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#1 Posted : 20 June 2014 11:09:41(UTC)
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'There are many "icons", "Queens" and "legends" alive and kicking in the music industry today but most of the titles that artists hold are extremely questionable nowadays. It's not so much the genre-defining, risk-taking, hit-making musicians with an endless flow of creativity that are being put upon a pedestal. The number of followers one has on Twitter, the amount of views on their VEVO channel and outrageous outbursts all appear to be what defines a "Queen" and if you're not in the public eye twenty-four hours a day then you might as well go and join the other "flops". In among this harsh, ever-changing world of music stands Michelle Alexa Hamilton. While many focus on the chaos going on elsewhere, this nineteen year old star has weathered every storm and still remains grounded with an impressive list of achievements to brag about too. However, the English Rose is still somewhat overlooked and it almost echoes the lyrics to her hit debut single "Fifteen" which was released four years ago. From Indie Pop Princess to Dance Diva, Michelle has reinvented herself time and time again and has always emerged triumphant after ever transformation. Now, approaching her twenties and with a family of her own, Michelle is about to unleash a brand new record upon us and show yet another side to her charismatic character. She may not be a name on everyone's lips, breaking the record for the most watched video on VEVO within 24 hours or be the most followed female artist on Twitter but the music speaks for itself. This is one true icon that I've always wished to be graced with the pleasure of meeting.'


It has just gone 8am on this overly warm and irritatingly bright Wednesday morning in London. The roads are packed as usual with many people on their way to work and I appear to have found myself stuck in the middle of a jam. Any other day would be fine but when the sun is beating down and my shirt is now sticking to my skin while I'm en route to meet Michelle Alexa Hamilton (née Green) or as she's now simply known as, Michelle, all the hustle and bustle irks me on an entirely new level. After several beeping horns and a few coarse words later, I was back on track and on schedule again. I am not all that familiar with London so throughout my car journey I was just as much of a tourist as I was a journalist. The culture and iconic scenery mixed with the thought of meeting one of the finest singers the city and country has produced was almost too much for me to take. I only hope that my freakishly large smile subsides and the scent of vanilla car air freshener fades away by the time it comes to meeting the pop star. I know that Michelle would never say anything to offend me and will be as sweet as pie but sitting directly across from a glamorous, attractive woman and knowing that your presence is unnerving them is not a very nice feeling.

After a quick coffee stop and being held up in the traffic lights yet again, I finally made it to the location which I was directed too. Most stars either take part in interviews in a hired venue, in a hotel and even over the phone but today I found myself walking up the pathway towards Michelle's home. I knew beforehand that she is a very approachable, open girl but I still couldn't quite believe that she was willing to let me into her home for the interview. For a heart to heart interview which delves into her past and future with a few exclusives thrown in, the personal touch of being sat in her own home is just perfect. The recently constructed luxury apartment complex is situated in a calm, quiet street which is home to no more than three other buildings and even those are spaced far apart. The road comes to a dead end and is surrounded by beautiful greenery. It seems like my dream place to live, not too flashy and pretentious but has a lot of class and more importantly, peace and quiet. I press the intercom before introducing myself to the award winning singer through the device. She directed me to the first floor and sure enough, I find myself being greeted by a very sophisticated looking Michelle who is dressed in attire with a heavy influence from the 1960's - a look which she has been sporting since the beginning of the year after ditching the cropped hair and the black leather leotards she donned during the promotion of her third album, "Live To Tell".

