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#1 Posted : 18 December 2014 11:59:59(UTC)
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Black screen with white writing. It reads:
In a 2007 poll, 300 American men and women, ranging from the ages of 39-45, were asked what their most stressful years were so far, with the options being: '1-12,' '13-15,' '16-18,' '18-21,' '21-25,' '25-35,' and '35-present.' More than 74% answered that the ages of '21-25' were the most stressful. In a follow-up poll, those same 300 people were asked to describe each of those age categories on a scale of 1-10, with 1 being the worst, and 10 being the best. The average answer for the '21-25' age range was 7.2, which was labeled as "fine" on the scale, while other answers such as the '35-present' range received an average answer of 5.7. These answers seemed to contradict each other, and perplexed researchers.

How could 21-25 be the most stressful to so many, yet still be considered... "fine?"

The words fade out. Title card fades in.




The camera pans over the front door of a large, but disheveled apartment. A doorbell is heard. While the camera crew waits for somebody to open the door, you hear police sirens go by. It's obvious that they're not in a great neighborhood of San Jose. RONAN RABENSTEIN, played by James Urie, opens the door. He has an athletic build, but in a totally non-threatening way. On his face are a pair of stylish, but thick glasses - and in his hands is a washrag. He wipes them.

Oh, hey, guys. (pauses) Um, I thought you were coming next week...

RONAN hesitates, looking around the living room. It's extremely messy.

We can come back later, if that works better for you?

No, no, it's fine. I honestly don't see our apartment looking much better than this anyway. (he laughs nervously and moves out of the doorway) Uh, welcome to our apartment, I guess! (He opens his arms and lets them in, trying to keep his enthusiasm about the project alive.) I'm excited you guys could do this, even if I wasn't prepared. I hope you're able to find what... you know, whatever you want to know.

RONAN motions around the living room and the camera looks around. There's an expansive television set up in the front of the room with a couch facing it, but besides a full laundry basket in the corner, that's all the furniture the living room has. The entire apartment seems sparsely put together. From the living room, you can see into the kitchen and the dining room. The kitchen is dirty with pots and pans stacked in the sink. The dining room has a small table with three chairs around it. One of the chairs has a broken, lop-sided leg. In the kitchen is a small alcove that leads to a staircase. A bra is thrown over the back of the couch in the living room. RONAN is embarrassed.

Hold on, let me get this.

RONAN picks up the bra and crumples it into a ball. He jumps into the air, tossing it into the laundry basket in the corner of the room. He throws his hands into the air, imitating a roaring crowd.

Wooh! Two points![/b]

RONAN looks around the room - like his addressing a large crowd of cheering fans - until his eyes go back to the documentary crew. Although the audience can't see the crews' faces, its obvious that they look unimpressed, because RONAN immediately drops the act, and looks embarrassed.

RONAN is facing the camera, holding it's sides. He fumbles with it for a moment before he sits down. As the camera is briefly being shook around, the audience can see that the room, as well as the whole house, is in a state of disrepair. Parts of the walls haven't been completely painted, some of the carpet is ripped up, there's a slight water stain on the ceiling. The camera almost gets knocked over as he sits. The camera only captures from the top of RONAN's head to his shoulders. All of the floating head interviews throughout the series are shot like this. RONAN gives the camera a small wave as he gets ready for the first floating head interview of the show.

Hello! I'm Ronan Liam Rabenstein. I don't know why I used my full name there. (He gives a nervous laugh.) Um, I attend San Jose State University. Film studies major. That's where I met the crew that wanted to do this documentary... I was told that the crew wanted to document the lives of a few people in their early to mid-twenties, to see the "stress" that we go through. I don't really know what they meant by that, but I guess I was one of the people they chose to follow. (he looks around the dining room in digust, realizing that the camera is capturing where he lives.) Here's one of the major stresses of my life: I live in the modern approximation of the house from Fight Club.

RONAN stands in the kitchen, frantically trying to clean the dishes before more is filmed of his apartment. From the stairs in the kitchen, you can hear the sound of womens' voices. RONAN looks up and then looks back at the cameras.

(hesitantly, almost hoping they'll say no: ) I guess you'll want to be... going up there...

He pauses and gives a sigh, obviously not wanting to take the crew upstairs. He ducks into the stairs alcove and starts climbing. The higher RONAN and the crew gets, the louder the voices become They're having a "friendly argument" with each other - something that only female best friends have the ability to have. Right before the crew reaches the top of the stairs, the sound of a door slamming shut is heard, and then one voice in particular gets louder. RONAN gives the crew an apologetic smile. At the top of the stairs is a hallway with three doors - two on the left of the stairs, and one of the right. A young woman, DELILAH LAUGHLIN - played by Ansley Bates - is standing in front of the one on the far left, knocking on the door over and over, shouting "Molly? Molly, open the damn door!" It is apparently locked.

(He points to the room to the far right) My room. (Points to the door closest to the stairs on the left.) Bathroom. We all share one. (Points to the door to the far left, where the womens' voices are coming from.) Then that's Delilah and Molly's room. I don't go in there. Ever. (He approaches DELILAH cautiously) This is Delilah. Say hello, Delilah.

(Annoyed, but with a fake smile on her face) Hey. (She turns back to the door and continues knocking on it.)

Delilah, could you try to give a bit more of an introduction?

(She says to more the door than the crew:) I'm kind of busy right now. Molly won't open the door. (she slams her hands on the door in question and shouts:) I need my keys!

(He glances towards the camera, annoyed) We have fun here. (He starts to head back downstairs. On his way down the stairs, he calls to her:) Promise me you won't break down the door this time, Delilah! It's difficult for me to affix a door to it's hinges. I'm not good with repair.

Yeah, whatever.

DELILAH sighs. She waits until she's sure that RONAN is at the bottom of the stairs, and then throws herself against the door in an attempt to open it. She's so small that the door gives only a pathetic creak against her body weight, but the sound is loud enough for RONAN to hear at the bottom of the stairs.

What did I just say, Delilah?! (He throws his hands up in frustration.)

DELILAH is the sitting the same spot RONAN had been in before. This seems to be the official interview spot for the house now.

I'm Delilah Laughlin, Ronan's roommate. I'm a fashion design major at San Jose City College. I enjoy designing clothes and long walks on the beach. (she smirks)

There's a loud boom from the floor above, like somebody dropped something heavily on the floor. Delilah gives a small reaction, like this is a normal occurrence.

And that would be Molly. Have you guys met her yet? (pause, there's an unseen response from the crew off-camera) Oh, aren't you guys in for a fucking treat.

From the kitchen, you hear RONAN shout:

Language, Delilah! We talked about this.

(She looks embarrassed, putting a finger to her lips.) Right, right. Sorry, Ronan. (She rolls her eyes)


DELILAH is still standing outside the bedroom door. She looks exhausted, like she's been trying to open the door for hours - although it's only been a few minutes. MOLLY has begun blaring Riot! in the Boulevard to tune out the sound of DELILAH knocking on the door.

Molly, hurry up!

No response. A few seconds later, the music is turned up louder. DELILAH gives an exasperated sigh, and tries breaking down the door one last time. She takes a couple steps back and then runs forward, slamming herself against the door. The door swings open, revealing MOLLY, played by Veronica Carter, standing in the middle of her room with no top on. Her boyfriend, ADAM ALDAINE, played by Ethan Plyth, only has on his jeans. The scene is obviously either the aftermath of something sexual, or the lead up to it, but it's been interrupted now. MOLLY doesn't seem to mind that both DELILAH and a crew of cameras have walked in on them, her bare chest showing.

Hey guys. Come on in.


You'd be surprised. That's actually the sixth time that Delilah has walked in on me and Adam while we're naked. I think she likes it.


I do not like it. Not at all.


Name: Molly Faulkner. Occupation: NOTHING. Wooh! (Laughs) But really, I just, you know... hang out. That's what I do. (She shrugs and looks around, not sure what else to talk about.) I have a boyfriend. Adam. You met him. He's English, did you know that? Super hot. (She raises her eyebrow, remembering when the camera crew saw them together in the bedroom.) What more could a girl want? I don't need to work, anyway. Adam has money, and I plan on living off him anyway, so...


Yeah, she'll live off of Adam until all of his money runs out, and their relationship implodes like a supernova.

ADAM walks out of DELILAH & MOLLY'S bedroom with a leather jacket, cellphone and wallet in his hands. He gives the camera a small, sad smile as he starts down the stairs.


