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 As the song starts the stage gets lighted all of a sudden and there is Magie wearing jeans a silver shirt some gray jewels, her hair tight up smiling and singing the very first lines of her most recent hit single “Calling Your Name”, the scenario of the stage, the lights her band pretty much takes us back to her roots as if could be a pop rock concert if it weren’t for the hearable electronic influence on the music being performed. Magie has her own style while performing, she knows how to move and how to use the space she has, she moves sexily to one corner to another, she gets near the edge of the stage as well so the fans that were there watching her could jump and scream louder trying to catch her attention, she is a teaser for sure exuding so much confidence and sexiness even though the song claims for a more fragile side of her personality. The dancing is also something she brings extra on her performances, for this first track of we remember the video we would recognize the contortions she’s making with her body trying to keep standing on those high heels the same time she bends her body backwards holding the mic losing a little breathe on singing but certainly making her fans pleased. With so much charisma for a professional who’s been in this industry for at least seven years as we can remember, the performance if high energy and very entertaining of watching. MTV filmed it with five different cameras placed to capture the best moments of the performance, the lighting of the stage adds glamour to Magie’s stage presence. Magie had a tough 2014 as we may remember, her debut album had a moderate success but a lot of criticism almost ended her attempt for a solo career. Some claimed she was lost in a genre that she didn’t belong, others claimed she was silly blond bitch calling for attention, but what we can’t deny is her capability of putting a show with few elements, she always did, in the past on golden days of ElectroDeath or now with her modest debut.  But this is different and it seems that finally Magie found her spot as a soloist in this industry. This special will give the fans an insight at her forthcoming second studio album, this is Magie: For the Record. “Why Making a Second Album?”Because I don’t know how to do anything else but music. I was born to be a singer and making music is all I ever known for living. I always tell people that I worked so hard to try to live through music and sometimes it might sound a little bit selfish but it’s the truth. I could not be anywhere else but in a studio and just because my first attempt wasn’t so well received as anything else I have done, it would not stop me, I believe that there is room for everybody in this industry as long as if we have people listening to the music we make, obviously I won’t ever be able to please everyone, the hate will always exist, but that’s not what matters for me. So this second album was just the continuing process of me being the singer I always dreamed to be.“What’s different?”The sonority of this record is nostalgic, something I didn’t try with my first album, so it’s different in that aspect, I got to work with Sergey Galoyan which was one of the first producers that I worked in the past, I wanted to go back to my roots, to the music I used to make when I was 20 years old and he was a big part of that music, he’s Russian so I traveled to Russia just to take him back to L.A. so we could work together once again and I think he is the main responsible for the shift on the melodies of this album compared to the last one. I think the writing is still the same, the themes are always based on my complicated mind and the way I see the world and human nature in general, but there’s also a difference on that aspect too compared to my first album, I think that it’s less emotional driven, it’s more of analytic and pragmatic than any song on my first album, but the main difference in on the sound. “How do you describe the sound of this second album?”We bought the concept of what was ElectroDeath. Calling Sergey to work with me again was intentioned, ‘cause he was the main producer of ElectroDeath first two records and I wanted that’s sonority again. The industrial electronic music that we made, the fusion of Glam rock and progressive house is what I was trying to find, then we had the task to make it update and fresh, it’s like you take an formula or recipe and re-make it all over again, adding other flavors and that’s what we made. We added ambient sounds and other electronic music elements that are perceived when you listen the songs with headphones and I recommend the fans to do that when the album comes out. There’re a lot of surprises on each song that really makes the difference, not that they’re not perceived on speakers, but they are more intuitive on headphones. In the end we also wanted the fans to have a nostalgic sensation on some of the songs, like the single “Outcome” which also names the record, it has a sample of “Don’t Regret” a song from ElectroDeath’s first album.