[OOC: Look at that cute face...]
Background:Hollinsworth's segment of the show was taped on June 15, 2014. This is his first live appearance on (national) television and this appearance will also feature his first live performance. [There may or may not be a single premiere in this, as well, so look out for more.]

[... Fast forward to the final segment of the show]
Jimmy: Hello and welcome back to 'The Tonight Show!' Our final guest today is a bit of a controversial music star in the making. He's already released two singles which have, quote, 'a questionable choice of pronouns', unquote, stated Bob Lefsetz. Man, the guy could be given anything and he would still find a negative thing about it. Personally, I don't mind but... Oh, and right before this, he posted this badass selfie:
Jimmy: Anyway, without further ado, here comes
Reese Hollinsworth.
*Audience claps and cheers loudly*
Reese: *walks out and sits on chair* Thank you... for the cheering.
*Audience laughs*
Jimmy: So, welcome to 'The Tonight Show.' Thanks for being here.
Reese: Thanks for having me. It's a great honor to be here.
Jimmy: So, first off, I'd like to say congrats about the 2 EPs.

*Audience claps*
Jimmy: So the inspiration of the two EPs is very clear. *chuckles while audience laughs* I mean, it's so obvious. *audience & Reese laugh* But the title is what confuses me. Why did you name them
In Hiding... and what's the meaning behind it?
Reese: Well, at first, I wanted to have my own music out there right off the bat. Then, I realized, "How the hell am I gonna get people to notice it? I'm, like, a tiny fish in a tank of sharks." So, I thought about making EPs that are full of covers, so people would know my voice and pay attention of me before getting into the market. And, boy, there was some attention.
*Audience laughs*
Jimmy: And just yesterday, you were featured on
Pop Culture Catch Up. And let me quote what he said about you: "Then we have Resse who does a bunch of covers. He does a she very well. So I know he is a bottom. (Bottom?) That guy is homosexual. There is no beating around the bush with that. He is what he is."
*Audience and Reese laugh*
Jimmy: So that oughta be something, huh?
Reese: He spelled my name wrong.
Jimmy: Really?
Reese: Yeah, let me show you. *walks to and stands behind Jimmy* He spelled R-E-S-S-E.
Jimmy: That isn't right?
*Audience laughs as Reese walks sluggishly back to his chair*
Reese: Really, Jimmy? Really?
Jimmy: Nah, just messing with ya. *audience laughs* So is it true, what he said?
Reese: No comment. *audience laughs* I'm even surprised that you asked. *audience laughs* I mean, seriously, it's so obvious! I'm wearing heels, for God's sake!
Jimmy: *looks down to look at Reese's heels* Are those really heels?
Reese: Yeah, they're six inches high.
Jimmy: No wonder you looked so tall. *audience laughs* Anyway, let's get back to me prying into your personal life. *audience laughs* First, I gotta ask: do you watch the World Cup?
Reese: Yeah.
Jimmy: Do you really watch the match?
Reese: *shakes his hand* More or less. Most of the 90-plus minutes of the matches are spent ogling at the hot guys on the pitch.
*Audience laughs*
Jimmy: So, since you took your time looking, *audience laughs* which one would you try to get him in your pants?
*Audience laughs as Reese blushes and sinks more into his chair*
Reese: Hmm... If I
had to pick, I'd say... Muller from Germany.
Jimmy: He
is pretty hot. *audience laughs* Okay, now we are going to play a game. This is what we just made up and we're gonna test it on you.
Reese: Um... okay.
Jimmy: Great! *audience laughs* So basically, you have 60 seconds and you're gonna try to answer 12 questions. If you get it wrong, you have to pass. For every answer right, you get a point.
Reese: And what's my prize?
Jimmy: Huh?
*Audience laughs*
Reese: If I'm gonna be your
guinea pig, at least I can get a prize.
Jimmy: Well... you get the satisfaction that you are the first person to play this game.
*Audience laughs*
Reese: Fine, whatever. Let's get this thing started.
Jimmy: Okay, the clock starts... *clicks the timer* now. Who is the first black President of the United States?
Reese: Barack Obama.
Jimmy: Correct! How old is Thomas Muller from Bayern Munich?
Reese: Umm... 25.
Jimmy: Wrong! 24. How many No.1 albums have Beyoncé had?
Reese: Five.
Jimmy: Correct! Have the number of jobs available increased or decreased in comparison to the Bush administration during the Obama administration?
Reese: Uhh... umm... *shakes hands violently* Increased.
Jimmy: Correct! Only 15 seconds to go. Final question: Name 3 songs of Beyoncé's which celebrate feminism.
Reese: "Single Ladies," "Flawless" and "Run the World (Girls)."
[As the alarm bell rings "Time's up!", the tunes of the chorus to "Run the World (Girls)" start to play. Immediately, the audience erupts into cheers. A few seconds later, the cover of "Run the World (Girls)" shows up on the TV screen behind Reese's seat. The audience cheered loudly once more.]
Jimmy: *smiles widely* That is right! Reese Hollinsworth is releasing his first single off of
In Hiding... (2 of 2), "Run the World (Girls)" is coming out on June 23rd and he is premiering the song
tonight on 'The Tonight Show'. Right after this following break, you'll see this studio being turned into the Reese Hollinsworth Extravaganza and him performing his new single. All that is happening right after this break.