10 Celebrities Rumoured To Be Difficult To Work WithLife in the spotlight can be both very rewarding and stressful at the same time. Everyone handles fame differently. Some celebrities are very gracious and appreciate what they have while others take it all for granted and go on HUGE blowouts. There are the stars who are very modest and then you have the ones who believe their own hype and would kiss their own backsides if they could. Then you have the celebs who are very down to earth and easily approachable but meanwhile on the other end of the spectrum, there are a bunch of them who aren't the cuddliest of people. Their bad attitudes and diva antics are so out of control that it's even becoming difficult for anyone to get work done around them! Taken from accounts given by fans and fellow famous folk, these are some of the most difficult stars to work with today. On camera it may seem like a different story but from all of the accounts from insiders that we've heard, warm and fuzzy are definitely two words you won't associate with this lot.
Kicking off our list we have Swedish stunner and pop starlet, Suzie. Although things may have changed behind the scenes now that she is engaged to MAJOR HOTTIE, Jordan, it's common knowledge that Suzie is a very sexual being and apparently, that can get in the way of many things. A whole bunch of female stars have accused her of degrading women and do not like the thought of their significant others being around her. On the flip side, not a lot of men are willing to work with her either due to her maneating reputation and tendency to either insult or make up a rumour about any man who rejects her advances. It's also well documented that Suzie is fond of a war of words on Twitter. She's either talking about or firing insults. Her barely there clothing could be rather distracting too - not that many of us are really complaining. We can see why it would be hard to get anything done around her though.
Not much is really known about Lily and that's kind of the main reason why the super talented lady makes an appearance on the list. Apparently she is extremely anti-social. Like, EXTREMELY. She doesn't take too kindly to outsiders and tends to keep herself to herself which isn't always a bad thing. However, in this cruel industry a helping hand and friendly face wouldn't exactly go amiss to be honest. Her rather dark and serious music combined with her fierce look and her unwillingness to show her face in public and socialise (does she even have Twitter?) may put people off. She's not exactly the most uplifting person to be around. In fact, we're pretty sure that she hisses at sunlight.
We feel bad for including Mr Wellington on this list because after reviewing it all, he is still the sweetest out of the lot and actually isn't a diva at all. The reason why the lovely Aussie makes an appearance is due to the fact that he loves to laugh. A bit too much. Many producers, songwriters, directors and fellow X Factor judges have claimed that Scott can't resist making a joke at inappropriate times and can be very unprofessional. While it may be all fun and games to the Weekend star, many have complained and stated that they just can't get work done because he does not take ANYTHING seriously. He allegedly shows up late to work all the time and doesn't even bother showing up fro rehearsals (which is probably why he often forgets lines to his own songs!). Say what you want though, the way he gets the whole judging panel in stitches during horrific X Factor auditions is pure TV gold!
Like Scott, Dallas "The Beard" Conners is also one who is often tardy to the party. Deadlines and set times are non-existent to the Juneau frontman and despite warnings from his band mates and multiple people above him, it looks like Conners is set in his ways and isn't going to turn into a morning person anytime soon. The rockstar lifestyle doesn't end there, though. Dallas apparently has a taste for the drugs and rock and roll part of the tired old trope, which makes touring a chore. Again, the inner diva doesn't end there. There are rumours circulating that he is a little frosty whenever an interviewer brings up Kellin's (wonderful) solo career and his relationship with ultimate pop cutie Dustyn Blue. Oh and apparently he also has a pizza addiction which means stopping the bus every time he smells it. Who doesn't love pizza though?
We aren't even going to waste much time on this one because we ALL know that this man is not the nicest person to work with. Like a lot of rappers, he likes to start feuds with other musicians, diss them in a track and make a living out of it. Let's face it, his antics and "beef" with others is what makes him grab our attention and not his music "career". Oh and did we mention that he hit a woman on television and then stabbed himself in front of the constants on CBB4 as well as the whole world? There is no speculation and allegations here. We know it's all true and have the receipts. This dude should be avoided at all costs. He's the only person in the world that Cara Delevingne isn't friends with.
Not sweet little Victoria Black on our list, surely!? Well folks, it seems that the pint-sized pop princess is not as cute and cuddly as we like to see her as. She is said to be a total control freak in the studio and will force everyone to start over again if she's not happy with the outcome regardless of what time of day and how long they've been going at it. She recorded six albums between her debut "Hush" and sophomore effort "Beautiful Mess" and scrapped them all, including two that were recorded under Five Pesky Kids which had a LOT of money thrown towards them. Apparently her attitude was so bad, nobody would work with her and Billy Khan of Pesky palmed her off onto his younger brother Deneil as a last resort to getting an album out. At least the record was brilliant (still fangirling over it!). Also, Black is apparently not one for girl power. It's been said that she is the jealous type and the claws come out whenever a female steps onto the scene. She is supposedly VERY possessive over her boyfriend, Kato and will not let him pose with a female fan unless she is included in the picture too. Black has also referred to former band mate, Chloe Byrne, as a dog and allegedly holds a dislike to Mandy Williams who is engaged to her good friend Deneil Khan. Apparently Khan "could do so much better". Meow!!