As MOLLY said before, ADAM indeed does have an English accent, while the rest of the characters are American. He seems slightly upset in this, his first interview - probably because of the question that he has just been asked regarding his girlfriend.

My name is Adam Aldaine, I'm Molly's boyfriend, and no, she is not crazy, and no, she is not living off of my money like a leech. (Pause.) I'm sure of it.


ADAM and MOLLY are sitting on the the couch in front of the TV. MOLLY is holding on to ADAM's arm lovingly, but possessively. ADAM pats her back.

Molly, I need to go. My shift starts in thirty minutes. (She holds on tighter.)

Come on, just skip work today. We can smoke a little and go to the movies or something...

Come on, Molly. I have to go.

MOLLY lets out an exasperated sigh, not willing to fight her boyfriend for affection in front of a camera crew.

Fine. I'll just go find other people to bother.

MOLLY tosses her blonde hair over her shoulder and twists it into a ponytail as she gets up off the couch and goes towards the kitchen stairs. ADAM gives the camera crew another sad smile as he gets up from the couch and starts towards the door. He turns to say goodbye, but MOLLY has already left the room. While the sudden change in MOLLY's attitude might be unnerving to some people, it seems to be a normal, everyday occurance to ADAM.)

Yeah, I've roomed with Delilah and Molly for about two weeks now...


RONAN is sitting alone on the couch. The TV is on, but you can't hear it over the sound of DELILAH and MOLLY screaming at each other from upstairs. ADAM comes down the stairs and into the living room, grabbing his bag off of the couch. RONAN looks at him like a puppy dog who might be getting saved from the pound, as if to say, "Please take me away from this crazy fucking place," but ADAM just gives him a pitiful shake of his head and leaves the apartment. RONAN stares at the front door for a couple seconds and then looks towards the camera, heartbroken.

DELILAH and MOLLY sit on the floor of the living room together. DELILAH is painting MOLLYs toenails. As DELILAH moves to grab the nail polish, she accidentally knocks it over and bottle, and spills bright red polish all over the floor. Both the girls seem completely unconcerned, while RONAN looks on in dismay.

The bedroom is considerably smaller than DELILAH and MOLLY's. It's obvious that the room was originally intended to be a storage room or a large closet. On the walls are posters for movies like Requiem for a Dream, Garden State, and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. His bed takes up most of the floor space. Hanging above his bed on the wall is a small series of shelves, each holding childhood pictures or mementos. The lowest shelf holds a small stereo.

RONAN is lying on his side in bed, staring at the camera, his eyes wide and tired. From the room across the hall, loud moans and other sexual sounds are heard, obviously keeping RONAN awake. DELILAH is heard coming up the stairs. The camera moves to a shot down the hallway, showing DELILAH looking down at her bedroom with disgust. She is wearing a tattered pink bathrobe and her hair is held up with a clip. She peaks her head into RONAN's room.

Are they at it again...?

RONAN gives a very tired nod. His eyes are dry. DELILAH sighs.

Every single night... (She shakes her head.) I'm going to sleep on the couch. Again.

She leaves the room and starts back down the stairs. RONAN waves a very pitiful goodbye. A loud moan is heard from the other bedroom. In frustration, RONAN slams his hand against the wall. The shelf on the wall shakes and a bobblehead falls off, hitting RONAN on the top of the head before rolling off onto the floor.


So if anybody has an open room... Please... (He gives a little laugh, as if he's kidding, but his eyes have a look of desperation in them.) I'm begging you.

DELILAH opens the door, showing the camera crew inside. The room is literally split down the middle by a line of large, blue tape that goes up the walls and across the floor. One side of the room - DELILAH's side - is painted an orange-red color. There is a small desk with a sewing machine, Vogue and Elle magazines, and some scissors on it. Laying on DELILAH's bed are some sketch notebooks with clothing designs in them. On the walls are floral and still-life paintings. Besides the notebooks and drawings, her side of the room is completely clean and organized. The other side of the room - MOLLY's side - is painted a dark purple color. There's not much furniture on MOLLY's side, mostly just clutter. Clothing, both men and women's, are thrown all over the side of the room, but not a single article crosses the blue tape barrier. On the walls are posters for bands like Queens of the Stone Age, Ben Folds Five, and The Airborne Toxic Event. Besides MOLLY's bed, the only other furniture on her side is a beanbag chair in the corner along with two acoustic guitars and a small TV with a stack of DVDs sitting on top of it on a nightstand across from the bed. DELILAH clears some the notebooks off of her bed, placing them neatly on the desk, and sits down.

This is my workspace-slash-living quarters. I pretty much live in here when I'm not in class or out. (She motions to MOLLY's side of the room) That's Molly's space. I wouldn't step over the tape, if I were you. Legend has it that unknown flora and fauna thrive in that small section of the United State.

DELILAH laughs, shaking her head, until something on one of her notebooks catches her attention. She picks it up and her eyes grow wide.

What?! Why?!

DELILAH shows the notebook to the film crew. On the paper is a very extensively drawn, beautiful design for a long dress. Drawn over the design, however, is a cartoon penis done in sharpie.

It never ends. It never fucking ends. (DELILAH is fuming as she stands up and walks out the room, notebook in hand, obviously looking to confront MOLLY.)

Hmm?... Oh, yeah, I guess I did draw a penis on one of Delilah's sketches. (she thinks about it for a moment and then laughs) Did she find it?... Is she mad?... That's way too fucking funny.

In the background, DELILAH's voice is heard shouting:


MOLLY points in the direction of the voice came from, and smiles widely at the cameracrew, as if to say, "Hey, you weren't lying!"

(He has his face buried in his hands) Sometimes Molly and Delilah get along...


MOLLY and DELILAH are walking around the mall together. While MOLLY has six or seven bags looped around her arms, DELILAH only has only one small bag. They've stopped at a sunglasses kiosk, and MOLLY is trying on sunglasses while DELILAH seems distracted by somebody standing by the large fountain in the middle of the mall. MOLLY turns to DELILAH.

(With a pair of large sunglasses on, looking in the small mirror on the kiosk) What do you think of these? Too Jackie O?

(Not really paying attention) You totally don't look fat in those.

MOLLY looks back at DELILAH with confusion, and then notices that DELILAH isn't even looking at her. She follows her train of sight to the person standing by the fountain. Although their back is turned to them, it appears that DELILAH is pretty attracted to them.

You should go talk to him..

(shaking her head) No... He looks pretty hot... He probably has a girlfriend or... is married... or something...

Hmm. (she looks back at the sunglasses kiosk, acting like she's no longer interested in the conversation, but is obviously trying to bait DELILAH:) Yeah. And he probably doesn't like women like you anyway.

What's that supposed to mean?

You know, women that are too nervous to tell restaurants that they got their order wrong. Or that that their hairdresser is cutting their hair too short. Or that the homeless man sleeping in their back of their car has to leave because they need to get to work--

That was one time.

-- Or women who don't have the guts to go up and talk to somebody that they think is cute.

DELILAH looks at MOLLY, and the back at the person by the fountain. She takes in a deep breath and nods.

Alright... Be right back.

As DELILAH walks off-camera towards the fountain, MOLLY turns to cameras with a small devious grin on her face.


(she looks heartbroken, not looking up at the camera) It turns out that it was just a really masculine-looking woman that Molly used to party with when she sold X. (she sighs and looks up) It could have happened to anybody, she had a really strong jawbone... But she was really nice and... (she says quietly:) she gave me her number. We're having dinner on Saturday night...

DELILAH walks down the stairs and through the kitchen with her ruined design in her hand, obviously on her way to confront MOLLY. RONAN stands in the kitchen, doing dishes.[/i]


Ronan is a really good roommate. He's been getting us out more. There's this Coldstone Creamery down the street that he's been getting us all to go to practically every night. (pauses) He really likes birthday cake ice cream.


RONAN, DELILAH, MOLLY, and ADAM all walk into Coldstone together - ADAM walks with his arm around MOLLY as MOLLY grins up at him. It's a grin of love, but she often looks around to see if anybody is looking at them, as if she's trying to show off how in love they are with each other. DELILAH is texting on her phone, not paying much attention to anybody. RONAN walks up to the counter and stands on his tiptoes, anxious, although we don't know for what. DELILAH looks up at him and shakes her head.

Ronan, calm down. I'm pretty sure they're still going to have birthday cake ice cream.

What? Oh. Yeah. Well, it's a pretty popular flavor, you never know.

