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 Whether she's in charge of one of the most successful labels in the past few years, or just being a mother to her 3 children, Gia Rose-Hilton has had a lot of roadblocks and mountains to climb but you know what they say, 'Where there’s a will there’s a way,' and Gia's certainly shown that even by the industry's cutthroat standards she was more than ready to grab the bull by the horns. After overcoming some huge obstacles to even break out into the industry, Gia worked her way up the food chain and was suddenly the owner of a multi-billion dollar company. She's had her fair share of hits and bruises as well as success and records in her life and she's been able to do it while looking her best. She's no stranger to being tough and honest but she confesses she also has a softer side. She recently nabbed the cover of Maxim with the #1 spot on the infamous 'Hot 100' and fulfilled our fantasy of showing her naughty side.

How does it feel to be a mother and business woman? Pretty...crazy. I never dreamed of either really, I've had thoughts about both ideas but I didn't think they would both happen at the same time. I enjoy both, really. Being a mother is a lot of work, especially with three kids. I love them to death and I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world. Mix that with working all the time, you'll end up with a stressful combination. I'm always working to make the label better and always trying to outdo myself in terms of everything. I always like bigger and better.
Do you think it's important for women to feel sexy, especially as a mother? Absolutely! Women should always feel sexy, no matter what. We do a lot and go through a lot so in order to keep ourselves sane, we need that confidence in ourselves. I especially want my daughters to feel beautiful and love themselves because if they don't, no one else will. Mothers are super sexy, we've carried human beings in our bellies for months, we gave life. That is beautiful. We shouldn't be afraid to treat ourselves and dress up, throw some make up on, all of that.
Is there a line between being professional and being sexy? Definitely. Of course, you should be professional at work but that doesn't mean you have to dress like a school teacher or some 90 year old secretary. We're really lenient about dress code but we don't want people wearing what they would on a stripper pole, there's a line there somewhere. Anyone who knows me, I'm a dress and skirt woman. I have millions but some are small, some are great length. I just know that I can look great without having to dress like I'm in a retirement home.
Would you say you're comfortable with sexuality? I always have been. I've never been shy about sex or anything like that. I mean it's a natural thing, everyone has sex. I think if you think too much about it, it's scary. There's so much crap about sex out there, you won't really know unless you get comfortable and decide to make that choice. I feel like my kids can always come to me about that stuff when they are older and I'll answer their questions but the more you try to shield your kids from it, the more likely they are to really go and be more intrigued.
Would you say you're overly sexy? I think I'm a perfect combination. There's times and places to be sexy and then there's times to calm down. I don't need to wearing some thigh high boots to a doctor's appointment, you know?
Are you safe or kinky? I'm more kinky, ask my husband. I used to be really tame but sometimes, I like to have a little fun. I just think why stay in the same box when you can explore?
At the Chaos Awards, who came up with the idea for the now infamous, 'Gia-Karoliena Kiss?' Oh, that was all me. I asked permission from my friend of course, Cassie. The whole night was about doing crazy things and really stepping up from the past few shows so I got the idea, told my husband, and of course he loved it. I've kissed a girl before and it was easy to do. She was a great sport about it and I think it ended up being the most watched clip of the night, so there's that.
So would you do it again? Oh god, I mean I'm not against it but I won't just go out in the street and kiss girls all day! I'm just a very relaxed person when it comes to that, I do things I'm comfortable with.
What makes a woman sexy? I think a combination of things. Most women think it's all about looks but being sexy is a combination of your mind and spirit. You'll never be an ugly person on the inside and beautiful on the outside. I think intelligence is sexy, playing dumb or pretending to be dumb is not sexy at all. Men like a woman with some power, someone who can do for themselves so they don't always have to come to their rescue. They won't say that sometimes but they love independent women. Confidence is sexy, class is also sexy but I struggle sometimes with that. Sometimes, I tend to sink to the lower slumps of other women but you know, I'm a work in progress. Integrity is sexy. I want to teach my kids that, not just wearing skimpy clothes or having this, 'No one can tell me what to do' attitude is what life is all about.

Do you ever think about doing music again? As an artist? No, I'm far beyond that. I'm more of a 'behind-the-scenes' person. I like working on music and creating music with other people, I'm not much of an artist. I had one song and it did well but I will stay out of the booth from now on. I just really enjoy editing and producing and all of that, it gives me a great sense of pride knowing my work is being shared with everyone. I would love to act, actually I've been meeting with people and stuff. I'd love to play a cop, I'd be pretty badass.
Is sex a big part of why most artists succeed? Most definitely. All the pop stars are cute and attractive and every once in a while, there will be an artist that comes and shakes things up because they aren't all about sex. We just live in a very sexed up world, sex is everything and it sells. Sometimes it works but I can see the shift where it's, 'Okay, you're pretty but can you sing?' and I love that. People are calling other people out and it's kind of fun.
How would you rate your relationship with your husband? I'd say we were once at about a 6..but we've grown into a good 9. We're not perfect but we've worked out a lot of issues and we've grown together, mentally and it shows. We're not the same people who fell in love, meaning we've been able to change but together and for the good. We're closer, more bonded, we're all about family.

