Interview: Jonathan Ross: It feels good to be back! I miss all of you and I got to say today's show is just going to be spectacular! We have the biggest pop icon in the room, please welcome the beautiful and always so fierce, Miss Stephanie Fierce!
Stephanie Fierce heads inside the room, waving at the audience blowing everyone a kiss. She bows in respect to them and then heads to the couch to begin the interview! Jonathan Ross: Wow they are screaming their heads off for you! This is insane (the audience continues to scream as Fierce covers her ears)
Stephanie Fierce: (Laughs) I'm just as excited to see them, I'd scream but then I'll look like the crazy one. (Audience laughs) AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (She screams loud as Jonathan bursts into laughter; she then winks and maintains her posture)
Jonathan Ross: (Continues laughing) I didn't expect you to do that! Now you've never been to my show, why the bloody hell is that?
Stephanie Fierce: Jonathan, don't put me on the spot (Laughs and tosses hair)
Jonathan Ross: I mean sorry I don't mean to take the piss at you, but I do feel a little bit offended! (Crosses arms)
Stephanie Fierce: So...I have a new album coming out (audience laughs) No but seriously the first thing I made sure to do was come here, I owe you a lot and I've always wanted to come here!
Jonathan Ross: You do! (audience laughs) Now I saw you posting a picture on your instagram, and you went to a Fish and Chips place and it made me wonder, how do you simply just roam through the town at free will, do you ever get overwhelmed with people just walking up to you? I mean you are like a huge celebrity, I sometimes feel sorry.....
Stephanie Fierce: Depending on where you go, the paparazzi here work differently and they are really really sneaky, especially because I don't reside her, so when I do show up, they are like hyenas. If I go to like a popular area, they literally track me down, feet by feet and they don't back off. On the other hand, it might sound a bit surprising but I don't really encounter that much over here, because I don't doll myself up like a celebrity and I don't have a body guard or any entourage with me, so I just walk around freely, some people give me that "I know you from somewhere look" but I just look at them like they are crazy and they leave me alone (audience laughs).
Jonathan Ross: So what brings you to the lovely UK? What are your plans while here?
Stephanie Fierce: I love coming the UK. Every time I come here I get in trouble with the law though (audience laughs)
Jonathan Ross: That's how you know you're having a good time! At least, that's the way I look at it! (Audience laughs)
Stephanie Fierce: Well I just started the promotional schedule for my new record "The Past, The Present and The Future of Pop Vol. 2" I also miss my UK fans and once in a while is good to stop by and just check how things are going and I wanted to take my son Baron with me on his first big trip.
Jonathan Ross: That is adorable, which I'm glad you mention. How do you fancy motherhood these days, you've got such a busy career, how do you balence everything and last but not least, don't hope to get MR. Johnson upset, but that body of yours. (Audience cheerS)
Stephanie Fierce: (laughs) You know I find it funny how people think that because a pop star has a child that all of the sudden the world ends or something, I mean it's difficult but I love what I do. Motherhood is enjoyable for me and It's been quite nice. I raised Helle and now I have Baron, so I pretty much get the best of both worlds and my husband also has helped me a lot, so we're kind of like a team and we make it happen, you can't say I have it bad. However, in terms of my fitness, My trainer Gunner is responsible for that! He literally kicks my ass to shape, so you all should thank him. (laughs)
Jonathan Ross: Oh I'm sure it's just the trainer (he winks)
Stephanie Fierce: Jonathan!
Jonathan Ross: What???? It's a new season Stephy, we got to spice things up a bit eh!
Stephanie Fierce: Did you just call me Stephy? I got to check his forehead yall, I think Jonathan may be under the weather. I just... (continues to laugh) I am so shocked!
Jonathan Ross: Now on a more serious note. Mrs. Fierce, you are arguably one of the biggest legends of our time. You have seriously become a blueprint in pop culture and you are ultimately one of the biggest stars.
Stephanie Fierce: (Narrows eyes; trying not to laugh) Are you trying to ask me out? (Flashes ring; audience laughs)
Jonathan Ross: I don't want Johnny to kick my ass so I'll be smart and say no! That's a lovely rock by the way, but seriously this new album, you haven't released an album in a while haven't you?
Stephanie Fierce: I haven't released a proper album in more than 2 years yeah. It's crazy because that wasn't my intention to take this long to make an album. I mean music can take years sometimes. At one point I was releasing albums every 6 months and it just kind of flows organically after each album is released but after Love is Lust, I can admit I got stuck. The reason to that is simply because I'm a perfectionist and anyone that knows me knows that I have a very bad bad bad....bad..... bad... bad habit (audience laughs) of changing my mind a million times. My label was mad at me. They're like Stephanie you have like three #1 single smashing on all formats release this damn album already (audience laughs) But I still wasn't happy with what I had, so I finally sat down with myself and came into to terms as to what I actually wanted and finally I'm releasing this damn album. It's been too long (laughs) October 10th! (Audience cheers)
Jonathan Ross: Don't worry it only took me 10 years to learn how to write my own name, so no biggie! (Audience laughs)
Stephanie Fierce: You are silly!