She greets me with a small hug in the doorway and smiles sweetly, "Hi, thank you so much for coming out here. I hope it wasn't too much hassle for you." There are clearly no stroppy diva vibes or any hostility in this household that is for sure. "Come on in, I've got everything set up in the living room. It's the last door on the left." She closes the door behind me and I immediately feel at ease. There is something rather familiar and comforting about her home that I just can't quite put my finger on. Walking down the long hallway and passing a staircase, I am in awe of the size of the place. What surprises me the most though is that for a celebrity home it isn't very extravagant. No overpriced artwork, no golden fountains or butlers waiting in the wings. Michelle heads on through into her kitchen to "flick the kettle on" while I make my way into the living room. After feeling rather relaxed, I am startled by what I see through the corner of my eye. I am taken aback by this strange man who is wondering around shirtless, in his bare feet and wearing grey jogging bottoms, looking rather at home. Then it hits me that this is also his sanctuary. I had been so focused on meeting Michelle that I completely forgot about her husband, Riley Hamilton. I know of Weekend, I neither like nor dislike them but I had been informed that they are not the friendliest bunch. I suddenly feel uneasy as I stand in this shirtless man's living room, feeling the need to explain myself. He then flashes a warm smile before greeting me and referring to me as "mate" before offering something to eat. Although I am starving, I have already agreed to let Michelle make a cup of tea for me so to have a member of Weekend prepare a late breakfast for me would just be taking liberties. I simply could not. While the guy seems lovely, his 6'2, muscular and broad figure is still very intimidating and his deep, gruff voice which makes every word sound like a threat doesn't help matters either. He sits down in one of the chairs, making it clear that he will be joining us for the interview. The boy band member starts to ask me how my day has been so far and if I have been following the World Cup before Michelle returns to the living room with two piping hot cups of tea. I can already tell that this interview is going to be more like a casual conversation in a cafe rather than an interrogation.

While she carefully sips her tea I just have to complete her lovely home and the welcoming atmosphere. "Thank you so much but I can't really take much of the credit. It was Riley's place to start with. I just moved in, bought some sparkly cushions and new curtains and turned it into something a little bit fabulous. It's a great place to live and when I first started dating Riley, I saw this house and was like 'OK, he needs to put a ring on it. I'm not moving from here'. The house is the only reason I'm with him." Michelle laughs and a confused looking Riley turns in his chair to face us. His comical expression already tells me that the pair have a very playful relationship and do not just serve the purpose of being accessories to each others arms for the cameras. "I'm kidding, of course! He's also very good at giving massages so that's two thumbs up. You can't ask for more than that! She grins, looking over at her husband and sipping some more tea while the pair exchange fake displeased looks.

I decide to just dive straight into the interview and bring up her forthcoming studio album. The two free downloads that she shared with the world earlier on in the year definitely raised a few eyebrows and got tongues wagging. The once demure pop starlet is now singing rather explicit songs about a man who can only get pleasure by stimulating himself with his hand as no girls will go near him. Pure poetry. I just have to ask her what the inspiration behind the new album is. There is absolutely now way she woke up one morning and thought to herself. "I'm going to write a song about a man masturbating". With someone like Michelle, who writes very personal lyrics, there is always a story behind the music. "Well I had just moved in with Riley and when I was unpacking, I found this old scrapbook that I had started in school and around the time when I was just signed so I was like thirteen or fourteen years old. It contained pictures of me and my friends at school and ones of my working away in the studio. Underneath a lot of the pictures were little entries that I had written, sort of like a caption slash diary entry. You know I was really young so it was filled with stuff about boys that I liked, a lot of problems that I had and things that were so important to me at the time. But being signed to a major label, I was sort of moulded into what they wanted me to be and for a long time I felt like I couldn't be myself. I was just a song making machine that was worked like a dog and my teenage years were cut short. This new album is sort of me being the teenager that I wasn't allowed to be. Some of the songs might seem a little immature but that's because they were based on the rants of a thirteen year old girl. I couldn't express myself properly back then so this is me letting it all out and having fun at the same time." She blows air onto her cup in an attempt to cool down the boiling beverage.

After I burn my tongue without saying a word as I do not wish to startle her, I take a leap of faith and ask her if she can tell me the title of her album. In recent interviews she has been asked this countless times and has always refused to spill the beans. I still have to ask though as maybe, just maybe, she is willing to reveal all today. "Yes! A lot of people have been asking me and I've been dying to spill it all. I really hate referring to the project as "album number four" but I thought it would be best to hold the title reveal off for a bit just to keep people guessing. I really don't like keeping secrets when it comes to my work but I know that it keeps people excited. The title for the album is a really simple one, the reasoning behind it is self-explanatory. I have decided to name my new album "Songs From The Scrapbook" and I know that it's not the fanciest of names but I think it's cute." Being an avid fan of Mrs Hamilton myself, I can't help but smile after hearing her reveal the title. Also, being one of the first people to know it is an absolute honour.