Would you consider your marriage to be sexy? There are certain points when we are but other points we're just one of those regular marriages. We fight and argue but we have great make up sex. (laughs). We're sort of like, now, we're like a cuter version of the 'Leave It To Beaver' family.
You're so busy, but do you have a guilty pleasure that helps you unwind? I love to cook. I took some lessons and stuff because I wasn't that great but now I cook everything in the kitchen, it's great.
Do you have a special dish? I can make a mean green bean casserole. Sophie loves it, Bailey's iffy on it and Scott thinks it's amazing. I also love baking, I can bake for days. I've made several cakes in just a few weeks, for no reason at all. Sophie loves making cupcakes and cookies with me.
Do you prefer takeout?
I'm very picky about what I eat or what my kids eat so I try to make more home cooked meals instead of shoving all those processed foods into them. I'd say we eat out as a family maybe twice a month, or for special occasions. My girls and I, we love to meet up and have drinks and some great food.
When you're not busy, what's the one thing you enjoy doing?
Having a glass of wine and watching television, like not reality television but actual shows or the ID channel. I love a good murder mystery or watching shows about how women murder their husbands and stuff. It's all very entertaining to me, but when the kids are asleep, I like to watch some HBO and Starz. My favorite show is Game Of Thrones right now. Violence and sex is always the way to go. I tried to get into True Blood but I didn't find it very good. My attention span was gone right after the credits at the beginning. Although, Alcide is one hunky man.
You said you're interested in acting, do you have any other hidden dreams talents?
I've always thought about modeling when I was younger. I figured I had a good look and it wasn't too simple but it wasn't over the top. In my former life, I would've been a model. I kind of enjoy getting undressed or dressed up in front of the camera. So thank you for letting me act out on one of my secret desires, I felt like a real model! And great job on the outfits, I think my husband will appreciate this issue. (Laughs) I'm very organized and so I like to plan things, a little bit OCD-like. Add wedding planner to my resume and it's fun because it's a lesbian wedding which will make it even harder! Women, especially two, are hard to please sometimes.
How did you come to be the wedding planner?
My best friend, Cassie, she told me she was getting married and we were just like patching things up as friends so my gift to her was planning their wedding. I love weddings, I loved mines and now I want to have the chance to give someone else that magical moment of marriage. I'll probably be too controlling and forget who's actually the stars of the wedding but it'll get done. Besides, they deserve all the happiness in the world.
Seeing as you're so comfortable with your sexuality, where's one of your favorite places to have sex?
Well, Scott and I we love to have fun and be adventurous. I can assure you, we're not the kind of couple who get in quickie's at Burger King or Walmart! We like to keep things fresh but fun and sometimes romantic. The bedroom is one of the most used places. Sometimes in the shower, that's one of our favorite places. It's kind of genius if you think about it, you've got the water and everything around you. I'd recommend for others to try it.

Do you think you're revealing too much about your personal life?
To each their own. Some people are shy about it, some aren't. As a business woman, it may seem unprofessional but I've never been one to just act stuck up and too good for everyone. I mean we all have sex right? It doesn't make me any less of a success story or successful woman.
Do you ever feel as if you've got to guard your kids from your honesty sometimes?
I can't obviously tell them everything but I try to keep it honest with them as much as I can and as much as they want to hear. They are kids though, so they don't really care much about what I say. Just toys and candy. (laughs) But we're honest with each other as a family. Sophie's old enough to kind of slowly grasp things and understand more than Bailey and Logan. Bailey's really good at reading emotions, whenever I'm sad or daddy's sad, she can pretty much sense it and try to cheer you up. She'll be a good peacemaker later in life. Logan's good at being quiet, he hardly cries at all. He's probably the most chill baby ever, so lucky.
Are 3 kids enough?
I'd never completely say I'd never want another kid but I'm not really planning on getting pregnant next year. Scott and I are pretty busy with those three little rascals. I kind of wouldn't mind having more kids, like I want the Rose-Hilton's to rule the world. We could have one Rose-Hilton for every emotion and day of the week so you can personally request each one deeding on the circumstance.
What's the one thing you eat/drink that you wish you could stop?
Coffee. I drink about...4 cups per hour and I know that's not healthy, but it's so good and it keeps me up and running. Some days I don't get to bed until maybe 2 A.M. I'd like to have energy all the time but sometimes I need a little boost. Coffee is the new crack, seriously. I think I'm addicted. I guess I should start drinking tea more often and water. I'd probably start selling coffee beans if it made me a lot of money and it was like banned or something.
What's the sexiest part of your body?
My husband loves my breasts but I think my legs. I think I have some good looking legs and a good butt. I really work hard to maintain this figure so I personally think it's all sexy. (Laughs) I'm not that tall but I think I have some long legs that are in shape. I love to stay in shape and workout, it's not really something I've struggled with. But I also love food so I have a balance.
If you could re-create your kiss on the Chaos Stage but you had to choose a different female, who would it be and why?
My girl crush in the industry is Cristina Lake. She's literally the definition of perfect. I would gladly share my next kiss with her! She seems like she'd be a really great kisser. She has a very mysterious beauty to her and she probably knows she's a beautiful woman as well which makes her even more radiant, that confidence booster.
How does it feel to be a Maxim cover girl and #1 on the Hot 100 list?
Amazing. I never really thought I would be on there, I'm on there with some of the most beautiful and hottest women in the planet so I'm absolutely honored, and the other women were definitely gorgeous and worthy of the spot. Thank you again for this opportunity. If anyone calls me old, I'll be sure to send them to the stands and show off my cover! (Laughs) |
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