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#1 Posted : 04 March 2015 07:32:24(UTC)
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"What's up everyone?! It's your girl Andrea here on 102.7 KIIS FM. I can't believe that I'm finally here, it's premiere day! It's just me and the gorgeous Ellen today, Ryan couldn't be here so we're having some girl time this morning."

"Andrea is here at 102.7 KISS FM, taking over from Ryan today. We're actually thinking about just having her here forever because she's so much fun. We were talking before the show and I've just fallen in love with this girl already. You know I had preconceived ideas of what you would be like but you're nothing like the way a lot of people like to paint you."
"Yeah I bet you were expecting some crazy, ratchet, foul-mouthed party girl smelling of alcohol to come bouncing in. I get that a lot. Don't get me wrong, a lot of those words do describe me but there's more to me than that. I don't care what TMZ or whoever try to say. I swear I'm not just this trashy chick with some weird tongue fetish (laughs)."

"Well you are certainly lively. Just one big ball of energy. I've been half asleep for most of the day and then you came in. Now it's a different story. I can understand why you're all hyped up today because we have the world premiere of your new single, "Force" coming up really soon."
"Yeah, I am so freaking excited about this. I am running on adrenaline and caffeine right now because I honestly did not get to sleep last night. I was like a little kid on Christmas Eve and I probably should have forced myself into some sort of nap because the schedule today and for this week is so hectic. I'm here, there, everywhere...it's insane."

"So now we're going to get into it. We've got a lot of questions, we'll be taking some calls from your fans and of course we will be hearing the world premiere of Force right here on this show and Andrea, you get to push the button when it's time. You have the power to unleash Force upon the world."
"I know and this little button is so tempting! I feel like I have to sit on my hands and have someone grip my head so I can focus on you because every so often my eyes just keep shifting to this shiny little green button. It's The Button of Life. Press it and good things happen. I just need to refrain. I've waited months to be here so I'm sure a little while longer won't kill me."

"Now we are hearing some great things about the single and the album itself. Now aside from the little low resolution snippet of a song you posted on Instagram back in the summer, we've not heard anything. There have been no leaks and all of the buzz has been coming from yourself and people within your camp. Even though nobody else has heard it, we're already excited. People who have been working on the project with you have been saying that the record is going to floor us."
"My hearts skipped a beat there when you said you've heard great things about the single, I thought someone was playing it before the show or something. Had me frightened there! It's more fun that only a select group of people have heard it because it builds up the energy and the hype for when I get to push this bad boy button. If I had my way, nobody else would have heard it up until this point. I would want everyone to hear it at the same time and see all the reactions but you know, I need to approve things with the label, management, others obviously work on the tracks with me so it's never 100% under wraps but I like to make sure it's 99.9% secretive. It's why there have been no leaks. There's a cyborg guard manning the studio and computers when I'm not there. No infiltrating at all. Now because of all of the secrecy and time locked away in the studio it just makes sitting here so much better and a lot more worth it. I've been waiting for this point for months now, going on a year and I'm so grateful that there have been no leaks. That just kills everything."

"Hacking and leaking is becoming a major problem nowadays. Madonna suffered from a major hack not too long ago but she pursued it and now the guy has been charged. Is that something you would do?"
"Uh...I don't really know because I've never been in that position. I can certainly understand why she took this so seriously and of course I wouldn't be very happy about it either. However, on some level I would find it kind of flattering to know that people just really want to hear it so much that they break the law just to get the material. I'd also be checking the reactions and stuff. If the lead single leaked online then I'd chose another song to lead the project instead but if the whole album came out...I have no idea. People just need to respect the artists and realise that it's all worth the wait."


"I guess that it would feel like some sort of anti-climax. Some artists not only have their songs leaked and accounts hacked but also live footage of them appear online. A group of fans hacked into airport CCTV to spy on Weekend while they were in there. Does it scare you how invasive fans can be?"
"Wow, really? That's insane. It's actually really interesting to know that you must never underestimate a group of teenage girls. Again I think it would be sort of flattering to know that people have so much love for you that they just want to see you wherever you are but there has to be boundaries. We're all human and we all need privacy. Thankfully I'm not like the biggest star on the planet so I can do a lot of things and not be harassed. It's more the paparazzi that irk me rather than fans. Fans are just excited to be near you. It is scary at times and when I first started dating Billy I was totally thrown. I had no idea how he could handle it. I wasn't the one his fans were interested in but I still felt that impact. It can be overwhelming and a bit frightening but for the most part, I understand that there's never really any malice in a real fan's actions."

