George Stephanopoulos: Hello, everyone and welcome back to 'Good Morning America'. Today, this special guest returns to GMA after an electrifying performance since June. Today, he takes the seat opposite me and takes the Times Square stage downstairs once more, this time with a whole new look, a whole new outlook on life, and of course, new music. Ladies and gentlemen, this is
Reese Hollinsworth. Reese, welcome back.
Reese Hollinsworth: Thanks for having me back. Wow, this place's changed so much.
George: We had it remodeled, but it's not done yet. You can see there's a mini-construction site over there.
Reese: There is? I didn't really notice, to be honest. (
George: Well, coming back to the matter at hand, first and foremost, congratulations on 'Drunk'. We know how much effort you put into the song, and it seems that the efforts really paid off. Top 10 on both Digital and Airplay. And reviews have been flying in, all praises to your efforts. Did you think that this would happen?
Reese: I hoped that it would happen, but bear in mind that 'hope' and 'think' are two entirely different concepts. I hoped it would, but I never actually thought that it would happen for real. So, it's kind of overwhelming for me to, like, take it in, really absorb it in, you get what I mean?
George: So your album comes out in a month, correct?
Reese: It's more like three weeks than a month.
George: And everybody's been talking about it, really. The fans, the radio, the press, the critics. Even us here at Good Morning America talk about it all the time when we're off the air. Have you had a thought about the possibility of your album being
the album of the year?
Reese: It's definitely the album to, like, cap off the year. Like a nightcap, you know? (
chuckles) I don't know about the album of the year thing, though. There've been so many incredible albums this year and my album is pretty unlikely. There's the second Weekend album coming up on the 24th, I think.
George: And they just put out their lead single.
Reese: Exactly. So, there's a lot of great music coming out this year and there's very little chance of me having the album of the year.
George: So, moving on. So you previewed us six tracks on your album already. So what will you be doing today?
Reese: I'm performing three songs today. One is of course 'Drunk'. The next one is called 'Favorite Kind', my first promotional single from the album.
George: Where is it on? I still can't find it.
Reese: It's currently exclusive on the radio. But who knows? It may be put out as the second single from the album. In the end, you'll never know. I don't even know. We're going through single selection right now and we're just basing on how the audience reacts to these radio singles to see which ones would fit.
George: How does your mechanism - if that's the right word for that (
chuckles) - work, anyway?
Reese: In basic terms, we're gonna put out songs on the radio regularly, once every one or two weeks. And then we'll look at how the listeners on the radio respond to the songs. If it's good, it's gonna be in the running for being the next single. The next single is gonna be released within a week of the album's release. I actually have a release date for the unknown single.
George: What's the release date?
Reese: December 1.
George: Is this locked in yet?
Reese: Pretty much. Things are always subject to change in my camp. But I'm think I'm really confident about this date. So you could say it's locked in.
George: So tell me the songs that you'll be performing today?
Reese: One is 'Drunk', obviously. The second one is 'Favorite Kind', the first promotional single. And the last one's called 'Numb'.
George: Sounds interesting. What's it about?
Reese: First and foremost, I'd just like to explain that for this album, I wanted to have the events off-screen, and really try to focus on the feelings that inspired the song. 'Numb' follows after 'Love Me Back', and it's after the break-up, and it's about the feeling - or the lack thereof - when you're so let down that you can't even function properly. It's like you expected so much from this relationship, and then it didn't turn out the way you wanted it to. It's like in sex, (
giggles) somebody's like (
laughs) making you feel good, grinding on your prostate, and then the person suddenly pulls out.
George: (
laughs) You do know this is live TV, correct?
Reese: (
laughs) I couldn't find the right comparison, okay? Okay, so where was I?
George: The sex metaphor. (
Reese: Ah, right. Then you're suddenly so let down that, like, the emotional part of your brain - if there even is one - can't function properly. And your nervous system doesn't work anymore. So it's like you're numb from everything. You're barely even living, you're merely existing. And that's something that I really wanted to address. So this song came to me, and trust me, it sounds amazing.
George: Okay. So right now, we got a few minutes left, so we're gonna be answering some Twitter questions. First, we have Sterling Smith with the question, just simply: '
What are your favorite TV shows?'
Reese: Ummmm...
George: You
do watch TV, correct?
Reese: Does Netflix count?
George: Sure.
Reese: How to Get Away with Murder,
Revenge, numerous comedy shows,... A lot. But, I have, like, one binge-watching session and then I forget about the whole thing. So what I always do is I wait for the whole season to air then I wait for it to go on Netflix and only
then I watch it. 'Cause I'm always busy, you know.
George: Okay, next question. 'directioner forever' writes: '
Everyone's been talking about #LoveQuestionMark. What's in the future for you?'
Reese: Well, I plan on doing a tour, like a small tour. But we're not sure about that yet.
George: What about a new album?
Reese: Maybe not in the near future. Like, for
Love?, it was way too fast, only four months. So, I'd probably like to have at least a year to make the second album. Preferably one or two, so I have time to look over it all and see the whole picture of what I actually want for the sophomore album.
George: We're running out of time, but we do have time for one more question. Harry Styles, not the real Harry Styles, their username is @mynameisstyles asks: 'Anyone on the romantic horizon?' Ooh,
the question.
Reese: Ummmm... Sorry to disappoint but no. (
chuckles) And I'm not even sure if I will anytime soon. Right now, I really wanna focus on my career, my album. Love can take a backseat for six or twelve months. But who knows? You never know when you fall in love with someone.
George: Okay, Reese, thank you for joining us for this interview.
Reese: Trust me, the pleasure is all mine.
George: So, a few moments later, Good Morning America will be back downstairs in the middle of Times Square, where Reese Hollinsworth will perform in front of hundreds and hundreds of people. You nervous?
Reese: (
shrugs) Eh. (
chuckles) But seriously, I think every single artist out there is nervous every time they perform, so it shouldn't come as a surprise that I am now too.
George: Well, we'll be right back after these messages from your local news. Don't change the channel too soon, we'll be right back.
[The camera shoots to Times Square, where hundreds and hundreds of people are cheering as they see Reese come down and walk to the stage, immediately prepping for the performance with the band.]