Our new album contains some of your new hits and is in stores now! As far as we know! It includes our newest single "Cat calling boogie" and our next single "Pee pee Putin"http://www.therockstarga..._album.asp?AlbumID=25015Here's a review:
"Eastern European rockers The Read hards released their new album "The pleasure principal" and it's quite the pop sensation. The tunes have a great production and there's just as much sweetness in the music as there is aggression and angst. Lyrically the band reminds me of a rougher Bowling for soup, musically they sound like a mix between Mid 90's Green day and the first Clash albums. I can't imagine them spending a lot of time writing these lyrics, but I'm sure they had a huge studio budget doing take after take, because the recordings are tight. I am very late to hearing this band, but I appreciate this, and will check out their long, long back catalog."

The cover!
Here's what the band members say about the album:
The Bitch: We used a long time on this album, but we've spent a lot of time on all our latest records. I think we tried to be clever with the lyrics and we all wrote a couple of tunes and we co-operated on the album.
Poo Peter: I wrote some songs on this album and I played the bass. I also farted a lot in the studio and read Anne Rice novels.
Gory I. Lids: I actually had fun writing the songs for this album, at least the first part, I was really in love with this lady and then she broke my heart. The next part of recording was terrible, thankfully I had written a song about her before she broke my heart about how both our hearts are dark and we love each other, now my heart is much darker and I drink absinthe.
Robin Banks: I wrote two lyrics for this album, one super political song about the president of Russia, since I wrote a song about the president of America before and I want to start a new cold war, the frozen war(we recorded that song too, but it didn't make it to the album) and a song about wanting to drink beer. I like beer.
the lyrics:
The Pleasure Principal (lyrics by The Bitch)
Verse 1
The principal at my school
always has a smile on his face
he always plays it cool
he's never out of place
He's a real winner
I think he lives with his mom
just like Principal Skinner
He had a toupee at the prom
oh oh oh
He's the pleasure principal
he's always under pressure
he's so whimsical
and he's always into pleasure
Verse 2
His Sunday shoes are checkered
and a tie for good measure
his favorite Joy Division record
is Unknown principal pleasures
I saw him hide inside the blinds
I caught him during masturbation
I saw him checking out behinds
during our graduation
oh oh oh
Cat calling boogie (lyrics by Poo Peter)
Verse 1
I see a lady on the street
She has sandals on her feet
So I yell as we pass
"I really like your ass"
She looks nervous, walks away
I must've really made her day
Another one comes on the road
I said "your face could need my load"
ah whoah oh Cat calling boogie
I'm wise with my words
a na na na Cat calling boogie
I gotta have my voice heard
Verse 2
I see a couple walking on
they hold hands like a bond
I try to check out her boobs
but I realize both are dudes
so I go "you guys are gay"
and they're not sure what to say
but now they have been informed
and I can go on tooting my horn
Hearts of darkness (lyrics by Gory I. Lids)
Verse 1
It couldn't have happened
on any other day
we sat drinking coffee
at a shady café
We talked about heartache
I said I was sad
she said "life is worthless"
I think she is mad
We share our dreams
we share our love
we share avoiding the stars above
We share our death wish
we share our regrets
we share the traumas of things we can't forget
and we share our hearts of darkness
Verse 2
We met again this evening
and you were there with me
we discussed our childhoods
we talked about therapy
If they ache that much
we know we can't be heartless
but one thing we have in common
are our hearts of darkness
If the rain should fall
I won't mind at all
as long as you and I
can be together and die
ah ah ah ah ah ah
Pee Pee Putin (lyrics by Robin Banks)
Verse 1
I've been to funeral
I've peed in a urinal
I sometimes hit my pants
I've peed in public pools
I've peed in private schools
sometimes I forget to wash my hands
But I'm not the president of Russia
I've never been to Prussia
I don't have a palace people loot in
no, I'm not Pee pee Putin
but I'm full of crap!
Verse 2
I sometimes think that Vlad
is quite an awesome Lad
he's just got a bad rap
I sometimes use the morning paper
when I'm out of toilet paper
I get ink poisoning for taking a crap
I see giant logs
and I don't know how they fit
but a world full of assholes
will always be full of shit
Arose for Emily (Lyrics by Poo Peter)
Verse 1
I woke up one morning
something arose for Emily
I didn't get a warning
something arose for Emily
I just can't stop it
I just can't pop it
It's looking back at me!
Emily I don't want to remind her
I'll look wherever I can find her
I just gotta say that today
I arose for Emily
Verse 2
Across this whole wide world
People arose for Emily
Every boy and every girl
they all arose for Emily
I don't know how we could
but in this giant wood
I'm just tiny growing tree