Some days ago, the swedish extreme metallers,
The Enlightened announced their first-ever world tour to support their well-received debut album,
The Arcanum Circle which peaked at #1 on the charts. Tom Orgsen, vocalist / guitarist and leader of the band, said: "We're totally excited! This is our first tour as a band, and personally it's going to be my first tour since 2011! It's incredible to be on the road again, we're looking forward to this tour, it's our first one and it's great to be headliners. It's our own tour...We had the option to support a bigger band in a bigger tour, but we decided to make it alone and play on small clubs and theaters, it's going to be a very personal experience, we are going to be very close to the fans. Also, we are summoning local bands for each show, we want to help new metal bands to get bigger so we have a lot of different opening acts on this tour. And we're getting a fourth member, for the shows: Dominik Brauer, an underground german guitarist, he's going to help us make the live shows even more brutal and heavier! We have a lot of surprises for the shows and as you may know, we're recording some tracks for the upcoming special tour edition of 'The Arcanum Circle' which is going to be released in September through Kaleidoscope Records."
Live formation featuring additional
member: Dominik Brauer.
European Leg:AUG 23 - Hoven, Stockholm - Sweden
SOLD OUTAUG 24 - Scandinavium, Gothenburg - Sweden
SOLD OUTAUG 25 - Traedgarn, Gothenburg - Sweden
TICKETSAUG 26 - Spektrum, Oslo - Norway
TICKETSAUG 28 - Jäähali, Helsinki - Finland
SOLD OUTAUG 30 - Store Vega, Copenhagen - Denmark
SOLD OUTSEP 01 - Columbiahalle, Berlin - Germany
SOLD OUTSEP 02 - Big Box, Kempten - Germany
TICKETSSEP 04 - Jarhunderthalle, Frankfurt - Germany
SOLD OUTSEP 05 - Black Octane, Dortmund - Germany
SOLD OUTSEP 07 - 013, Tilburg - Netherlands
SOLD OUTSEP 09 - AB Hall, Brussels - Belgium
TICKETSSEP 10 - The Ritz, Manchester - England
TICKETSSEP 12 - Bush Empire, London - England
SOLD OUTSEP 14 - Le Bataclan, Paris - France
TICKETSSEP 15 - Le Rocher De Palmer, Cenon - France
SOLD OUTSEP 17 - Sala Razzamatazz, Barcelona - Spain
TICKETSSEP 18 - La Riviera, Madrid - Spain
TICKETSSEP 22 - Complex, Zurich - Switzerland
TICKETSSEP 23 - Live Club, Milan - Italy
TICKETSSEP 25 - Freiheit, Hamburg - Germany
TICKETSSEP 27 - The Roxy, Prague - Czech Republic
TICKETSSEP 29 - Barba Negra, Budapest - Hungary
TICKETSOCT 01 - Studio Club, Krakow - Poland
SOLD OUTOCT 03 - Club Zal, St. Petersbourg - Russia
TICKETSLatin American Leg:OCT 07 - Music Hall, Curitiba - Brazil
SOLD OUTOCT 08 - Carioca Club, Sao Paulo - Brazil
TICKETSOCT 10 - Rock Forum, Rio - Brazil
TICKETSOCT 12 - Teatro Vorterix, Buenos Aires - Argentina
TICKETSOCT 14 - Blondie, Santiago - Chile
TICKETSOCT 16 - Centro del Arte, Quito - Peru
TICKETSOCT 19 - Foro De Música, Monterrey - Mexico
TICKETSNorth American Leg:SEP 21 - Madison Square Garden, New York City - NY
FCA's IVOCT 23 - Club Red, Tempe - AZ
TICKETSOCT 25 - House Of Blues, Los Angeles - CA
TICKETSOCT 26 - Regency Ballroom, San Francisco - CA
TICKETSOCT 28 - Crown Events Center, Austin - TX
TICKETSOCT 30 - Bacham Theater, Orlando - FL
TICKETSNOV 01 - Tremont Music Hall, Charlotte - NC
TICKETSNOV 03 - Palladium, Worcester - MA
TICKETSNOV 05 - Opera House, Toronto - ON
TICKETSNOV 07 - Agora Theater, Cleveland - OH
TICKETS* Click on TICKETS to purchase the tickets for the selected show *SEE YOU ON THE ROAD!