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Faith Browdy loses it in Salt Lake City bar Friends, family, and other bar patrons watch in amusement as Browdy is arrested for drunkenness and assault Taken and uploaded last night by @allyvray Last night, Faith Browdy (formally Faith Rollins) was arrested outside Bar X in Salt Lake City by public intoxication and assault on a photographer. Friend and employer, Vile Hour's Nichole Shade was with her, along with Browdy's older brother and several other friends. The victim of the assault, Jason Oakley, worked for a Salt Lake City entertainment news website, and was trying to snap pictures of Faith Browdy and ask her some questions when he was attacked. According to him and other witnesses, Browdy originally seemed happy to answer questions, but after a few drinks, she became more and more upset by him and the camera clicking, until she swatted the camera out of his hand. The camera broke when it hit the ground, destroying it. The two began verbally fighting until they were asked to leave the establishment and they moved outside, where Browdy attacked him, breaking two of his fingers and his ankle. She was released this morning after paying bail, and is now awaiting trial.
Faith Browdy's career originated from a short stint in alternative modeling, where she was featured in several magazines such as Auxiliary magazine, Gothic Noir, and Bella Morte, but stopped soon after, despite getting many job offers, stating the the lifestyle wasn't for her. She turned her focus to blogging, where she received a lot of attention - not only for her words, but also for the pictures of herself that she would include in each blog, most of them risque. As she blogged, Faith continued to further her education, graduating with a Bachelors in Business, and then starting Stella Staffing - a company targeted specifically towards celebrities and the wealthy, offering employable personal assistants, nannies, personal chefs, and much more. Although Faith Browdy's name was no longer on anybody's lips, she was still in the background of the celebrity world, which led her to meet her future ex-husband, metalcore frontman, Kai Rollins. While the two dated, Faith's name became well-known as a mass of alternative music fans looked to her as the 'perfect metal girlfriend.' She had gathered her own fan following again by the time that she and Kai Rollins were secretly married and then, shortly after, divorced - which was finalized yesterday afternoon.
It was questions about Kai Rollins and his relationship with model Honor Wynter that set Faith Browdy off last night. A bar patron recorded the conversation between Browdy and Oakley from a couple chairs away and sent the video to us:Quote:(The camera work is obviously done with a phone, so the sound and video quality is not perfect, but you can clearly see Faith Browdy laughing at something the man next to her, Jason Oakley has said. He has a camera in his hand and is snapping picture of her as they speak. Nichole Shade sits next to Faith, drinking. A glass of straight vodka sits in front of Faith, half-drank. It is obvious that she is already very intoxicated, but in a good mood.)
Oakley: When did you and Kai officially break up?
Browdy: It was near the beginning of Warped Tour. In Las Vegas. We had gotten married a couple weeks before, and it just didn't work for us, so we just said, 'Why do this to ourselves?' and bailed out.
Oakley: So you're sticking to that story?
Browdy: (She smirks, obviously a little annoyed by that question) Yeah, I'm sticking to it.
Oakley: You know, a lot of people saw you on that tour with Kai, still sleeping in his bus and hanging out with him like you two were still together.
Browdy: We were still friends. And you don't lose feelings like we had for each other immediately. So yeah, sometimes things still happened. But we weren't together anymore. End of discussion about that.
Oakley: Alright. What do you think about the Twitter fight between Kai Rollins, Honor Wynter, and Erica Kobayashi?
Browdy: What's there to say? They're three horrible people, trying to argue over who is the least horrible. It's childish. But then again, they're three childish people, so I don't really expect anything more from them. (She looks at Nichole and shrugs. Nichole doesn't say or do anything back, seeming to not want to get in the middle of Faith and Erica's problems.)
Oakley: You have issues with Erica as well?
Browdy: It's not really something I want to talk about. Erica knows why I'm upset with her.
Oakley: What about Kai? Do you have any issues with him now?
Browdy: I'm willing to bet that I'm in the top three people in the world that knows Kai best. He does what he wants when he wants, that's one of the things I loved about him. I'd never ask him to change. So no, I wouldn't say I really have any issues with him specifically. He's being Kai.
Oakley: Do you have anything to say to Kai and Honor about their relationship?
Browdy: (Faith's face drops. This is the first question to really get to her. Jason Oakley looks pleased that he's finally gotten some real emotion out of her. Faith takes a moment and then shakes her head.) Look, I really just came here to drink and get my mind off of all of this. I'm not in the mood to answer anymore questions.
Oakley: No, come on. Just a couple of words to the happy couple.
Browdy: I'm serious, I'm not in the mood.
Oakley: You don't have a single thing to say to them?
Browdy: Nope.
Oakley: Alright. What about the fact that it's now public knowledge that Kai was cheating on you with Honor while you two were dating. Do you have anything to say about that?
(Faith stays silent, taking a slow sip of her drink)
Oakley: Nothing? Hello? (He takes a picture of her.)
(Faith mumbles something that the phone doesn't pick up.)
Oakley: What?
Browdy: Get that fucking camera away from me.
Oakley: Answer my question and I'll go, I promise.
(He takes one more picture of her. In reaction, she swats the camera out of Oakley's hand. It lands on the ground, letting out a satisfying breaking sound. Oakley looks devastated and furious as he looks back and forth between Faith and the camera on the floor. Faith looks pleased as she drinks, not even looking at Jason Oakley. Nichole, out of frame says in an exasperated voice:)
Shade: Oh my god...
(The video ends) According to witnesses and the person who shot the video, moments after the video ended, the verbal fight between Oakley and Browdy started, which then progressed into the physical assault outside the bar.
Faith Browdy was in Salt Lake City with Nichole Shade for Warped Tour, which Vile Hour is headlining. Browdy's brother had been in Utah on business and had come to see her. While Warped Tour has continued on - Nichole Shade with it - Faith has to stay behind in Salt Lake City until her court case later in the week. Until then, nobody knows what will happen to her, or if she will be able to join Nichole Shade when Vile Hour joins Reported Failure's Rome World Tour starting on the 9th.
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