"OK, well you don't have to worry about hacks for much longer because we are just about to do it. The world premiere of Force on 102.7 KIIS FM is just about to happen. How are you feeling right now?"
"Honestly this is one of the greatest moments of my entire life and probably the best of my career right now. I'm more excited than when I got my first number one single and album. It's been such a long time coming. My heart is pounding out of my chest, I can't believe that you can't literally see it because it does feel like it's about to burst. I knew I would be excited when this point arrived but now that it's actually here, I....seriously guys I don't think I've ever felt this happy and ecstatic about anything in my career before."

"So we're going to have a little chat about the song before you hit that button. I can see you glaring over at it again. You'll get to press it in a moment, I promise. Now we want to know who you worked with on the song. There have been many rumours surrounding who you've worked with on this record. When Force was announced there was this thing on Twitter which said that it was originally intended for Tisha Jackson but ended up with you. How was this song created?"
"Well first of all it was never intended for Tisha. I wrote most of it and I would never give something this good away. Well actually when I started writing it, it was just during a session and after the first couple of lines I did contemplate giving it away to a female rapper. Nobody in particular. I felt like the direction of the song was something I couldn't pull off and we had finished the first verse before just putting it to the side and focuses on other songs for the record. I then heard a demo which would go on to become the chorus and bridge of Force. It was Christopher Hudson of The Stat Nerds singing. He wrote the song and it was pitched to different female acts. I called him up and we sealed the deal. At that point though I had just kept parts of the chorus and bridge of the Christopher demo. I didn't intend to use the original lines from Force as the verses. One of my friends, Kristy Sutton, heard the recorded chorus and said that it would sound great with some sort of rap surrounding it and that's when I dusted off the first draft of Force, pieced it together, got The Invisible Men to produce it and now we have the first single."

"Who else has heard it up until this point? You mentioned that some select people have been privileged enough to hear it."
"A few very close friends have heard it, the guys who have produced it, I invited Christopher over to hear the final outcome and he loved it. He's probably just as excited as I am since part of it is his first writing project outside of his group. Um, obviously the guys at Pesky have heard it as well as Billy who is my manager. He wanted to give it the nod of approval. Listing them it feels like I haven't kept it a secret very well but I know that by reading all of the tweets I receive daily about the single, I've managed to do well in keeping it close to my chest and building up hype for this moment. It's more like a big event and turning point in my career rather than just a new single or the start of a new album era. It's nothing like my old material, I've never been happier about my music, I have lots more control over my career now and it's sort of like a relaunch. I'm ready to be a pop star now. I can't wait to do my first tour, do all the promo, travel the world. It's...yeah, a major turning point."

"You said in a previous interview that this song was and I quote; "not to be taken seriously...but also taken seriously". You care to explain that one? (laughs)
"Yeah uh, a lot of the lyrics are over the top and exaggerated. I give myself a lot of titles within the track and act like I'm the ultimate bad ass when I'm really not. It's just me having fun and just taking advantage of this new found freedom I have as a recording artist. It's like a lot of the stuff that I listen to, it's very urban and a lot of people won't get it at first. They'll just hear some little white Texan girl who suddenly thinks she's queen of the hip-hop scene and from the lyrics I can understand why they would think that but it was all about just having fun with the track. The overall message of the song about being confident, the queen of your own scene, being a total force to be reckoned with is still something I want fans to take away from the song. I've been hated on, people have tried to bring me down and I see a lot of others try to do that to my fans also. Not even just my fans but teenage girls in general. At that age, especially in females, everyone is so insecure and there's a lot of mixed emotions. People are picked on and words cut deep. I just want a song that makes people feel themselves and feel like they own it. Nobody should be made to feel worthless, every girl is a queen."

