mISTER_b Fall Festival PerformanceDrake takes the stage to perform his set as the headliner of the Fall Festival last day, he brought his cabin which looks like a box build of led screen for video projection, laser canons and lots of cannon lights disposed in the stage just to give a very impressive visual aspect to his performance. There’s a big clock projecting through the led screens while the whole stage is dark, suddenly a tick tock melody breaks in and Drake’s silhouette appears, the crowd gets crazy towards the vision, all the lights are lighted and the vocals of “Involuntary Memories” break the tick tock sound, Drake finally can be seen. He’s smiling waving his hand above his head while the other hand controls the turntables, he has headphones in his shoulders. When the beats break in smoke of dry ice covers the crowd, everyone starts to jump as the beats are fast and loud, Drake jump as well, waving his hand proroguing the crowd to do the same, a sea of mobiles are up in the air to film his performance. The clock in the projection turns to random images with psychedelic colors. The sogng is quite short but the beats are loud and fast and it gets fast till the song is slowed down, so the crowd could catch the breathe, right away Drake starts to play with the programmer, releasing low electronic beats and so he starts to increase the volume and the tempo of the track again. Other elements are join in the section and the whole song culminates to the next track “Atlas”, right away Cinzia Ricci’s vocals are heard and the projection changes to the outer space and stars dancing in the vacuum. The whole song gets faster and faster and so the beats resumed and the whole crowd starts to jump again, the two first tracks almost sound as if they were one themselves. The beats are look alike, but drake mixes them with complextro beats, often flirting with dubstep and coming back to progressive house, there is piano setting a melodic feeling on the background of the track. Smoke is thrown away above the crowd’s head; Drake seems really excited and happy to be playing his set for the crazy people who were there to watch him. The beats are unstoppable, after “Atlas” he meds the dubstep hit single of ElectroDeath final album “Don’t Give a Fuck!” the crowd immediately recognized the track and so the excitement is wider than before. The sound is loud but clean as well, there’s no distortion, Drake is known for keeping the BPM of the song really fast but he also keeps under control the distortion of the sound. Well he’s a producer the Projection for this track are a lot of atomic bombs exploding in different colors it has a 3D effect, as the bombs explode, clocks are thrown away to everywhere. After sometime keeping the beats at high levels, he lowers the volume and slow down the BPM of the track to have a small chat with the insane crowd.
“How are you guys doing outthere” For a DJ set Drake has some cool catch breathe moment during his set, but the beats are nonstop he talks again
“I’m so glad to be here, let’s fuck this thing up!”
Coming right quickly comes another complextro track “The Reason Why”; it starts slow and melodic, but suddenly as Kourney’s vocals gets louder the beats get faster and it explodes into a fast disturbing breakdown, the crowd is amazed by the powerful performance of the DJ. A kit of canon lasers adds an extra visual element to the moment, they form a square above the crowd heads it goes down to their body and it raises again. Drake eaves his hand, jumps and interacts all the time with the jumping crowd. The sight of his cabin is insanely exciting, people jump as if they were only one body, they’re so tight next to each other, a sold out arena. The track abruptly ends but only two seconds are left without beats and another ElectroDeath old track “It’s Insanity” breaks in, this is one of Drake’s signature track, he always plays it on his sets and his fans knows that, they raise posters with phrases like “You drive me INSANE mISTER_b”. Drake notices some of the posters, he is amused by the energy of the audience, it’s really incredible. He drinks some beer as he plays his set, at some point the track progressively grows as it was slowdown, Drake keeps the progressive beats keeping the anticipation of the crowd who was waiting the turn of the track to its breakdown, when he releases the breakdown, it’s another insane moment, smoke is thrown away again. Fireworks increase the stunning visual of the projection, lasers lights everywhere of the arena. Drake keeps the base drum sequence of the track as he beings to incorporate elements of the next song; people start to notice the elements he adds subtle. When it finally resumes to another catch breathe moment of ambient sound and Magie’s vocals is heard, the track “Anything but me” is played. This is a more melodic track, there are some long catch breathe moments, with ambient sounds and house oriented beats. However, the heat of the performance is still boiling, Drake doesn’t let the vibe slows down. The visual elements, images of different places interchanging in the led panels keep the crowd hypnotized by the intensity of the track, as he switches the beats of the track with another vocal performance, this time by Serenity Scott, the crowd cheers, they know it’s the spiritual “Sunglasses”. There’s a moment of pure connection between the crowd singing along the pre-recorded vocals while Drake induces them to raise their hands and feel the air above their head, which certainly is colder than the air in middle of them.