RONAN sees that nobody is currently behind the counter, so he rings the small service bell by the cash register. EMILY SEARLE, played by Nadia Berry, walks out of the back of the store and smiles at the four of them.


EMILY sits in one of the seats in the store. She still has on her Coldstone uniform.

Yeah, the four of them have been coming in at least four times a week for the past month or so. It's nice. They're good for business, you know? I'm hoping to get promoted to manager soon, so having them around to keep my numbers up is pretty awesome.


EMILY smiles at the four of them, putting on the flimsy plastic gloves to start serving up ice cream.

Hey, guys. Let's see... (she points to DELILAH) Mint chocolate chip in a sugar cone. (DELILAH smiles and claps her hands, EMILY points to ADAM and MOLLY) One shared chocolate sundae with hot fudge and nuts. (Then EMILY points to RONAN, smiling) And one birthday cake on a chocolate dipped cone.

(He nods, a slight redness showing in his cheek over the fact that EMILY remembered his order) Well, actually, I thought I'd do strawberry on sugar today. You know... shake things up a bit.

(She laughs as she begins scooping the mint chocolate chip) How adventurous. (She looks up briefly and smiles, letting him know she's joking around) Coming right up.

RONAN awkwardly stands in front of the counter and watches EMILY scoop the ice cream until MOLLY notices and walks up to him, nudging him slightly.

(Quietly:) Yeah, hey, you're being creepy as fuck. Also, none of us brought money. Do you think you could pay for this round?

RONAN sighs and nods, looking irritated. This is not the first time he's had to pay for their ice cream.

DELILAH waits for EMILY to hand her her ice cream cone before leaving the group and finding a place for them to sit. ADAM joins her, but they both ignore each other, look down at their phones. There's a weird tension between them, although - for right now - it's completely un-addressed.

MOLLY and RONAN stand together in awkward silence - with RONAN trying to look anywhere but at EMILY, and MOLLY trying to suffer quietly between the obvious tension between DELILAH and ADAM, and the completely different kind of tension between RONAN and EMILY. This goes on for a long 15 seconds before finally, EMILY finishes making the sundae, and puts it on the counter.

Thank fuck.

MOLLY grabs the sundae and rushes over table with DELILAH and ADAM, who immediately perk up when she arrives, and a quiet - but happy - conversation starts between them. It's unheard while the cameras focus on the interaction between RONAN and EMILY. EMILY starts scooping RONAN's ice cream as the talk:

I'm sorry about her. She's kind of... impatient.

No, it's fine. I deal with people all day. Some of them just really want their ice cream.

Well, you know it's a precious commodity in some places. In parts of the Middle East, it's sometimes traded in lieu of money. They use it to cool down their livestock during the hotter days when water is harder to find.

Are you serious?

Not at all. Did you believe me?

Oh. (pauses, and then laughs) Kinda.

Eh, thanks. (chuckles as well)

So you and your girlfriend aren't into sharing ice cream like your friend and her boyfriend are?

(confused) Girlfriend?

EMILY motions to DELILAH, who has lost interest in the conversation that MOLLY and ADAM are having, and has gone back to looking at her phone.

Oh! No, she's not my girlfriend. We're just roommates.

Oh, shit, sorry. I assumed this was, like, a double date thing that you guys did.

(laughing) No, no... We just all really like ice cream, I guess.

EMILY has finished making RONAN's cone now, and is ringing up the whole order. RONAN starts digging in his pocket for money as they speak.

(adding up the charges) Alrighty. The total is... $7.38.

(raising an eyebrow) That's it? Did ice cream prices go down since last week? It's usually somewhere around eleven dollars, right?

Repeat customer discount.

EMILY smiles brightly as RONAN hands her a ten dollar bill, and she hands him back change.


Why did I give him a discount? (laughs) It really is a store custom, guys. There was no hidden meaning behind it. Though between you and me... (she talks a bit softer, even though the store is empty) I feel kind of bad for the guy. I mean, those two girls he lives with? They seem cool, but they all treat him kind of badly... I just think he deserves better, that's all. (she laughs a little, and then says jokingly:) Women, right? Can't live with 'em... (she laughs at herself and then lets out a little sigh, feeling that she needs to defend herself:) I'm not a self-hating woman, I swear.


RONAN stands in front of the camera, giving the interview. The group is across the street from the Coldstone Creamery now. Behind RONAN, closer to the edge of the sidewalk - a few feet away - is MOLLY, DELILAH, and ADAM. They all waiting, seeming to be occupied with different things - DELILAH and her phone, MOLLY and a cigarette, and ADAM with the rest of their sundae. RONAN speaks:

Yeah, Emily is pretty cool. And she makes a damn good ice cream... Well, I don't know if she actually makes the ice cream. I'm sure it's delivered there, pre-made, and she just scoops it. But still. She's good at scooping. And she's always nice enough to chat a little before charging me.


Same scene as before, except for now ADAM is speaking, and RONAN is standing back with the girls.

He's got it bad for her. If this Emily girl had any idea what went on in Ronan's head when it comes to her...


Now MOLLY's turn.

Yeah, I ship them.


And lastly...

I'm already planning what I'm going to wear to their wedding. I look so good in gold, guys.


EMILY puts the money into the cash register and hands RONAN his receipt.

Enjoy the rest of your night!

Yeah, you, too.

RONAN turns from EMILY and starts walking out of the store, ushering the rest of the group out with him. The look on his face is one of pure joy, as if he were about to burst if he talked to or was around EMILY any longer. EMILY's voice is heard over the end of the scene, and then eventually the scene switches back to her talking head shot.


I mean no offence but... I don't really get why you guys are interested in me. I mean, you're just following Ronan and his friends around, right? I'm not part of their lives. (laughs) I just serve them ice cream.


Same set up as before, with RONAN in front.

That was... That was really good ice cream.

(Part 2 coming soon)
thanks 9 users thanked snap_itshannah for this useful post.
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#2 Posted : 18 December 2014 12:04:43(UTC)
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RONAN lays on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. At his feet is an opened laptop. Over the scene, EMILY's voice is heard. As she speaks, RONAN leans over to his small bedside table and takes out an orange pill bottle. He pops one of the pills into his mouth and swallows it without any water - he's had a lot of practice with this. After a couple moments, he takes another one.

Not that they aren't cool people. I really like them most of the time, you know? But I'm just a Coldstone employee. A background character. A footnote. You don't really need to focus on me. (she pauses) Unless you guys think I'm important?

RONAN sits up and grabs the laptop, putting it in his lap. The camera focuses on the screen, which has an expansive editing software pulled up on it. He reaches into the same nightstand and pulls a camera out of the drawer. He plugs it into the port of the laptop.

Yeah, I go to San Jose State for Graphic Design. I grew up in Memphis with a mom who loved her husband, and a step-father who loved drinking. I got out of there pretty quickly after I graduated high school, and ended up in California. But... you know, I ran out of money pretty quickly when I was going to college, and I didn't have much of a plan outside of finishing a four-year-degree, and sleeping in my car. So I got a job working at the Cinema Square. It's one of those artsy movie theatres? You know, the kind that only show independent films and foreign films and all that? One night, the cinema was doing a midnight movie special, and two women - Molly and Delilah - came in to see it...


RONAN continues his monologue, but the scene has changed from Ronan's voiceover to the scene that the voiceover is from. He sits on his bed, speaking directly into the camera.

RONAN (cont.)
... We were playing "Clerks." (he coughs, speaking quietly:) I hate that movie. I cannot condone their entertainment choices. (he pauses) Anyway, Molly and Delilah's ride had ditched them, and I offered them a ride home. When they told me that they had an extra room they were trying to rent out... you know, I thought, "It'll be like Three's Company, except maybe I'll get to sleep with one of these girls. What could possibly go wrong with this situation?" Oh, Ronan... So naive.


MOLLY sits on her bed, a pair of iPod earbuds on, as she flips through a magazine. DELILAH is picking up a little bit of trash around her floor. Everything seems peaceful and calm until DELILAH notices a pair of shoes. They're mostly on MOLLY's side of the room, but just the tip of them have crossed the blue tape barrier, and are on DELILAH's side. DELILAH picks up the shoes and throws them onto MOLLY's side. The shoes hit the wall by MOLLY's bed, and land in MOLLY's lap. She takes out her earbuds, surprised by the sudden shoes, and wondering what the hell she just missed that would cause DELILAH to throw them at her.

Damnit, Molly! Do we need to discuss the line again?