"Well I can't wait to hear it. So, Andrea...are you ready? It's now time to push that button you've been eyeing all day.
"Oh my gosh, really!? I get to push it now? OK...OK...here it goes, everyone. This is the world premiere of my brand new single Force on 102.7 KIIS FM.

FORCE - WORLD PREMIERE (ooc: In Second Post!)


"Yay! Wow, that song just blew me away. I knew I was expecting something a little from you but it just exceeded all expectations. Round of applause for Andrea and her brand new single, Force!"
"That was like the best moment of my entire career. Even better than the build up. I know I can't see the reaction of the fans and that made it even more exciting. I was just thinking about what everyone could be saying or thinking when the track was playing. I can't wait to take some phone calls and check my Twitter later. It's everything I could have asked for...like...I-I can't believe that it's been heard now. Things are officially go for this new project."

"That is seriously one hot song. I know it's going to be a great success for you. I can see a few of your friends getting emotional in the studio. I just got word that Billy tweeted showing his support, he's listening on a live feed. Now you must get this question a lot but does it feel weird having an ex as a manager? He was also mentioned in the song if I'm not mistaken.
"When people find out that he is my manager they think I'm crazy. They might not come out and say it but I can tell by the look on their face. It's cool though, I guess not everyone can understand it and not everyone are still on good terms with their ex. Billy and I still have love for one another. He is a great guy, a wonderful businessman and very hard working. A bulk of this new album wouldn't have been possible without him pulling many strings. We ended on good terms, it was a mutual thing. You know we just...we just didn't work as a couple. There was too much crazy going on in that household (laughs). He's the father of my child, I've learned a lot from him and we're still very good friends. We have love for one another. Oh and he's cool with being mentioned in the track. It was all just poking fun, he was laughing about it and you know, I'm not trying to Swift him or anything. Billy, I like you but I'm not gonna write a whole record about you (laughs).

"Well this is just such an exciting morning. I mean I have a lovely new co-host across from me, she's just debuted her hot new single, Force and we're going to take a few calls from fans to hear their live reactions to the song. You're listening to 102.7 KIIS FM and I'm here with the gorgeous and the one and only Andrea. You can keep us trending with #ForceOnAir and let us know what you think. Andrea, I've heard that we've been trending number one worldwide since the show started. How crazy is that?"
"That is amazing. I can't thank you guys enough for all the support. My fans mean the world to me. They support everything that I do and have been there through the thick and thin so seeing them still here and showing the love and support for this huge day in my career it's wonderful. It's more than that...there's no word to describe how I feel right now. Keep the trend going, tweet links to the show, tell people about the song...just be amazing like you always are. I am so freaking happy right now, y'all do not understand."

"There are fans outside the window who have actually slept here. Some girls are holding a British flag, I assume they flew from the UK just to be here for this moment. You really do have a dedicated group of fans."
"Like you wouldn't believe. We are not the biggest "fandom" is that the word that's used now? Fandom? Well we aren't the biggest one but we are a strong, tight bunch. They are without a doubt one of the most patient group of fans out there. It took me forever to release my first record, "In and Out of Consciousness" and it's been over a year since that one too. They were also so cute when they jumped to my defence after cutting off my hair. I had people calling me Malfoy. People were jumping to conclusions and saying "oh, Andrea's turned into a bad girl" or "Andrea's went crazy". Lots of people wanted "the old Andrea back" but they clearly didn't know me. The old me was a whiny mess and I got into a LOT more trouble back then than I do now. I am happier than I have ever been before and since chopping off the hair, I've not even found myself in situations I was in back then."

"That's another thing I want to talk to you about. This whole new image. You've cut off the hair, went blonde, experimenting with your fashion, showing off a lot more skin and a more slender physique. Was this a conscious decision? Is it all part of this new era in your music or is this just the new Andrea point blank?
"Well it's a bit of both. Obviously this is what I'll look like throughout this album and single campaign. It's going to alter the look of things in contrast to my first record but it wasn't totally planned out. I wanted a new look and I had this new found confidence. It was just a way of letting go of the past. I didn't sit down and think, I want to shock people, I want to wear this, look like this, act like this. I just knew that something had to change and gradually, I experimented with different styles of clothing and I now have the confidence to wear many different things. I love my fashion and I would have been wearing all these crazy outfits back in the day if I had the confidence to carry them off. As for the hair, I wanted it short and the blonde was a last minute thing. I felt like my long hair was an embodiment of all of my problems. It was hanging down, getting in the way, felt like this messy weight on top of me. I just thought, cut it off and do something wacky with. I want to stand tall and walk proudly with it. It's also so much easier to maintain in the morning."