With the lead single on the way and the album being all wrapped up for months now, I ask her if all of the artwork and photo shoots have been done. This isn't really something I'm usually interested in, the wife is more interested in the fashion side of things but I am intrigued by this new style she has as it's very elegant and classy, compared to the revealing outfits she donned during the last album. "Yes, the photo shoots are all done. I've got the cover sorted, the booklet in the album and everything. There's a very 1960's inspired style incorporated throughout. It's an era which I love for many reasons. The fashion was incredible...just adorable. I've even gone for that look today for our little chat. Well you've got to make an effort haven't you?" I joke around with her, asking if the skimpy leather leotards will be making a return any time soon. Michelle holds her head in her hand and laughs. "No. No more that. That was just for fun, I wouldn't kick about the shops wearing half of that stuff. The looks I'd be getting. Can you imagine?" The sight of seeing the leggy beauty walking past me in the street wearing one of those outfits is not something I would object to though.

With every new album era, you have got to make sure that the lead single is right if you wish to entice people into buying your record. Michelle's lead singles "Fifteen", "Exiled" and "Break The Dawn" have all been ones which have sat up and made us pay attention for different reasons. If she is willing to give us gems like "Aggro" and "Your Hand Is Your Friend" away for free then this new single must be out of this world. "OK well I decided on "Collecting Dust" as the lead single because I think it's one of the catchiest songs on the record and you want that for a lead single. It's also straight up indie-pop which is a dominant sound on the new album. The song is also more radio friendly than the likes of "Aggro" and "Your Hand Is Your Friend" so it'll actually get airplay. It also shows a more fun, upbeat side to the new music and you can expect a lot more of that uplifting sound on "Songs From The Scrapbook". The free downloads were more left field and rather bold." Hearing Michelle talk about the upcoming single only whets my appetite for even more. The fan in me wants to get down on my knees and beg and plead for her to let me hear it. I have to remain professional though because if I let go, I probably would end up causing a scene which I do not wish to do as I'd only embarrass myself in front of a musical icon plus that Riley guy looks like he could take me down with one punch. Better not risk anything.

Before I even get on to asking the next question, Michelle continues and answers if for me anyway. "The song is based on a young couple who used to be very happy in their relationship. It was young love, they couldn't keep their hands off of each other, you know? It then starts to turn a little stale as the guy thinks that just because he's managed to get his feet under the table, he doesn't need to try any more. The girl is the only one really willing to fight but she's running out of energy and is starting to realise that it might not be worth saving." She clears her throat and places a hand above her chest as she continues. "Oh and I promise that this new record is not an excuse to have a dig at guys, it's not like that at all. I don't want to come off sounding like....well you know the type of artist. It just so happens that the first three songs you've heard are just about lousy men."

This new era in her career was kick started earlier this year when a rather controversial yet clever song was posted online anonymously. The song, titled "Aggro", featured the voice of an English female delivering the lines in a half spoken/half sung manner. Within hours, it was being shared all over the web and thousands began speculating who it could be. It wasn't until a week afterwards when Michelle shocked the world and revealed it was her track. I always wondered why she decided to post it without giving her identity away. "Well I decided to release "Aggro" anonymously because I didn't want people to go in with any preconceived ideas. Fans of mine might have been expecting something else and the people that don't like or listen to my music, they would've skipped right over it if they knew it was a song from me. If I just post it with nothing else attached to it, no release date, no fancy artwork and no face to go with the voice, people will only focus on the song and because it has an air of mystery surrounding it a lot more people will be tempted to listen to it." The song itself is outstanding but what caught most people's attention was the coarse language - something never associated with Michelle. "It wasn't really a conscious decision. I didn't sit down and say "right, let's write a song with a few swear words and hope that it shocks a few people." The lyrics just came to me quite naturally. Like I said earlier, these new tracks are based on my findings from within my old scrapbook and I'm really just reflecting how I felt back then onto the song."