MOLLY looks exasperated, as if they've had this argument a hundred times before, and then looks at the cameras, sighing.


Yeah, the tape line. You could say that both Molly and I have space issues. Molly has an issue with keeping her stuff in her space, and I have an issue with keep her stuff out of my space. So to keep the room in line, I developed the tape system. Neither of our things can cross the line. Simple as that.


(frustrated) It's just another stupid way for Delilah to try to feel like she controls something in her life. I don't even know why we're friends sometimes. (she pauses, her face softens) I mean, I do know. We met in high school. I dropped out to be in this shitty band...


MOLLY looks happy in the pictures with her band, which she was the leader singer for. In the background of the first picture, you can see ADAM playing guitar. In more pictures, MOLLY and ADAM are together - singing together or playing together. There's a good amount of people in the crowd, but each picture is at a different small venue. The venue size never seems to change. MOLLY talks over the view of these pictures.

MOLLY (V.O.) (cont.)
I thought we were really going to make it, you know? But I think every person whose ever been in a band says that. In the end, I was left pretty much in the same position that I started in - except without a high school education. And after I had made such a fool out of myself - telling everybody I was going to be famous and all that, only to fall flat on my face - Delilah was the only person who would still be my friend - a real friend, I mean. Not those people that I just go hang out with sometimes. Besides Adam, she was all that I really had for a while. But now our friendship is totally fucked up. She's all about these guidelines and order and all that... It's turned into this love/hate thing with us. (she looks down and sighs) But I definitely fucking hate the tape line.


The camera looks through the large plate glass window. Inside, Emily talk with another co-worker. The other co-worker's back is to us, but when she turns around, it seen that it's Clara Oswald - played by Vara Gallo. Emily looks up and catches sight of the camera. Smiling, she motions for them to come inside. The camera enters the store.


CLARA, who has yet to say a word or even look at the camera, disappears into the back of the store, leaving EMILY to talk to the documentary team.

Okay, looks like I can't get rid of you. (she giggles) Here, I'll show you around.

EMILY looks around the store to make sure nobody needs her right now, and then opens the counter for the cameracrew to come behind the bar with her.

Obviously this is totally against so many health codes to let you back here without my boss knowing, but what he doesn't know won't hurt him...

EMILY moves to a granite slab that is part of the bar and makes a grandiose gesture to it.

(overly enthusiastic, as if talking to small children) This is the cold stone from which Coldstone Creamery gets its name! This chilled piece of granite is kept at 16 degrees Fahrenheit at all times, and is used to keep our ice cream cold and delicious as we make you one of our 150,000 famous flavor combinations!

EMILY loses the smile and rubs her cheeks softly, dropping the overly enthusiastic act entirely.

Sorry, I have to say that when I'm giving a tour to somebody. It's one of the rules.


Like before, EMILY is sitting at one of the tables in the store. In her hand, she's holding a small green notebook. The Coldstone Creamery logo is emblazoned on the front. She holds it up for the camera to see.

That speech is Rule #17 in the employee handbook. But usually it's reserved for elementary school children who are on a field trip to see how ice cream shops work. They're usually pretty impressed. (she slides the handbook over to them) You can keep that. It's last year's handbook. I have a new one now. (she sighs) I kind of hate this place. I mean, I don't consider it a full-time career, obviously. I shudder to even think of that. But it pays the bills I need to get paid, and on time. I just wish I didn't have to be so... cheery all the time. Or I, at least, wish I had somebody to talk to about how much I hate it. I don't really have much of a... support system, I guess you could say. I live with my mom, and she has enough problems as it is...

EMILY looks around the store. Nobody is waiting on her, so she continues talking. It's obvious that EMILY is using the documentary crew to talk around some of the issues she's been having that are bothering her that she feels she can't talk to anybody else about.

I wanted to go to college, but that didn't really work out. My mom needs me around too much, so I can't afford to be going to class and working. I'd really like to do something in music, though. I, um... I play guitar, and I've written some songs. (she laughs a little) It sounds so childish to say, but I'd really like to do something with them. Start a band, play some shows... not serve ice cream to douchebags from the quad.


The camera films from inside a small van, looking out of the passenger side window. Emily is in a small pickup truck. She doesn't notice the camera's presence. They watch as she pulls her truck into a small trailer park. The van stays outside the gate. The camera watches as Emily gets out of the truck and walks up to one of the smaller trailers. Emily unlocks the door and walks inside. Through the door, the camera is able to catch sight of medical equipment and I.V.'s. On the couch as an unknown person who is attached to all of this. The door closes. Over this scene, Emily's voice is heard:

Look, I know that you guys feel like you have to document everything, but my home life situation is a really sensitive spot for me. My mom has pancreatic cancer. I mean, she'll be fine and all, I'm sure. She's scheduled to have surgery soon... Just whenever I can get enough money together...


DELILAH and MOLLY sit on the living room sofa in front of the television. RONAN walks in through the front door, his movie theatre uniform still on, with a little tag that says: "My name is RONAN." It's night. The TV channel Bravo is playing. DELILAH is happily eating popcorn on one side of the sofa, while MOLLY sits on the other, looking down at her phone. MOLLY looks over at the popcorn and grins.

Hey, Delilah, pass some of that over here.

Psh, no. Get your own.

MOLLY narrows her eyes and dives her hand to get some popcorn out of DELILAH's bowl. DELILAH bats MOLLY's hand away, and the fight begins. The two girls start bickering about the popcorn, and RONAN takes this as his cue to leave the room quickly before he gets caught in their argument. He goes into the kitchen, and starts to go up the stairs to their bedrooms before he stops. RONAN sits down on one of the steps and takes out his cell phone, and dials a number. EMILY answers.

EMILY (on phone)
(quietly) Hello?

Uh, hey! Hey. It's Ronan Rabenstein. From the ice cream place. I see you, like, every day? (he chuckles nervously) Remember?

EMILY (on phone)
(laughs softly) Yes, how could I forget? The birthday cake ice cream guy.

(still sounding nervous, but trying not to) As I recall, I'm the strawberry guy now. Mr. Strawberry Guy.

Hahah, of course. (pause) How'd you get my number?

Oh, um... okay, this is going to sound stalker-ish, but one of the documentary guys had your Coldstone Creamery handbook with them when they came over earlier today? It had your number written in it...

Oh, yeah, I gave them one. You know, as a souvenir. (she gives a little laugh)

(laughs a little with her) Oh, cool. Well, I called you because--

Hey, hold on for a second.

Oh okay.

Through the phone, there's a sound like the phone being put down on a table. Softly, the beeping of medical machines are heard. RONAN looks confused. EMILY returns to the phone after a few moments.

(sounding more rushed and a little frustrated) Hey, I'm actually kind of busy right now. What was it that you wanted?

(embarrassed, and now frazzled) Oh god, I'm sorry. I just wanted to know-- well-- I mean... Okay. (he takes in a breath) We're going to this movie tomorrow night. I bought four tickets for it, but Molly's boyfriend is working tomorrow, so he can't go. And being the agoraphobic person that I am, I don't really have anyone else to ask to go with me. (he pauses) So basically we have an extra ticket.

Oh, um...

I know it's sort of weird, but... you seem like you need a break. I know people in this town can be very demanding when it comes to their frozen dairy products. And the midnight movie is this kind of nice thing that the theatre only does every couple months, so it's kind of a big deal.

(small giggle) Oh, yeah, no doubt... (she pauses) I'd love to go.

(surprised) Seriously?

Yeah, sure, why not? Where should we meet?

It's at the Cinema Square. Downtown. Midnight. They're airing The Shining.

Kick ass. I'll be there.

Alright then!

There's an awkward pause. Either of them really have anything left to say.


Okay, cool... See you then. Bye, Emily.

Bye, Ronan. See you tomorrow.

EMILY hangs up. RONAN stays with the phone held up to his ear for a couple seconds before finally standing up and putting it back into his pocket. When he looks back up at the cameras, he's grinning from ear to ear. He continues up the stairs towards the bedroom. At the top of the landing, there's a pair of women's underwear laying on the floor. He uses his foot to pick them up and throw them over towards DELILAH and MOLLY's room. The underwear hits their door perfectly and then falls in front of it. RONAN lets out a silent cheer and then pats himself on the back. Then he goes into his room, and goes to his bedside table. He grabs two pills from the bottle from before and swallows them before going back downstairs. An uplifting score starts playing as RONAN passes by MOLLY and DELILAH in a happy daze as he picks up the laundry basket in the corner of the room, and heads towards the washing machines. The television has been muted, and both girls are now sitting on the side of the couch closest to the stairs, but RONAN doesn't seem to notice.