"You're speaking about this change and new confidence. What impact does that have on this new record and how does it differ from the last. Your first one was a success across the globe. You got top ten singles from it, a number one single and the album itself topped the charts here, in the UK, Australia and Ireland. For an artist to achieve that success with a debut record it seems odd that they would want to stray away from the sound that made them successful."
"To be honest, the first record I don't think really introduced me as an artist. Maybe if the album came out in 2011 like it was intended to and not in early 2014 then it would have made much more sense. A lot of the record was done in 2011 and prior to being signed with little changes and a few songs being brought in through 2012 and 2013. It was country mixed with rock pop which was what I started out doing but over time, going through a lot of emotional times, entering a depression, attempting suicide, growing into a woman, I just sort of felt disconnected to a lot of it. I released "In and Out of Consciousness" to just finally get it over and done with. It was to tie up loose ends and a messy era in order to start a new one and move on. It was more than a debut album to me, it was closure. It's why I didn't tour it and why I only released "Bruised", one single around the time of its release. With this new record, I am happy, I have experimented and I'm saying what I really want to say without being judged or feeling like I need to please people. The sound is more urban because I listen to a lot of that stuff, I grew up in the south where hip-hop is king and I wanted to do something different. I still have love for country music. It's also in my roots, I will never throw shade on it and there are still strong elements of it on this new record but it's infused with many different sounds. This new album is bolder, it will appeal to a new audience and I feel like it's full of life and character."

"When can we expect to have this new project? Is there a name for it already or is it still a bit too soon?"
"I don't want to give a date because I once said that my first album will be coming out in December 2011 and it didn't arrive until January 2014 (laughs). Um, I would say that it's looking like a release for the middle of the summer. I'm releasing Force and when the album goes up for pre-order, which shouldn't be too far into the future, you guys will get a new song when you pre-order it. It's not a single but it's one of those instant grat things. Then after that we will release the second single followed by the album a week or two afterwards. It does have a name and in fact I only chose it a few days ago. The album artwork will not have the title on it. It's already been shot and back then I didn't have a title and I think the cover looks good without more text scribbled over it. Plus if I change my mind again, it saves someone having to edit the picture again and change the title. I am so indecisive and everyone on my team knows it."

Well at least it looks like things are going to plan this time around. Force has premiered on the day you said it would, you've shot the album cover, you've got a tracklist and have an instant download and second single lined up. You're all set up, Andrea. OK so now we're going to move on and take some calls from fans. You excited to hear from them?"
"I can't wait. I've been waiting to hear some reactions so bring it on."


Let's go to caller number one. This is Hannah from Idaho. You are on air with Andrea, what would you like to say?"
Hannah: "Oh my God, hi Andrea!"
"Hey girl, what's your question?"
Hannah: "OK, first of all I just want to say how much I love the single. I've already downloaded it on iTunes and I can't wait for the album. I just wanted to know if you'll be doing a tour to support the album soon?"
"Yeah I can't wait to go on tour. I said earlier that I didn't tour the first record because that one was just to tie up loose ends. I didn't want to hang on to that era any longer than I could so this time around I promise I will go all out. I'm hoping that it is a world tour depending on how this single goes down overseas as well as the album but regardless of how it does here I have stated that I do want to tour the US anyway so you will be getting a tour. I already have a million and one ideas buzzing around in my head and I want to make the shows enjoyable so it won't just be an audio experience, I want to creative a visual feast. When you guys see a lot of the new press shots for this new record, you'll get a taste of all the crazy visuals I'm experimenting with."
Hannah: "I can't wait, I will so be there. Thank you for taking my call. I love you."
"Thank you! I love you too, take care."

