Title: (Re)Start Codon
Artist: My Own Violence
Producer: Jeremy Salazar
Genres: Breakcore and IDM
Release date: December 10th
Recorded: August 4th, 2014-October 18th, 2014
Recording Locations: Saturn Records Studio in Seattle, Washington
Label: Saturn Records
Northern Californian electronic producer Jeremy Salazar has just announced the details of a new album entitled "(Re)Start Codon" The album is going to be the album he tours under with Kidd Amaze in his "Best In The World Tour" and Jeremy quotes "My set is something totally different from anything I've ever done. I have my own light system, I have totally new style of music, everything is just going to be insane." When asked about the style of his music he said "My music is more dancey and has more elements of breakcore and I have been experimenting with fucked up time signatures as well." The album is set to release during his tour and Jeremy has plans of having a special set on the release date. The first track has been confirmed to be streaming today and from then on, other tracks will stream every two or three days.
1.Dance Like Your Hands Have Been Cut Off
2.Love Is Only A Synonym For A Ten Car Pile-Up
3.Put Up Your Guns
5.Stop Throwing Yourself Against The Wall
6.It Only Gets Worse From Here
7.Too Far Gone
8.The Only Thing You Can Do Is Set Yourself Ablaze
9.(Re)Start Codon
10. Reprise
Liner notes:
There are a lot of people I want to thank, believe me, a lot. But there are some I want to thank specifically:
My Mom: Ms.Denise Salazar
Mom, the first thing I want to say is that you're fucking awesome. Without your support, I wouldn't be playing gigs during high school on school nights and crazy drugged up raves. You have been my biggest fan through everything and I really want to thank you for that and in my darkest times, you helped me get through. You let me crash on your couch after hideous breakups and when my roommates would kick me out. Thanks for putting up with my shit and wearing the MOV shirt I gave you.
My Dad: Mr.Kurt Salazar
I've barely known you in my life and that really pains me. I remember occasionally seeing you on holidays but I rarely got to see you other than that. So when I finally got to actually hang out with you in New York, it was fucking awesome. You're so down to earth, a great painter, a great poet, and a great pianist. I hope that I end up like you later in life. Someday, I want to do a collaboration with you, man. I hope you get to read this and we get to hang out again soon!
My Girlfriend: Harper Sones
You are the best girlfriend I can ask for. You're tolerant, you're flexible, you have a great taste in music, you're personality is like mine, you have a great taste in music as well, and of course, you're hot as shit. I want to dedicate this album to you because it's about losing everything and you're sort of the one who came up and lifted me out of the hole I was in. So thank you so much for that. I love you the pieces and I hope it stays that way.
My cat: Socrates
I think you're a personal angel who was sent to me to tell me to get off of Garry's Mod in the middle of the night by jumping onto my keyboard and accidentally hard booting my computer. You're a huge jerk but I love you for that and I wish I could take you on tour with me just so we can crowd surf together. You're the one who comes and sleeps with me when I'm lonely and you're there for me when my life sucks and I hope we remain friends to the end.
Other people who deserve thanks are: Bryan Kobayashi, Noel Houston and the Some Kind of Planet crew, Reese Hollinsworth, Leon Peralta, my roommate, Dan, Everyone who supported my music in high school, all of my other friends, and of course: you guys. Without you, this couldn't happen so take a moment to realize how awesome you are. Pat yourself on the back.
Edited by user 30 December 2014 08:43:43(UTC)
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