RONAN is still estatic.

It... was a good day.

MOLLY and DELILAH watch RONAN as he walks off happily. They exchange glances and giggle. They had obviously been listening to the entire conversation.

DELILAH and MOLLY sit together at the dining room table, both of them still giggling from seeing RONAN so happy.

I mean, Ronan fucking WORKS at the Cinema Square. He probably got those tickets for free! He didn't need somebody to take the last one.

Okay, we don't know that he got them free for sure... But we do know that getting that extra ticket was not an accident. Ronan knows Adam's work schedule. Especially with how much Molly talks about him.

MOLLY playfully hits her in the arm. They both giggle again.


EMILY sits outside on the steps of her trailer, her guitar in hand. She stares off into the distance, off-handedly playing a couple chords. Her voice is heard over the scene:

Yeah, I think it'll go well. Besides the fact that I hate horror movies, and I literally pee myself in fear when I see them. (she laughs a little, and then sighs) But I'm looking forward to it.

The music ends. The scene fades out.


The camera films from inside their van again, through the window. It's night. The camera watches as a nicer looking compact car pulls up in a lot across the street. After a couple seconds, ADAM gets out of the car and walks up to a payphone. He feeds it money and then dials. The camera can just barely pick up what he's saying.

(into the phone) Hey, babe... I'm fine... No, she's not here... Right now?... Babe, I have to work tomorrow... Yes, I'm blowing off Ronan's midnight movie thing to go to work, it matters... Because I have to work hard. My parents' money isn't going to last forever, you know... Fine... I'll be there tonight... Yeah, just give me twenty minutes...

The person on the other side of the call says something that embarrasses ADAM. Even though he doesn't know anybody is watching him, he still blushes and turns away from the street in embarrassment.

Yes, we can use the toys tonight, fine. But go easy on me, okay? Molly was really rough--

ADAM turns back to the street and catches sight of the van. He pauses for a moment, watching them before saying another word.

Hey, Clara, I've gotta go, okay? I'll be there soon.

ADAM hangs up the phone, maintaining eye contact with the camera - still trying to figure out if he's being watched or not. He stays like that for a few seconds before turning and walking back to his car.


This interview is obviously from before ADAM was caught talking to somebody else. He seems distant as he talks, as if he doesn't totally believe what he's saying.

I'll flat out say it: I love Molly. She's a great girl. I can see us really going somewhere. Ultimately, I'm crazy for her... (he sighs) What can I say?




It's the next night. The camera pans the lobby of the Cinema Square. The Cinema Square is less of a square, and more of an L-shape. There is only one screen in the theatre, and the door to it's screening room is seen on the curve of the L. The rest of it is open space. It's obvious that before the space was renovated into a theatre, it was just a warehouse. The left side of the theatre lobby is dominated by a small art gallery that displays works of art based on cult films. That's where MOLLY and DELILAH are, looking at the pieces. MOLLY holds a large tub of popcorn in one hand, and a large drink in the other. Only movie posters hang on the other walls, taking up all the wall space. MOLLY and DELILAH laugh at one of the art works on the wall. As the camera pans, we see a concession stand near the gallery portion. That's where RONAN stands. He wears a black cap that was the Cinema Square logo on it. The cap awkwardly pushes down his gelled hair.


RONAN still stands behind the counter, his uniform on. Through the small windows, we can see that there's still some sunlight, so the interview was recorded long before the crowd came in for the midnight movie. He holds a film reel in his hand.

Yep, tonight is Midnight Movie Madness! Some call it the Triple M. I call it overtime with pay. And tonight's movie is... (he holds up the reel) 'The Shining!' Ooooh!

Masking tape is attached to the front of the reel. The title 'The Shining' is written very blankly across it. RONAN sets the reel down on the counter and begins rolling it back and forth as he speaks.

Yep, we use reels here. Actually, a lot of theatres in San Jose still use film. I'm just trying to make this place sound more-- OW!

He pulls his finger away from the film reel, shaking it out.

Reel got my finger...


MOLLY and DELILAH are still standing by the art, although MOLLY seems to have now lost interest. Instead, she's now quickly eating popcorn out of the tub, her eyes glazed over as she stares at the ground, thinking about something. DELILAH looks at her, slightly disgusted.

Seriously, are you planning on hibernating soon? Why are you shoveling it in like that?

MOLLY doesn't look up at DELILAH when she answers. She keeps her head down, and answers in a soft voice, momentarily pausing on the popcorn eating to answer.

I can't believe Adam bailed out on us. (she takes a sip of her drink and then continues eating)

He's at work... You know that. I'm actually surprised that he's made a commitment to something other than your relationship.

MOLLY shoots DELILAH a dirty look, but continues eating. DELILAH frowns.

You know, we were going to eat that during the movie.

Oh, were we?

MOLLY leans over the tub and lets a ball of chewed up popcorn fall out of her mouth and into the tub with the rest of perfectly good popcorn. MOLLY shoves the tub into DELILAH hands and walks off towards the bathrooms. DELILAH watches in disgust and anger.

DELILAH stands in front of the gallery, by a trashcan, which their tub of popcorn sticks out of. Her arms are crossed over her chest as she speaks.

What? No. I wouldn't say I want to kill Molly. Not at all. I just... I just want her to stop living and being around me? Does that make sense?

The camera is focused on RONAN as he fixes one of the candy displays behind the concession stand. The front door of the theatre opens and EMILY walks in. She's wearing a black, sparkling formal dress. Her hair is done nicely in a bun. She immediately pauses as she walks in and looks around, seeing that everybody else is dressed casually.

EMILY stands near the bathrooms, away from everybody else as she speaks. Closer up, the cameras can fully see the detailed makeup and hair that EMILY went through to look good for this night.

Yeah, this dress was my bad... I dug it out of my mom's closet. God knows she's not going to use it anytime soon. It's not that she's dead or anything. But she doesn't get out much anymore, obviously, and she only wore this dress when she went out with my dad. (she pauses and sighs, because she knows the next thing she's about to say sounds ridiculous:) My dad lives in the Antarctic. He's an archeologist. (she pauses again) And it was the furthest he could get away from my mom.

Back to the scene, RONAN walks up to EMILY, who is still frozen by the front door.

Wow. A dress? Do you normally dress this formal to go out to a movie? (RONAN looks EMILY up and down, impressed)

(she looks around the room, shocked) You said that this was a big deal. I thought it was a dress-up sort of thing...

No. No, not at all. (he smiles at EMILY, amused, and then laughs) Thanks for coming down, though. (He leads her over to the concession stand and starts making her a drink)

Oh, yeah, it's no problem at all. I need a good de-stresser after working an eight hour shift. And what better way to relax than by watching a good horror movie in the middle of the night? That's not stressful at all! (she grimaces)

(handing her the drink) You scared of the movie?

Yes. Yes, I am. Very much so. (she laughs)

(laughing as well) It's not that bad. It's much more terrifying to gawk at the specimens of the downtown San Jose area. (he looks around the room at the theatre customers) It's like a mental ward...

RONAN is still behind the counter. This looks like a continuation of his last interview clip.

I have an utter disdain for the Film Connoisseurs of San Jose. I tried to get into their group once. I was kicked out for calling Citizen Kane boring. (he scoffs) I just didn't ADORE it is all... I mean, who names their sled?

The camera is still focused on RONAN and EMILY at the concession stand. EMILY is looking at the candy bar arrangement.

Well, this looks like quiet a fine selection you have here, Mr. Ronan.

Both of them laugh a little. The awkward nervousness they experience before is happening again, except now it's face-to-face and not over the phone.

Yeah, we have lots of stuff. We have--

Almost as a guardian angel, a young, stout customer walks up to the counter and cuts RONAN off from going on a nervous listing of every candy bar the theatre has. The customer looks like he's about to order, but then he notices the cameras filming.

Oh. My. God. What... what is this? Is this an actual film crew? Are you guys filming a movie? Am I going to be in it as an extra?

The CUSTOMER walks over to the cameras, getting very close. He takes the camera out of the cameraman's hand and looks through the lens. For the first time, we get to see a bit of the documentary crew - from their necks down. From what's seen, there's three of them - two males, and a female. Based on the way they're dressed and look, they seem to be the rest of the group's age. College, definitely.