The full sound of “Sunglasses” give space to a brand new track Drake did with Isabel and when the crowd hear the undeniable timber of the superstar, they think at first that the track is Recovery, but in fact is “One More Time” featured on her newly released album. Drake remixed this track adding other elements than the progressive house of its original version, he mixed it with excerpts of David’s Guetta re-edition of “Shot me Down”, it’s another signature in his set list, remix songs with other DJs tracks. The visual shows the clocks again, this time their hands are being accelerate as other scenes of cities in fast tempo are showed, blue lights sets a relaxing sensation during the moment, at the end of the track Drake gets his microphone and sing the final verse of the track with distortion on his voice. Right after the track, he keeps a basic progressive house melody playing for a few seconds as he goes increasing it slowly keeping the crowd in questioning of what song he would put in his set this time. Some aid fans noticed it’s the smash hot “The Energy”, the lights are all turned to red, the exciting is increasing as he goes adding elements of the original track to his base sound, before he releases the vocals of the track, he grabs his microphone to say a few words.
“Are you feeling?” the crowd insanely screams
“I SAID ARE YOU GUYS FUCKING FEELING IT!” the crowd scream louder
“That’s better, we have a special guest to sing this song live for us! Give it up for Billy Khan!”Billy enters the cabin next to Drake singing the first verse of the track, the excitement is no doubt, vibrating, exciting, insane and disturbing, as Billy sings the number one hit, Drake holds the breakdown and when he releases it, everyone jumps. Both Billy and Drake jump as well, wave their hands, silver paper falls above the crowd head, smoke is also another element used in the moment, the cannon lasers form a triangle this time, the imagery in the projection is a vortex. Billy sings two verses of the track when he finishes the second one; he greets Drake for the moment and leaves the cabin. Drake has the crowd insanely jumping to the loud beats of the track, but the next song will bring everyone together. As he cleans the base house beats off “The energy” he keeps on adding some very familiar melodies to the sequence, he then slows down the sound, holds the silence for 3 seconds and releases the piano riff of “Recovery”. The signature music video is showed in the led screen, but it is distorted, Isabel’s vocals are heard right away and a choir can be heard in the arena. The lights are blue once again, Isabel keeps appearing on the screens and the crowd gets excited as Drake takes the track o its breakdown. Drake remixed the track with excerpts of another DJ’s song, this time the track “How we do” from Hardwell, it keeps the vibe up and the tempo faster than the original version of the track. Drake is all smiles when the crowd sing along the lines of the track, everyone seems to know the hit track.

It was time for drake slow down things before his fans had a heart attack, he slows down the tempo of the beats and it gets to another piano melody, this time the heartbreaking track “Offer my pain”, Drake remixes this track as well, but the first half of it its exactly the same of the record. Until it gets to the breakdown and he switch the beats to another DJ’s track, this time “Wizard” from Martin Garrix, the match is perfect, the pitch is on time. “Offer my pain” increases its tempo so fast before the breakdown that it could match to any other breakdown melody. Drake doesn’t resume the track to its original version, yet he keeps Martin Garrix exciting “Wizard” fully playing. The lights are white and yellow, paper falls down and geometric form transformed of clocks are showed on the led screens, the lasers this time projects a sphere in front of the stage, the visual is very impressive. Now comes the time to Drake takes his set to a nonstop house sequence, he connects “Wizard” to one of his free style track entitled “lapse of time” during this performance he controls the turntable as he feels to do it. It sounds a lot industrial and progressive, but it has not a regular structure, Drake uses different elements on it, such as real drums, keyboard riffs and electro beats, it keeps the crowd in ecstasy. Visually geometric forms are projected in front of the stage, taking the mood to frenetically ecstasy, Drakes interacts a lot with the crowd from his cabin, by sometimes holding the melodies for seconds, waiting them to ask him more, he is literally taking all of the poor people dancing to his non-stop free style. After almost 8 minutes without vocals, he seems to switch the kit of elements he was using, but yet he keeps his free style, this time with the name of “Pulsing”, this elements he is mixing are more groove oriented and there’s wobbler effects also, so it has a more progressive house orientation. It’s another five minutes of pure electronic music, no vocals but pulsating beats and disturbing wobbler effects. Drake takes his audience to the limit of their physical state, when he realizes that they are hypnotized by the progressive beats, he switches the sound, and he slows down the beats and introduces a short version of “Whatever the time”. With that being done, the set list receives amore ambient treat, it’s more relaxing and easy than he exhausting loud beats he was playing before. Smart of the DJ, he manages to keep his audience interested and also his set fresh and rejuvenated, right after the short version of “Whatever the Time” he low the volume to talk with his fans again.