"The next one is from Maria. What is your question, sweetie?"
Maria: "Hi Andrea. I just want to say that myself and my daughter are fans of your work. I admire the way you took some time out and focused on yourself and career rather than getting caught up in a lot of negativity going on in the industry and on social media. It's becoming almost mandatory for female singers especially to be put up against each other and compared and that's when feuds start. I just wanted to know what your take on it all is and if you are bothered with being compared to other female acts?"
"That is such a great question, Maria. I think that it's shocking to see how much rivalry is going on. Healthy competition is OK but there's no need to drag others. If you are 100% happy with yourself and you know what you've got going on then there's no need to interfere in another girl's business. It's hard enough for females in this male dominated industry so it makes it even harder when we start to turn on each other. Us girls got to stick together. I don't happen to like the way a lot of artists present themselves so I just stay clear and focus on what I'm doing because that's all I care about. When I was really insecure I would clap back and get all defensive because I wanted people to think I was tough and that I was sorted but I really wasn't. Now that I know what I want to do and where I want to go, I don't have time for that. We're all in this together and if you have beef with someone it's best to just let it go, forgive each other or just move on and forget about here. If you hang on to this things, a negative atmosphere just surrounds you and you'll get nowhere. Thanks for your question, that was a great one."

Our second to last caller is James. You're on the radio with Andrea.
James: "Hey, Andrea. I saw some footage of you twerking and a video of you doing it on that you posted on Instagram. I just wanted to ask if that is going to be featured in upcoming music videos and where did you learn to do it?"
"I knew that I wouldn't get through this interview without a twerking or booty question coming up! (laughs). A few of my girlfriends showed me how to do it. Uh, Monica who is on my team is from New Orleans and that's where it all originated from with the sissy bouncing and she taught me and that girl knows her stuff when it comes to shaking the booty. Will it be in any videos? Well, why not!? You'll just have to wait and see. The video for Force comes out next week so you never know. Keep your eyes peeled."

Our last call comes from Honey, which I think is such a gorgeous name. What do you want to say to the lovely Andrea?
Honey: "Hi Andrea! I can't believe that I'm talking to you! Um, I wanted to know which artists you are listening to right now and if you have any collaborations on your new album?"
"I'm listening to a lot of artists at the moment. I have a very eclectic taste in music so it ranges from rock to PBR&B to dubstep to hip-hop, some country and rap thrown in. On the way in here I was listening to some Sara Daniels. I love her work and she seems like a lovely girl. I think that Nova is sick. Y'all should go and get her album because it's just flawless. I was introduced recently to this guy named Scratch. It's not really played on the radio here just yet but I'm sure it will make its way across. I'm loving the latest SYNCO track with Kidd Amaze. I've also found myself bopping to Payton and I'm going to come to his defence here because he's just a young kid having fun with his music and he does have talent. It might not be your scene but just because you don't understand it, doesn't mean you have to trash it and dismiss it. As far as collaborations go, I have a few on the record but I'm not allowed to say but I am so excited about them. There's people on there who I've been trying to work with for a minute and there's two huge ones on it. Like if you wanted to get people on your pop record, there's like...not really any other names that could top them."

Well thank you for all of your questions today. Andrea, it's been a pleasure having you today. You can come back and fill in for Ryan any time. Good luck with the new single and I can't wait to hear the new album. Anything you want to say before you go?
"I just want to say thanks for having me in today. I premiered it in the best way possible. Thanks to everyone who listened today, thanks to the callers and I'll be sure to check your messages when I'm out of here. People of the US, you can go purchase Force on iTunes right now. Tweet links to it, tell your friends, your families, even your enemies. Please keep it going and thank you so much for all of the support. This has been the best day of my career so far and I am so happy right now. I love y'all."

That was Andrea on 102.7 KIIS FM. We're going to play her new single, Force, one more time before we start our segment of The Sleaze.