Michelle is known for reinventing herself time and time again and is one of those rare artists that can pull off any genre she delves into. Her first record was indie-rock influenced, the second had a more rock/pop vibe and the third one saw get down to some seriously dirty beats. The fourth album looks set to be another mixed bag after hearing the indie-pop vibe on "Aggro" followed by the hip-hop influenced, Deneil produced "Your Hand Is Your Friend". I ask her about what we can expect to hear on her fourth offering. "It's definitely...overall it's definitely indie-pop, that's how I would sum it up and I'd say that it's the easiest way to describe the fusion of different sounds that have been incorporated. There's a track on there which is inspired by my love of music from the 1960's, you've heard the hip-hop influence on "Your Hand Is Your Friend". There's also a handful of bubblegum pop-esque styled songs too. There's quite a bulk of tracks on "Songs From The Scrapbook" that are easier on the ears than people may have imagined based on hearing the two free downloads. There's also that edgier, bolder side to the album as well so there's a bit of a mix but it oddly works when all the songs are put together. Well at least I hope so!" She giggles, covering her mouth and showing off perfectly manicured nails.

I have already managed to get the album title out of her, what to expect from the record and the visuals to go along with it. Asking for some song titles may be pushing it but I am on a roll here and I can't turn down the chance of hearing even more exclusives. "Um, I can name some of them. I wish I could just tell you all of them, believe me! I know it's best to keep a few things under wraps for the time being though. There's obviously "Collecting Dust" and "Your Hand Is Your Friend", they'll be on there. "Aggro" wasn't going to be on the record initially, it was just a leftover track from the recording sessions but because the response was really positive I decided to include that one as well. Um, there's a song on there which I love and it's called "Bike Shed"...you might be able to guess what that one is about. There's a track called "I'm Not Her" which was one of the first ones I recorded for the record and there's also a song on there that I love dearly and it's called "Paper Bag"."


Edited by user 20 June 2014 11:10:42(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified





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snap_itshannah on 20/06/2014(UTC), Mckenzie- on 20/06/2014(UTC), AmyJayneXoX on 21/06/2014(UTC), erich hess on 21/06/2014(UTC)
Offline BrownSugar  
#2 Posted : 20 June 2014 11:10:24(UTC)
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I observe the wide smile upon her face as she reveals a handful of song titles. It is rather obvious that she is really attached to this new record and is filled with a great sense of pride. For an album that she has been desperate to release for months, it must be filled with absolute gems and numbers that she must be extremely proud of. Not many artists can answer this question with a straightforward answer but I decide to just go for it and ask which track is her favourite on the album. "Yeah and it's definitely "Paper Bag". That song is a very personal one and I was in tears writing it..then I was crying even more when the person I wrote it about heard it and started crying too! It's about....well basically I have a very close male friend who is gay and just recently came out to his family and some friends but they weren't exactly supportive. He's came to me many times in tears and has said that he hates himself for being gay and that he just wants to be liked for who he is as a person. He still acts like the same amazing guy that he's always been but since he came out, a lot of people just got so hung up on the "gay" thing that they see him so differently despite it still being the same person they've known and loved for all these years. The song talks about taking away everything that makes you unique and forcing yourself to change just in order to be accepted because a lot of people hound you for standing out or being different. "All of my years don't matter, my scars can be covered up. I'm ready to strip away everything I have, leave it all behind in a scrunched up paper bag." It deals with homophobia and the pressures to become something you aren't. Very different subject matters for me to write about. I love this song. It's my "Live To Tell" on this album." Michelle adjusts the bottom of her dress as she moves around on the couch after sitting in the same position for quite some time now.

Last time that I heard, Michelle was happily signed to Chaos Records but I then read an article which stated that she was in search of a new home. I was a little confused about what went on but thankfully the adorable pop star clears things up after taking a small bite out of a cupcake. "Yeah, I'm now with the wonderful Kaleidoscope Records. They're a newly established record label and I was the first act to sign to them. They have been brilliant so far and were extremely welcoming. Feel very privileged to be the first to sign to them. Chaos Records closed its doors over a year ago but it wasn't announced until a few months back. I started to write this album when I was left without a label and as much as I loved being part of Chaos, its closure was a blessing in disguise. I didn't have any pressure to complete it and I also parted ways with my team so everything was all down to me. I decided who to work with and when and I basically just decided on every detail and created everything the way I wanted it to be. It was the coolest thing ever! After I finished the album, I then went label hunting. I liked what Kaleidoscope were offering so it didn't take me long to sign on the dotted line." Michelle's friendly smile is suddenly disturbed and turns into a look of shock after we are suddenly interrupted by the loud coughing of her husband, Riley which causes both of us to jump. He later apologises while Michelle and I have a chuckle over our reactions to the noise.