I have so many questions. Like, are you guys hiring, or is this just some project you're doing?

One of the crew members - the woman - starts to answer, but the CUSTOMER continues on talking.

I've been working a handheld for almost four months now, but I'm really considering doing some professional work. You know, spread my wings, get into the business. (he hands the camera back to the crew, who refocuses on RONAN and EMILY at the counter, who have silently watched this entire exchange go by) What do you guys think? Is it something worth pursuing?

The crew doesn't answer. RONAN coughs. EMILY dusts invisible crumbs off of her dress. The CUSTOMER waits for a response from the crew, but when he realizes that they've chosen to ignore him instead, he walks away - confused and disappointed.

I sure do love this city.

RONAN stands by the projector, messing with the slides. He looks very frustrated and confused. He spins one on the reel, and expects an outcome that doesn't happen.

Come on. Come on... WORK, DAMN YOU.

The camera looks out the projector window. Inside the actual screening room, we can see that the theatre isn't that big. It can seat maybe 100 people, and its only half-full. MOLLY and DELILAH are easily recognizable, sitting together near the front. The camera searches through the crowd until it spots EMILY, who is sitting at the very back of the theatre. She looks up towards the window, seeing the cameras, and gives them a thumbs up.

The crew sits at the back with EMILY, who talks directly to them. She is the only one on the back row.

I figured that if I sit in the back, I won't be able to see the screen over all the people. Awesome! (she smiles widely, hoping her plan will work)

The camera position changes, this time filming from the front of the theatre, looking over all of the patrons. Specific dialogue is unable to be heard over the talking of everybody in the room, but the camera focuses on MOLLY and DELILAH, who are having a heated discussion. Finally, DELILAH takes her candy and her drink and moves a couple rows behind MOLLY in a huff.

The camera sits next to DELILAH as she speaks, keeping her eyes forward, looking at the back of MOLLY's head.

She was bitching about Adam again. (she sighs) He's a total sleezebag, you know. But he makes her happy. Especially when they're torturing me by having sex in our room, so I have to sleep on the couch. But I'm sure that's the only pleasure out of life he gets. That and working at TGIFridays, I guess.

The set up is basically the same, except for the camera has moved to another row, and is now interviewing MOLLY.

I don't know why she acts like it's so crazy for me to be in love with him. He's a really great guy. (she pauses, and then gives the camera a small smile, thinking) We met at Coachella. Got drunk and had sex in one of the bathrooms. Then I stole his number out of his phone and called him repeatedly afterwards until he'd date me. (she laughs) It was just too crazy of a meeting for it to not be meant to be.

The camera position is back at the front of the theatre. MOLLY takes out her phone and checks the time. It's almost 12:15AM. She looks up at the projector window and sees RONAN inside, struggling. MOLLY sighs and gets up from her seat, exiting the screening room.

RONAN is still struggling, but after a few seconds of watching him, MOLLY comes through the projector room door.

Hey, are we going to be ready to go any time soon?

(looks up at her, on his knees in front of the projector, exasperated) I'm trying, Mol. I really am.

Okay, what's the problem?

MOLLY bends down next to RONAN and looks over the machine.

Um, I really don't know. I mean, I threaded everything through. The light is on...

MOLLY looks the machine over and then sighs.

Well, for one thing, the reel is running counter-clockwise. It needs to be going clockwise. Also, you have the light projection on. But you also need the sound synthesizer and the main unit running as well. So flip those blue and red switches on the main unit, and swap the film around.

RONAN looks up at MOLLY, stunned.

Um... yeah, okay.

RONAN does exactly what MOLLY told him to do. The projector springs to life. The opening title credits roll on the screen. Below them, in the screening room, the audience cheers.

Wow, it worked. I'm actually really impressed. (he puts his hand on his waist as he watches the screen for a moment, making sure everything is working) Good job, Mol.

RONAN pats MOLLY on the back as he exits the room and goes downstairs to the screening room to watch the movie. MOLLY stays up by the projector, proud of herself. She smiles triumphantly at the camera.

MOLLY watches the movie out of the little window as she speaks.

I used to have a boyfriend who worked at the drive-in theatre, so I could watch movies for free in the little booth. I learned how to fix projectors from him. (she thinks for a moment, laughing quietly to herself) Sometimes, when I'd get bored, I would do little shadow puppets on the screen. You know, the usual stuff. "The Rabbit." "The Inchworm." "The Wolf." "The Humping Lovers."

(Part 3 coming soon)
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#3 Posted : 18 December 2014 12:14:48(UTC)
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A lone cameraman films the outside of the Coldstone Creamery through the windows of their van. ADAM sits on a bench outside the store, tapping his knees as he waits for something. All the lights inside the store go out, and CLARA steps out - still in her uniform. She locks the front door she as swishes her long black hair out of her face, smiling at ADAM.

(standing up from the bench) You're late.

Yes, I know. Emily bailed out of work to go to some movie or something, I don't know. I'm really not in the mood to explain myself to you, okay?

The interview is with EMILY, still in her uniform. It looks like a bit taken out of an interview done earlier in the day.

Yeah, I have other coworkers. Obviously I can't do all of this by myself. (she laughs, and then looks around) There's this one. Clara Oswald. She's kind of... creepy. Really flirty - even with me. I mean, I don't have a problem with, you know, lesbians or anything like that. Of course not. But I think she's kind of... you know... slutty? When she flirts with me, I get the feeling that I'm just one out of twenty. Or some other obtuse number.

Outside of Coldstone, the group of three roommates stand, all of them with ice cream in their hands. It's been one of their outings. MOLLY has been separated from the other two to do the interview. Through Coldstone's window behind MOLLY, you can see EMILY and CLARA working together.

God, I hate her. (she motions to CLARA) Just don't get me started on Clara, okay? We used to go to high school together, before I - you know - dropped out. She acted like we were such good friends. Then I found her blowing my boyfriend after prom. I fucking wish I would have run her out of town after that. But I didn't... And I swore to myself that if I ever found out that Clara was doing that same thing to somebody else, I would kill her. I'm... I'm not letting something like that happen to another innocent. (she looks down at her feet)

Back to ADAM and CLARA together.

Come on. I'm sorry. You know I'm just tired. Work has been really difficult, and Molly has been so needy with the--

(cutting him off) Oh, hey, that's a new record! This time we only went twenty seconds without you fucking mentioning Molly's name! (she shakes her head) I thought you told me that you guys were over? Why do you even give a shit anymore?

We are, kinda. It's complicated.

Kinda? Complicated? What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

A small laptop is set up on the dining room table. On the screen plays the events of the night before, when ADAM was caught talking to CLARA on the phone. ADAM is burying his face in his hands. He's been caught. ADAM lifts his head out of his hands and speaks to the crew.

Okay, yes, I'll admit it. Molly is a bit clingy. She gets really needy. And so, yes, I've been seeing Clara some. It's just an on-and-off thing, okay? It's not a love connection, really. But... neither is it with Molly. So... I guess I... (he trails off, not sure what else to say) God damn it...

Back at the Cinema Square, RONAN sits next to EMILY at the back of the theatre. RONAN has stopped at the concession stand and grabbed some candy and drinks for the two of them. The movie is only about fifteen minutes in, but EMILY looks terrified in her seat. RONAN notices this as he hands her a drink and laughs quietly.

(whispering) Emily. It just started. They haven't even gotten to the hotel yet.

(quietly) I don't care! This is horrifying! Why does the finger have such an evil voice?! Why is the elevator full of blood?!

Truly these are the most important questions to ask.

RONAN stands at the concession stand, the reel still in his hands, like in the interview before.

Yeah, each employee gets to choose a movie for a midnight movie each time it rolls around. 'The Shining' was my choice. I love this movie. Except that, um... Well, working the Midnight Movie, all shifts are on a volunteer basis. And nobody else asked to work during my movie. (he pauses) I mean, they could all be sick. Everyone. On the same day. At midnight. (he sighs) My boss is here, though. So fun...

The camera films from a row in front of DELILAH, where nobody is sitting. DELILAH sits alone, enjoying the movie. Suddenly, an excited looking man around her age sits down next to her. He's very quick, surprising her. He's LEO SEDGEWICK, played by Isaac Lovelock.

Hey, Delilah! Funny seeing you here! Popcorn? I put a lot of salt on it.

Ooh! I love salt!