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Offline BrownSugar  
#2 Posted : 04 March 2015 07:33:15(UTC)
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Artist: Andrea
Title: Force
Length: 3:59
Genre: R&B, Rap, Trap
Written By: C.Hudson, A.Mason, K.Sutton
Produced By: The Invisible Men
Label: Five Pesky Kids
From The Album: TBA

"Force" is the official lead single from American singer-songwriter, Andrea's yet untitled sophomore album. The song was written by Andrea Mason herself alongside Kristy Sutton and Christopher Hudson who is one quarter of the boy band The Stat Nerds and also a famed TV personality. Mason began writing the song in early 2014 but after finishing the first verse and realising that the song was best suited as a rap, she left it to one side and would return to it at a later with the idea of pitching it to a female rapper. During the recording of her second album she was played a song titled "The Force". The demo had been pitched to many female acts and was written and recorded by Christopher Hudson. After hearing the melody and liking a lot of the lyrical content, Andrea reached out to Hudson and sealed a deal which gave her ownership of the song. The pair worked on the song to polish it off, throwing out the verses, keeping the bridge and rewriting parts of the chorus while keeping the melody intact. At a later session, Kristy Sutton, a close friend of Andrea's and fellow songwriter heard the newly recorded chorus and suggested that it would sound better being surrounded by some sort of rap. Andrea soon revisited the song she intended for a female rapper, tweaked the lyrics and added in new verses to form what would soon become, "Force".

Andrea has stated that the lyrics of the song are not to be taken seriously at face value but the themes of confidence and feeling worthy should really be taken away from the track. The song also tells the story of Andrea's new found fame and the sudden flurry of interest surrounding her new material. Since Mason cut her hair short, dyed it blonde and gave her entire persona and body a complete makeover she has experienced a surge in Twitter followers, endorsement deals, interview and photoshoot requests. Andrea states in the song that while everyone is talking about her in either a positive or negative light, she is still focused on her career and all the hard work that comes along with it. She describes herself as "a force to be reckoned with" which not only covers her emotional strength but her drive and work ethic, showing us that nothing can knock her off her stride. If she wants to achieve something then she will put her heart and soul into it 100%. Andrea has said that the song is about feeling confident and sure of yourself and what it is you are doing in life; "People will hear the song and believe that I'm just being cocky and that's all part of the fun of the track. I know I'm not the new Queen of hip-hop but I'm happy with what I'm doing, my hard work has paid off, I'm just having the time of my life right now and doing what I want with my music." A line in the song may cause controversy which hints at domestic violence; "You wanna put your hands on me? I'll show ya what I learned from Billy." There have been rumours surrounding Mason's relationship with Khan which state that Billy was violent towards her throughout their time together. Andrea has since confirmed that the line refers to the fighting techniques her ex-husband learned while living on the streets which he taught her. Mason knew that the line would get people talking and wanted to add it to throw listeners off.

Production comes from Grammy-nominated, London-based song-writing and production trio The Invisible Men who have worked with numerous artists across the globe. The overall sound of the song differs greatly to Mason's previous work on her debut album, "In and Out of Consciousness". Prior to the release of "Force", Andrea was most known for writing and singing country based songs as well as dabbling with a rock-pop influenced sound. The heavy bass on this new track is a first for Andrea. The song is built around it's "cool", "light" synths and heavy bass which Andrea confidently raps and sings over. Many have called it her "catchiest single to date" and have praised her ability to deliver a "fierce" rap yet switch into a well-sung, catchy chorus with a melody that sticks with you hours after the first listen. While the song has it's urban influence and contains language and themes which aren't considered very radio-friendly, the echoing synths and hollowed bass alongside the "playful" and "bubbly" delivery of the chorus make the song a lot more accessible and cements Andrea's place in the pop charts as well as the urban music scene.