“Now that you mentioned Outcome, why dos it name the album and what about the themes of the songs of it?Outcome is the exactly moment when we wait the next turn, the next big moment, that’s why I named the album to this song, because it not only summarizes the other themes this album has, but also because I wanted a strong word to describe what this album means to me, to my career, I’ve been working so hard my entire life for this dream to be a singer and I never felt like this before, like this album will be the next ‘move’ for me, I was waiting for something to change me or things surrounding me, but then I realized that I should be the force to make things different for this time. So the songs are very self-analytic, I’m analyzing everything that happened with me in this past year, the changes I’ve seen, you know, I’m turning 30 this year, it’s a big deal for a woman to be 30 years old and all of these thoughts and fears and self-understandings are represented in the songs of this project. It’s mature and intimate but yet it’s less emotional than my first album.The scene shifts to another performance, this time it’s for the newly released single “Outcome”, the track had a longer introduction in this performance and while the ambient electronic melody that introduces it was being played, the stage was all dark, Magie was standing behind the a pedestal with her mic on it. The moment the first verse came the lights were on and Magie was already singing the first lines of the track, her interpretation towards the words she’s singing is quite serious and powerfull, she doesn’t look like a fragile woman, she does look like a strong grown woman, she slightly smiles through the performance, most of it because of the overwhelming cheers her fans give to her, she has quite a devoted fan base, some of them old just like her, coming from her glorious ElectroDetah’s time.  The song has not a regular structure despite it has a chorus, it does sound like another verse, she remained behind the pedestal the whole performance, the lights are white and blue, it added a glam look to the performance, she was also the center of it, her thin high voice on pitch, the breath control she has it’s not surprisingly once she’s been doing this for a while, it’s expected for her a level of professionalism on her performance and she didn’t fail to bring it. Towards the end of the song, there’s a melody break which culminates being the climax of the track where all melodies come together to suddenly end in a subtle, for this last part of the performance, Magie is open armed looking to the roof while sparks fall behind her forming a curtain, the look is really stunning and it alludes the ‘burst’ which is sung during the final chorus of the track, the fans are amused by the incredible performance. The last part of the interview it’s an intimate conversation about Magie’s private life. Magie always had a frank relationship with her fan base towards her personal life, she was always a target for paparazzi and gossip magazines, so she always tried to be the most honest she could for the safety of the trust her fans have on her. During the scenes of this last part, personal pictures of Magei and her family and friends are showed plus personal footages as well, of trips she had with her family, backstage moments with her sister and her friends such as Tisha Jackson and Cinzia Ricci and also some funny silly imagery of her chilling out with her team and meeting fans, that’s when we realize the relationship Magie has with her fans, she’s showed hugging them, laughing with them and even getting emotional with special gifts she receives from them, the last part of this special Magie talks about her foundation and footages of her working with the people she helps is revealed for the first time. On her family…I’m a family girl, I love my family and ever since the death of my father when I was teenager I bond with my mom and sister in a level that I can’t live without them by my side. We live together at the same house, we fight and argue a lot but that’s just how Lena’s family work, I mean, we are loud and messy people, we like to discuss and me and Magie we do that all the time, it’s funny and it’s how we show our love for each other. We’re not the type of people who often says ‘I love you’ but we do care so much about each other. Abie is on tour and that’s quite a lot of work for her, believe me, she’s a lazy girl, I call her every tow days just to ask how much hours she had slept, she gets very angry on the phone and call me a ‘Bitch’ and turns off, seconds after she calls me back and says ‘I’m only calling you back, ‘cause I want to know about my dogs’ although I know it’s a lie, she loves me. – Magie laughs widely – We’re that kind of girls, my mom is also a very frank person, she doesn’t hold anything that she have to say to you, she’s a young lady, she only 45, she started out a family with such a young age, so she’s more of elder sister for me and Abie than a mother and we love her for that because we can be frank with her as well. In the end we realize how much important family is for us, I couldn’t be the woman I am today without the support of them, I love them very much, I’m even going to tour with Abie for the first