We all love a bit of Katie Coyle...sorry, Merjos (still not used to the name change!). She has only released one album but is already up there with the greats. She has the voice, the creativity and a great way with words but apparently she does not have the right attitude. Katie is well known for her unpredictable mood swings and when you're trying to work on a record that will blow her debut out of the water, a grumpy face in the studio won't exactly help. Poor Mrs Merjos is also prone to depression (aww *sad face*) and no, that cannot be helped but it is another setback and reason why she is hard to work with. Katie takes the definition of perfectionist to a whole new level and has halted progress of her second album multiple times. We've even had Victoria Black, Mandy Williams and Andrea albums that we thought wouldn't even see the light of day while Katie continues to work on this record. Hopefully that means it'll be Album of the Century though. Merjos is also know to be a little bossy boots, firing her own band TWICE on tour. She means business! Also, getting pregnant whenever she has a major return in the works doesn't do wonders for her reputation as being unreliable and changing friends more than she changes panties makes collaborating impossible. We all know that nowadays it's all about those features.
Do your eyes deceive you!? Well, unfortunately they don't and it pains me to even type this one up. Christopher Piero Kyle Napoliello Hudson or whatever you wish to call him is apparently one of the trickiest people to work with in the business! While we drooled over his shirtless workouts on CBB4 and fell in love with his innocence and how clueless he is, enough to make him come in second place, he is said to be quite the diva off camera. Similar to the Ariana Grande rumours, butter wouldn't melt on camera but behind the scenes he is a handful. Allegedly, he has requested that he records his parts without the other members of The Stat Nerds in a separate studio and refuses to travel in the same car as them. He constantly bickers with fellow band mate Dennis Shaw. Apparently he thinks he's the "star" of the band and is fond of using the term "do you know who I am?!" and most recently, kicked up a fuss because he wasn't the member wearing white and "standing out" on the Out With A Bang single cover. The fact that he wasn't in the centre of the pic also peed him off. While we hope it's all rumours, he did recently tweet about the cover being "hideous". The alleged craziness doesn't end there though. Despite everyone advising him against it, he moved to London and signed many solo deals in the UK when TSN are trying to relaunch. Most shocking of all, he apparently forces fans to delete selfies with him if he does not like how he looks in the picture and although it's in low quality, there is a Vine circulating in which he supposedly tells a group of young girls to "f*** off" when they ask him to sign their shirts. Check out the video that was filmed on a potato and make up your own mind. We hope this isn't true though! :(
Next up on the list we have the feistiest female of them all. Yes, you guessed it, Queen Alexis is next on our list! If you aren't familiar with the self proclaimed Queen then you must be living under a rock. Her chat show pulled in viewers by the millions, she's constantly trending on Twitter due to her multiple feuds and controversial opinions which she posts all over the interweb and if you watched the very first series of CBB then you'll probably remember her infamous brawl with Andrea and for becoming the first ever evictee from the show. Queen Alexis unfortunately does not know when to close her mouth and hit that big red stop button. She brings up uncomfortable and sometimes downright inappropriate subjects when interviewing her guests and while we may laugh at the awkwardness, many stars refuse to work with her as she lacks a little thing called tact and is also notorious for letting personal feelings get in the way of her interviews and music reviews. Many have dubbed her as extremely unprofessional, self absorbed and just plain nasty. She's handy with her fists (poor Andrea), sharp with her tongue and upfront about her opinions. We love her honesty and think she's entertaining to say the least but we can see why many stay clear of the Queen.
Last but far from least we have the gorgeous yet ferocious Billy Khan. He is beautiful to look at, his singing is dreamy and even when he speaks his softly spoken tone is like a million kisses to the ears. However, don't get too close or you may lose an eye. Here is what some fellow celebrities have had to say about Billy the bad boy;
"he is the king of knob heads", "a self-centred and heartless twat", "the biggest bully in the industry", "nothing but trouble", "total poison", "there's not a good bone in his body" and our personal favourite,
"he is nothing but a piece of sewer scum and the only way he'll ever learn his lesson and finally shut is mouth is when he is six feet under". Ouch. We have to clear up that Billy does in fact suffer from some form of a personality disorder and is undergoing anger management but there's only so much you can blame on that. We'll quickly sum up most of his controversies and it is quite a long list so brace yourself. He allegedly assaulted his wife Andrea (again, poor Drea), poked fun at Honor Wynter's deceased mother, takes to Twitter every hour of the day to insult someone's music, acting, personality or even just their looks, had sex with another man on television while still in a relationship, been in too many fist fights to remember, apparently cheated on Andrea a total of 4 times, promotes drug abuse online (mainly the use of cannabis and ecstasy), has "nudes" online and although he didn't leak them he's more than happy to repost them, called Scott and Gia Rose-Hilton's children ugly and "the reason he believes in abortion", posted a pic of his bare bottom and told haters to "kiss it real good", trashes hotel rooms, smashed a paparazzo's car window, punched another one in the face, allegedly picks on Oscar Ward and is becoming quite pally with Jerry Holmes in spite of band mate Scott Wellington forbidding it after Holmes mocked his wife, Jennifer's weight. Did we mention that he also likes to swear a lot? We are massive Weekend fans and apparently Khan does have a good side which we love to hear. He has lots of time for fans, a wonderful businessman, is the patron of a youth homelessness charity and you may not already be aware but he is HILARIOUS! Just check out his recent appearances on Celebrity Juice and Alan Carr: Chatty Man. You'll be in stitches. He's not all bad but with some of the shocking allegations made against him, his venomous tongue and well documented scandals it is pretty clear that this guy is a LOT to handle. He also has a pierced penis. Thought I'd slip that one in just in case you didn't already know.