I bounce in looking like I'm fresh off the runway
Hot off the press, I'm like everybody's new flame
Nah I can't f*** with y'all, I gotta catch my jet plane
This little Texan girl is leaving marks on the fast lane
Put me on a track, puff of smoke, turns into magic
Y'all fighting over, baby you looking so damn tragic
Before, you wouldn't look my way and now you mad stannin'
Hopping all over my new s*** like it's going out of fashion
Don't get mad at me just because I can do it better
So if you can't beat 'em, join 'em, come and ride with me
And if they try to shoot me down, it's you at the window seat
Yeah, I know, I'm such a f****** lady
None of this s*** faze me, b**** I do this daily

I don't wait around, you'll never see me wasting time
I gotta get another down pat, tear it up then leave
I'm a force, I'm a force to be reckoned with
I still turn up and you know that I'm all about that life
But I still get the job done with blood, sweat and tears
I'm a force, I'm a force to be reckoned with

Yeah, I go full throttle, that's always been my motto
No time for your party and bull****, got an early start tomorrow
I don't wanna live life lookin' through an empty bottle
I just wanna stay on top, I ain't trynna be some role model
They trynna snatch my crown but I ain't having that
Petty b****** better settle down and crawl back to their habitat
Act like they don't wanna know but they asking "where Drea at, though?"
If you really know, I'm laughing all the way as I'm slaying these h***
Whoa, step back 'cause this new ish be so deadly
I've worked my rump off and threw in a couple milli
Don't even try to touch this, don't be so effing silly
You wanna put your hands on me? I'll show ya what I learned from Billy

I don't wait around, you'll never see me wasting time
I gotta get another down pat, tear it up then leave
I'm a force, I'm a force to be reckoned with
I still turn up and you know that I'm all about that life
But I still get the job done with blood, sweat and tears
I'm a force, I'm a force to be reckoned with

I'm looking almost picture perfect in every single pose
I know I ain't flawless but I'm still a shade of gold
Come in a little closer, check out this cute outfit
Expensive taste, lot of trouble, but I know that I'm worth it
Say what you want, post it, you're only giving me more hits
You just mad, like Hammer said, b**** you can't touch this

I don't wait around, you'll never see me wasting time
I gotta get another down pat, tear it up then leave
I'm a force, I'm a force to be reckoned with
I still turn up and you know that I'm all about that life
But I still get the job done with blood, sweat and tears
I'm a force, I'm a force to be reckoned with

I don't wait around, you'll never see me wasting time
I gotta get another down pat, tear it up then leave
I'm a force, I'm a force to be reckoned with
I still turn up and you know that I'm all about that life
But I still get the job done with blood, sweat and tears
I'm a force, I'm a force to be reckoned with

The bandwagon's full enough and I don't need another trick to be clogging it up
(I'm a force, I'm a force to be reckoned with)
You wanna keep me from the top, I'm already there, b**** jam to my latest bop
(I'm a force, I'm a force to be reckoned with)

Can Be Compared To:




thanks 8 users thanked BrownSugar for this useful post.
snap_itshannah on 04/03/2015(UTC), Famouss7x7 on 04/03/2015(UTC), Welat65 on 04/03/2015(UTC), erich hess on 04/03/2015(UTC), Andre Gandra on 07/03/2015(UTC), kandii on 09/03/2015(UTC), RoseJapanFan on 10/03/2015(UTC), Princess_Valentine on 22/03/2015(UTC)
Offline Famouss7x7  
#3 Posted : 06 March 2015 15:10:42(UTC)
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OOC: Awesome work! Really indepth interview that had a lot of substance and great introduction to the new Andrea not the mention how realistic and flowing it was. It's like she had a whole rebirth and I am very impressed. I also really like Force! Knew that was the perfect choice ;)

Queen Alexis: Lol, always knew you were a thot that's why I beat your ass a few years ago, remember? Song is alright, grower?

Payton: Thank u 4 the shoutout Andrea holla at the kid we should chill maybe smoke some L's if u cool wit dat or party u seem like u like to have fun and the single crazy af nice