Jonathan Ross: Well tell Johnny that I send my congratulations! You both have raised such a beautiful family! But Of course we want to talk more about the music, what is coming next other than the album?
Stephanie Fierce: Thank you darling! Well in terms of what's coming next musically, I have two new singles that I will be debuting at the FCA's, but that's not all, so make sure you tune in! One of them is called "Heroine" and the other is called "Rap Chanteuse" but like I said stay tuned to that. I also will probably release like one more single after that and begin work on my 9th studio album, which I have an idea in my head of what it would sound like. Then I start my tour in December. So I'm gonna be pretty busy, considering that my new album comes out in like 4 weeks approximately, but during tour I'll be recording and writing music, so we'll see what 2015 brings me.
Jonathan: Fantastic! Well we're about to go on a quick break and when we come back Fierce will be performing the #1 radio and digital single "Bless Me"! Don't go away!
Performance: Jonathan Ross: Ladies and gentlemen, Mrs. FIERCE!
Bless Me (Orchestral Version)

The screen suddenly opens up with a view of the stage. Stephanie Fierce walks out into the audience with confidence as the wind machines hit her with passion. She's seen wearing a beautiful black sparkling dress The band was preparing and aligning their instruments waiting for Fierce signal to begin.
The soft and ghostly guitar riff that is played on the bass begins with a much higher pitch that way it is suitable and heard in front of the large crowd. It is also rougher than the original. After 20 seconds of the guitar riff being played, the bass player is then joined by the drummer who's seen smashing his two drum sticks together to create the original sound of the record. The main guitar player is seen adding to the sound as Fierce continues to sing.
"Love drunk again, overdose accident
no I'm not saint, no I'm not a saint
I think I should be a little more embarrassed,
in myself, in my sins"

Background dancer are now seen doing an artist dance as the orchestra begins adding more musical elements to the song. Closing her eyes; she also keeps her mouth close to the microphone as she sings with passion, her delivery becomes more genuine and beautiful. As she sings"Bless me, Bless me"; the hook, she sings it the section with her soft melancholic voice she uses for her more emotionally driven tracks. Echos of fans in the audience are heard singing along. The smashing of sticks is heard thoroughly throughout the performance. The female guitarist is seen on her side and she seems to be in her own zone and Stephanie Fierce continues to sing. Violins are now heard creeping in adding a more dramatic effect to the performance.
"Cause I don't stand a chance in heaven
even the devil don't recognize me anymore
a desperate girl shouldn't be given another night
but I thought you might
Bless Me, Bless Me
Oh oh, oh oh
Bless Me Bless Me
Oh oh, oh oh"
With this section Fierce waned to offer more vulnerability and organic adlibs nut by not over doing it and sticking true to the records emotion. She then walks closer to the audience and she begins to almost throw herself to them, throwing out her hands, keeping direct eye contact to some of them.
"The night is growing close
my hands round' my throat
I can't say a word,
and I bet he knows
and I'm hardly wake
Since the night he left.
His body always kept,
Mine inside of it.
keep the demons out,
Give me mouth to mouth.
I can't live without ya,
Take me to your house."
Fierce starts looking down as the bridge grows close to add some sort of melodrama to the performance. She then starts doing a moan like sound that as she portrays a seductive face it echoes through the audience. Her adlibs become well constructed and come off as professionally rehearsed and clean cut. A more tribal like sound is also heard from the drummer.
The smashing of sticks continues, and Fierce begins to shake her head as she put herself in some of trance as he bridge approaches. The song continues with haunting hum in which Stephanie Fierce's voice is heard as draggish and ghostly. The piano is played in slow strokes that align with each hum. After the hum, the song opens up a new scale of sound that is more of an orchestration essence and all of the musicians begin to take each section of the song to form clashing and climatic close. The outro is repeated as Fierce closes her eyes and harmonizes to it. Her body then begins to spin around, the lights on the stage begin to spin around to different focal points adding a dramatic essence to the performance. Her guitarists keeps playing and repeating her riff, extending the song, and the audience begins to cheer even louder. Fierce than ads an outro adlib where she twists some of the lyrics. The song then comes to an epic end!
"Bless me, Bless me, oh.
Bless me, Bless me, oh. (Bless, bless, bless, bless...)
Bless me, Bless me, oh. (Me, me, me, me...)
Bless me, Bless me, oh. (Bless, Bless, Bless...)
But I thought you might...
Bless Me, Bless Me
Oh oh, oh oh
Bless Me Bless Me
Oh oh, oh oh
Ooh Ooh, Oh!