Leading on from asking about her recent label switch, it occurs to me that she has recorded many different albums for many different labels and has had to take orders and answer to multiple label heads. We all know that recording an album isn't easy and Michelle has had a rather turbulent time behind the scenes which doesn't help either. I go on to ask her which album is her personal favourite, wondering which one she thinks all the stress and hassle was most worth. "I would say that "Songs From The Scrapbook" is my favourite. Don't get me wrong, I still love all of my other work but this one is my baby. I was allowed to do whatever I wanted during the creative process, there were no limits and it was something that I never experienced before.".

Michelle hands me over a lemon flavoured cupcake as she starts to tell me about her early days in the music industry after I bring up the topic of today's young stars and all of the troubles they are facing. Michelle, as expected, sounds very supportive and isn't shy when it comes to telling us about how she was treated a few years back. "I was signed at such a young age, I was just 13. I was a baby for crying out loud! It was something that I always wanted though and I knew that it would not be easy but nothing could have prepared me for the intensity of it all. I was still rather naive when I signed my first record deal and it was just one big culture shock. I was perplexed by it all, it was so surreal. I think that my teenagers years were cut extremely short and I was expected to act like an adult and work away like one while a lot of people around me were still treating me like a child. I wasn't really respected by a lot of big figures in the industry that worked close with me and I felt really uncomfortable for quite some time. I see a lot of young artists sprouting up all over the place and I salute them because I know how hard it is to cut through a lot of the crap and find your own voice when there are a hundred and one different people pulling at your strings. It's not easy for them and I know exactly how it feels I've been there and done that." She places an arm on top of the couch's armrest and swiftly flicks a few strands of hair away from her face while I remind her that she is still considered a young star herself. She laughs and clasps her cup between her hands. "I know, I sound like I'm about sixty or something! I forget just how young I am myself but I honestly feel like I've packed an entire lifetime into the last six or seven years. I have to remind myself that I'm not even twenty yet so I'm a far cry from retiring just yet."

I then joke around with the couple, describing a scenario of them together in a retirement home with Michelle still poking fun at her other half all these years later. Riley even agrees while Michelle nods along and giggles. Although I have now been in their company for a while, their interaction still amazes me. For a very high profile couple, there is a real sense of normality surrounding them and they come off as genuinely nice people. Part of me wants to ask if we can exchange numbers but I don't wish to come across as desperate. "Actually I don't think I'll ever retire! Making music is what I love to do and although it can be tiring, stressful and drives me crazy at times I wouldn't give it up. The pros definitely outweigh the cons so I'll still be around for a few years to come. I write about things I experience in my life and get inspiration from almost anyone and anything. I'm on album four already and I'm only nineteen years old. I think I have a good few years left in me so I'll experience new, exciting things and learn many more lessons as time goes on and will constantly be inspired to write throughout my life. I'd say that I still have good fifty plus years left to enjoy life and as long as I'm still living, I'll still be writing and recording." We are then joined by their little white kitten whose little bell on her collar rings as she pads across the floor and jumps up onto Riley's lap.

I briefly look over to see Riley playing with the family pet before turning my attention back to Michelle. I notice a baby monitor beside her next to the lamp on the little end table. Anyone meeting them for the first time would have no idea that they are both worth millions and are idols to many. They just seem like a very sweet young couple who both know exactly what they want out of life. It makes me wonder what Michelle has planned next. "Well after the whole promotional campaign for "Songs From The Scrapbook" ends, which is still a long way away, I'll be taking a little break before turning my attention to my fifth album. You know that I have a fabulous husband who's been listening in this entire time and I have a wonderful baby boy so I'll be taking some time out to just dedicate myself to my family. I don't really like the idea of Orson being brought up by a string of different babysitters, I want to be here for him especially during these very early stages of his life. I've also not had a break from the industry since I was signed nearly seven years ago. Even when I've been out of the public eye I've either been writing and recording or dealing with my illness so it'll be nice to just relax for a while." A break seems like the right thing for her to do after working her backside off non-stop over the last few years. The idea of spending time with her family is also one which I support. One thing I hate to see is celebrity children who are always photographed with a nanny or friend of the family because the parents have gone halfway across the globe and left the child behind. A kid needs their parents.