Edited by user 06 March 2015 15:12:43(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Cristina LakeAubrey MikkelSabinaJames UrieAustin NimmoMandy Williams The Wolverines
Jerry Holmes • Marina Balan • MiamiBYSNaomiSuzieAaron StylesCory DionneThe Kittens
Brittany KnoxDennis Shaw • Gemma • Payton • Cassie Valentine • JT RodriguezJay-CNick UriePRÓXIMO

thanks 2 users thanked Famouss7x7 for this useful post.
BrownSugar on 06/03/2015(UTC), Andre Gandra on 07/03/2015(UTC)
Offline AmyJayneXoX  
#4 Posted : 07 March 2015 02:17:37(UTC)
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Amy-Jayne: I am totally digging this new song Andrea, the sound is so fresh and current I see big things for you girl!
thanks 1 user thanked AmyJayneXoX for this useful post.
BrownSugar on 07/03/2015(UTC)
Offline Andre Gandra  
#5 Posted : 07 March 2015 03:25:13(UTC)
Andre Gandra
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OOC: The writing here is really superb, the interview came out so easily and funny and I have to tell you that I read Andrea's answers imagining Miley's voice in my mind, I wonder if you had some influence while writing it, but seriously, I enjoyed it so much, congratulations!

Magie: I'm in love for your attitude and for your courage to finally be yourself, really, I know you've been trying to be yourself ever since you started out your career and it really feels like now you're really being you, but I have to say, I miss your beautiful long hair ;)

Magie Lena
Abie Lena
Julia Volkova
Groove In Downtown

I was gone for a while, but I'm back (not that you care about LOL)
thanks 1 user thanked Andre Gandra for this useful post.
BrownSugar on 07/03/2015(UTC)
Offline BrownSugar  
#6 Posted : 10 March 2015 06:03:03(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: Famouss7x7 Go to Quoted Post
OOC: Awesome work! Really indepth interview that had a lot of substance and great introduction to the new Andrea not the mention how realistic and flowing it was. It's like she had a whole rebirth and I am very impressed. I also really like Force! Knew that was the perfect choice ;)

Queen Alexis: Lol, always knew you were a thot that's why I beat your ass a few years ago, remember? Song is alright, grower?

Payton: Thank u 4 the shoutout Andrea holla at the kid we should chill maybe smoke some L's if u cool wit dat or party u seem like u like to have fun and the single crazy af nice

OOC: Thank you so much. Felt like it was never going to end when I started writing it. It could have been up quicker had my hard drive not been wiped -_- I'm glad that you liked the introduction and the song itself. I honestly felt as if it was me personally releasing the single. I was nervous yet excited to see how it would go down :P

Andrea: I love you too, Queen ;)

Payton! Don't even mention it. You're crazy good ;) Hmmm, that's an offer that seems too good to pass up on. Thank hunnaayyyyy x

Originally Posted by: AmyJayneXoX Go to Quoted Post
Amy-Jayne: I am totally digging this new song Andrea, the sound is so fresh and current I see big things for you girl!

Andrea: Thanks, babe. Good to see that other people are feelin' the new material. Waited so long to get it out there x

Originally Posted by: Andre Gandra Go to Quoted Post
OOC: The writing here is really superb, the interview came out so easily and funny and I have to tell you that I read Andrea's answers imagining Miley's voice in my mind, I wonder if you had some influence while writing it, but seriously, I enjoyed it so much, congratulations!

Magie: I'm in love for your attitude and for your courage to finally be yourself, really, I know you've been trying to be yourself ever since you started out your career and it really feels like now you're really being you, but I have to say, I miss your beautiful long hair ;)

OOC: I tend to do the same when reading interviews. Always imaging the FC answering lol. Thank you so much for checking it out and glad you liked it :)

Andrea: Thank you, boo! Spent far too long stuck in limbo and not being able to express myself the way I've always wanted to. I think that every artist should be raw and honest to fans and to themselves. Hun, I associate that hair with the old whiny bitch of days gone by. The new do is much better ;)





thanks 1 user thanked BrownSugar for this useful post.
Andre Gandra on 10/03/2015(UTC)
Offline genocidal king  
#7 Posted : 10 March 2015 23:06:27(UTC)
genocidal king
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Scott: Someone(...) really fucked this lass up. Weird to see how much she's changed in the last few years. Christ almighty.

Katie: It's always fun to see someone grow and stuff. To know that you have the courage to get out there and be yourself is so amazing. Do you!

OOC: Awesome work on both the interview and the single. I never realised there was a song there at first haha but I've read it now. Great lyrics and a really well laid out interview. Awesome stuff! :)
thanks 1 user thanked genocidal king for this useful post.
BrownSugar on 11/03/2015(UTC)
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