“Are you guys alive?” the crowd responds with screams and claps
“Fine, give a warm welcome to Kato!”Kato joins Drake in his cabin just as Billy did, he’s warm welcomed by the crowd, Drake is playing the introduction melody of the track “Rising Tide” when he releases the melodies so Kato could sing the verses of the track. Visually there’s an ocean on the led screen and the crowd it’s so amused by the superstar visit and live vocals, the mood is incredibly relaxing and sweet, both Drake and Kato step over the turntable, the crowd goes insane with that move, they’re held by two bodyguards and Kato finishes his vocals over the turntable. When he is done singing, he greet Drake and leaves waving to the crowd, Drake already adds elements for the next track in the set, this time the recently released number one hit “Forever the Same”. He once again remixes Nova’s vocals to Kaskades’ move for me, to keep the sweet sound he introduced after his non-top free styling. The track is well received, the crowd sing along and enjoys the calmly sensation that the melodies of this track transmits. In that sweet vibe, after Nova’s vocals, Drake lower the volume once again to call another very special guest.
“Are you guys with your lovers out there?” the crowd answers back with a big yes “I wanna invite my girl to the stage now!” Evangeline join the cabin with him, first they share a kiss the crowd cheers to the kiss, Evangeline is shy but she seem to like Drake as much as he likes her. He grabs the microphone once again
“I’m so happy to be with you tonight and even happier to have Evageline by my side, the next track is also the last one of my set. Thank you so much for coming to watch me, I’ll see you really soon, the track is called “Livin’ da life and it belongs to a side project I’m releasing next month, so if you enjoy it support it! PEACE!”Evangeline doesn’t sing the track, in fact the voice of the track belong to Nate Alexander, but Evangeline keeps next to Drake the rest of his performance. They look so happy together, he holds her and shakes her shoulders to the rhythm of the song being players, she laughs and kisses him on his cheeks, the chemistry is beautiful. The last track is a deep house track, the BPM is low and the melodies are slower than the progressive house tracks that dominates the set. The sound is very groove and danceable, just as deep house is, Nate Alexander has a relaxing timber, some effects of pitch is added to his voice, making him sound lower than usual at some points, the track also has elements that are being added to its base melody as it grows progressively. Drake resumes the regular beat of the track when it might’ve sound repetitive, it’s quite long and also served to slow down the vibe of the vibrating set. The crowd could relax and decelerate. Four minutes inside the track it seems to be slowed down to an end, but Drake resumes it back to its danceable beats, Nate Alexander keeps repeating five phrases throughout it, but they change according to certain times when some elements of are being added, it talks about living a very good life. Drake ends the performance with an ambient sound putting an end of his massively loud beats, he kisses Evangeline once again and waves goodbye to the crowd.
Set List1. Involuntary Memories
2. Atlas
3. Don’t Give a Fuck (ElectroDeath The DubStep Remix)
4. The Reason Why
5. It’s Insanity (ElectroDeath Longer Version)
6. Anything but me
7. Sunglasses
8. One more Time (Isabel Shot me Down Remix)
9. The Energy
10. Recovery (Hardwell Remix)
11. Offer my pain
12. Lapse of Time
13. Pulsing (Excerpts of Whatever the Time)
14. Rising Tide
15. Whatever the Time
16. Forever the Same (Move for me Remix)
17. Livin’ da life (Groove in Downtown Deep House)