They walk out of the hall, having made an agreement that they're only "engaged" when Laura's around, and were mutually glad that she'd be gone in a week. Bikki was glad that she wouldn't have to fake being engaged - Joshy, however, was only glad that Laura would be gone. Pretending was going to be the closest he'd get to Bikki.

When she saw them, Laura Firecracker flashed a big smile and ushered them to some seats.Laura : Joshua! Bikki! Oh, come sit down! I was so pleased when Roxana told me this morning! My little brother getting married - and I'm SO happy that you're not one of THOSE any more. Aren't you glad that you're over that disgusting phase?
Joshy wanted to smack her homophobic smile in.Joshy : Yes, I guess it was just a phase.
Laura : I know I don't know you that well, Bikki, but could I be your maid of honour? I'm sure you'd love that!
Bikki : Actually, I'm a twin, my sister Sophy Catherine would be ....
Laura : Wow, you and Joshua are both twins! Isn't that funny!
She giggled like a little girl. Exactly how Joshy laughs, thought Bikki. But that was where the similarity ended.Bikki : Yes, it is.
Laura : So, you're Catholic, I assume? I know that Joshua wouldn't choose anyone who isn't! We can't have any devil-worshippers in our family.
Joshy : Of course! Bikki here is a very devout Catholic.
Oh great, I'm not only planning bigamy to save Joshy's skin, I'm also Catholic. At least it's just for a week. This will all be over soon, thought Bikki.Laura : I hope you pick a house soon! I went to your flat this morning, I can't believe you still live with that Misty Moo. Have you heard she's pregnant?
Joshy : Yes, I know all about that. She's got a good boyfriend ....
Laura : I feel sorry for him. And the poor baby. Misty's like a common prostitute, there's no way she'd know how to bring up a child.
What do you know about Mikki!? She might be a great mum, and she's no street slut, she's in a long-term relationship! Bikki could not wait until this BITCH was gone.