While we are on the subject of families and Michelle now being a mother, I decide to just go for it and ask if the pair have thought about having another addition to the family. I cross my fingers, hoping that I don't create awkward silences after asking the question. "Funny that you should ask that. Riley and I were talking about that quite recently and we did say that we would like another child in the future. It won't be in the near future though but maybe in a couple years from now, we'll have another child. We both agreed on two but I would like a baby girl next time whereas Riley wants another boy. I don't think he can handle girls, he doesn't understand us!" Riley nods in agreement while scratching the sole of his foot.


"When I was younger, I sort of already had my future planned out. I decided that I wanted to have two children. I said that I wanted to marry a guy who shares the same love of music and who is really supportive, which I have. I even had the wedding planned but for the real occasion I had to alter a few of my original ideas. I couldn't be walked down the aisle by Kermit the Frog or have Mariah Carey sing as I walked down it but we still managed to make it a bit fabulous." Riley then makes a remark about him being the best thing about the wedding to which Michelle replies to with a "yeah, right" and a roll of her eyes. "I also wished to become a recording artist and sometimes I still pinch myself because it's not often that big dreams like that come true and I'm still so grateful. I still can't even get my head around it. Oh and I also said that I wanted to be a fairy when I was younger...I'm still working on that one."

Obviously Michelle was once a little girl filled with huge hops and dreams. Looking at her now and seeing how humble she remains while basically having everything she ever wanted makes me tip my hat, if I was wearing one. I go on to ask her how she feels about achieving a lot of the goals in her life. "I still can't believe what has happened, it's been a total whirlwind. Sorry if that sounds really cliche but it's the best way to describe it. I said before that I still pinch myself because I still can't quite believe it. I wake up every morning and smile because I'm living the dream and not many people are fortunate enough to be able to do so. I know that it's not been an easy road getting to this point in my life but looking back over everything that has happened, I still wouldn't change a thing. I have learned some extremely valuable lessons and although I've been left shaking a few times, it's made me who I am as a person and as an artist today." I eventually finish my delicious tea and I'm immediately offered a refill but receiving one cup from two of the biggest stars today is enough to suffice and to take another would be a little too much. They are talented, well respected musicians, not my slaves.

With stardom there are setbacks. When you're dating a guy that millions of hormonal teenage girls are drooling over, you're playing with fire. Put the two together and you can be in for a hellish time. I ask Michelle if she's ever bothered or upset over a lot of the hurtful and unnecessary comments. "Yeah you've just got to take it on the chin, haven't you? I know that a lot of those hateful comments are just empty words from a few fans feeling a little frustrated. The majority of nasty comments come from teenage girls and I know what it's like to be that age and go through that phase. Hormones are running riot and mood swings are extremely common so I tend not to take too much notice. There have been some extreme messages. A few have threatened to kill me and not just that, they've threatened to harm Riley and Orson too. I can get rather scary but if you get too caught up in it, you'll just become paranoid and scared to do anything in case it rubs someone up the wrong way." She shrugs, seeming rather relaxed about it all. After all this time, I'm sure she has become immune to it all.

"Oh I've also had a few people come up to me and say mean things to my face. It's really awkward because I'm not a confrontational person, I hate conflict. I don't know how to handle it and it really unnerves me. It doesn't happen a lot but quite recently I was out with Riley doing a little bit of shopping...honestly, I felt like a total pig due to the amount of food we had bought just for me that day. Ri's a vegan so he had his little bags of fruit and veg and his health drinks and then there is me with shopping bags filled to the brim with chicken, ice cream, about forty different cakes.....oh anyway, back to the story. Yeah, we were out shopping and this girl comes up to me and just yells "YOU'RE A FUCKING BITCH!" right in my face. We just walked on but it was so odd and I just had no idea how to react to that." Michelle shakes her head and drinks from her "Mrs Always Right" cup. For such a sweet young woman, she has to put up with a lot of negativity and to handle it so gracefully is to be strongly admired.

