Delta Tau Entertainment presents .... THE COVER EXTRAVAGANZA!OK, if you haven't done one of these before, or you have but you've forgotten how it works, it goes like this ....
1. You sign up here, fill in this form -
Band/Artist Name : [your band/artist name]
Single : [song name, original artist]
B-side 1 : [song name, original artist]
B-side 2 : [song name, original artist]
You may cover any band/artist you want (OOC : TRSG and IRL - but if you choose to cover an ingame artist and they're not happy with it, please change it, no legal issues), any songs as long as they aren't your own! You can do three different songs by the same artist, or songs by three completely different artists, it's your call. You can also add artwork, info on why you chose these songs, any extras you like, but it's not mandatory.
2. Release the single (ingame) any time on 30th September, results will be out on 1st October. The winner of the competition is the one who charts highest (in any region). In the event of a tie, sales will be taken into account. Don't worry about doing badly, if you think you will. (Heck, I may be releasing my debut in TCE. We'll probably be bottom of the list.) You may even be surprised! (:
Good luck everyone!
-Su Spears [deputy owner // DBM/DTE]
Edited by user 01 October 2009 09:56:09(UTC)
| Reason: Not specified