DELILAH takes a large handful and then eats them one by one out of the palm of her hand. LEO tries for another win:

(he speaks very quickly as he holds the Milk Duds out to her) I also got an extra box of Milk Duds. I thought I'd need two, but now I've realized I'm not so hungry, so you can have it. How about it?

Somebody behind them hushes LEO.

(whispering) No, thank you, Leo.

LEO nods, putting the Milk Duds back in the pocket of his jacket. He settles into his seat to watch the movie, but seems distracted.

The movie is over and people are starting to file out, but the camera is focused on DELILAH for the interivew. She speaks as she eats the rest of the popcorn LEO has given her.

Leo Sedgewick. Mr. Sedgewick, I guess. He's our landlord. It seems like a pretty important job. I mean, he's always around. But he's nice, so it's whatever.

RONAN is in the same position DELILAH was in before.

Leo is a great landlord, if you can even call him that. He doesn't care that we hardly ever clean the apartment, he's always quick to come over and fix things that we've broken, and he doesn't complain about the fact that we've never once paid rent on time. Plus, he has a crush on Delilah, which I use to my full advantage.

LEO, in the same place as the two before him.

I was just here to see the Midnight Movie. I love Steven Spielberg. Or... whatever.

ADAM and CLARA walk along the sidewalk towards ADAM's car, quietly arguing. As it goes on, the arguing gets louder, the topic of the argument becomes more clear: MOLLY. Finally, CLARA stomps her foot and they stop walking.

You know what? Here's what you're going to do. You're going to call her. Yeah. Right now. Tell Molly what's been going on, and break up with her. Now. Or I swear to god, you will never see me again.

ADAM is silent. He didn't think he would have to face a decision like this today. After a couple seconds of silence, he gets out his phone with a sigh.

In the back row, the camera focuses on RONAN and EMILY. EMILY is a bit more relaxed, but her still has her feet up on the chair, peaking over her knees at the screen. RONAN glances from her to the screen a couple times before faking a yawn. He stretches his arms out, about to put one around EMILY's shoulder, but then stops, it dangling in mid-air above her. He hangs his arm there for a moment, and then drops his arm back into his lap, unsatisfied and disappointed that he didn't have the guts to go through with it.

Near the middle of the theatre, DELILAH and LEO sit together. Something frightening happens on the screen and LEO jumps, grabbing DELILAH's arm. DELILAH looks at LEO's hand and laughs quietly.

Leo, you're holding on to my arm...

(embarrassed, drawing his hand away) Yep. Yes, I was. I'm so sorry.

An excerpt from an interview plays over the scene as both LEO and DELILAH shift in their seats. LEO looks uncomfortable and embarrassed, while DELILAH doesn't anything wrong at all.

LEO (V.O.)
Yes, I really like the group that lives in the building I'm in charge of. Their rent is $1900 a month, and I've never lowered it for any special cases or exceptions. Never. Ever. Sometimes.

The camera changes focus to the front of the theatre, focusing on MOLLY. She seems happy, watching the movie alone, eating a new bag of popcorn. She seems to have forgotten about ADAM. Then her phone rings. Of course, she didn't silence it. Without thinking, she answers it.

(definitely not in a whisper:) Hey, babe... Yeah, I'm just at the movie... Yeah... (laughs) Why would I leave? I'm enjoying myself.

Somebody hushes MOLLY. MOLLY holds up a finger as if to say, 'Give me a second.' ADAM is telling her the bad news. MOLLY's face is slowly dropping into a furious frown.

Wha... what are you talking about? With who?... (screaming) WITH WHO, ADAM?

More people hush MOLLY. She flips them off.


Sudden tears are streaming down MOLLY's face. The camera pans over the crowd to see that DELILAH, LEO, RONAN and EMILY are looking up at MOLLY in shock.

MOLLY turns her head and sees that everybody in the audience is staring at her. She quickly hangs up her phone and then runs from the screening room, sobbing. One camera man follows her as MOLLY runs through the lobby, trying to get out the front door to get to her car. The MANAGER of the Cinema Square obviously notices her and steps out to help her.

Miss, what's wrong?!

Get the fuck away from me!

MOLLY has no time for this MANAGER. She pushes him out of the way of the door. He fall back into the camera behind him, knocking them both to the ground. The camera gets a shot of the floor from it's side for a couple seconds before he collects himself and runs after MOLLY out the doors. MOLLY is already in her car and is speeding away. Over the scene of her speeding away, we hear CLARA's voice.

No, I don't regret it. Adam is mine. Molly should have known that from the start...

CLARA is in ADAM's car. The window is rolled down - that's how she's giving the interview. As she speaks, she lights a cigarette.

CLARA (cont.)
... This is the second time I've had to prove that nobody will ever like her more than they like me. She's just keeps being so stupid and ignorant. (sighs) As per usual.

CLARA rolls up the car window and ADAM drives away from the crew.

The movie has just ended. The group of four - DELILAH, LEO, EMILY, and RONAN - all walk out together in a strange stupor. They cluster together near to concession stand, none of them speaking. Finally, EMILY breaks the silence.

Um, Delilah. Who's this? (she points to LEO)

Oh, sorry. This is Leo, our landlord. Leo, Emily. Emily, Leo.

LEO and EMILY shake hands.

Oh, cool. I didn't know anybody else in this group was coming.

They weren't. Leo just... showed up as well, I guess.

Oh, you know. Just enjoying the indie films of today!

LEO laughs awkwardly. Everybody looks down at their shoes. There's a silence between them, as they're all still thinking about MOLLY. Again, EMILY is the first to break the silence.

I have to say, that was one of the more surreal experiences of my life.

(looking up at her) No, this actually happens a lot. You get used to it.

Wasn't Molly your ride, Delilah? (he points towards the parking lot)

(glancing towards the parking lot as well, realizing) Aw, shit. She was...

(speaking up immediately) You know, I just got new interior on my car. Very roomy. And comfortable. Leather. It's really soft and--

DELILAH cuts him off. She's not trying to be rude, she just genuinely wasn't listening to him.

I guess I could always take a cab home. It won't be cheap, though...

LEO looks rejected. RONAN speaks up for him.

(sighing) I think Leo could drive you home, Delilah.

What? (she looks at LEO, who nods) Oh, yeah. That works, I guess. Are you ready to go? I'm kind of tired, and I have class tomorrow.

Yeah, definitely!

LEO smiles brightly at DELILAH. DELILAH returns with a smaller smile. They stand there for a second before DELILAH motions towards the doors for them to leave. LEO takes the hint, and the two of them exit, with LEO holding the front door open for DELILAH.

Now EMILY and RONAN are alone. Unlike before, the conversation seems to flow pretty naturally for them this time, with a lot of smiles and laughs.

Well, that was fun.

Ha, yeah, I guess. Does Molly always act like that when she gets phone calls?

No, not normally. Usually things get smashed and destroyed. This was actually pretty good, for her.

EMILY laughs. It's not one of her friendly laughs, or one of her fake laughs that she does at work. It's a genuine expression of joy. RONAN smiles at her, obviously smitten by her now.

I, um. I like your dress, by the way. I never got a chance to tell you that.

(looks down, blushing a little) Oh, this old thing? Just something I threw on.

They both give small laughs before a bout of silence hits them. It's like they both have something they want to say to the other, but not enough courage to say it. RONAN breaks it this time.

Um, if you don't have a ride home... I'm free.

Really? That would actually be great. I rode the bus here, and let me tell you... buses are hotboxes for creepy people.

(digging in his pocket, pulling out his keys, smiling) Great, let's go.

MOLLY sits in front of the camera, crying hysterically. Clumps of mascara is running down her face. Her hair looks a bit messed up, like she's been running her hands through it a lot, or like she's been laying face down on her bed.

(she says each syllable between a sob) I. CAN'T. BE-. -LIEVE. THIS. (she pants, calming down) Am I an unlovable person?! Why does she keep doing this to me?! All I want is a good life and she keeps MESSING IT UP! (her voice becomes a loud sob again) WHY DOES THIS ALWAYS HAPPEN TO M--

Molly is passed out on her bed. Her hair and makeup looks worse than before. One arm hangs off the side of the bed, touching a half-drunk bottle of newly opened vodka. Even while sleeping/passed out, she still sniffles, the last of her tears getting out.

ADAM and CLARA drive together in ADAM's car. A camera set up in the back of the car films them from behind. CLARA seems pleased with herself, singing along to the song on the radio. Meanwhile, ADAM looks like shit. He keeps checking his phone, wondering if he should call MOLLY and make sure she's okay. CLARA catches him checking his phone and snatches it out of his hand.