time, my mom is traveling with her while I’m working hard on this record and despite they call me everyday and we the skype conversations I can’t wait to join them on the road.On her friends…It’s hard to have friends in this business, most of the people want to take advantages from you, I suffered that long time ago, so now I’m very carefully on choosing my friends. I have the most incredible friends of my teenage years with me until today, they’re part of my team, they work with me and they are the people I trust the most to take care of my career. Lilly Stuart is certainly one of them, I love her so much, and I’m godmother of her eldest son, which I love so much as well, so I’m almost part of her family. Then we have some celebrities friends, believe me it’s hard to make friendships with celebrities, some of them are more of colleagues in casual meetings, but I’m fortunate to have really good friends among them, one of them obviously is Cinzia and it’s for a long time now, we often call each other, we have some dinners and parties that we causally go together which I always like, Cinzia has a fabulous taste to choose restaurants, I don’t know if it’s because she’s Italian, I’m so happy to have her friendship. I also bond with Tisha Jackson, actually me and Abie, we met her through our managers and it happened that we are now friends, we get along with each other for a few times and we have a group on whatsapp that we always comments on what’s going on in the word and even silly news about our own lives, Tisha is such fun spirited girl, you have no idea how cool is to be her friend. On her fans… My fans mean the world to me, they really do, I love them so much, I try to be the most dedicate I can with them, because without them none of this life would be possible and they tend to be so devoted with me, they’re always supporting me on twitter or facebook, they fight hard for me, especially with my last record where I had some criticism, they were the first to defend me and that was just so sweet. I always tried to be the most honest I could with them, I always opened my heart for them, so I try to use the social networks once in a while to update them with news about my life and of course about my music. My team always manage to have meet and greet during my performances with fans that they pick in the venue of the concert, if I could I would hug and talk with all of them, but it’s impossible to make, so we try to manage meetings with at least 40 people per show, it’s free, but some venues the fans are able to buy special tickets to get free access at the backstage of the tour, that’s something I can’t control because it’s promo packs and it’s a label’s thing, but I try to compensate their money giving them the attention they deserve too. Because in the end the reason of all this is them.Magie has a foundation founded in 2010 when she had a huge breakdown and openly told she was suffering from a severe case of depression and addiction to anti-anxiolytic which culminated to her attempting suicide by taking a large amount of these drugs. She was admitted to a rehabilitation center and spent three months there, where she had to overcome her own struggles, themes that where incorporated into ElectroDeath’s third album by that time. The fact is that she decided to open a foundation that would work with people who suffers with depression and specially with people who attempted suicide, the majority of people who Magi’s foundation work with is age averaged 15 to 25 years old. The ‘Light a way’ foundation now has centers to all over USA and Latin America including Brazil, the people who receive help from them participate in a variety of activities and receive medical accompanying, some of them live in the institutions, especially in cases where the family of the patient abandon him or her. Working with these people has changed me deeply, I was a person who cared so much for superficial things, like beauty and having the best that money can buy, all of that suddenly wasn’t making me feel complete and after I had a huge broke up I breakdown, all I could think of was the many ways I could kill myself and that was not heathy. But it’s in the past, after almost seven years I look back now and I see a young girl naive and emotionally hurt, I learnt to control myself in that way, I don’t take anti-anxiolytic anymore. The ‘Light a way’ foundation is something that brings to me joy and happiness, to see people recover from their own struggles, to help them to find a healthy ay for their lives, is just refreshing and spiritual, I’m so happy that after so many years we grew fast and we’re able to offer help for people who suffering the same I did.Before the end of this special, there was one last personal question the fans and the press wanted to know, is there a man on Magie’s life? The answer is negative, but she jokes about it…Men fear me, they always get shy when their near me, I’m the one to take the first step, so I haven’t been dating lately, otherwise you would know about, as always you know it first even than me. Edited by user 13 January 2015 03:31:21(UTC)
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