANES THERE!!!!!!! I want all my sanes to stand up in the audience!! [Radio runs over to the audience as plenty of people stand up with posters in the audience screaming. Radio runs though the audience jumping away and hugging all her fans.]
Jimmy: We will be right back with more of Radio Vine!
[commercial break]
After the commercial break, Radio and Jimmy are back at the platroom where Jimmy has interview questions on his blue cards.
Radio: So Radio, we saw that you and Rum were hanging out at the Chaos Awards. You guys were pretty toasted. You looked like this after hours of drinking wine and partying with the gay Weekends.

[Radio bursts out in loud laughter as the audience joins in]
Radio: We will NOT that drunk. I was letting loose. Just didn't find me a lover, but doll. She was very epic that night. We just danced the pain away, I kissed her. I was trying. She is so fucking lovely. You can turn me out. I really think that's possible...
Jimmy: I didn't know you were gay..
Radio: NO! You got it all wrong! She can turn me out, then turn me back in. Rum is amazing.
Jimmy: You and Rum at the after party.. [Jimmy chuckles]

Radio: [looks serious as she stares at the picture on the screen behind them. She stares at Jimmy] You jerk. Which one am I?
[The audience all laughs and one woman screams, " The one with the glasses on. That suits you"]
Jimmy: [laughs] while she said it. The monkey with the shades. Cooler than cool baby.
Radio: HELL NOOOOOOOOOO!! I'll be the one with the lipstick.. that monkey looks like he's fucked up but still keeping it lovely.
Jimmy: That's hilarious because I can see you and Rum at the bar, looking like drunk monkeys. I also heard that you don't like Erica Hess..
Radio: Whatever. She didn't even talk to me at the awards. Rum was talking to her and I just walked away because I knew that the voice in my head was saying a lot of angry things. Erica never speaks to me. She has her own problems... don't we all? [She says very creepy as her eyes enlarges and she smiles] but she is still my doll....
Jimmy: Radio's album will be avaliable June 24th! Ladies and gentleman, please for Radio Vine again! [The audience all gives standing obviation to the interviews roaring] She is also performing. You can catch her performance of 'Easy to Forgive' on JimmyFallon.com! Thank you and goodnight!
[Radio's Easy to Forgive begins to play in the background as Jimmy and Radio both stand up and hug and begin to talk as the audience are clapping]