The Bards have released, Space Ghoul, a single for the second disc of the Beyond The Inner Cosmic Fantasy album, called Dragon Dancer.
The first week it reached #9 on the USA charts and on the second week it climbed to #8
Info: Space Ghoul opens with a flurry of heavy drum beats, that is followed by a very eerie keyboard, which is wrapped up by a "T.Rex" sounding guitar rift. The rhythm of the song feels alot like Led Zeppelin, T.Rex & White Stripes but when newcomer Marc Rolan hits the vocals it is a mix between jack white and Robert Plant, simply dynamic. Rolan sings...
" There was a cosmic explosion!
A galaxy changing sound,
and from the depths of the darkest sable,
was unleashed the black hole hound.
AHHHhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaa!! (think led zep, immigrant song)
It road unto the night,
driving away all the light!
Who will save us now?!
Please tell us how!!!!
From the aftermath and the debris
comes the sinner saint, now free
he rides a chrome horse, shiny cool
he is....He is.... HE IS!!!! THE SPACE GHOUL!!!!!!!

The single, "Space Ghoul." features
A. Space Ghoul
B. Slow Slider (beneath the wave), Chrome Mind Solid Kids

The Bards welcome Marc Rolan as their new lead singer. Marc is 20 years old and a fresh voice with a voice that sounds like singer Jack White.
Marc Rolan: Hello, I just wanted to say thank you for giving me this opportunity to work with the band. I wont let you down. And I just wanted to say hello to all those other musicians out there! I really look up to The Nimrods and The Keepers, and hope I can do what they do."
The plan is for Marc Rolan to release a single for the The Bards 4 disc album. If all goes well, they will go forth with completing the album.

Edited by user 09 September 2009 15:21:51(UTC)
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