(turning down the music) Stop it! It's done! Now you're with me. Don't you feel so much better?

No, actually, I don't, Clara. Now I feel like shit. Thank you very much for that.

What was that tone of voice for?

Look, I may not have loved Molly, but she's a human being, and I hurt her! I can't just do that and then go on with my life, like you can!

ADAM runs his hand through his hair, sighing. He pulls up to CLARA's house and she gets out of the car, waiting for ADAM to join her. He makes no movement. She leans into the still open car door, crossing her arms, waiting.

Look, I just need to think about some stuff right now. (he takes his phone back from CLARA) I'll call you later.

ADAM leans over and pulls the CLARA's car door shut, and drives off without waiting for a response. Through the windows of the car, the cameras can see that CLARA looks shocked.

A small camera is set up in the backseat of the car, filming DELILAH and LEO from behind. They're caught at a stoplight, neither of them saying anything. DELILAH has her iPod earbuds in her ears, listening to her music.

So, how's life? (no response) Did you like the movie? (no response) Can you hear me?

(pulling her left earbud out) Sorry, what? I was listening to my music.

(chuckling) It's fine, nothing. Go back to your music.

DELILAH shrugs and puts the bud back in her ear. LEO turns to say something else to her, but then remembers that she wouldn't be able to hear him if he did. He turns back towards the road and shifts uncomfortably in his seat.

They pull up to DELILAH's apartment, and she opens the door, getting out of the car.

Hey, thanks for the ride. I'll catch you later.

Yeah, anytime.

They smile at each other as DELILAH shuts the door. She starts to walk towards her apartment and then stops and turns around, heading back towards LEO's car. LEO rolls down the window in anticipation of what she's about to say.

(leaning in through the window) Hey, um... could I have a few of those Milk Duds? I mean, if there's any left.

(excitedly) Yeah! Of course! (he digs into the pocket of his jacket and hands her a full box) Take the whole thing. I don't save my candy anyway.

Oh! Hey, thanks! See you later!

DELILAH tucks back out of the window and waves goodbye as she runs back up the sidewalk towards her apartment.

Bye, Delilah.

LEO watches her get safely inside her apartment and then sighs as he pulls away.

Inside RONAN's car, with RONAN and EMILY in tow, things are much more lively than in LEO's. They seem to be having a fun conversation between the two, both of them smiling.

But you liked the movie, though, right?

Oh, yeah. I loved it. Kept me on my toes the whole time.

They grin at each other.

RONAN stands outside the Cinema Square, talking to the cameras. Behind him, EMILY stands by RONAN's car, lighting a cigarette.

It was a really nice time, even with - you know - Molly freaking out and almost ruining everything. (he glances behind him at EMILY, and then says quietly:) She was so scared. It was adorable.

EMILY and RONAN switch places, now with RONAN leaning against his car, waiting for EMILY.

I actually enjoyed the movie more than I thought I would. With a little deep breathing, I was able to get through it with my dignity still intact. (laughs) But really, I had a nice time... Nothing can keep Emily Searle down for long! (she raises her arms triumphantly, but then almost immediately drops them, looking awkwardly at the camera)

Same set up as the other two cars: a camera in the back. ADAM drives to his own home alone, the stereo blaring. He constantly checks and re-checks his phone, the screen glowing against his eyes.

EMILY is directly RONAN on how to get to her home.

... And turn left here.

(does as he's told, stopping in front of the trailer park) Here?

Yeah, this is where I live...

EMILY pauses before she says anything else. She's not embarrassed, but she does feel that she needs to explain.

Don't worry, I'm not going to go all 'crazy redneck' on you. I live with my mom. She's kind of... old-fashion, I guess?

No, no. I wasn't worried. (he looks through the gate at the trailers) It looks quaint. I like it. Cozy.

(smirking) You don't have to flatter me, Ronan.

It wasn't! I'm just... flattering you, that's exactly what I'm doing.

They both laugh as they get out of the car.

DELILAH walks into their bedroom, popping a Milk Dud into her mouth as she does. She spots MOLLY on her bed, passed out with the bottle in her hand. DELILAH sighs, a look of sympathy on her face as she crosses the blue tape to MOLLY's side. She takes the bottle of vodka and then covers MOLLY with one of the blankets at the end of her bed. She then crosses back over to her side of the room and starts getting ready to go to sleep. DELILAH pops another Milk Dud in her mouth as she does.

DELILAH takes with a Milk Dud in her mouth, her voice slightly muffled by trying to get all of it off of her teeth.

I mean, we don't always hate each other. There's a reason why we've been friends and roommates for so long. (she chews) These things are so sticky. How do people do it? (she swallows) Delicious, though.


EMILY and RONAN stand in front of the gate of the trailer community. RONAN looks towards the park, and then back at EMILY.

Well, this is where I let you off.

Yep... (smiling Thanks for inviting me.

You kidding? I had the best time. Thank you for coming, and for enduring my crazy friends.

(laughing) Anytime, Ronan.

They both smile at each other. Both of them know what would be expected of them at this point: to kiss. And they both seem to want to. But something holds EMILY back from doing so.

I'll talk to you later, okay?

Yeah, sure. I'll see you at Coldstone.

They wave and EMILY walks towards the gate. Then she pauses, turns around and walks back towards RONAN, giving him a tight hug - a hug of extreme gratefulness.

(mid-hug) Thank you. (she lets go of him, taking a step away) You don't know how much I needed this tonight.

Anytime, Emily.

They smile at each other again and wave goodbye before EMILY turns around again and heads inside the trailer park gate. RONAN watches her until she gets to her trailer. They wave goodbye at each other again before EMILY goes inside. RONAN looks up at the stars and sighs before turning around and getting back into his car.


(OOC: Thank you to everybody who read! :) )
thanks 7 users thanked snap_itshannah for this useful post.
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#4 Posted : 18 December 2014 12:40:45(UTC)
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OOC: Amazing job at this, it was very great to read :) I can't wait to see more!
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#5 Posted : 18 December 2014 13:26:58(UTC)
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OOC: Amazing job at this, it was very great to read :) I can't wait to see more!

OOC: Thank you so much! :)
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#6 Posted : 18 December 2014 14:49:30(UTC)
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OOC: awesome I really enjoyed it.

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#7 Posted : 18 December 2014 14:54:47(UTC)
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ooc: This was really great love the idea behind it and I love all the detail in each character and their stories can't wait to see more
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#8 Posted : 18 December 2014 15:48:10(UTC)
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OOC: awesome I really enjoyed it.

OOC: Thank you very much! :)
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#9 Posted : 18 December 2014 15:49:01(UTC)
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ooc: This was really great love the idea behind it and I love all the detail in each character and their stories can't wait to see more

OOC: Thank you! There'll be more episodes soon! :)
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#10 Posted : 18 December 2014 21:29:52(UTC)
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OOC: I just caught up on this now and I love it SO much, really well written and I like how we got to learn about all the characters and their relationships with one another. :) Well done!

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#11 Posted : 19 December 2014 01:55:33(UTC)
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OOC: I just caught up on this now and I love it SO much, really well written and I like how we got to learn about all the characters and their relationships with one another. :) Well done!

OOC: Thank you so much! :)
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#12 Posted : 22 December 2014 02:50:09(UTC)
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OOC: Took me a while to get through this but I am immensely impressed by how well written, realistic and descriptive this is. I'm so happy to have James Urie star in such a great series and role, how I wish this was actually a real series!! Lol
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#13 Posted : 22 December 2014 04:41:05(UTC)
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OOC: Took me a while to get through this but I am immensely impressed by how well written, realistic and descriptive this is. I'm so happy to have James Urie star in such a great series and role, how I wish this was actually a real series!! Lol

OOC: Thank you so much! I was actually afraid it was too short, so that's nice to hear that it took people a while to read all of it. ;) But thank you. I had a lot of fun writing it, and I can't wait to post the next episode.
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#14 Posted : 22 December 2014 06:12:45(UTC)
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Ooc: Wow, I'm impressed. I haven't finished reading it all yet (I'm a slow reader Whistle) but what I've read so far, was incredible. Great job. Applause

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#15 Posted : 22 December 2014 07:05:15(UTC)
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Ooc: Wow, I'm impressed. I haven't finished reading it all yet (I'm a slow reader Whistle) but what I've read so far, was incredible. Great job. Applause

OOC: Hooray! Thank you so much! :)
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