Despite all of the unneeded hot air from greasy haired, spotty faced teenage girls directed towards her she gets on with her life and doesn't let anything stand in her way. Hopping between four labels, breaking chart records, being diagnosed and winning her fight with kidney cancer, touring the globe, giving birth and marrying a true gentleman, Michelle is a true inspiration to women everywhere and has already packed so much into her first 19 years. I ask her how she would like to be remembered and she immediately blushes, feeling a little awkward about highlighting her good qualities. "Gosh, that's a really good question. I suppose I'd like to be remembered for being a very hardworking and determined girl. You won't go very far if you don't put the work in so hopefully I can inspire people to take chances and really aim for the stars. I'd also like to be remembered as being someone who is very approachable and that people can relate to. I love having a good old chat and really enjoy interacting with all of my fans. You know, you don't need to be a huge diva or have hundreds of different gimmicks to become successful. I'm just being being myself and I hope that others will just be themselves too."

I reluctantly bring the interview to a close and thank The Hamiltons for their hospitality and their time today. "No, no the pleasure was all mine. It was lovely chatting to you and I was finally able to reveal a few things so I'm ecstatic! You have no idea how long I was holding details back for. Thank you for coming and for listening to me ramble on and on." I part ways with the couple before receiving another hug from Michelle and a firm handshake from Riley.
If I learned one thing from my time with the singer, it's that she is content and confident with who she is as a person and an artist. She isn't setting out to take anyone's crown or sniffing around for controversy. Michelle just does what she does best, sing. With her head screwed on, her feet firmly on the ground, outstanding talents and the support of her husband, Michelle is just going to go from strength to strength. In ten years time when all of today's icons have run out of ideas and gimmicks, guess who'll have her head down working on another masterpiece?




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#3 Posted : 21 June 2014 02:35:34(UTC)
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OOC: Wow. It's been a long time since i've read something big and long on this forum due to time constraints. But this is brilliant and right up there. I love that it's in Rolling Stone's format too. Got a lot of time for these types of RP.
retired x
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BrownSugar on 21/06/2014(UTC)
Online erich hess  
#4 Posted : 21 June 2014 03:10:59(UTC)
erich hess
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Erica: i think it's safe to say that Michelle will be remembered exactly how she wants. She is just the sweetest thing. She makes Ghandi look like Michael Vick.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
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BrownSugar on 21/06/2014(UTC)
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#5 Posted : 21 June 2014 04:52:17(UTC)
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Jennifer: Love me some Michelle! :) Honestly, you've grown up since you debuted and it's been in a very graceful and pleasant way like so few other stars have been able to do as well. It's consistency with you, that I love the most, and your attitude. You could very well have a diva attitude, and it would be rightfully so, but you don't and I appreciate that. I look forward to your next releases.

OOC: Nice job again :)
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"My God! We truly are a talented bunch. The fact that we write entire albums all on our own while the biggest stars in the world have 45 co-writers on ONE track?? Where the hell are OUR record deals and GRAMMYS?" -BrownSugar

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BrownSugar on 21/06/2014(UTC)
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#6 Posted : 21 June 2014 05:13:20(UTC)
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Kidd: I have a lot of respect for Mrs. Green, if it wasn't for her I mind not have gotten signed to my label. But how can anyone be mean to her she was to work with and was so nice. Michelle tell them if they act up you know rappers they can handle problems.

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BrownSugar on 21/06/2014(UTC)
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#7 Posted : 21 June 2014 05:23:20(UTC)
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OOC - took me forever to read this not that im complaining as this is amazing great job I love Rolling Stones rps :D

Elyar: yes I loved reading this wow you were signed at 13 damn that's so young but look at you know one of the biggest names in the business :D
thanks 1 user thanked AmyJayneXoX for this useful post.
BrownSugar on 21/06/2014(UTC)
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