Title: “I Broke The Internet”Artist: Adam Benjamin
Genre: Pop, Other
Label: Five Pesky Kids
Released: November 9, 2014
Recorded: August – October 2014 (Half-Moon Studios, Las Vegas, Nevada)
Production: Adam Benjamin
“Hello everybody!
It’s Adam here, I know you can’t see me, but I’m here, okay? I once played in a band called Riot! In The Boulevard, back when all these skyscrapers were fields and cars used to run on potatoes. Oh how time changes, now we have fancy gadgets and even a thing called the moon, of course the moon existed back then but we just called it a sleepy sun.
Haha, just kidding, I’m young *does backflip* see, told ya! :D ... So, I’m here today to let you all know that I’ve got a brand new album for you all to listen to. Now I know we did things a little differently in that band that I was in and so this may not be exactly what you’d be expecting, but give it a listen, it just may make you feel warm and fuzzy inside. However, this album is not for everybody and some of you may indeed listen to it and throw your insides up all over your brand new Persian rug and that’s okay, that’s why you have a cleaner anyways, right?
So I know that this comes out of the blue and rather unexpectedly, but I like to use my ninja like sneakery in all occasions and this is one of those occasions. I apologize if you don’t have the money to purchase the album due to the short notice, however, if you drop me a DM and ask me to loan you the money to purchase the album then I will very much oblige to that request, after all a sale is a sale. I learnt that from watching daytime ads. So with the help of Five Pesky Kids (those cheeky scamps), I’ve been able to release my second studio album which features ten emotional songs from the very heart of Adam Benjamin.
So please enjoy and be kind, I have feelings! :)
Byeeeez! Xoxo
- Adam Benjamin
Tracklisting;1. #Relatable (4:37)
2. Too Legit To Quit (3:22)
3. I Don’t Throw Shade, I Throw Sunshine (4:00)
4. French Toast (3:07)
5. Rawr, I’m A Dinosaur (4:54)
6. All That I’ve Ever Needed (4:40)
7. If You Want PJ’s and Movie Marathons (I’m Your Guy) (5:18)
8. Conundrums (2:27)
9. I’ll Be The Hope That Keeps Your Heart In The Sky (2:49)
10. Why Did I Ever Consider This Break-Up A Competition? If It Was, Then I’d Always Be Winning (1:36)